Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 4

Hello There Clammers!

Star Trek has arrived in Quahog!  And with this fourth phase you’ll unlock Dr. Crusher, Vulcan Quagmire & try not to throw your phone across the room as you try to blow stuff up!

During Phase 4 several questlines will popup in order to help you understand the event ahead, and prepare our Tiny Quahogs for travel to the Enterprise!  Working your way through these questlines will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals and XP to help you better move through the event, and buy Enterprise items!

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at the main questlines for phase 4 that you’ll encounter…

Sick Bay Unlocked

The Road to Recovery is the main questline for Phase 4.  This is the one that’s required to move onto 5.  You will need Dr. Crusher unlocked to complete Part 6 of this questline.  And you will need Vulcan Quagmire unlocked to completed Part 8.

The Road to Recovery Pt. 1
Peter starts

Unlock the Sick Bay- requires Warp Core Level 4 and 50 Life Support Energy 

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2 Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 2
Peter starts

Clear 1 Shielded PeterCraft (Takes 2 hits)
Have Starfleet Lois Rage Shoot- 8hrs, Earns 25 Dilithium Crystal 5 Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 3
Peter starts

Build the Genetics Lab- 600 Dilithium Crystal, 10hr Build.  
Have Troi Clear 2 Borg
Have Riker Sit Down, Riker Style-
8hrs, Earns 25, 5

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 4
Geordi starts

Send Geordi to Bowel Regulus- 1 Transporter Energy, 2hrs
Clear 2 Shielded PeterCrafts 

Build Geordi’s Visor Hut- 525 Dilithium Crystal, 3hr Build.

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 5
Peter starts

Create Vasquez Rocks in the Replicator- Requires:
400 Dilithium Crystal
Life Support Energy
Synthesizer Ore
Place Vasquez Rocks in Quahog
Have Bruce Fret About Something-
6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 6
Peter starts

Have Dr. Crusher Save 3 Red Shirt Trekkies- 3hrs, each.
Send Troi to Bowel Regulus- 1 Transporter Energy, 2hrs
Send Peter to Bowel Regulus-
1 Transporter Energy, 2hrs
Get the Vulcan Statue from Bowel Regulus

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 7
Peter starts

Have Ferengi Mort Obsessively Count Latinum Bars
Create the T’Plana-Hath in the Replicator- Requires:
500 Dilithium Crystal
Phaser Energy
Synthesizer Ore
Transporter Energy
Build the Med Lab-
800 Dilithium Crystal, 6hr Build

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 8
Peter starts

Create the Vulcan Quagmire Outfit- Collect STUFF to unlock in Al Harrington’s.  Here’s what you’ll need:
Dilithium Crystals1750
Really Large Q-Tip 25 (Uncommon)-
 Get From: Send An Away Team to Planet Vulcan OR Make Mort Hiss at Hew-mons OR Make Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night OR Make Bruce Fret About Something OR Get from T’Plana-Hath
Mind Meld For Dummies 26 (Rare)- Get From: Clearing Red Shirt OR Get From Decompression Chamber OR Get from Medical Lab
Space Condoms42 (Rare)- Get From: Blow Up Shielded PeterCraft OR Send An Away Team to Planet Vulcan OR Make Q Summon Mariachi Band
Have Dr. Crusher Save 4 Red Shirt Cadets
Have Vulcan Quagmire Suppress the Giggity- 6hrs, 20 Dilithium Crystal, 4Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

The Road to Recovery Pt. 9
Peter starts

Have Vulcan Quagmire Clear 2 Borg
Build the Vulcan High Command- 1,000 Dilithium Crystal, 24hr Build
Have Starfleet Peter Recline in the Captain’s Chair-  
6hrs, Earns 20 Dilithium Crystal, 4Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


The Road to Recovery Pt. 10
Peter starts

Reach Starfleet Level 8: Lieutenant
Upgrade the Warp Core to Warp 5

In Sickness and Health Pt. 1
Peter starts

Rescue Dr. Beverly Crusher and help her Save the Red Shirts- Collect STUFF to unlock Dr. Crusher.  Here’s what you’ll need:
Medical Tricorder28 (Uncommon)- Get From: Make Lois Holodeck Romance OR Make Joe Patrol the School OR Make Herbert Buy Candy for Kids
Hypospray 55 (Uncommon)- Get From: Clearing Borg! OR Get from Genetics Lab
Laser Scalpel 18 (Rare)- Get from: Send Away Team to Bowel Regulus OR Make Quagmire Mix Drinks OR Get From Geordi’s VISOR Hut OR Get from Decompression Chamber
3500 Dilithium Crystal
Have Dr. Crusher Treat a Patient-
8hrs, Earns 25 Dilithium Crystal, 5Star Trek XP
Have Starfleet Peter Run a Self-Diagnosis- 
1hrs, Earns 5 Dilithium Crystal, 12Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

In Sickness and Health Pt. 2
Crusher starts

Have Dr. Crusher Avoid Quagmire- 6hrs, Earns 20 Dilithium Crystal, 4Star Trek XP
Have Vulcan Quagmire Suppress the Giggity- 6hrs, Earns 20 Dilithium Crystal, 4Star Trek XP


Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


In Sickness and Health Pt. 3
Crusher starts

Have Dr. Crusher Tap Dance- 4hrs, Earns 15 Dilithium Crystal, 3Star Trek XP
Have Klingon Chris Battle Cry- 4hrs, Earns 15 Dilithium Crystal, 3Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


In Sickness and Health Pt. 4
Crusher starts

Have Locutus Play with Borg Kitten- 4hrs, Earns 15 Dilithium Crystal, 3Star Trek XP
Have Dr. Crusher Abuse Prescriptions- 12hrs, Earns 35 Dilithium Crystal, 6Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


Vulcan Embarrassment Pt. 1
Vulcan Quagmire starts

Have Vulcan Quagmire Release the Tribble- 2hrs, Earns 10 Dilithium Crystal, 2Star Trek XP
Have Lois Do Laundry- 10hrs, Earns $90, 60xp

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


Vulcan Embarrassment Pt. 2
Vulcan Quagmire starts

Have Bonnie Chug a Bottle of Wine- 1hrs, Earns $20, 12xp
Have Vulcan Quagmire Live Long and Giggity- 4hrs, Earns 15 Dilithium Crystal, 3Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


Vulcan Embarrassment Pt. 3
Vulcan Quagmire starts

Have Counselor Troi Sense Others’ Feelings- 12hrs, Earns 35 Dilithium Crystal, 6Star Trek XP
Have Vulcan Quagmire Check Out Space Chicks- 8hrs, Earns 25 Dilithium Crystal, 5Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP


Vulcan Embarrassment Pt. 4
Vulcan Quagmire starts

Have Vulcan Quagmire Suppress the Giggity- 6hrs, Earns 20 Dilithium Crystal, 4Star Trek XP

Completed Task Earns 15Dilithium Crystal 2Star Trek XP

And that concludes the details of the Phase 4 Star Trek Walkthrough!

What are your thoughts on Star Trek Week 4?  Which characters have you unlocked so far?  Thoughts on the questline?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

147 responses to “Quahog Star Trek Walkthroughs: Phase 4

  1. The hardest part for me is clearing 50 borg and 4000 crystals for data..takes a long time.


  2. Jessica Petersen

    I am on road to recovery 4 and it needs two shielded petercraft cleared. I have 1, but only Romulan ships are appearing now and no petercrafts So no way of progressing.


  3. Michael Mulvaney

    Attempting to start In Sickness and Health pt 3 appears to freeze the game. I have a feeling it’s because I have Chris attacking Bertram right now. Next completion of that I’ll make sure Chris isn’t doing anything when I try to start this quest.


  4. I just unlocked locutus and Lois 2 days ago, and I’ve been fighting like crazy to get up to 50 cubes in order to unlock the sick bay. Hopefully in two hours I will get one more from one of the crews quarters or perhaps from riker whom I have not let do anything other than try to get those stupid yellow things. I feel like I’m so behind in this event and that usually doesn’t happen. Please someone tell me that I’m not the only one?! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your not the only one, I feel behind too. Which is strange because I also feel like I am in the game a lot. The way I am looking at it is, I am not going to worry and I am just going to keep plugging away at it. I do love this game, I like playing it and I am not going to let anything ruin it. 😁


  5. Just got Crusher and Vulcan Quagmire tonight just waiting for the next update, so back on track, still hated the shooting part stage though. Just goes to show sometimes persistance works. 😁


    • If I may ask how long did it take you to get Crusher done I’m having such a hard time with her. Any ideas to speed her up??


  6. *** i’m “stuck”. i’ve reached a point where i can’t get further til i unlock Crusher and Vulcan Quagmire. they’re keeping me from finishing like 3 questlines one of which is a main one. She’s almost done, just have the sprays left but at their current drop it’ll be another week before i get her. lol and Quagmire isn’t far off either, missing a bit of each but it’ll be a few days probably. and of course i only have about half the yellow cubes i’ll need to unlock the Holodeck so won’t even have that fun stuff to play with tonight. lol

    here’s hoping they increase drop rates and who/what drops em for the Crusher/Quagmire stuff after the new Warp level hits like they did last week. and speaking of those yellow cubes…. they need to get more ways to get em, at this rate its taken me a week to get around 40. and i’m not spending clams for the “chance” to win some with the planets.

    all that said, still enjoying the update…just hate being so behind and its outta my control! 😛


  7. Whew what a week. Almost wrapped up all questlines..
    Waiting on VQ to finish clearing his 2nd Borg, then I will be ready for the next warp.

    As far as open Questlines, I will only have open the last one for in Sickness and health (Beverly abuse prescriptions 12 hours), not enough time to get it done today before update, so I’ll wait until I get a chance to finish it.

    ready to roll though with plenty of energies. We will have to get the new one now (dark matter) to replicate some stuff).

    Lots of stuff to replicate this time around, so we’ll have to be picky about the order, and new Bays to add.

    Just hit Starfleet Level 11 this morning (is 12 the max)?


    • Ps I am enjoying this event and thanks for posting the questlines. it is a real help when trying to maximize when to send characters out for long periods of time.


  8. Have you got any news regards Bertram appearing in the Star Trek event because in the app description it has said from the very beginning of this event: “The Borg have recruited Bertram (yes, Bertram!) as their new leader and are preparing to assimilate both Quahogians and those aboard the USS Enterprise!” but up until now he hasn’t shown up yet and in 14 days time the event ends?


  9. Just fyi, I sent Tiny Co an in-game message that I am getting too many lags and hiccups in the Phaser battle. I am afraid to shoot for fear of wasting Phaser energy. This wasn’t a problem for me until yesterday. Other than that, I am still happy with the event. I am only about halfway to getting either Crusher or Vulcan Quagmire, but I am not stressed about being “behind”. You never know what will happen with Tiny Co! Thanks again to Bunny and Alissa. Without you guys I would I have quit long ago. Your Phaser battle tips in particular were a lifesaver.


  10. I have to say that I am enjoying this event very much. Thank you for the inside scoop on phase four. As always I would be completely lost without the knowledge and always entertaining assistance provided by the wonderful staff here at the addict’s home. I was a little skeptical at first because I accidentally bought an expensive item that I really didn’t need and allowed it to frustrate me. Once I settled in and remembered that these events always start out stressful but work out in the end, I began to really enjoy the ride. Of course trying to get Herbert caused most of my few remaining hairs to fall out but I am so exited to start phase four. Once again I cannot thank Miss Alissa and Miss Bunnyliscious enough for what they do. I sincerely hope that they and all who read this are having as much fun as I am. Remember it’s just a game and you can’t spell game without fun. Well actually you can and that doesn’t really fit but you know what I mean. Just pretend that game has an f, u, and n and it will make more sense. I know that’s stretching it a bit but I couldn’t think of anything clever off the top of my head. You know what? Just forget it. Pretend I never mentioned it. Unless it made some sense to you then you can remember it. I doubt it really does to anyone but it’s a little late now for me to go with something else. Anyway thanks everyone and bye I guess. Seems like as good a place as any to end this. Kind of already made my point and all. Soooo yea.


  11. Well it’s been a good week. I’ve completed all the collections required.

    All characters unlocked (and purchased).
    All skins unlocked.
    All items replicated.
    80 cubes collected and waiting for Warp Core level 5.
    Approaching Starfleet level 9.
    7,433 dilithium crystals to spare, along with a handful of phaser energy (stockpiling over next 18 hours — just in case)

    The problem (not a REAL problem, but a minor one) is that I’m afraid I won’t complete the quests required to unlock the Holodeck ‘in time’ — now again, I know that’s not the end of the world, but I’ve been behind this entire time, and I’m so dang close to being caught up!

    I’m on The Road to Recovery Pt. 7 — Mort has another 5 hours to go.
    Pt. 8 requires Crusher to clear 4 redshirts @ 3/ea? 12 hours.
    Pt. 9 Requires Quagmire to clear 2 (?) borg @ 2/ea? 4 hours
    I’m likely going to miss a day of the event getting the main quest line caught up. That makes me sad :-/


  12. Do u have to pay clams to unlock the last planets? (Specifically the one that helps get vulcan quagmire ) i was hoping it would unlock when i got somewhere in the quest line..will it?


  13. Well, I got a message from support about an hour ago and they said that Wesley Crusher won’t be in this event for those that were curious about it.


    • Seriously?!? Why not? 😦 I’ve seen leaked pics of Wesley (together with Spock and Kirk) on reddit so I took it for granted he’s going to be in…

      Makes me wonder why they said Wesley won’t be in this…


      • Lol. Those “leaked” photos is EXACTLY why we don’t post spoilers. It misleads players to thinking something will be, that will not.

        There are always many concept art pieces in the works for Events. Not all they work on actually make it to the live game (similar to the OTHER game we write about). Even if it does make it in the game, it may have changed so much by then that the concept art is invalid. Hence, we do not post Spoilers unless handed directly to us from TinyCo. Everything else is info pulled ILLEGALLY and is against TinyCo’s guidelines to put out there.

        There is a LOT going on in this game. Players already feeling pulled thin as it is. So there is no way they can add all the Characters from a TV series that is not Family Guy to the game for Family Guy in the time allotted. If they tried… it would be the Star Trek Game. 😉


    • surprising….but maybe there’s a “comic con 2” coming and he’ll be there?


  14. Just unlocked Vulcan Quagmire and Dr Crusher. I have purchased all premium characters to this point, but no premium planets or rooms. Probably would have gotten Crusher earlier if I had remembered to put Herbert back on getting those tricorders sooner; Having him in costume sort of had me miss that he could even earn those.


  15. Sigh. Only have 26 halosprays and 10 space condoms. I hate ALWAYS being behind. 😢. Every week it’s the same thing. Lol


  16. Hello, I have been looking at how to spawn red shirts, looked into the “road to recovery” questline and I don’t have it as a quest, I have 11 quests currently on the go in my B game. It also isn’t in my A game where I have only 7 quests on the go – all of which are event based other than the “Peter & Jerome” prank quest -_- bit confused, do I have a speak to TinyCo issue? Thanks in advance


    • Would help if you told us what quests you do have so we can help. 😉

      You can also use our cool search tool in the menu to search their titles and see where you are in the event. 🙂


  17. My road to recovery quest disappeared after unlocking sick bay, so no red shirts for me. Am I missing something? Other than the quest? Does it come back at some point?


  18. Is Edo Herbert still available I’ve tried many combos but his level always reads low even with all 4 characters, I’ve been trying just Chris 5 times in a row so far but no luck, what’s the the trick


  19. Doing pretty well, might be ready for Thursdays update even! Need 3 books and 11 condoms for Quagmire, and 2 tricorders and 15 hypos for Crusher! Just hit SF lvl 9, so got that part covered! Any thoughts on who could be the bonus character for the next phase? …7of9…(fingers crossed)


  20. I am 12 condoms away from Vulcan quagmire. Just so you know my game is dropping phaser energy well. Everyone that can is tasked for it. I purchased the room that always drops it and sending Peter and locutus to nom nomulous is paying off with energy. At this rate I’ll have quagmire tomorrow or Thursday right before the next phase. Only need 18 more hydrosprays too. I am super stoked.


    • I am missing the Red Shirts and the Road to recovery quest line.

      I am warp core 4.

      I have;
      A ship without Picard pt8
      Q that’s who pt1
      Endless Battle pt4
      Man child onboard pt2
      from boy to Klingon pt2
      wise counsel pt3

      dr and quagmire still locked.


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