Kung Pow Quahog Is LIVE – Updated & Complete

And suddenly addicts are Kung Pow fighting, and spending resources faster than lightning. Yes, fellow karate kids, there’s a new event in town and it’s full on believe me. So let’s take a look at what Kung Pow Quahog has in store for us.

WARNING: Daniel Larusso is timed, repairing the cherry tree will activate the 7 day timer you have to unlock him. Be aware the main Questline Mojo in the Dojo Pt. 4 will direct you to the cherry tree, so if you want to delay the timer don’t complete this part of the Questline until you’re ready.


As a quick aside, a few weeks ago we asked you what you’d like to see on the site and you said you’d like to see the return of an event home page with links to all the events posts, anyway your wish is our command, and you’ll find it HERE. You can also access it from the addicts home page by clicking on the Dojo Peter event icon.

First up, the Basics

  • Players will need to be on the App Market Version 1.36.0 or higher in order to see the event.
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s complete.
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more.



Clam Icon

Crane Shrine: 270 Clam IconClams. Always Drops 8 White Belts every 8 hrs

Squatty Tiger Secret Dragon Lair: 250 Clam IconClams. Always Drops 1 Fight Contract every 4 hrs

Poor Pagoda: 140 Clam IconClams. Always Drops 1 Hand Drum and 1 Karate GI every 24 hrs


Bamboo Grove: 50 Chopsticks

Chinese Lantern: 50 Chopsticks

Martial Arts Training Ground: 150 Chopsticks



imageWalking Joe: Character Costume is 270 Clam IconClams. Fights and has a 4 hr task that always drops trophies, needed for clearing Karate Kids.

imageDojo Peter: You will find this character costume available to unlock in Al Harringtons after Mojo in the Dojo Pt. 1.
20 Karate GI (Always):  Clear Karate Kids OR Poor Pagoda
6 Headbands (Common): Get from Quagmire Rummage Through Old Clothes OR Plastered Master Bar
18 Fighting Gloves (Uncommon):
 Get from Peter Try on Gloves OR Bruce Announce Fights OR Feng Shui Sanctuary

imageDaniel LaRusso You will be directed to repair the cherry tree in the event area at Pt. 4 of the main Questline Mojo in the Dojo. Once you have done this you only have 7 days to unlock Daniel LaRusso. Once you have fully unlocked him he will help in fights.
11 Hand Drums: (Rare) Get from Jerome Learn Taiko OR Jean Claude Van’s Vans OR Poor Pagoda
20 Car Wax (Common): Get from Mort Wax Old Cars OR School of Martial Farts 
19 Paint Brushes (Uncommon):
 Clear Nerds
Unlock the Tweenage Ninja Tortoises
1 Ramon Cup (Always): Get from defeating Mr. Washee Washee 

Mr Washee Washee Mr Washee Washee You will find him in your store, he costs 250 image White Belts. No event drops or use at the time of writing.


Here is the new little baddie to clear, you’ll see them wandering your sidewalks, you need to earn trophies to clear Karate Kids. More info. coming in a 101 post soon.

Trophies (Common): Get  from Lois Buy Used Trophies OR Chris Get Participation Award OR Herbert Give Every Kid a Trophy OR Walking Joe Trash His Wheelchair

Chance Payout:
2 White Belts
1 Karate GI



You will find this in the Event Area. It is the cart with the bowl of noodles with chopsticks above it. Here is where you can exchange white belts for rice balls to purchases prizes in The Temple

This is what is the exchanges I’ve seen in my game so far:

2 White Belts = 3 Rice Balls

8 White Belts = 3 Rice Balls

9 White Belts = 3 Rice Balls

8 White Belts = 3 Rice Balls


Here is your usual location where you can exchange the Rice Balls you collect during the Event for other Items.

Feng Shui Sanctuary Costs 5 Rice Balls, Chance drop of 2 Fighting Gloves every 2 hrs

Japanese Multiverse Griffin House: Costs 3 Rice Balls

Plastered Master Bar: Costs 5 Rice Balls, Chance drop of 2 Headbands every 8 hrs

School of Martial Farts:  Costs 6 Rice Balls, Chance drop of 2 Car Wax every 8 hrs

Zen Sandbox: Costs 10 Rice Balls

Jean Claude Van’s Van:   Costs 4 Rice Balls, Chance drop of 2 Hand Drums every 6 hrs

Tweenage Ninja Tortoises: Costs 6 Rice Balls, needed to unlock Daniel LaRusso

Meditation Falls: Costs 28 Rice Balls – No timer!



White Belts: (Rare) Clearing Karate Kids OR Fighting Nerds OR Crane Shrine (Always)

Rice Balls: Get from trading in white belts at the Ramen Cart OR defeat Mr Washee Washee

Fight Contracts (Rare): Get from Squatty Tiger Secret Dragon Lair OR Jerome Sponsor Fighters OR Bonnie Bet on Fights OR Dojo Peter Give Kumite a Try

Laundry Detergent (Always): Clear Nerds

Chopsticks: Complete Questline Parts

Revive Potions: Purchase from Store



Here is another new battle, it’s similar to what we seen in the Truth, Justice and the Quahog Way event, you need to earn fight contracts and have either Walking Joe, Dojo Peter or Daniel LaRusso in order to clear Nerds. More details coming in a 101 post soon.

Fight Contracts (Rare): Get from Squatty Tiger Secret Dragon Lair OR Jerome Sponsor Fighters OR Bonnie Bet on Fights OR Dojo Peter Give Kumite a Try

Chance Payout:
24 White Belts
Laundry Detergent
2X Paint Brush

5X Chopsticks rewarded for rounds where you damage him but don’t fully defeat him.

Depending on your combination of fighters it may take more than one attack to clear the nerd, they start with 8 health points and if you only damage him, you will see his health go down by 4 points, so he will have 4/8 health points left, when you attack again make sure you attack this nerd and not another who will have 8/8 health points.

Also so be aware your fighters will not start to heal until they reach 0 health points.


Please note this isn’t the character unlocked in the game, but a villain to defeat in the battle arena. You will see this and Mr Washee Washee in the event area as you progress in the main Questline. It looks like this:


You need to earn laundry detergent and have either Walking Joe, Dojo Peter or Daniel LaRusso in order to defeat him. More details coming in a 101 post soon.

Laundry Detergents (Common): Clear Nerds

6 Rice Balls

10X Chopsticks rewarded for rounds where you damage him but don’t fully defeat him.

Depending on your combination of fighters it will probably take more than one attack to devent Mr Washee Washee, he start with 16 health points and you need get these to 0 to fully defeat him.

Also so be aware your fighters will not start to heal until they reach 0 health points.

There you have the overall basics of the first phase of the Kung Pow Event, I’m sorry for the delay but Bunny usually covers these posts, and hasn’t been able to this time.

What do you think of it so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Any items you are most excited for? Any items you immediately purchased? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger

200 responses to “Kung Pow Quahog Is LIVE – Updated & Complete

  1. Well, I have 2 1/2 days to get 3 more paintbrushes and defeat mister washee in order to get Daniel. Having spent 0 clams. I think it may actually be doable, and if so, then that’s a pretty good balance from tinyco as I started Daniels timer on the first day! may have to spend some clams healing peter though as hes my only fighter. We shall see!


    • Great stuff, I’ve been impressed with the drops this event. Things seem to have improved…. Good luck. And I’m working with just Dojo Peter too. Do you know you get 1 free Revive potion for completitung Pt 6 of main Questline. You may already be past there but just wanted mention in case you are holding off on Questline


      • I did get that, thanks for telling me though 🙂 I now have 1 1/2 days to hit Mr. Washee washee for 8 more damage, everything else is done. I got this 🙂

        TinyCo certainly has, thus far, made this a much better balanced event for freemium. Very impressed that I could activate Daniel immediately, and still unlock him, with ZERO clams. High five TinyCo :).

        As a side note – Bonnie is a freaking champ, that girl drops contracts every single time lol. Peter basically never 😛


        • Want to swap your Bonnie for my Bonnie, lol.But glad you’re progressing well, I’m doing same freemium, had to work at it but it’s been achievable so far.


  2. I can’t find Mr washee. What store? He’s not there when I click on my cart or in the temple. Can anyone help? Does he show up after you start timer for Daniel or something?


    • Mr Washee Washee the character will only show in shopping cart if you don’t already have him. Mr Washee to fight will appear in the battle arena in the agent area, it’s the round circular area in front of the little bridge, he appeared at Pt 4 of the main Questline in my game.


  3. Hi Bunny and RT – I’m pretty sure I know the answer and I did look through the posts and comments to see if it had been asked and answered without seeing it…so I apologize if this was answered earlier…In the Winner’s Circle Pt. 8, the task is to, “Place the Guy Underneath the Waterfall”…since Mr. Miyagi appeared in FaceSpace as a silhouette in the “The Best Around” group as soon as I unlocked Daniel, I’m guessing he’s guy underneath the waterfall? Many times it seems the last building/item in the store on a particular page during an event is an overpriced deco, but it looks like there’s actually something there this time…I apologize again if you addressed this and I missed it…thanks!


    • I’m not at that point yet, just about place the Tweenage Mutant Tortoises. I personally think if Mr Miyagi returns he will be premium again. Time will tell.


      • HI Russian Tigger – I fought Mr. Washee Washee again to earn the 28 rice balls required for Meditation Falls…when I went to collect it (I have 30 rice balls), it also required me to pay 164 clams…so, I passed for now and messaged TinyCo to see if the 28 rice balls is a typo/error or if it also requires clams…which make me think, IF Mr. Miyagi is there, then he is premium…if not, who would pay 164 clams and 28 rice balls for a building? Anyway, and info you could pass along would be great. Thanks!


        • Shoot, exited the game and got back in, looks like I have 24 rice balls, not 28, grrr, this is happened a couple of times were the rice ball counter has been higher, then lower when I got back in, so that’s why the 164 clams…grrr…alright, if this is the only glitch so far, then that’s better than could be,,,


          • That happened to me as well. I contacted tinyco through the app and they responded promptly with an apology and the six rice balls back into my game.


        • Nope, my worst fears were realized, just cleared a bunch of Karate Kids as I’ve been hoarding trophies, it’s just an overpriced deco…shoot…


        • I don’t think we will get a character with the falls, it would probably be 100 Rice Balls and have a timer if that was the case, think back to the previous freakin hard items. I think there’s possibly a visual glitch with your Rice Ball counter hence showing clam cost, a couple of players have had issues with it. Let us know how you get on.


      • HI Russian Tigger –

        I’ve also noticed that, as soon as I defeated Mr. Washee Washee to earn the >28 rice balls to earn Meditation Falls, he disappeared from the fighting ring, gone, no longer strutting around, flashing his moves, so I’m guessing we’ve seen the last of him…Mr. Washee Washee the character is still in the store – two different things…thanks!


  4. Defeat Mr. Washee Washee beat in 3 battles with no health potions used


  5. Unlock the Tweenage Ninja Tortoises is it just the building or have to unlock them after its placed ?


  6. Quick mr washee washee question. To unlock larusso we need to defeat the new villain washee (not the actual character) and if we already have mr washee then we won’t have to worry about collecting the 150 headbands to unlock him again? I presume that won’t even come up as an option. Just trying to figure out when to start larusso timer – was planning to do that after I got last building that drops items and right before the tweenage mutant turtles – since figure I can unlock that building within 7 days.


    • I’ve already got Mr Washee Washee so he doesn’t show up in my game to buy. And yes the Mr Washee you need to defeat is the one in the battle arena in the event area, so if you don’t want collect the White belts to unlock the character you don’t have to.


  7. Got a glitch in which when I fight a nerd, the selection screen won’t go away.


  8. Do nerds and mr washee-washee heal to? Does the amount of needed laundry detergent increase for the second/third/.. attack?


    • No nerds and Mr Washee Washee don’t heal, you can take a few attacks to clear them without worrying. And the cost in fight contracts and laundry detergent doesn’t seem to be increasing from what I’ve seen.


  9. To defeat Mr Washee Washee, can I chip away at his health or do I have to take him down in 1 try?


  10. Getting a message saying child name image_charicon not found in kung_combat_health_bar_v2.json. Please reload game every time try to battle a nerd on facebook version.


    • You can send error info to TinyCo and they can have a look into it, not seeing any other reports of this particular problem here. Is it still happening?


      • I am getting it on Facebook via Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Filed a bug report yesterday.


      • Sent the error message to them and they suggested clearing the cache but it still appears even after doing that, only appears on the facebook version as am able to complete battles on mobile version.


        • I can only suggest messaging them again that it didn’t work in order they can look into issue further. If we get any info we will post it here.


  11. So I won’t be getting Daniel since I triggered the timer much too early and I’m okay with that. My question is seeing as how the only real and effective way of getting belts for rice balls is through defeating nerds, and using dojo Peter alone isn’t enough to beat them, in your experience from past events, do other characters come in to help later on in the event? Or did I really just ruin any chance of moving forward in this event? I’ve accidently triggered timed characters in the past before too but can’t remember if it was detrimental to the game’s overall progress.


  12. Any info on how many Rice Mr Washee Washee battle drops? Trying to decide if it’s worth battling him yet or stick with Nerds.


  13. Questions –

    1) Does the last item (Meditation Falls) have a timer?
    2) I thought that Mr Washee Washee was a character that you unlocked as you progressed in the game. I have him already in my game. So I can not remember where I originally unlocked him? Was he from a previous event?

    Comments –

    I like the “Tweenage Ninja Tortoises”. I will add that to the Retro section of my town. For two reasons, the majority of the retro section of my town is stuff from my childhood (1980s / early 1990s). The original Turtles were always the best (😁). The second reason is that most of the stuff is based around video games (mainly Atari / NES). The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game on the NES was always one of my favourite video games when I was a kid.

    Also I knew that they would add Daniel to the game. The first thing (being the 80s kid that I am) I thought of when I first heard about this event was the Karate Kid movies. 😃


  14. I have a 20 belts for 3 rice balls after getting the bar.


    • Yeah it jumps, and it will keep wanting more, actually goes up to 50 white belts needed for exchange.


      • For 50 belts, I’m going to have to see all kids within the circle battle it out for the trophy and increase my belts per trophy because those rice balls are kinda skimpy for the price.


        • Yeah, there’s a post coming with all the exchange rates Bunny and I have seen in our games. But once you start clearing nerds you get more white belts, 24 for clearing each one.


          • I am on a 34/37 belt exchange and went to fight a Nerd and of course Peter misses and the Nerd knocks Peter out in one punch. I am trying to get at least to the Jean Claude Van’s Vans before Unlocking Daniel LaRusso but that could be a horrible idea on my part.


  15. Mojo in the dojo part 5. As soon as I clear the third karate kid to finish the quest the game crashes and shuts down. Happened multiple times and I can t go any further. I already messaged Tinyco. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem.


  16. What is bull with tinyco, is not the increase of belts needed but the amount of rice balls you get stays the same low number, a fair way might be like the faster you collect and exchange belts in a row that better the outpay multplier is, just like a boss character. If you don’t make exchange in an amount of time, then you start back at lowest multiple stage.


    • You will start get more white belts when you start to clear nerds, 24 for each nerd completely defeated, hence the increase in exchange costs.


    • The cost of stuff in rice balls drops too, so that helps. It takes a lot of belts to make the rice ball exchange, but the amount of rice balls needed to buy things goes down so it’s not so bad. Nerds give a lot of belts, and I’m able to do 2 attacks a day. I bought walking joe too tho.

      Does anyone know why the rice ball has a little black square on it? They look more like a half finished hostess snowballs than rice balls to me, but honestly I’ve eaten a lot more hostess snowballs than rice balls. I don’t know anything about rice balls. :/


      • The black square is actually edible seaweed and is used mostly as decor, although you do eat it.


      • wildthornberry88

        Interestingly I had no idea what a hostess snowball is lol but now I do thanks to the power of Google! Japanese rice balls are tasty though, they are called onigiri if you want to find some recipes but you can put various different fillings inside the rice so it’s a good food for many different people ^_^


  17. Seen new title screen for days but still no update for Amazon devices… 2 days late so far! Good thing I’m not bothering with events anymore, well maybe I’ll just treat week 1 like it’s the entire event.
    Will timer for Daniel be 5 days for us? Lol would make sense

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Ok – tested an idea that if I hold off on placing the plastered master dojo that the exchange rate for rice balls will remain low and not jump up to the 30s as many have reported. Turns out no- it didn’t matter. As soon as I traded in the belts that would have given me enough rice to place the dojo- the exchange rate immediately jumped up. So there goes my earlier plan of possibly stocking up rice for awhile until I had enough to get the other buildings. It seems this is designed to increase based on the number of exchanges you make, not whether or not you place the item. So, onward we go! Hope this helps and good luck all!👍


  19. Quite like the event and its theme just don’t know if I will be able to collect the 250 headbands for mr washee washee as you also need those to get rice. Any advice how I should accomplish this?


    • I’d think of him as a side unlock if you have extra white belts after completing what you need for this phase, I think unless you’ve bought the premium Crane or Walking Joe it will be difficult to progress this Week and unlock Daniel LaRusso if you concentrate on Mr Washee Washee, personally I’d do exchanges to try get Dojo Peter at the very least then look again at your white belt collecting. If Mr Washee Washee is available for the duration of the event you may find you build up excess white belts in the future phases just by playing through the event. But the white belts needed for exchanges climbs dramatically very quickly.


      • I have been buying the buildings. Want to buy until the tweenage tortoises before I fix the tree for larusso and try to get washee washee after that. Hope he’s not limited to this phase could you verify this with Tinyco? Would you advise me buying Walking Joe and the Crane or not. Or is one of them enough or is it feasible without them?


        • it really depends how much you want Mr Washee Washee on the premium buys, it’s a lot of clams, I’ll try find out about Mr Washee Washee for you, then if he’s here for the whole event you can think on it more.


  20. Does anybody know if there will be other unlockable characters soon in this event. And I mean characters that will be possible to unlock without using clams, Daniel will be impossible in Freemium-mode, because of terrible droprates.


    • We don’t know, until TinyCo release more content we have no idea what it will be. Event content is released in phases, until Phase 2 goes live can’t say what is coming, although the event splash screen sometimes gives you a hint.


  21. Took the plunge and purchased walking Joe sooo glad I did my exchange rates have rocketed started of with low amounts needed for 3 rice balls now I’m needing 30 belts. Thanks for the heads up on Daniels 7 day timer.


    • Glad your happy with Walking Joe, he does seem a good help in the event.


      • Hi RT – I’ve used Walking Joe to clear three nerds so far, but his health has not restored even after overnight…so, I bought a pack of restore potions, but can see where/how to apply it. I selected Joe as if to fight, and I see the potions I’ve purchased, but taping on the potion icon doesn’t do anything or open a new tab. Am I missing something?



      • Whoops, never mind, LOL! I must have missed the “heal’ icon on the fighting tab – thank you anyway!


        • Whoops indeed, hope that’s you off and fights again. 😀 however did you say he hDnt heeled any overnight?


          • Yes, that what I observed. I’m going to keep on eye on that – he’s at 0 health now. I don’t know if it’s 7 hours per 4/8 health point or 7 hours to full (8/8), but I suspect it may be 7 hours per 4/8 which would mean full health in 14 hours. That would explain what I saw, but didn’t realize it at the time. I’ll let you (and TinyCo!) if time does not heal all his wounds.



            • Thanks Chris.


              • Hi RT –

                Definitely 7 hours for 4/8 on health, so 14 hours for complete recovery. I earned Dojo Peter last night, fought Mr. Washee Washee with both Peter and Walking Joe, won, (whew!), but it took both to 0/8 health, 14 hours later, they were both 8/8…the Mr. Washee Washee victory earned 6 rice balls…thanks!


                • I’m sure my Dojo Peter healed from 0/8 to 8/8 in the 7 hours earlier, either that or I lost 7 hours somewhere, lol. I’m double checking what happens this time as he’s healing again just now. Thanks for all info. you’ve been feeding back, it’s much appreciTed.


                • Just checked and he’s fully revived from 0/8 to 8/8 in the 7 hours.


            • User Jessica pointed out something I’m experiencing in my game as well: Fighters only start healing themselves when their health is at 0. If their health is 4/8, you either have to heal them with potions or use them to fight to get their health down. It kind is makes sense since you can use them to fight even if they’re not at full health. 😊


  22. I’m guessing Trisha’s going to be used in one of the next phases? If I can only unlock her before then. I’ve been stuck trying to earn one last eyeball for Anime Peter for the past couple weeks now!


  23. Drop rates have become increasingly maddening in the events over the last several months. Headbands are suppose to be common yet I have yet to get one from Quagmire. Long tasks for nothing just suck!


    • I’ve seen better drops in this event than the previous ones to be honest.


    • I have purchased Walking Joe and I too have noticed that he is not healing. I used him to fight a nerd around 8 this morning and his health dropped to 4 after the one fight like it’s suppose to. I haven’t touched the game all day bc I was busy and it is now 10:45pm and he is still at 4! 😦 I have collected everything needed and have created Dojo Peter and I was able to use him to fight a nerd to gain more items. Him and Walking Joe are now both at 4 health and I’m going to wait overnight and see if they go back up. I will update in the morning after checking. Thanks!


      • Update on previous “Walking Joe Comment” and the “not healing after 7 hours problem”. I figured it out. I went ahead and used Walking Joe again for a second fight and when his health drops to zero a “heal” box and a 7hr timer pop up under his character. So therefore, he does heal after 7 hours, it just doesn’t start the “7-hour timer” until his health is at zero. Just thought I’d share this update incase anyone else had this issue. I didn’t want to use him when his health was at 4 bc I didn’t think he would win bc he wasn’t at full health, so I was waiting on his health to go back up again and it never did. And he actually will win when his health is at 4 as long as the nerds strangth is also 4. Sorry for the previous post and thank you!


  24. I’ve had some 8 or 9 white belts for 3 rice ball trades, but now I’ve also had 30, 33, and 37 belts for only 3 rice balls. Anyone else getting those?


    • I’ve not seen those myself, I’m getting the 3, 8 or 9 options.


    • I’ve had 20 and 30 trades, started right after I cleared my first Nerd.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I just did a 20 belts swap and my next one is 30. These are for the 6 rice balls to get the 4th of the 8 shop items.


    • Yep. Last 5 times haven’t had any less than 30 belts needed. Last 3 times 38 or 39


    • I’ve finally gotten 20 belts for 3 rice balls where it’s been anywhere from 5-9 belts. 30, 33 or 37 just sounds ludicrous. Hope it don’t see that too soon


    • I am seeing numbers like that. It started when i cleared a nerd. Just guessing that had something to do with. Thanks to all who contribute to this site.


    • Yes. I’m into the high numbers. Ridiculous! I’m trying to get 5 more rice to get the stupid Zen garden, so I can the the next buildings too make sure I don’t run out of time for Daniel. I didn’t realize he was timed.

      My last trade was 30 something/3 now it’s 35/3. I’ve seen 37, 30, and 33. Looks like the farther you get, the higher they are.


    • Mine just went up to 20. Just placed master bar. Didn’t buy joe or crane and haven’t got dojo Peter yet so only have Lois, Chris and Herbert to get trophies to get belts. Was waiting to meditate at cheery blossom until had at least some of the buildings for Daniel but not sure that’s possible before the next phase starts. Now I’m deciding if I want to try for Daniel more than I want to progress. I have a feeling that with dojo Peter the only one to fight nerds the rest of the event will be difficult.

      Well, at least my drop rate on trophies has been good and I should have dojo Peter soon.


      • The exchanges continue to go up, I’m hoping once I get Dojo Peter and start clearing nerds it will help with the white belt totals.


        • I just got a 50 white belt trade in. I hope they don’t go higher than that. Luckily I only need like 10 more rice balls to get everything. I bought Walking Joe to help with the nerds. I think that is why I am doing okay so far. How are people doing who haven’t used clams?


          • I’ve not spent any clams and I’m 2 Rice Balls away from placing the Zen Sandbox,think I’m doing ok! I think Walking Joe has been one of the better premium character costume buys


  25. Did anyone else experience PTSD when they first saw “headbands” as a drop? *chuckle*


  26. I guess I’m a victim of Amazon getting the updates late again. I just did what looked like manually updating my software, but the version number didn’t change and neither did anything in the game.


  27. I’m not sure that Walking Joe’s trophy drop is always. He just finished his task and I didn’t see a drop from him, and it didn’t add to my trophy count. Should I message TinyCo? Has it been verified that it’s an always drop for him? Looks like this can be a fun event even though it looks to be a lot to keep track of. 😜 One grievance for me already is that in the fights with nerds, you can actually miss and end up not doing damage to the enemy which is a bummer. You wait for that Rare drop of a Fight Contract and when it finally does drop, you can’t be sure if you need 2 or 20 of the contracts to beat just one of the nerds. But we’ll see how it plays out. 😊


    • It goes both ways. They can miss you, you can miss them. But also in same regard, total kills can happen on both ends too


    • Be a 101 coming up on the Nerds, lot going on for first day huh. Will see if can get Bunny check Walking Joe trophy drop in her game, be disappointing if not an always.


      • I know in my game, the first time walking joe completed his task for the trophy, No trophy. But since then i have received a trophy each time. I found that weird where i had paid and usually that means its an always drop. I was going to contact tiny co if it happened again but like i said it hasnt happened since. Thankfully.


        • I asked Bunny to verify it wasn’t always dropping and once she did she brought it to TinyCo attention to fix it, which they have. Glad you’re getting your always drops now.

          Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve noe fought the same nerd 3 times with Walking Joe and I’ve only managed to hit him once, with him hitting me every time. I’m sure it’s “as intended”, but it doesn’t bode well for anyone who started Larusso’s timer already even if they have Walking Joe or not. Thankfully, I’ve kind of learnt my lesson from earlier events as in I almost always check this site when I see a timer or when an event starts. It sort of spoils the surprises and mystery of going through the events, but God knows this site is a lifesaver in these events. 😃👍

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Once again Facebook is behind. I don’t have the update for the new event. Is it coming anytime soon?


  29. TinyCo should give us a heads up when an event is due to start 24 hrs beforehand. My main task characters are locked in 12-24 tasks – and not for the first time either. A pop-up banner shouldn’t be too hard for them, should it?
    BTW Great site, ladies! 5⭐️


  30. I’m still awaiting the update. Does anyone know why Amazon is always behind the others? I don’t have this issue with Tapped Out, so I wouldn’t think it’s the fault of Amazon. Does Tinyco have an exclusive deal with Apple or something?


    • No, I think, and this is just my thoughts, EA are BIG and maybe have a little more clout when it comes to the app stores, TinyCo don’t have that powerbase to push for their updates to be hurried up.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Thanks to everyone who’s sharing info and thoughts on strategies. Who said Kung pow was an individual sport.


  32. FYI I’ve been getting the 2 Paint Brushes each time I clear a Nerd.


  33. Neither Jerome nor Bonnie have a Task to earn Contracts for me…?? I am to the point where I have a Quest to ‘Clear 1 Nerd’, but no idea how I’m to accomplish this. Hrm.

    In other news, I was someone whose Questlines had all disappeared. I hadn’t started Stewie’s yet, and even though it was no longer bolded in his task menu, I sent him on the 8hr task that I remembered being his 1st task – and when he was done, it triggered some dialogue & his questline reappeared! No idea about any other potential uncompleted quests, though. *shrug*


    • I’m thinking you either need to have Dojo Peter or Walking Joe for these drops to show, as they are needed to clear/fight nerds. Trying get verified.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Aww, that’s a bummer if true, because in many past events, I’ve been able to earn a few items before I could use them, to have a little (usually very little lol) stockpile when I begin. Alas, I don’t recall what the setup has been in the past when this was possible.

        Oh well. As long as they show up once I’m actually able to use them, I suppose it’s NBD. ☺


  34. Took the day off today as work has been crazy lately, so able to spend more time on FGTQFS more than normal…drops SEEM (and I say that with a good amount of hesitance) to be better, I have 7/18 fighting gloves from just cycling Peter and Bruce, they are rated, “uncommon”, but I’ve gotten 7/10, I did throw clams one time each to see if I could get a sense…I did purchase Walking Joe as he seems like he’ll be useful for the entire event, so I’ve been able to clear two Nerds as I’ve gotten fight contracts from Bonnie 2/3 attempts…fingers crossed that TinyCo really listened after the last three events…


    • Sounds promising. I know I’m having quite acceptable drops so far, just having some loading issues at times, but eventually get in.


  35. Mmmm my Jerome and Bonnie don’t have fight contract collecting tasks… you sure about this?


  36. Thanks for the info. Concentrating on getting dojo Peter first. A wee bit crazy in my game this morning as I just unlocked district 10, a lot of new items and tasks to learn. 😜


  37. common trophy drops are not dropping as common. I am only getting 1 out of 3 each time and have sent multiple times already with same drops


  38. Hi RT –

    Bonnie has a task to collect Fight Contracts. We can’t collect for Daniel unless his timer is started, correct?

    Thanks for your help and here’s hoping this one is better than the last three!


    • Thanks Chris, just going update the drops. And no can’t collect for Daniel until place him. So wee bit strategising for how long I’ll take get the buildings for me.


      • The tinyco FAQ says the tweenage mutant building drops paintbrushes but there is no logo on the item in the store indicating that it does. The buildings for the drums and wax are labeled though. Wondering if the building actually drops paintbrushes, it’s going to take a while to get that one as its the 7th building, would not be good to discover at that point that it doesn’t drop brushes 😮😆😜


  39. TinyCo, please listen: You keep making everything far too ridiculously overcomplicated! This is supposed to be fun, not frustrating. (That’s right: Frustrating. The term ‘challenging’ doesn’t enter into this discussion at all.)

    1) Character tasks to earn A.
    2) Use A on X to get B.
    3) Use B to buy C (but C will cost a random amount of B, so good luck there)
    4) When you have enough, use C to buy D1-8 (but only in the predetermined order, no strategy or thought allowed).
    5) Use a few of D to earn E-type items (but only a few because half of D will be useless and immediately put into storage because there isn’t enough land available to display it)
    6) Use E-type items to earn a character or outfit.
    7) Use new character or outfit on Y to earn F.
    8) Use F and new character or outfit to perform goal (?) with Boss Z to earn more C.

    Looking over all of that, I will say, at least step 8 didn’t result in another new ‘currency’ G.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. The version of Facebook in pc for when will be? I can’t play in my mobile


    • Facebook is a tricky lil brat (not really want I want to say, Lol). You will usually see them updating 24 to 48hrs after initial launch of things to the App Markets. They’re are as slow if not slower than amazon on all things.


      • After midnight on the East Coast and Amazon still hasn’t released the update for Kindle.


      • You would think that with the thousands of apps available, updating them isn’t done centrally by amazon, facebook and google, but through the developers themselves? I can’t imagine there being thousands of amazon people just updating individual apps on the shop when they receive these updates from the developers? Every other amazon shop system is updated directly by whoever it is who is selling stuff on it, so I’m sure it’s the same with the apps stores.


        • App updates are released by developers but the App markets don’t make them live until they’ve done checks, or else a rogue developer could release anything into their systems.


          • Wow that must be a huge job for loads of people then, to test each of the hundreds of thousands of updates for all the apps that exist.

            Or maybe they auto release most of them and just hold back some where they don’t trust the developer. So not surprising that TinyCo gets held back then 😀


            • Maybe Amazon don’t have the ideal system in place they need to for the ever increasing amount of apps they are bringing on to Kindle and that’s why we see the delays. It’s frustrating but I’m not sure there’s anything TinyCo can do, they don’t have the power of EA or such to push the app stores, they literally are a small fish in a big sea of developers.


  41. How does one know they are ready to unlock Daniel and begin the countdown? I am bad about jumping the gun on these.


    • I usually try strategise by how long it will take to have the buildings needed for the drops, then decide.


      • I take that into account but also when the unlocking is part of the quest line, I try to determine how to make sure I can complete all the stages of the main quest line in time for the launch of the next phase so I don’t get behind. I got caught on that once and couldn’t get righted again. Even if the character collection runs into the next phase, at least I am starting the new phase on time so I don’t get too far behind.


        • I can’t really give any advise on the Questline as yet as I’ve not completed it, Bunny will on her test game as soon as possible, then we will be able get a post up to let you take that into the mix, until then I’m just working out my exchanges to assess when I can place buildings. Also when exchanges are involved I never complete the Questline until I know what next phase will bring, been caught in the trap of being too up to date and unable do any exchanges in the past.


  42. Well, I was dumb and started the timer on Daniel following the quest line. Lets see if its possible to do in 7 days freemium. I’m guessing not but will let you know 🙂


  43. Do you happen to know if Mr Washee, in the store for headbands, a character? Thanks for all you do. 🙂


  44. Hand drums are from Jerome, not Lois, learning Taiko


  45. oh no i triggered the timer with 0 chance of unlocking him.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. hopefully they add some street fighter character to this event from the costume that peter has RYU anyone. l got 630 clams l need to spend. freemium player here. So l only use my clams for character that are worth it.


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