Won’t Somebody Think of the Kindles??!! iOS vs Android

Hey there Clammers. Resident Fluffy character here hopping on in to give a lil thought and maybe a lil outlook on things for this AMAZING Community of players/readers we have here. Pardon me while I dust off my soapbox for a few minutes. So strap yourselves in. Lol


Let’s start off with the war a flaming in the comments and just put it out there. The calls of “not fair” going on within. To me, I just do not get the point. I will explain as to why.

We are here…just as I have described above…as a COMMUNITY. Complete strangers stretched literally across the globe that have found sanctuary in a location where all our minds, thoughts, attitudes, humor, and addicted lil lives flourish. We all have same common goals, same wants, same love for a game and/or TV series, and we are all completely different. I LOVE THAT! I love that there is such a mix and diverse community here. So many thoughts colliding. Sadly, it is some of those collisions that tend to leave a lil bit of bruises and aftermath.

So let’s discuss this. This silly lil game started BETA through Android. iOS players were sad, they wanted in on it too. TinyCo, being the extraordinary company they are,  did all they could to bring it to iOS too. At the same time, they also gifted the iOS players with a lil exclusive in Gold Suit Peter. Wars of “not fair” flamed. Time went on, updates came and went. Now we are to the Comic Con event. iOS was able to get the update out first since…well…since the game launched. Android players were sad. They wanted in on it too. So once again, TinyCo stepped up and offered a bit of an olive branch to help with that loss of time for Android in providing them with an exclusive item (coming soon). Now the wars of flame came again with more “that’s not fair”.

r2 d2 Green Apple

I guess in the scheme of things, I just do not get or understand this kind of greed and argument. Both sides now have been offered 1 item. Seems pretty fair to me. TinyCo is doing what NO company ever has done in as far as I can remember playing games. My look on this entire situation is why the upset over a gift? I mean, just imagine it from this perspective. You go to a birthday party with a gift. Watch your friend open it. Then, your friend screams at you that your gift is a joke, not fair, should have been this or that. How would that make you feel? Pretty awful in my eyes. You got a cool gift that is exclusive to YOUR device. Kind of a badge of honor so to speak. Appreciate it for what it is.

It is like going and buying a Ford then seeing your friend got a Chevy with a cool feature you didn’t get and then going to Ford to complain about it. It just does not make any sense what so ever. I mean the one thing I am NOT seeing in all this…is…”Won’t somebody think of Kindle??” Lol. I mean seriously. They JUST got into the game, but I have not seen complaints about “this and that isn’t fair”. I bought several movies. Everything from the LEGO, Captain America, and Avengers to name a few. Depending on where I bought it, I may have got a few tunes, a figurine, a different cover, etc. Did that make the movie any better or worse than anyone else’s? No. Did that mean I wasn’t gonna watch the movie? No. Did that mean I am a loser and others are winners? FRAK NO! It means I got a cool movie just like everyone else and I watched it over and over and over.

This all just really comes down to that entitlement attitude. If someone else has something you do not, why fight about it? Why does everyone want to be mirror images of each other? Isn’t it our uniqueness that we each have within ourselves the same thing that makes us amazing? I know I don’t want to be a robot following in line. I don’t want to just be another sheep in the herd.

Stop picking on each other. What good becomes of it? Are we just a group of bullies now? I sure hope not. We made this place a sanctuary for ALL players. A helping zone. A place that ALL can come and feel welcomed as we help each other with our silly lil Addiction. HELP each other, don’t try to pull one another down. No one benefits from that. NOT. AT. ALL. Imagine if you came here and that is all us Addicts Team Members did. Just tell you to frak off and figure things out for yourself. I don’t think you would care so much for that, would you? We do a LOT to help because we want to. We see a need for it, and are happy to share. Do all we can to make it a better playing experience. Sound familiar? Can you do the same? Share with others? Without spite or hate? Allow others to have THEIR moment?

Short story long, let’s all just take a step back and look at the WHOLE picture. Appreciate that FINALLY there is a company out there connected so close to the players. One that listens, adapts, changes, and does all they can to help. I for one do NOT want to lose that, and I see the bitterness and sour attitudes a threat to pushing that uniqueness in them away. THAT would be a terrible loss…to EVERY SINGLE PLAYER. Regardless what your device is.

So take a few deep breaths. If you feel you have to say something still, fine. Say it…but HERE ONLY!  But say it with respect that everyone deserves. Check the hate at the door. No more of this will be allowed on any other posts. Say it and be done with it and move on. Go back to enjoying the game. Enjoying the help. Enjoying the Amazing Community here.

***tries to step of soap box…trips and falls over floppy feet…blames Cguy for miscalculating the numbers and giving me incorrect distance from box to ground…hobbles back to basement***



(p.s. I have the Q&A almost complete from the meet up. A few more questions trickled in after I got back and I wanted them all to be answered. I will post once I get the remaining ones back.)

227 responses to “Won’t Somebody Think of the Kindles??!! iOS vs Android

  1. So TinyCo issued an update in the midst of the short time period in which to get “Intimate Apparal Peter.” Since the Kindle version has still not been updated I missed my chance to get the Peter Costume. Now it seems like I’m missing the Thanksgiving event as well.

    Do you have any idea when the Kindle update will finally appear, so I can get back to playing? I find this very frustrating. I don’t see why it’s so hard to coordinate updates so that they arrive simultaneously on all platforms.


    • That is because it is up to the app markets when they “approve” them. It could be something sent months in advance…but it is the markets choice IF and WHEN they actually push them into the markets. Sorry. All I can suggest is to let TinyCo know what you are missing out on.

      What events have you not seen yet? Because these recent ones were not device specific and as long as you hit requirements, you should see them. Carl is another story.


  2. zombiepanda2007

    I have a question for you guys, I’m upgrading from an iOS device to an Android device. Will my progress transfer from the old iOS device to the new Android operating device, or do I have to start over? Please let me know what to do. Thank you


  3. Do we yet know what tinyco is doing since we lost a week in regards to ios getting the comicon update first ? Id heard rumours that they were going to give Android players something unique but can’t find anything in relation as to what it is or could be ?? Any ideas anyone ??


    • A costume for Joe will be coming as an Android exclusive. Right now it hasn’t been released…still a lot of time left for the event though but it should be hitting soon 🙂


  4. Anyone else had their blam change to butts from the last event?
    The counter in the corner of my game is the butts symbol. So is all the prices in the market.
    It’s a bit weird


  5. I play on android but actually logged on to my game on a friends iphone got the gold suit for Peter and the gold swimming pool. When I logged in on my android phone have the items. Seems fair enough to me.


  6. I **demand** that TinyCo provide me with a time machine so I can go back however long ago is needed and get Cleveland plus 80s Cleveland, et al. It’s not fair that I only started playing this game a few weeks ago and I still haven’t been given …oh, wait….nevermind… Apparently that’s what this little red phone-booth-not-a-Tardis is for. Carry on then!


    • Maybe Stewie can lend one to you 😉


      • Ooh, is that one of his tasks once you unlock him?? 😉 Of course, I’m *still* stuck on getting Brian, so it’ll be forever until I can send Stewie to lend me a time machine.

        On a serious note, many thanks to all of you for maintaining this site, all the tips, and especially the patience with us Addicts and our many personalities! I think I’ve become just about as addicted to this site as I am to the actual game. 🙂


  7. The main problem I had was losing a week of collecting blam that our friends with apple products had (yes friends and fellow tappers). I am at around 7,300 blam since the event allowed me to start and will be near or at 10k when the week is over…this is without purchasing any items that produce blam…so obviously this is what I feel I lost out on by having a week less than my friends with apple products. I honestly thought they would of just gave us one of the low end blam dropping products that would of made up the differential of that week if we collected it the rest of the event…kinda like well that sucked I lost a week but at least I have the same chance my friends with apple have now. I think the upcoming Joe costume is a very cool thing but as a droid user I would have no issues with my friends with apple products getting it as well…even if they have to wait a week longer lol. I think rants are a good thing if done politely (sounds like an oxymoron but isn’t). ….Now back to trying to get Hellboy down…I believe he is mocking me for only having a handful of his items and I need to do something about that before he gets really angry…this will take awhile


  8. Hijack:

    At last victory is MINE!!!

    oh and I love the animation for stewie time traveling. And does anyone else think that Bruce needs an activity in Chutes and Lads.


  9. Agreed!

    This may cause some grumbling, but can you also do a post on why freemium players shouldn’t get everything premium players do? *ducks for cover and runs away fast


    • lol…uhh I’m not touching that with a 10′ pole 😉

      BUT…you of course are more than welcome to write your opinion on it and we’ll post it as a Guest Post 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • tjbmurph I see where you are coming from and that is actually a very intelligent question the whole Premium vs Freemium thing and here is your answer… First off only a very small amount of people that play these games are pure premium players (or completionist) and there is also an amount of people that don’t buy everything but do buy a majority of items…and yes this is a good income stream for the companies that make these games. Now there are two types of freemium players as well..the obvious one’s that don’t buy anything that isn’t offered for free and the most important one’s..the ones that buy (in this case) clams occasionally…because the amount of premium players will always be a small percent a majority of their profit comes from the freemium players who drop a small amount of money every now and then. So to make it simple for every 10 people that play the game say 1 is a premium that pays 25$ 6 are freemium that pay 5$ each and the final 3 don’t pay anything into it..By using that formula for every 100k players that play this game they will make 500k more from the occasional freemium spender and so on (obviously this is a very rough estimate). The other factor is the word of mouth advertising..the more people that play this game the more people that you will have that will get their friends to play this game…at this point even the purely freemium players are an asset…because some of their friends that will play this game due to their urging will become players and odds are in the very least spend money on occasion. So this is why companies try to make everyone happy from the person that buys everything to the player who buys nothing. No a freemium player should not get everything for free but everyone who plays the game should have the same chance at the items that are free..it’s smart business


      • Also I started out as an occasional freemium player but because of this game was becoming a lower end premium player before this event. This event starting a week later on my device makes me want to buy Blam producing products to catch up to my Apple friends..but having a hard time making it right in my head spending more money because the game started me late because of the type of phone I use lol…it is like “you started me late..thanks..take my money”. Love the game and probably will continue my journey into becoming a premium player after the event but for now being a hard core tapper My final result will show if these free items were actually attainable for free (kinda a Mythbusters quest)


        • I really like your post(s). I’m one of those occasional-purchase people on this game and others. Along your line of reasoning, one thing I would suggest for TinyCo/FGTQFS is to offer some 99cent (or other minor amount) purchase opportunities. I think a lot of the money that games such as Candy Crush (which I played for about a year) make comes from the small purchases added up over time and multiplied by users. For example, a lot of people on this site have balked at the price of the new sommelier station being around $20USD, because one 20-dollar purchase makes us stop and think — much more than 20 one-dollar purchases would. I know I never intended to spend a penny on Candy Crush, but then I’d hit a tough spot and was offered a chance to push though for just 99cents. Well heck, what’s 99cents? I thought.. but one day I went back and added up those “insignificant” purchases. That said, I’m hooked on this game and even bought said sommelier station (I justified it by reasoning out how much I’d spend at an arcade for a day…).


          • Hey I like the Sommelier as well its A) Cool looking B) will almost guarantee that you will get everything C) you won’t have to worry about buying anything else during the entire event..you can sit back and enjoy grinding out getting all the items you need to get all the celebs. This game is so well done and I will probably go back to buying clams for this or that after it is over but because the week delay to get it to my non apple format I am in the hey I am not going to buy something so I can get caught up with my Apple friends…I mean it isn’t my fault that I didn’t get to play that week lol. They have a ton of choices when it comes to buying clams moneywise, they occasionally have 2 for 1 deals and they are pretty awesome giving away free clams from completing collections of characters, to finishing questlines, to events that have random chances of it and like in this event occasionally by zapping star trek nerds…seriously this company is awesome at it


        • They are good at it but i’m starting to have a problem with the amount they are charging. 500 clams for Cranston?! ,700clams for the bar…i like this game, and im going to hit the 100,000 for this event. I have kicked in about 30$ which is about 28$ more than i usually would for a game like this. At that amount i should expect to not be cut off from so much of the content. Im all for game devs making a profit but I cannot see any justification for spending more than i would on a console or pc game with access to everything. I think dedicated play should reward more or past purchases continue to offer significant reward instead of being of use usually for the current event. Personally, i dont like this particular direction games are heading. I also realize it worked on me to some extent so lesson learned.


      • Looks like I won’t need to write the post after all 🙂

        Blackshirts, I agree with with the majority of your points and would have made them myself. Thanks for taking the time to craft a well reasoned response. If we get a way to have neighbours without using Facebook (that’s a whole ‘nother issue, lol), I’d like to add you.


        • lol you think i’m letting you off that easy? 😉


        • That would be awesome..especially being that I only have 3 on facebook lol. I also have a theory on this..I believe they could put a patch out somewhat quickly but still being somewhat new it probably is helping them get new players. Right now if you want more friends to visit..you have to get them to play the game lol. Once a method of adding friends by simply entering their screen name into the invite you only have to go to an add me thread. The benefit for us right now is we don’t have hundreds if not thousands of people flooding every thread in here with add me even if there are specific areas for it lol

          Liked by 1 person

      • I’m got my husband into the game and we both occassionaly butyl clams.


      • Hiya :). So I know I’m about a month late on this post lol but just wanted to put in my two cents. Bc if you only have two cents might as well spend them somewhere worth while :). That being said I am a freemium player. 0$ spent to date with no plans of spending. I don’t feel like tinyco should provide me with all the premium items. Tho I must add I love how Tinyco makes premium items avail. If you are patient. I currently got Consuela last week. I saved up every clam since launch on the IOS. I’m what I would call a hardcore freemium maybe? Lol I play daily. And check on my quahog hourly if I’m not sleeping. When nature calls in the middle of the night I make it a point to check on Quahog before going back to sleep. I feel I’ve put my time in. Premium players are needed for the games economy. And I appreciate y’all paying so I can keep playing lol. On the moon idol update I ended with the 80k prize. And no I was not angry to have not gotten king butt. I understand that the option to get him was mine. Even as a freemium. But I was saving my clams for Consuela. Had a great run with the blam boxes and even won enough clams to get the “special” horse. I’ve played lots of other free to play games and I truly feel that tinyco has made an extremely balanced economy. So why we debate the free vs pay when tinyco has worked so hard to make us all get along? Set reasonable goals and you will see that there are plenty of fun items for the freemium a. I have never played a game where so much premium currency is awarded. So as Consueala cleans skidmarks. And the special horse licks peters rear. Remember that there is no reason to complain or whine about what you think you can’t get if your not willing to drop the dollars. The opportunities are there. Spend that time tapping lol. To Alyssa and bunny Ty for an awesome site. I check it daily and really appreciate the time and energy y’all put in to making this game even more enjoyable


  10. how do you get the ED-209?


  11. Wise words oh Bunny one – I’d happily trade my gold Peter suit for Quagmire to drop an item, he sure is one mean character. But seriously this event is wild and wonderful.

    Also you guys what about setting up a suggestions/ what you would like see in FGQFS thread, then Tinyco could see what we want, what we really really want all in one place.


  12. Unrelated question but when I sign in using a new device and it says
    “there’s already another family guy account (level 40) associated with this Facebook ID. Logging in will replace your current save game (level 2)”
    Does it mean it will delete the level 2 or level 40?


  13. Well Bunny people are still complaining, I loved your post, made me think about it, it is a game, and have lots more stuff in real life to worry about than if there is I get something in the game or not that someone else has. Come on people lighten up, the people on here are doing a great job, lets enjoy the posts, I found this group by chance and they are a great help. (round of applause from the crowd) 😉


    • You are too kind. 🙂 This comment area in this post, is now the only area we are allowing “vent” comments on this matter to appear. Soon, most will get it out of their systems and we can all get back to complaining about the important stuff….like those damn drop rates on rare, extra rare and epic items! LOL 😛


  14. After this rant and letting it sink in, I’m boycotting FG addicts now ;). Now that being said, Bunny when are we getting that pie to make this all good again haha, I don’t want this tension between you and I 🙂

    I crack myself up… hahaha… I needed a good laugh… Any reason to mention pie, I’ll mention it now 😀


  15. I luv FGQFS. Its a means to escape the stress n hustle of the `real world` which is really what great games like this exist for anyway. Thx TinyCo n Family Guy. U rock!


  16. iOS users, just buy a cheap android tablet or a older phone. Super joe is yours. Android users, buy a IPhone 4. They go for about $100 on Craigslist. You don’t have to use it as a phone, but a iPod. Then you can sign in with that and nothing is truly exculsive.

    Kindles users, you have the mayday button, with the cute mayday girl. Think you win 😉

    Personally I don’t know a kindle user that uses it for anything but reading.

    Take care y’all.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I was thinking the same thing. If you’re a completionist on iOS you’ve got it easy, I’ve seen Droid devices for less than $50 on Craigslist. How much does someone wanting ALL of this stuff spend on clams? A few hundred? Seriously, GSP completed his questline and has been in Harrington’s since.


    • I love my Kindle. Even got one for the wife and both kids. We watch movies, play games, Skype, read books, and I believe there is an app that will bring me a beer and make nachos. It isn’t quite as useful as an Ipad but for the price it’s awesome. Great if you have Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Netflix. Ok now where is my butt kissing money Amazon.


      • …”Sorry…Item Is Temporarily Out Of Stock”……. 😉

        Liked by 3 people

      • Someday soon hopefully we can get beers brought to use from a tablet haha.. They have that thing in beta still where you can smell a product through a app and a adaptor… That’s a good question, I would be clicking the mayday button to ask where’s your money. I would just click it all the time if I was bored and wanted to talk to someone at the middle of the night haha…

        I’ve been waiting for a day like this to come, struck like lightnin
        My hearts beating likea drum on the edge of something wonderful

        Face to face with changes. What’s it all about? Life is crazy. But I know I can work it out. Cause I got you to live it with me.

        I feel all right, I’m gonna take on the world. Light up the stars, I’ve got some pages to turn. I’m signing oh oh oh oh

        Sorry y’all this song is catchy from ” Girl Meets World” 😉


    • Just a sidenote: no need for an iOS user to buy a cheap android. There is an android player / simulator out there for your notebook or desktop computer. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Good “rant?” It needed to be said and thank you for doing so. However, I just lost $40 after I said I wasn’t going to spend money. I won lot’s of 350 blams and most of the items. Damn that elusive Clamterprise. I need to lay the blame at the feet of someone other than myself as I am perfect and it could in no way be my fault. I have an ipod, an android phone, and a Kindle. I believe they are all responsible in part but the majority of the blame must fall on my true nemesis, El Nino. This evil weather event has finally crossed the line. While I’m aware that La Nina occasionally sneaks in a punch, El Nino is the real villain here. I have been monitoring the vile phenomenon for some time and have concluded that it has attempted to tear the peace loving addicts asunder. I beg all of you to avoid the perils this monster places on each of us. I believe it has infiltrated the top levels of IOS, Android, and Amazon in order to wreak havoc. Stay strong addicts and as details of this sinister entities crimes reveal themselves I will inform the crew at Addict’s headquarters. I must now be off to look into evidence of El Ninos role in the Kennedy assassination and the great Cabbage Patch shortage in the eighties. Wish me luck my friends and keep tapping.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. thelittleprince

    “I have learned to be content in all circumstances.”

    I have to remind that myself sometimes. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not going to matter whether I get a particular prize, costume, exclusive content, etc. in a game. Life goes on. What matters to me the most and am thankful for right now is my health, my family, their safety and well-being. I look at the news and see all the thousands of people in Gaza– innocent civilians– many children–dying in a senseless war; in Liberia– thousands of people sick and dying of an incurable disease. Sometimes I have to put down my game and realize that there are a lot of things going on in my life that I am thankful for and yet there are things I cannot control. I can step out into the street tomorrow and get in a car accident or find out next week I have cancer. In the grand scheme of things, there are more important things in life than this game. Let’s enjoy life while we can. Let’s try to live life to the fullest and not be bothered by petty annoyances in a game. Go outside and take a walk and enjoy nature. I just took out my dogs for a walk earlier this afternoon to the dog park and enjoyed watching them play with other dogs while I talked and met new people. I look forward to flying to L.A. in a couple of weeks to spend time with my mom. I had a hearty meal tonight. I got to watch my favorite show on TV on Sunday nights (Unforgettable on CBS). I will sleep well tonight. Life is good. Thanks for reading. Good night. 🙂


    • Give your Mom an extra hug and kiss…I lost mine on Monday and this site and this community have helped me greatly to move forward. So true that at times we all can, for a brief moment, forget that this game is but a small drop of water in the moving river of our real lives. 🙂


      • thelittleprince

        I’m sorry to hear that Cybersilly. My heartfelt condolence to you and your family. And thanks for being a wonderful part of this blog along with Alissa and Bunny, and the other readers of this blog.


      • I’m sorry Cyber!!! Learned from my dad’s death not to long ago, that no holidays will ever be the same again. Birthday and special events happen with lack of excitement. He’s there, but it’s not the same. I’m assuming your pretty young also. I handle things very well people said, stood there in a war zone in his emergency room where they revived him 3 times. But holidays and birthday, I don’t like to celebrate. Nothing can change the place at the end of the table, that’s missing. I did do something since, I tell all my family and friends I love them more. Even my Irish guy friends, which makes them uncomfortable. But oh we’ll. Just know your mom will be there protecting you. Really believe this, I in a years period. Was on my death bed three times. Each time doctors couldn’t believe how I recovered. If you just want ever want to talk you, can message me anytime. We don’t sleep 😉

        Also Bunny, all I want a kindle for is to talk to the mayday girl. It’s unfair my iPad doesn’t have a mayday girl 😉 kicks stones now…..


        • Thank You imjp2, always a class act. Lost Dad many years ago, too. And his birthday is in Dec., so know exactly what you’re talking about. But enough about this gloomy stuff, let’s remember what’s truly important…..this infuriating game and it’s infernal drop rates!!! XD

          Ps….the mayday “girl” is a man 😉


      • Silly….I am so sorry. I sure wish you peace in your heart and peace for your beautiful mother. How lucky you both were to have each other. Treasure your memories, that’s what’s truly important. Were not much but we love ya and appreciate everything you do. I am so sorry.


      • my condolences my friend!!!


  19. I enjoyed my golden Peter while the novelty lasted… Personally I couldn’t care less about Super Joe (and in a month’s time you’ll rarely, if ever, use the suit again, my dear androids) honestly the only Super Joe I care about comes in a cup during the weeeeeee hours of the morning. It keeps me from killing people that has the annoying habit of smiling and being happy the first thing in the morning. ….
    What was I talking about? Oh yeah! Killing ‘morning people’.
    Wait. No. I had a point – I swear.

    All kidding aside, we’re not petulant babies. So I agree with the bun bun. iOS got a cool suit to call our own, and soon android will have theirs. Yay!!!!

    Though if I don’t get the ED-209 robot thingy, I will in fact cross my arms, stick out my lower lip, and sigh annoyingly. I may even huff, nay, puff!
    Or I’ll hold my breath until I turn stupid.


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