Well hello there all you Keymasters and Gatekeepers. Figured you will have a LOT of questions for this event. As usual. So I am putting the general FAQs in a nice lil tidy spot right here for you. Something to keep you tied over until all the details are confirmed in the Live Game. 😉

Ghostbusters icon

Here is the breakdown of the basics. We will go into each one in a LOT more detail in separate posts. So keep an eye out for them. So let’s jump into the FAQ’s from TinyCo…


You need to be up to date to Version 1.3 in your app market. You also need to have District 3 Completed.


October 2nd, 2014


November 7th, 2014 (You can view this information by tapping on the Witch’s Cauldron.


The Portal opens up into Quahog and demonic creatures spill out of it. You can use the Portal to earn Fright Points. Fright Points will increase your Fright Level. Fright Levels are an Upgrade to the Portal you can do each week to unlock lots of cool new Halloween Content as well as new kinds of ghosts to clear. Ghosts are good, they will drop items you need to progress this event.

Fright Point

You can get Fright Points by completing actions, brewing prizes, collecting rent from the Ghostbusters Headquarters, or placing Halloween Decorations. You need the points to also Updgrade to new Fright Levels.

Spirit Vial

In order to get Halloween prizes and unlock Ghostbuster Peter, you will need Spirit Vials. To get them, you will need to clear the ghosts taking over your Quahog. Each one cleared is a possible chance at the Spirit Vials. Just tap on the ghosts to clear them and watch for a Spirit Vial to drop.

There will also be the option to get Spirit Vials from actions, collecting rent from Ghostbusters Headquarters, and the Spirit Dispensaries (Spirit Vial Machine, Spirit Vial Wagon, and Spirit Vial Cart.)

Ghosts 2

Locate the Portal and look for the “NEW GHOSTS TIMER” at the bottom. It will show you when the next ghost will spawn in YOUR town. Of course there will also be an option to speed up this process to instantly if you are willing to part with some Clams. (The Spawn Rate is still a work in progress so it will vary right now, but MORE Ghosts is a good thing. Lol.) You can have a total of 12 Ghosts in your town at one time. This rate will increase later on with your Soul Level.


You will either get Spirit Vials or Eggs. (And an occasional Clam.)

Witch's Cauldron

Each prize will need to be brewed and brewed separately. You will require items to make the brew. These may include Spirit Vials, Terror Dog Bones, or Banshee Tears. Which can be earned by clearing the Terror Dogs.

If you REALLY like a Halloween item and want another, you can collect more items and brew that prize multiple times.

Terror Dog 1

In order to get rid of the Terror Dogs, you will FIRST need to have created the Ghostbuster Peter Costume and have it unlocked. After that, you can then clear Terror Dogs as so…

*Tap on a Terror Dog

*Start Ghostbuster Peter on the task to “Zap Terror Dogs”


Much like the ghosts, just tap on the Portal and it will let you know when the next Terror Dog will arrive in YOUR town. (They start appearing the moment the Haunted House is repaired, just can’t tap til Peter is done.) 6 Terror Dogs MAX can be in your town at a time. This will increase later with your Soul Level.

Ghostbuster Peter 1

In order to unlock Ghostbuster Peter, you need to start the Halloween event. Once you get to the questline for “I AIN’T AFRAID OF NO GHOST” Part 4, you will start to get the ability to earn items needed to unlock Ghostbuster Peter

Spirit Vial500 Spirt Vials : Actions, Ghosts, Dispensaries

Ghost Duster15 Ghost Dusters (Uncommon): Quagmire, Peter, Jerome, and Macabre Curiosities

Eggs15 Fried Eggs (Rare): Gray Ghosts, BoopityBop’s Joke Shop

Psychic Cards10 Psychic Cards (Rare): Chris, Bruce, Bonnie, and Madame Google’s Fortunes

You have until the end of the Halloween Event to unlock Ghostbuster Peter. As long as he is complete and walking around your town before the event ends, you get to keep him. If you are still collecting items by the end of the event, you will lose him.

Ghost Diane

In order to unlock Diane, you need to get to the questline “HELL HATH NO FURY” Part 1. At that point you will then start digging up Diane Simmons. Once you repair her gravestone, you will seven days live in game it shows five days to unlock her. Once unlocked and in the game, she is yours to keep. If the time expires before you unlock her, she will disappear from the game and will not return. You have til end of event to do this. (SIDE NOTE: If you have started to dig her up…DO NOT tap the check mark til you are ready to start collecting for her. Once that Headstone is repaired the timer starts.)

To unlock her you will need to Brew the Electricity Ball and Chomps the Zombie in the Witch’s Cauldron. This will require a total of 400 Spirit Vials and 30 Terror Dog Bones. So you may want to get the Terror Dogs Spawning and some Vials stocked up before you repair her tombstone and start the timer. (SIDE NOTE: If you start collection on the items BEFORE digging her up, they will still count towards her. So you can have them brewed already and then dig her up to get her fast.)

A Thank You to TinyCo for listening. They added a lil info to Diane’s grave pop up now when you tap it. Things like this is why I adore them as a company. Listening to their players concerns (and Addicts pestering them. Lol).



Slimer is Exclusive to Android Devices, so in order to see him you will need to be playing on an Android Device. He will appear shortly after “I AIN’T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS” Part.  A pop up will appear in the game when he spawns, so you gotta watch for it so you can take him out quickly. He appears every 8 hours for only 2 mins at a time.

FYI…he is NOT a character. He is more like …another ghost. Just something to zap so far. Will update if it changes. For now, that is it.


This is what he looks like in town. He does blend into the greenery, so keep an eye out. Also, just like characters, he sticks to roads so those hidden ones won’t be of any use to you if he is back there.

Slimer in Quahog 1 Slimer in Quahog


We are also seeing a glitch that speeds you through the 3 Slimer’s task. It has been reported. No worries, he will still spawn.


Just like in EVERY Event so far…. STOP… BREATH…DON’T PANIC!!! TinyCo and many many others put a lot of time and effort into this one. So don’t kill the event mood before it even starts. Don’t rush. Keep an eye on here for helpful hints. Wait to spend Clams til you have all the details and/or can make a confident decision. Above all… HAVE FUN!!! (Or I may send Stay Puft and Gozer the Gozerian after YOU! 😉 )

So there you have it. All the basics in a nutshell. What do you think of it all? Lots of excitement? Let us know.

Happy Haunting.


493 responses to “HALLOWEEN FAQ Sheet

  1. So how can I speed the times for the stink bombs that each character has to make? I got pink Brian doing pretty in pink and everyone else is doig the 8hrs quests. Can tiny co extend the time for 2 more days? I really want the zuus portal.


  2. Before I repair franis grave. What do I need to do to after I repair his grave?


  3. What does the Monster from space-ace-ace-ace do?


  4. I’m really bummed with all the “android” exclusive items. Is there a readon why TinyCo does this? I only have access to IOS devices and get super jealous that my friend has robo joe and slimer running around his town. Not fair, TinyCo!!!


  5. Hey,
    Every time I try And brew something, the screen shrinks and then this comes up:
    “Function error: could not find close button ‘close_button'”

    The game then resets to before I tried to brew it.

    Any ideas?


  6. Ugh I wish I had that tip before I released Diane! I repaired the grave and tapped in the check mark which started her timer. I hope they bring her back to give us a second chance at getting her!


  7. I stopped getting the “zombies” that Predator and GB Quagmire say. What causes them to reappear?

    Does Octomom do anything or just deco?


    • *zap… Not say


    • Banshees won’t appear until you unlock gb quagmire.
      And ocotomom is just a decoration.


      • Um… I’ve got banshees roaming around, but I’ve not yet unlocked GB Quagmire.

        Also, a quick question… I recently got another logo at the bottom RH corner which, upon clicking on it, says “there are no more poltergeists!” Is this something for the future? Because, other than the grey ghosts, I never saw any poltergeists. Or did I mess up a task?


        • Similar to the Terror Dogs, a few will come out to “introduce” you to the new character, but you still need to complete unlocking Quagmire to get them to respawn and keep coming out of the portal. 😉


  8. mahn I didnt get to unlock diane…but a pop up showed saying that as long as tom tucker is alive she will be back…so does that mean she will be back ? I hope so I only needed 2 bones


  9. Does anyone know the exact drop rate for spirit vials from ghosts? Also, has it changed since the start of the event? During the first week, every ghost dropped either spirit vials or occasionally bones, now most of my ghosts drop nothing, but also seem to drop clams and bones more often. I really need more spirit vials, but I seem to never get them from grey ghosts now. Did they make it so they only drop from characters/buildings and Terror Dogs/Banshees? This is getting frustrating since I can’t afford the spirit vial machines, and I need a sh!tload of vials for Ghostbuster Quagmire. Any help?


    • In order to NOT mess with other drops…the drops are still pretty close to same, it is just once you no longer need or get the other items…there is kinda a blank space…so it may give the illusion of less drops. We had them check into it too and verify. They were looking into it and by last reports they should be dropping as set.


  10. I didn’t get Diane. Am I screwed for the rest of the event?


  11. I inadertantly dug Diane up before I had ghostbusters Peter and I wasted a couple off dog bones thinking I had to do it in order I only need 3 more dog bones but only have 2 hour left is she defiantly not coming back I am a daily player and have nearly every character


  12. I tapped on Dianne too early and now only have two days to create Ghostbuster Peter and get stuff. I’m never going to do it! Can Dianne come back later?


  13. Hello just to say I love this event can’t wait to see what they do for Christmas. just one question two ppartner what is the ghost buster challenge for the logo to get the ghostbuster car and how do I get it please? Thank you


  14. A little confused here, I accidentally clicked on Diane before I got GB Peter, but I got the bones I needed for the first bubble anyway. Now it says I need 3 banshee tears to get the last thing to unlock her, but those are not available yet. Her timer runs out for me in a little over a day, so this basically means I either need to spend the money to get 200 clams or I won’t be getting her?


  15. If I buy the premium buildings and graveyard will they drop other items like the bansee tears and items to unlock the other costumes?


  16. Is there a way to earn more dog bones besides Peter zapping terror dogs?


  17. Not sure if this was answered somewhere else, but is there any significance to the items in my storage that have a “Halloween” info button and those that are regular? Since most of the Halloween items are from previous events, I can’t make rhyme or reason. For instance, the Nailgunner and Tri-Cycle are both Halloween, but the Fabu-bus and Fabu-jet are not.

    Will placing these Halloween items lead to any type of benefit?


  18. So does the portal auto upgrade when the timer runs out if you are at the correct Fright Level?


  19. Will achieving a higher fright level than required (I’m nearing 5) give us a higher portal when released weekly? On a related note, how many fright levels & portals are in the game?


  20. Has anyone received the Banshee Tears yet or does the portal need to be upgraded first? If so where do yet them?. I’m only missing the octomom before i have all the current portal prizes.


    • Banshee Tears are not in the game yet…you’re stopped prior to getting Octomom until TC releases more content….

      I think it’s their way of slowing down the pace of the game…


      • So my question – do we keep having Peter zap the terror dogs and continue collecting the bones? I am wondering if I should stop collecting the bones and save up the dogs if they convert their drops to banshee tears or if the tears will come from a different portal character. At this point, we don’t know if we will need more terror bones down the road I suppose?


  21. After I got pink Brian was I supposed to get 50 claims?


  22. Is there any way that Diane Simmons quest can be extended? Opened it by accident.


  23. Can’t find my scarecrow! Where is it?! Lol


  24. Has anyone been able to upgrade their portal yet? Or does it have the chance for the upgrade at the same time for everyone? My timer still says 3days+ away.


  25. So if I make the electric ball and the zombies before I dig her up they will still count? Or should I just have all the ingredients ready and make them after I dig her up?


  26. How can I email you guys a pic? I have a pic of GB Peter zapping s Terror Dog right in front of the portal! It’s super cool! Thanks guys!



  27. I also brewed a scarecrow but with no further information, expected it in my inventory, but nothing was there. There is a tick under the picture, presumably saying I brewed one, but can anyone confirm once you brew anything, what do you do next?


  28. I have a suggestion for those diehard people who accidentally dug up Dianne’s grave without Ghostbusters Peter. I did the same thing, but I have a plan to get her. Basically I dug her up and it took me a day to get Ghostbuster Peter. (This is with waking up in the middle of the night for psychic cards. Lol). What you do once you get Ghosterbuster peter is keep clearing the dogs and set (opinional) timers for two hours (even in the night) every time you clear a terror dog. This strategy is helping me a lot for getting Dianne and now I have a pretty good chance of getting her with about three and a half days left and 6/30 bones. Just a suggestion 🙂


  29. I noticed you said slimmer comes every 8 hours but he appears every 4 hours in my game but im not complaining lol he also has been dropping some bones for me


  30. Im not sure if anyone else has said this but to rush Diane is 400 clams. 200 per decoration, regardless of bones or ghost vials. If you plan on rushing just one decoration do the zombie as they are more expensive than the electricity ball. I wonder if the graves are like flag poles, and might get other characters. Mutual would be good but the funniest would be Natalie with a quest for Quagmire to avoid her and try hide her from his friends.


  31. How do you get Banshee Tears jars to brew Octomoms?


  32. Does anyone know how to get banshee tears?


  33. Since I updated on Friday, haven’t been able to play the game, I click on my game and it starts to load then says error config engine title, think I’ve missed out now on pink Brian since I haven’t been able to play 😦 not sure how to fix im using and iphone 5 and its totally updated I’ve also uninstalled and reinstalled my game nothing has worked !! Any info would be great !!


  34. Trying to fully understand getting Diane Simmons. Under He’ll Hath No Fury Pt 1 – can I click on dig up Diane Simmons without starting the timer? The other one clearly says Save Diane in 5 Days? But I want to make sure that the first one doesn’t trigger the 2nd automatically since I have just started zapping terror dogs. Also I just got Mayor West and I’m on Mayor Runs the Town Pt 2. It’s a 24 hr task. I completely forgot to clear the Dawgs. (I’m so used to seeing them now). Should there have been a prompt from West or Stewie to start this? Thanks for all your help. You galso are great.


  35. I’ve completed Adam West’s perfume quest twice today and both times I push the craft button after getting all my colognes and suddenly all the colognes disappear and I have to start all over like I’d be er even started the quest!!


  36. I’m not usually a complainer.. But I really hope that the terror dogs drop more then 1 jar of bones or whatever at a time because the whole having to wait 2 hours to collect them (or 10 clams!! Which is a lot for a 2 hr task) instead of just collecting them 1 after another like the other things that roam our towns (well idk about dogs yet, not quite there yet) andddddd I fudged up and dug up Diane Simmons 😦 really worried I screwed myself there… Wish I would have check here before atleast clicking the check mark.. Hoping I will get her In time 🙏 reallyyyyy like that you can choose the different things to “brew” too instead of getting them as you get more points ( blam, fright points, etc)


  37. The terrordogs wont spawn in my town. The timer runs down and then nothing happens. Just a new timer comes up.


  38. Just to be absolutely clear, to unlock diane, can you have the two items made and placed in your town before you dig her up and still have them count towards her? Please reply if you know the answer, I would really like to know.


  39. I dug up Dianne without knowing there would be a timer. I have no chance getting her now as it will take me too long to get ghostbuster Peter. So basically it seems to play this game you need to come on to this site and read all the spoilers inorder to have a chance at getting everything.


  40. If I get the Slimer quest on Andriod do Slimers appear on other devices too or just Andriod? Thanks 🙂


  41. I have a question towards the weekly challenge. Has this week’s a me out yet? If so, what quest line is it on? Thanks 🙂


  42. So, the slimer quest wasn’t supossed to appear yet?
    Because it appeard to me and after 2 slimer dissaparead, with no rewards


  43. How do I upgrade my portal?


  44. I remember I always talk crap about tinyco and how they make everything so expensive when I first start out the game but over time bunny, Alissa and tinyco really made me change my mind about them. They are a great company and they do listen to us unlike most others. Actually I don’t think any games ever try to fix my problem when I ask except for tinyco. Just like that little side note that they put on Dianne to warn people tells me the r listening to us. Well I give most of that credit to the addicts, and tinyco really have my respect now. So thank u girls.


    • Hey bunny, can u guys tell who’s who even though they have the same sn? I’ma change mine cuz there’s just too many joes


    • 🙂 Well we are more than happy to help out. We play the games too, so we go through all the same struggles and frustrations right along with you. If we can make a difference, we will do all we can to put it into action. Love doing it too. 😉


  45. I also got click happy with Diane. Oops…
    Maybe TinyCo could have a ‘cooling off’ period. If you don’t get her in 5 days, you can try again after a week, but it would be tougher. Just a thought.


  46. I purchased a scarecrow and can’t seem to locate it in my library so I can place him. Any tips would be awesome, I’ve been searching everywhere I know to look. Thanks.


  47. I have a question about the prizes. Since we can brew the same one multiple times, can we also skip one? I don’t do spiders, and I don’t want Octomom in my town. I’d much rather skip her and use those resources toward the next prize, if possible.


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