Addicts Question Corner Christmas Edition: Secret Santa, Ollie, Dolls, Jasper and More!

Update: TinyCo has updated the drop rates on dolls.  See below for more detail…

Hello There Clammers!

As Christmas has arrived in our Tiny Quahogs…everyone has lots of questions regarding what to do and when. We do try to answer each one individually, but I thought everyone could benefit from the answers to these questions.  So it’s time for another addition of Addicts Question Corner….

Miracle on Spooner Street

My Train Station Is Not Showing I Can Repair It, Is It Broken?
Most likely it’s NOT broken.  You have to unlock Sexy Santa Lois first.  Once you unlock her then a quest will trigger to get Jasper.

How Do I Unlock Jasper, He’s Not In My Game.  Is My Game Broken?
No.  You’ll find Jasper once you’ve repaired the train station.  In order to repair the Train Station you’ll need to have Sexy Santa Lois.  Once you’ve gotten Sexy Santa Lois a quest trigger, Make the Yuletide Gay.  That task triggering is the ONLY way to get the Train Station to need “repair” and find Jasper.  Until that point you cannot do anything with it.

Can I Collect the items for Jasper BEFORE Finding Him?
Yes.  You can collect the 3 buildings needed for Jasper before starting to repair the train station.

I Accidentally Started Repairing the Train Station, But I’m not Ready To Trigger Jasper’s Timer.  If I Don’t Click the Check Mark Will That Delay The Timer From Starting?
Yes.  The timer (which is 7 days) will not start until you “find” Jasper at the Train Station.  So if you leave the check mark there the timer won’t start.

Where Do I Get the Items For Jasper?
You craft them in the Gift boxes.  See this post for more.

Where Do I Get the Items for the Wish List?
You craft the items in the gift boxes.  See this post for more.  Remember…not every prize is available yet as some boxes will open later in the event.

Do I Need to Have the Characters Unlocked To Get the Wish List Items For Them?
No.  You just need to get the prize in the gift box…but you do not have to have the character to get them.

The Drop Rates For Dolls Are INSANE.
Yes…yes they are.  And just about everyone here agrees with you on that.  Our suggestion is to contact TinyCo and ask them (nicely) to see if they’ll add another character/task to help get Dolls.

After writing this post (and telling TinyCo about ALL of your complaints…) the drop rates have been changed.  This is on TinyCo’s Facebook:


HOWEVER…in my game they’re still not dropping 100% of the time.  So it could take a little bit for it to update in your game.  Try hard closing and restarting your game, so it refreshes.  If that doesn’t patient and let it hit your game.  If you don’t see the 100% drop rate by tomorrow morning (TinyCo 9am PST) then contact them and let them know you’re not seeing it.

Do I Need Both Sexy Santa Lois AND Jasper To Clear Mall Santas?
No.  I know the image is a big confusing because it says Lois + Jasper to clear Mall Santas…but you only need 1 to do it.  So you can have Lois clear the Santa’s before unlocking Jasper & once you get Jasper you can then have him help as well.

What Are the Drop Rates for Mall Santa’s/Snowmen?
TinyCo will not release this information.  From what we’re seeing…it varies all over the place, so I don’t think there’s a set formula for it.

Stan Has An Ice Skating Task…but It Says It Requires Stars and Stripes, Will They Be Bringing That Back?
Stars and Stripes was from the 4th of July mini event.  Per TinyCo it is intentional that he goes there to skate.  So unfortunately, if you don’t have Stars and Stripes you won’t have that extra gift earning task.

I Don’t Have Any Facebook Friends, Will Ollie Still Send Me Secret Santa Gifts or Was 1 It?
Per TinyCo…Ollie will give you more gifts each time up upgrade the tree.

How Many Secret Santa Gifts Can I Get Per Day?
1 gift every 24hrs.  If you get other gifts sent to you they’ll go into a queue & when the 24hr period is up it’ll feed you gifts from the queue.  And Yes…Ollie’s gift does count toward your daily limit.

I’m Not Getting Secret Santa Gifts, Even Though I KNOW My Friend/Spouse/Partner etc Sent One To Me.
We’ve asked TinyCo About this….currently there are no known glitchs with getting gifts.  So it’s possible your timer just hasn’t reset yet (remember Ollie’s gift counts as 1 of the gifts for a 24hr period).  If you know it’s been longer than 24hrs with out a gift…try hard closing the app and restarting the game.  As they advise it can take a little while to get the gift to appear.  If that does not work…then your next step is to contact TinyCo and let them know you’re impacted by it.

How Can I Find/Add Friends For This Event?
Currently the only way to do this is via Facebook.  You can find friends on our Add Friends Feed here.

I Didn’t Get A Prize In my Gift Box!
This is direct from the in-game FAQ’s: “If you’re playing on Android, pressing the back button while opening the Gift Box will cancel the animation but the prize will always be awarded to your inventory . If you’ve won a building or decoration, it will be placed at the very end of your inventory. Materials you’ve won will be reflected in your item count.
If you experience a crash while opening the Gift Box, don’t worry! Similarly, the prize will always be awarded to your inventory. If you can’t find a new building or decoration in your inventory, check your item counts for new materials.”

Also…when checking your inventory make sure you check the ENTIRE thing, as many gifts will be towards the end of the list.

Will the Characters/Outfits Go Away After The Event Ends?
Direct from the in-game FAQ: “Any characters or outfits you have completely unlocked will be yours to keep after the event ends. If a character or outfit is not unlocked by the time the event ends, they will disappear for good.”

Will You Have A Post Coming On……?
We’re currently working on a TON of posts for you guys.  Between TQFS and the Event in TSTO Bunny and I are working double time trying to cover everything as best we can.  (so forgive us if we call clams donuts or vice versa)  More specific details will be coming in various posts…and we thank you so much for being patient as we get all the details out to you (remember…we still have to play the event ourselves to figure it all out).  If there’s something you’d like to see a specific post on (outside of the basics…like a post on what’s in the prize box etc) email us at with the subject Post idea & we’ll take a look.

Well my friends it looks like those are all the main questions we’re seeing so far.

Is there anything else YOU want to know?  What are your thoughts on the event so far?  Are you plugging along nicely, or do you feel like you’re behind?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

161 responses to “Addicts Question Corner Christmas Edition: Secret Santa, Ollie, Dolls, Jasper and More!

  1. I’ve tried to find a solution to my problem, but so far haven’t seen anyone having the same problem. I can’t send secret santa gifts as I have no “Give” option in the top right hand corner when I visit my neighbours. This is driving me insane as I have plenty to give out, and I want to give back to neighbours who have given to me, please help!!


  2. My phone malfunctioned and I literally just missed out on jasper by a few seconds. Have I lost the chance to get him now?


  3. Are they ever gonna introduce simpsons or south park to Quahog?


  4. Hi it says that if I purchase $9.99 of clams I will recieve 4000 gingerbreads and some snow flakes etc I am based in the uk does it still apply to me if so which one do I have to purchase? I have less then a day to get it a speedy response will be most grateful


  5. I used the Holiday Gift Box a couple times, but now it’s locked. Is this normal?


  6. I earned 64 clams in the last 24 hours! The bulk of those were “prizes” for giving gifts to my friends, the rest were from the Christmas cheer story line and just random things… I love the game and I don’t mind buying clams sometimes, but winning them is way more fun!!!


  7. I hope there’s a use for the 100 green stockings I have so far????


  8. Hot tip…

    If you check the wish list and click on any random character, it will take you to the workshop and highlight which tree ( and therefore box ) you need to search for the future. This works all the way down to Santa.


  9. Hey i havent seen this posted yet but when i made a striped gift box it was my last thing to get was the cheering stage instead i got i think it was called a free play was alot of green and red stockings and cookies was just wondering if anyone else experienced this now i got to wait another hour to get jasper lol


  10. is there going to be a die hard spoof for christmas because one of stan’s tasks requires nakatomi plaza and that’s from Die Hard one of the best Christmas movies ever


  11. Hi what do u mean the doll rate was upgraded I still get one doll per one santa so are we supposed to get more then one doll.


  12. How can I get rid of my Halloween Swanson house skin? You guys are so awesome with info and tips! Thank you! 😀


  13. Im on level two and I have unlocked most of stuff but it upgraded to tree before I could get Brian writting desk. Does that mess up my wish list?


    • What do you mean upgraded? No one can Upgrade their trees just yet. Only Holiday Cheer Levels keep going. The boxes lock now instead of disappear, but ONLY when the main buildings and decorations are won (not the cookies/materials). If you did NOT get one of the buildings/deco…report it right away to them.


  14. Hi, I have a glitch but I’m not sure if I should report it. In the Santa’s wish list, I have not unlocked Meg’s prize of the boyfriend/doll (I forget what he is) but I am able to do her special holiday task. I’ happy I have the task, but I’m worried it’s going to mess up my completion of the Santa wishlist task. Advice?


  15. My merry Xmas tree upgrade timer is stuck. Can’t upgrade the tree so I can’t make presents and unwrap them. Anyone else have this issue???


  16. Will they be doing deals on clams? I remember for the Halloween event, they did a deal if you buy more than 10$ worth of clams. Then you get couple thousands of vitals points. I have 20$ in my Google balance so was wondering if anyone knows if they are 🙂


  17. I just got something called a “free play” from the striped gift box? Any idea what this is/what I get out of it? All it seems to have done is put all the items I spent on the box back and make me restart the timer to wrap another striped box. Keep up the great work ladies!


  18. So I think my game has glitched. I opened all the holiday gift boxes I could before I unlocked Lois. And now that I actually have Lois and have the holiday gift box quest I can’t complete it! What do I do!?!?!?!?!?!


  19. Wondering about the demented elves. I got caught in the event crossover bug that put “santa’s reindeer” and “demented elf” for 1 coin in the shop (of COURSE bought about 7-8 each, sounded like fun!). Now I have 16 demented elves (the reindeer look like elves on screen), 1-2 CIA agents, 4-8 snowmen, and about 5 mall santas at any one time, along with the 20 or so regular characters…oh and pirates, lets not forget about the pirates (yeah I’m still at district 5 in my replay)…all occupying a short, cramped Quahog street.

    Anyone know how to be rid of unwanted demented elves, or am I doomed to have them terrorizing my town?


  20. What is the meaning of life?



  21. Hi sorry to be a bother but just wanted to check do you need to unlock the train station and start unlocking jasper before the next phase on Thursday.


  22. Has anyone achieved Cheer Level 5? I am wondering what it means by “Procrastinators.”


  23. I won the Snowy McBurgertown this morning. Remembered I had 34 in storage back from when you could buy more than one. Put them all in my town and was able to make them all snowy. Lots of free currency 🙂


  24. Anyone know where the North Pole sign you win for the first weekly challenge goes? Can’t find it….


  25. This site is awesome – thanks for all your hard work! 🙂
    Glad to see the doll drop rate has been improved, Lois was getting frustrated with so much jiggle for so little reward.


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