Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Jasper Makes the Yuletide Gay

Hello There Clammers!

An all new event has hit our Tiny Quahogs and it’s Christmas in Quahog.  Of course Christmas means…more time with family!  And Brian’s family makes an appearance…well 1 member of his family anyway Jasper!

So let’s take a look at the quick walkthrough for Jasper & just what happens when he enters your Quahog…


This questline will not start until you’ve unlocked Sexy Santa Lois

Make the Yuletide Gay Pt. 1
Lois starts

Pick Up a Surprise at the Christmas Train Station- 200 Cookies, 8hr Repair

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

Make the Yuletide Gay Pt. 2
Lois starts

Get Stuff for Jasper- Craft prizes in the Gift Boxes to unlock Jasper.  

Here’s what you’ll need to unlock Jasper:

The Happy GreekHappy Greek- Get the Happy Greek From a Holiday Gift Box

Johnny's Dance StudioDance Studio- Get the Dance Studio From a Striped Gift Box

The Dance StageCheer Stage- Get the Cheer Stage from a Striped Gift Box.

Have Jasper Clear Mall Santa- 2hrs, Earns 10 Cookies 2 HC and 1 Doll Stocking

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

Make the Yule Tide Gay Pt. 3
Jasper starts

Place a Dickens’ Lamp- 50 Cookies

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament 

Make the Yule Tide Gay Pt. 4
Jasper starts

Have Jasper Do a Cheer- 4hrs, Earns 15 Cookies, 3HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

Make the Yule Tide Gay Pt. 5
Jasper starts

Have Jasper Eat Cheese Doodles- 1hr, Earns 5 Cookies, 1 HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament 

Make the Yule Tide Gay Pt. 6
Jasper starts

Have Jasper Dance to Techno Music- 20hrs, Earns 45 Cookies, 9 HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament


And that completes Jasper’s questline when he arrives in Quahog!

What do YOU think of the event so far?  Have you unlocked Jasper yet?  How close are you?  Thoughts on Jasper’s questline?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

68 responses to “Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Jasper Makes the Yuletide Gay

  1. i did unlock him, or at least I think so. Had him doing stuff for a while, but not anymore. Just standing in one place holding his phone…


  2. Why is jasper standing in one place texting? I can’t do anything with him, is it because I didn’t get all the stuff from gift boxes? And will the same happen to phinneas and barnaby?


  3. i made a striped box literally 5 times and still havent gotten the cheer stage which is the last thing i need to unlock jasper.


  4. Hey, I was wondering.. What do I do if I can’t find Jasper? I had him up until a few hours ago. I checked all over my Quahog, and even my inventory but I can’t find him. Anyone got any ideas or answers? Please and thank you in advance!!!


  5. I haven’t been able to load my game all day, I’ve had to uninstall and reinstall it over 6 times all day and now I’ve finally managed to get through this glitch, Jasper has timed out!!

    I can’t believe I’ve lost out on unlocking Jasper thanks to a stupid glitch, especially as I was so so close!! Will we bet getting another chance to unlock him?! So frustrated 😩


  6. Taking way to long to get jasper. I don’t have enough time left to get 5 more stalkings before the end of the timer. Is jasper gone for good when the timer runs out? Only need the dance studio. Been playing sevral times a day.


  7. Hi. My clampterprise is stuck in one spot and will not let me move it or store it. When I tap on it, it goes back to the regular screen. On top of that, ever since this started to happen, Patrick Stewart disappeared from my Quahog! What should I do!?!?!


  8. It took me so long to get Jasper, which I was doing so that he could clear Mall Santas, and after I got him I can’t open striped gift boxes. He’s been only helpful to get more HC and cookies. I got all prizes, except the 300 cookies. So, my question is: I won’t need the red socks anymore?


    • It disappears when only Materials are left as the cost is the same as the payout…so…pointless.


    • Knowing TinyCo they will give us a way to spend the event cash that we have loads of, at least I hope. I am still clearing Santas for that reason. Plus I have had a Santa drop a Clam once before so there’s that.


  9. I still need the Cheer Stage and the Dance Studio to unlock Jasper, but for some reason the Striped Gift Box is now locked which makes it impossible to get him.. Argh


  10. I have the dance studio but I never got the happy Greek and it won’t let me wrap anymore holiday gifts. Can I not get jasper anymore because of it? I haven’t build the train station yet waiting to get his items.


  11. as soon as i got lois’s costume i began building the station and with 3 days to spare i was able to get jasper. nothing wrong with prudence in delaying the station but i was able to get all 3 items needed to release him. hope everyone else has had no trouble getting him.


  12. So….as of this morning Jerome can wrap gifts and quagmire can earn some cheer. Yay !


  13. Hey guys,
    A little help?
    I need Cheer stage and Dance Studio to unlock Jasper.
    To get those I need red stockings, no?
    TO get red stockings I need to catch mall santas.
    To catch mall santas I need JASPER!
    What do I do?


    • You need Sexy Santa Lois. Then she will help. Also, gifts from friends help.


      • Very slow – unless you can play the game every 2 hours, Sexy Santa Lois is very little help – so as a player who usually played 2-3 times a day, that makes 2-3 stockings a day – made my 2nd Striped Gift Box, and nope – not a building I need to unlock Jasper – so at the minimum another 4-5 days (if I get both buildings I need) to unlock Jasper. Ugh, I hate it when games geared towards players who are in the game all day long – when if they thought about it, those are the players who are more likely to spend real money and should gear the game more towards the casual player, as then those who spend all day playing will pay to help speed things up. Very backwards.


  14. Been 3 days of wrapping presents and still havent got 1 thing i need for Jasper. Only 4 days left. I keep getting misc decorations. Any suggestions?


  15. familyguyforever

    Got Jasper today, thanks for the heads up regarding stuff to unlock him. Took my last three boxes to get him, gave me the doll stockings twice in a row, but third time lucky got the dance studio at last, have sexy Lois so patiantly for tomorow, when the tree updates and hopefully new stuff, this update has already tempted me into buyings clams, and more than likely if some good stuff comes out possibly will do again. Some nice stuff free in the last lot of boxes. Keep up the goid work Tiny and thanks for a good update up to now.


  16. Hello Addicts! I was wanting to know if I could repair the train station without triggering Jaspers 7 day timer?? I still need the cheer stage & I’m working on getting 2 more red stockings to open gift boxes. Thanks for all the info & help.


    • If you accept option to repair, just do NOT tap the check mark. Tapping the check mark on it will complete it and start the timer. So be careful if you go that route. Otherwise…just keep wrapping and opening gifts til you have all of Jaspers.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Got him this morning after getting 2 dolls from a Secret Santa gift to wrap the striped box I needed for the Dance Studio (last item I needed to unlock him). So happy that I could knock it out so early today so I can put Jasper on Mall Santa duty and free up Lois for other tasks (though I think I only have one striped gift box left to wrap anyway; who knows how many dolls will be needed later after the tree upgrades and more gift boxes unlock).

    Anyways, a huge thanks to you gals for giving the heads up on not fully repairing (clicking the check box) the train station to delay the timer; thanks to you I was able to get him with over 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes to spare. Talk about stress-free!


  18. i just need the dance studio. then i get jasper. have 6 days left to get him


  19. Got Jasper last night, doing his last task now. Are the 4 characters for Christmas (including Santa) definitely the only 4? I would love it if KISS saves Santa like they do on the show! Can you two sweet talk TinyCo to get them on it?


    • We only know what we see right now. Your best bet is to send them a message with what you’d like to see.. 🙂


    • Knowing how Gene Simmons is, he would want too much money to make this happen. Can’t say I blame him. Dude is a heck of a business man.

      The potential actions between him and Lois could be epic though, lol.


  20. Been reading for days from others that the doll stockings are not dropping but i got santa lois yesterday and every santa has dropped 1 since 🙂 excellent


  21. OMG…I noticed that Jasper’s name was miss spelled after i hit the post comment. Gosh darn it.


  22. I have Jsaper on his last task.
    With 9hrs and 30 mins left. What I want to know…do we get to keep the train station??? I do want that in my quahog.
    Getting ready for the next update on the tree and the new gift boxes.


  23. Thank you for posting this, I’m waiting to earn what I need to try and unlock the dance studio then I got everything I need 🙂


  24. Is Brian necessary to get Jasper? I haven’t unlocked him yet as a character and it’ll be a while…

    I don’t plan to start Jasper’s timer unless I already have his 3 building/decos, but I want to double-check first.


  25. jotto1987 – sent you facebook friend request from my game account. thanks!


  26. You unlock Jasper by getting items from the stripped gift boxes, but I can’t make any stripped gift boxes because I don’t have the doll stockings, which you get from clearing mall Santas, which you can’t do unless you have Jasper unlocked… Is there some other way to get them that I’m not seeing?


  27. Working on unlocking Jasper now. I have Sexy Santa Lois and the Happy Greek, but it feels like it’s taking forever to earn the green Christmas stockings to unlock other presents. I wish Lois wasn’t the only character who could get rid of Mall Santas (aside from Jasper). It feels like too many of these Christmas questlines require her participation on top of her being the only one who can get rid of a Mall Santa. It would have been fun if they made a similar outfit for Bonnie, Connie, or even Meg (maybe with the Santa running away in horror? Heh.) so they could do the same actions.


  28. The seven day countdown begins once you complete the train station, but Jasper only unlocks once you’ve got his stuff, right? So theoretically, I could just not bother to complete the train station until I’ve grabbed everything then he would unlock right away, yes?


  29. I think gamer was referring to all those new Christmas buildings.


  30. Those doll stockings are still a really slow go even with the snowmen always dropping. I bought the Orphanage but that spawn is long. It’s a bit off that Jasper is the other one that can earn them yet two of the items for his unlock need them. I haven’t broken down for another 100 clams on the house decor.


  31. Does anyone need a steady present/gift trader for the current event? I need at least 1 reliable secret Santa. Care to apply?
    Add me; JJ junior (Facebook)
    Jotto1987@gmail.com (email)

    I have no neighbors other than Ollie who been sending gifts and I send gift to random players.

    If anyone accepts my request and sends gifts when then can, I will send you all the gifts as they come.

    Level 50 FG:TQFS
    45 unlocked in town


  32. I’m still 4 dresses away from getting sexy santa louis. Had them going constantly and barely any drops!


  33. Anyone know how to get the North Pole deco? And each time I have Bonnie wrap a gift, nothing pops up. Help please and thank you.


  34. I hate how all the buildings cost clams. I understand thats how they make money but they can atleast have some that dont cost clams.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ???? They don’t cost clams. You win them. It only costs IF you want to buy them and not create the gift boxes. Otherwise, you can get them just fine with regular game play.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Was the Griffin house free? I spent my clams on it- was going to save up in case they have reindeer that need clams but decided I would probably need stuff from the house to get anywhere. I failed most of the halloween tasks because I was saving for brain damaged horse.

        Whats the most cost efficient thing to spend cookies on to get holiday cheer and which taske are most time efficient for cookies?

        Loving the snow by the way, so pretty! I hope they bring out penguins or polar bears!


        • You are commenting on a post about the Walkthrough for Jasper. So…I assumed you meant the buildings FOR Jasper…of which this post touches on.

          The rest of the info is more something you find details and tips on the main posts about the event. Not on a character specific walkthrough. Lol.

          As far as the rest…it honestly comes down to make items for walkthroughs, then focus on what YOU want in your game and work towards that goal. LOTS of info all over our site for the event.


  35. I got so far behind on this waiting for the santa dresses to fall for Lois’s costume, I’ve just cleared my 2nd mall santa (though I did the 12-hour pageant task with Lois as well). Hopefully with the increased doll drop rates I can get lucky and get the items needed for Jasper quickly and catch up…


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