Addicts Holiday Contest: Lights, Camera, Quahog!

The contest is now closed.  We will be reviewing the entries and have the top ten finalists up for voting soon.  Good luck to everyone who entered! 

Hello There Clammers!

Tis’ the season to be giving, right clammers? And here at Family Guy Addicts we’re getting into the Christmas Spirit.  We’ve got the trees lit up, carols playing, egg nog chillin’ and we’ve completely lost our minds!  (Sounds like every other frantic Christmas shopper out there huh?)

We’ve decided to get into Christmas Spirit by giving away $175 worth of Clams!!!  That’s right, $175 in FREE Clams!  We’ve completely lost our minds (as if they were ever in tact to begin with…)

So let’s talk about this  Contest (before we change our minds)…..


Christmas has arrived in Quahog, have you been naughty or nice?  Let’s find out with Addicts contest! 

Here’s the deal….

We want to see YOUR favorite Quahog designs!!  You can show us Christmas Stuff, Halloween Stuff, Comic-Con Stuff…whatever you want.  We just want to see YOUR Quahog Creativity!

Pick one area of your town* and design it to the max with whatever you want.  There is no limit to what you can do here, we want to see your cheesiest, brightest, craziest creative display.  2D, 3D, premium or not, just make your town look awesome!!!

Then…send us your screen shots (post them in the comment section below or email them to us at & make sure you put Contest in the subject line). Best designed town, as picked by the fans, will be crowned our Design Champion of 2014!!

*The “area of your town” does not have to be your entire town.  It can be a section (like a neighborhood, the woods etc) or it can just be a building.  Of course if you want to submit your entire town that’s cool too, just remember whatever you submit will be judged.

Here’s how you win….

Silver Gift Box in Wagon

All designs must be submitted by 11:59pm Eastern Time on December 20th, 2014.  The Addicts team will go through all entries and pick the top 10 that we think are the absolute best designs.  We will post the top 10 on our website first thing Monday morning (12/22/14), and then open it up to the readers of to vote on which one they like the best.  Voting will open once they are posted and voting will close by December 23rd 2014 at 11:59pm EST.  The top 3 vote getters will be our big winners.  Winners will be announced on December 24th, 2014.

Here’s what you can win…


-3rd Place- A Crate of 600 Clams (in the form of a $25 iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon Gift Card)

-2nd Place- A Drum of 1,600 Clams (in the form of a $50 iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon Gift Card)

-1st Place- A TANK of clams, yes that’s 3,500 clams! (in the form of a $100 iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon Gift Card)

 Need help posting your entry?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help!  If you’re having problems posting the image URL you can use dropbox, Flickr or another site to do this.  Just right click on the image and click copy image URL.  That link will be saved on your “clipboard”, you can then paste it in the comment section below.  Still need help?  Send us a message and we’ll gladly assist you anyway that we can!

Have fun and we can’t wait to see your designs!

And now for the Legal stuff….

Here are the Official Rules:

Each contestant may only submit ONE entry! (no revisions once submitted.  If multiple entries are submitted by the same reader only the FIRST entry submitted will be accepted)
Valid email address must be provided when submitting an entry, this will be how we will contact you to let you know you’re one of the top 10. (email address provided in the comment form, they are not published on the blog and only viewable by the Addicts staff.)
Unfortunately, because of the nature of the Gift Cards, Gift Cards can only be awarded to Clammers in the US 18 and older.  To our friends outside of the US 18 and older you may enter the contest but an alternate prize may be awarded at Addicts discretion if a gift card for your country cannot be secured.
Void where prohibited
No purchase necessary
Addicts writers, and family members are not eligible to participate.
You must let us know within 1 week of winning which platform (iOS, Amazon/Kindle or Android) you’d prefer the GC on.
All entries must be received by 11:59PM EST on December 20th 2014
Voting ends at 11:59pm EST December 23rd 2014
Vote totals will not be seen until after contest is over.
All entries will be reviewed by Family Guy Addicts writers prior to posting.
Any entry deemed by the Addicts team as not PG, will not be posted and not be eligible to participate in the contest.
Prizes are as follows:
– 3rd Place- A Crate of 600 Clams (in the form of a $25 iTunes/Google Play/Amazon Gift Card)
-2nd Place- A Drum of 1,600 Clams (in the form of a $50 iTunes/Google Play/Amazon Gift Card)
-1st Place- A TANK of clams, yes that’s 3,500 clams! (in the form of a $100 iiTunes/Google Play/Amazon Gift Card)
All gift cards will be awarded to winners electronically.
Intimate Apparel Peter Contest Winners are not eligible to win.
Gift cards will be awarded for the amounts indicated above.  Family Guy Addicts is not responsible for any taxes and fess that may occur outside of the rates indicated in The Quest for Stuff by TinyCo (Tank at $99.99USD, Drum at $49.99USD & Crate at $19.99USD).
Contest winner is responsible for all taxes and fees that may occur when purchasing.
This contest is not affiliated with Google, iTunes, Amazon, TinyCo, Fox  or anyone else in association with Family Guy, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, Amazon, Google and iTunes.
For a copy of the official rules email Family Guy Addicts at
(keep in mind if you ask for the official rules we’re just going to resend you this list in a PDF format)

Good luck Addicts!!  We can’t wait to see your designs!

What do YOU think of the contest?  Will you be sending in a submission?  What would you spend the clams on?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

134 responses to “Addicts Holiday Contest: Lights, Camera, Quahog!

  1. i didn’t wanna mess with the Dropbox thing so i emailed my entry to you about a few hours, did ya get it? 🙂


  2. Ashley Gualderama

    This is my map, nothing to special, but I am proud of it! 😀 Totally in love with this Christmas Season tho! (Fingers crossed)


  3. Well, there’s a lot happening in my Tiny Quahog, but here’s a quick snapshot of the core of it.
    Here’s what’s happening:
    – Cleveland is taking a bath outside the Spa!?
    – There’s a big deposit in front of the bank.
    – See the school district, the striped car parked behind…
    – There’s also a public services district, available for the Griffins 24/7
    – The mall is in full holiday mode.
    – The Clam Festival is in town!
    – You can see Area 51 on top (but can’t prove it)
    – and there’s a bunch of cheap condos across the mall, bringing me moolah with low maintenance.


  4. Just send you my entry! Hope you all enjoy and Merry Christmas!


  5. ” in tact” lmao


  6. Certainly nothing had been the same since “the troubles”. Eventually, they put up a chain link fence to discourage kids (although they still got in) and then a few businesses put up factories because the land was cheap, but the real change came after the prison was built.
    Then a few businesses came, but they were always the sketchy ones, the ones no one wants in their neighbourhood – the gin joints, the porn shops, the gambling houses, those odd stores you never see anyone in, but that are open all the time. They had even tried to improve the water front with a family friendly area, but it never took off somehow.
    Clearly, that end of town was never going to be gentrified, and right in the heart of it was the old Johnson house, sitting there, like a squamous toad, waiting.
    And waiting …

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Just checking to make sure you recieved mine


  8. Need to get my wife to enter this. She blows up her town once a week and redesigns. I think this is something she could do really well in.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Did you guys get mine? 🙂


  10. How do we know if you received my photo on email ?


  11. This is a little corner of town I set up after the post-Halloween nuclear bomb went off. My tribute to the Walking Dead, Pet Sematary and Children of the Corn. (I got the paste function to work from a real computer, I hope)


  12. This is my contest entry. Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Here is my entry of my entire town:

    Liked by 4 people

    • How where u able to do this and still have a clear view of the town? What app or program did u use if u don’t mind me asking.


  14. Is it hard to take a pic of ur whole town? I know it’s easy with just a section, click and paste but it just seem so hard to do a whole town. Any advice?


    • I did a very very very long detailed post on stitching a town on our other site. I can link it if you’d like. Others have used methods like Microsoft Ice.

      I still haven’t found a really good app just yet that stitches a LOT of photos at once. Most only handle a few and if you got the pics dead on.


      • I was able to find an app that stitches the town together smoothly but after all that I could barely zoom in. Is it be cuz of the pic quality or cuz of the app? I did it on a note 4 but I was wondering if the pic is better if I do it the way u show us how over the the site. U think the quality is better on a pc instead? Just seem so much work.


        • It all depends on what YOU want to show. Zoom will limit the bigger the screen area gets as it comes down to quality. Its like putting standard definition on an HD TV. After so much zooming in, it looks like crap.


  15. My town area for all the items from past events!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Someone caused a traffic jam.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. This is my favourite area, Egypt and comic con


  18. $100 price ?? .. !!
    Woods it is then,..
    .. * Ding you have mail

    Dont’ worry it’s a screenshot of well .. the woods.. taken early this morning just outside of quahog…


  19. I can’t get Dropbox & WordPress to play well together. I followed the steps in the how to post & got Dropbox installed, photos uploaded & then when I try to copy & paste the link into the WordPress dialog box nothing happens. Don’t know what is going wrong. Oh well.


  20. I like to keep things looking like a real town so I mix everything together and store most of the things. This is a small corner.


  21. Hope this works!


  22. I need to place everything, and still keep it kleen. A litte part of my town. 🙂 Notice how Herbert place is next to the playground, schools and kindergarden 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  23. My favorite holiday)


  24. radiativedreams

    May I post my image (If I decide to) just on the site in general?
    Or must I have to use Dropbox?


  25. If you choose to win an Amazon gift card instead of Google or iTunes, please wait an extra 3 to 5 days. Because, you know the drill Kindle users… you’re used to it!


  26. I have 3 entries:

    Fabulous Four Headquarters:

    The evil influence of Mutant Stewie:

    Aliens vs. Deadites:


    • i thought we are only allowed to submit 1 entry??? actually that’s the very 1st rule lol


      • It is also listed only first one accepted regardless. 😉

        It’s fine. Some people are really proud of their towns and wanna show them off. I don’t mind seeing all the ideas. 🙂


  27. Oh my , I just sent my screen shot to your email. I wish myself luck with all these beautiful city’s .


  28. timthepanda221

    Happy late Halloween Clammers!


  29. Hi all just a question. I’m going to enter the TSTO contest, is it cool to enter this one too?


  30. Here we go. My town is still a major rework in progress but this is the area that I have nearly finished (until more Christmas Dec’s come out 😉 )


  31. My neighborhood isn’t that special, I just tried to fit all the object in like a puzzle piece so that’s what I call it. Plus I got the Stay puff man and alien queen on that for some goodness.


  32. Hey, how can I take a picyure of my iPad?


  33. I’ve tried posting my town several times, but its not showing up


  34. My entry to the competition: my chinatown ^^

    Happy hollidays clammers! & good luck to all!


  35. You asked us how we would spend our donuts. Did you mean clams? 😉


  36. Jennifer Feliciano

    Walking Dead in Quohog!!!


  37. 😆omg so excited! but i need to decide which area to submit! awesome idea!😊


  38. FYI: In the sections citing “in the form of a $xx gift card…” you posted correct dollar amounts in the second portion “Here are the Official Rules:”, but used $25 for all three under the “Here’s how you win…” section.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. zombiepanda2007

    Here’s a link to “2014-12-15 06.08.39.png” in my Dropbox:

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Don’t wiz on the electric fence… sorry, just had a Ren & Stimpy moment there. Now that would be a great crossover lol


  41. zombiepanda2007

    Do you have to do this thru a computer? I downloaded Dropbox but I’m not near a computer nor will I be. How do I submit my entry?


  42. How do I take a screenshot on a galaxy s4? I know how to do it outside the game but the screen just moves in the game and doesn’t take a picture.


  43. Cool, except for the fact that I’ve been locked out of my game for the last two and a half days and haven’t received a response from tinyco yet. The 20tg is my birthday yknow! That’s gotta be worth something!

    Liked by 1 person