Phase 3 Jolly Christmas Tree Is HERE!!

Hey there yah bunch of Yettis.

The new Phase 3 of Miracle on Spooner Street is here! So get to updating to the Jolly Christmas Tree to see all the cool new stuff!!

As per usual…MORE TO COME!!

Puppy Brian Delay Pop Up Image

More details in a bit but for now know that Peter will trigger the week 3 challenge.  If you don’t want to start it…don’t tap Peter after Part 3 of the main questline has triggered.

Update from Alissa…Details below the fold..

New Buildings

Snowy HospitalSnowy Hospital- 500 Cookies.  Earns 16 Cookies and 3 HC/12hrs (a Skin for the Hospital)

Superstore USASuperstore USA- 250 Cookies, 4hr Build.  Earns 12 cookies and 2 HC/ 8hrs.  Chance to drop Spiked Eggnog.

Bunny HillBunny Hill- 250 Cookies, Earns 50 Cookies and 10 HC/ 6hrs.  Chance to drop a shovel for Jingle Joe.

Holiday Babble Greeting CardsHoliday Babble Greeting Cards- 100 Clams.  Earns 10 Cookies and 2 HC/ 6hrs.  Always drops the Wrapping Paper Stocking.

Christmas Swanson HouseChristmas Swanson House- 75 Clams.  Earns 10 Cookies and 2 HC/ 6hrs.  Always drops one of the items needed for Jingle Joe.

New Decorations

Jolly Snow GlobeJolly Snow Globe- 100 Cookies.

Tiny TannenbaumTiny Tannenbaum- 50 Cookies.

Sweetheart's GazeboSweetheart’s Gazebo- 100 Cookies.

Elve's DisplayElves Display- 75 Cookies.

Kiddy TrainKiddy Train- 75 Cookies.

New Costume

This time we’re creating Jingle Joe.

Jingle Joe

Joe with warmer clothes.  Jingle Joe will be able to help attack the Yeti.  Here’s what you’ll need to collect to get Jingle Joe.

Christmas Cookies1,000 Cookies

Spiked Eggnog15 Spiked Eggnog- Get From: Make Herbert Read to Children OR Make Mr. Weed Take a CPR Class OR Make Joe Give Self a Sponge Bath OR Get From Superstore USA OR Get From the Christmas Swanson House

Snow Shovel15 Snow Shovels- Get From: Make Peter Shop the Sales OR Make Felicia Day Play Freeze Tag OR Make Chris Shop for Toys OR Get From Bunny Hill OR Get from Christmas Swanson House

Christmas Wreath10 Christmas Wreath- Get From: Make Intimate Apparel Peter Buy Designer Toys OR Make Bruce Be a Good Listener OR Get From the Christmas Swanson House

For Those curious it’ll cost you around 300 Clams to purchase outright.  Depending on how many cookies you have.

Jingle Joe also has a task to help you earn more Furbals.

Puppy Brian

Puppy Brian

You’ll find Puppy Brian in the Workshop.  He’s similar to Jesus, in that you have to craft him.  Here’s what you’ll need to get him:

Christmas Cookies5,000 Cookies

Candy Cane Stocking 110 Candy Cane Stockings 

Red Doll Stocking10 Doll Stockings

Wrapping Paper Stocking40 Wrapping Paper Stockings

UPDATE BUNNY: Just an FYI, Puppy Brian is TEEEEEEENY. Like extremely small and cute. It is a costume for Brian complete with tasks. To give you an idea just how teeny, here he is next to Brian. (Think how small Brian is.)Puppy Brian vs Brian


Even more, here is a shot of the Puppy roaming my town covered in snow, can YOU spot him in the pic?Puppy Brian Teeny

New Character

Babs Pewterschmidt is here!Babs Pewterschmidt

Note: You will have FIVE days to unlock her.

In similar fashion to Jasper you’ll have to “repair” the Train Station (yes again…Jasper must have wrecked it with all his cheering) to find Babs.  Repairing the station takes 4hrs and costs 200 cookies.  You cannot repair the station until you’ve trigger the Five Golden Rings questline. (This triggers around Prophets vs Profits Part 4)

Do not repair the Train Station until you’re ready…you will only have 5 Days to unlock Babs.  So be sure you’re ready before you do it! 

Once you find her you’ll need items from various gift boxes to unlock her.  Here’s what you’ll need:

Death Roe CaviarDeath Row Caviar (From Snowflake Giftbox)
Hanukkah Bush
-Hanukkah Bush (Fancy Giftbox)
Les Bijoux
Les Bijoux (Fancy Giftbox)

New Gift Box

The Fancy Gift Box is here now!

Fancy Gift Box Phase 3


To create it you’ll need:

Christmas Cookies750 Cookies

Red Doll Stocking2 Doll Stockings

Wrapping Paper Stocking3 Wrapping Paper Stockings

Takes 3 hrs to create once you have enough..

We will have a full post about each item that’s inside but here’s a quick list:

Royal Tea SetRoyal Tea Set

Yule LogYule Log

Christmas Quahog MallChristmas Quahog Mall

Les BijouxLes Bijoux

Hanukkah BushHanukkah Bush


New Targets to Attack


2014-12-20 00.40.10

Basically…it’s Comic-Con and Halloween all over again.  Break out those mazes because it’s time to bomb some animated characters again!

You’d think TinyCo would get the hint…when this was the LEAST favorite part of Halloween.  ANYWAY…

To Bomb the Procrastinators you have to collect Furballs.  You then use the furballs to “bomb” as many Procrastinators in 1 shot as you can.

There are two kinds of Procrastinators.  Naughty ones and Nice ones.  Each one drops different rewards….

Christmas Shoppers 2 Naughty- Drops Cookies, HC & Occasionally Clams

Christmas Shoppers 1 Nice- Drops Wrapping Paper Stockings and Christmas Cookies.

Again…you’ll need Furbals to bomb the Procrastinators.  You can earn them through various characters:

Furbal Icon

Jingle JoeJingle Joe- Rage Shop, 4hrs

QuagmireQuagmire- Donate Toys, 4hrs

ChrisChris- Shop for Toys, 4hrs

JasperJasper- Do a Cheer, 4hrs

cleveland-animation-actionmodal-001@4xCleveland- Browse Figurines, 4hrs

And because I know you’ll all ask…

What’s the Spawn Rate for Last Minute Shoppers?

Per Tinyco…The Amount of Last Minute Shoppers in your town will vary depending on your level.  Generally, these shoppers will spawn every 2-6hrs for a max of 10-15 in your town at 1 time.

More Furballs (to beat Procrastinators)


Furbal1 Furbal- 10 Clams 

12 FurbalsPack of 12 Furbals- 90 Clams

48 FurbalsPack of 48 Furbals- 300 Clams

Week 3 Challenge

This Challenge is Trigger by Peter AFTER Part 3 of the main questline is triggered.  So if you don’t want to start this task…DO NOT tap Peter after you trigger Part 3 of Profits vs. Prophets.

For this week’s challenge…you’ll have to bomb 100 Procrastinators in 4 days.

2014-12-20 00.44.43

And for this week’s prize you’ll receive Mutant Elves.

2014-12-20 01.52.56

Again…we suggest the maze method for successfully completing this.  More specific details are coming but check out these posts from events past about mazes:

Comic-Con Maze
Halloween Maze

UPDATE BUNNY: As you can see in the image above, the prize for the Challenge was not the correct image. It glitched and showed the Elves Display instead. The actual Challenge prize is what it showed in the Pop Up for the Challenge…the Mutant/Demented Elf. Just the one. And it runs around on the streets of your town as soon as you tap on it to get it out of storage. It is small, like size of Stewie. 

Demented Mutant Elf

Gold Mystery Box

There’s a new premium Mystery Box available for 50 Clams.

Gold Clam Gift Box

We’ll have a more detailed post on this…but for now here’s what’s inside:

UPDATE BUNNY: DO NOT SPEND CLAMS ON THIS RIGHT AWAY!!! You will notice several of these items are available for purchase for just Christmas Cookies. BUY THEM WITH COOKIES FIRST. This will narrow down the items in the box to just a few, making you spend LESS Clams and get the extras for cheaper if you still want to risk the Clams on them. (See below). Once you have all the Decorations/Buildings the Gold Box will close out. 

Elve's Display-Elves Display
Kiddy Train-Kiddy Train
Bunny Hill-Bunny Hill
Meg's Pink Luxury Car-Meg’s Pink Luxury Car
Peter's Christmas Tank-Peter’s Tank
Christmas Cookies-250 Christmas Cookies
Red Doll Stocking-10 Doll Stockings
Wrapping Paper Stocking– 5 Wrapping Paper Stockings
Clams-100 Clams
Clams-150 Clams

Note: A lot of these items you can purchase with Cookies.  IF you purchase them with Cookies before the Gold Box…they will be removed from the Gold Box.  Thus increasing your chances to get clams!

(Note: Cookies, Clams, Stockings are non-unique items.  Everything else will disappear once won/purchased)

Note there IS a known glitch with this…Per TinyCo

Known bug: storing moving decorations will cause the game to crash
The new Gold Gift Box includes two decorations that are animated, Meg’s Pink Luxury Car and Peter’s Tank. There is currently a known bug if you try to store these items, it will cause your game to crash. This currently only affects iOS players and we’re working on a fix!

New Yeti!

Top Hat Yeti has arrived!

2014-12-20 02.28.50


Currently I’ve got to wait 4hrs before I can attack Top Hat Yeti.  Once it unlocks I’ll let you know what the Life Level is.


So that my friends are all the details on phase 3 of Christmas!

What do YOU think of Phase 3?  Thoughts on the Procrastinators?  How about the new character additions?  Jingle Joe?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

644 responses to “Phase 3 Jolly Christmas Tree Is HERE!!

  1. What do I need for Peter to buy designer toys?


  2. Why can I not find the elves display for sale in my store is just in the premium gold gift box


  3. I am trying to get Babs. I have everything I need except the death row caviar. Is there another way to get building other than the snowflake box which is now locked? If I missed getting that building when the snowflake box was available does that mean I cannot get Babs?


  4. do the nice shoppers drop cookies OR wrapping paper? or are they all supposed to drop paper? cuz i will hit 6 nice shoppers and get only 1 paper and 5 cookies. is that normal?


  5. Really quite peeved right now on my quest to find Jesus. ; ) I finally got back through and defeated the childish yeti. It advanced to Top Hat but I didn’t get the reward for childish so I’m still sitting short of the stocking to get Jesus. It’s just about enough to lose faith. :/


  6. I hope other people are having better luck with the nice shoppers dropping stockings, because I’m sure not. I even spent 90 clams for 12 extra furbals to help my total. Didn’t work, I’m getting about 1 stocking for every 5 or 6 nice procrastinators bombed.


    • I agree. I was getting 8 or 9 at a time and sometimes would not get even 1 stocking. I had to spend clams for furballs and stocking. If I hadn’t wanted that stupid puppy I would have just said forget it.


  7. It is way too easy to accidentally buy presents with clams. I already lost 125 clams that od been saving for buying bruce Willis.


  8. I just went to visit my neighbors …. and I got a Consuela telling me I need an update before I can visit them …. weird.
    I’m all updated with the newest version. I checked store.


  9. Is it possible to get Jesus without using any claims? It’s just that I don’t think I have enough time to get the 15000 cookies and 5000 for Brian even though I play every day a lot


  10. I’m having a really hard time trying to get cookies. I have all the buildings that drop them but I run out so fast. Anyone have any ideas?


  11. I beat top hat yeti and got some clams and something else but don’t know what it was!?!? Nothing new in my inventory?


  12. On Santa’s list it says getting the item unlocks new actions but I’m not seeing them for Stewie or Seamus?


  13. Realy tired of having to restart the yeti because I have to work so that I can occasionally buy clams. This is getting stupid


  14. I dont understand all the complaints about the procrastinaters.

    It so far has not been difficult at all to deal with them. I had 100 for the challenge within a day. Then i put focus on green, only taking a shot if I see 3 or more green jackets in one group. Up to 31 wrapping papers (already opened all fancy gifts)
    I got a handful of wrapping paper from the gold box. But even if I HADNT, I could still say Puppy Brian is attainable in a week of casual play. Tops.

    Oh and the whole maze thing isnt particularly useful… some get pathed in there but not enough to bomb


  15. You’d think they’d make the snowmen drop relevant stockings… Instead of giving me 500+ stockings that are unusable… But I’ve only gotten 3 of the new stockings from bombing shoppers even tho I’ve bombed like 70 of them..


  16. I don’t know if anyone else has said this but the last minute shoppers are tappable now (like the old Mutant Stewies). Just keep tapping to gather a bunch in one spot them Blamo!


  17. I bombed 100 shoppers (and received the elves) but when I tried clicking on the elf item it disappeared from my inventory, and is no where to be seen in my town


  18. is puppy brian here until the end? or do we have to craft him before the next tree update?


  19. I just unlocked Jesus and now need 27 wrappers to get puppy Brian and I’m waiting for the train station to finish repair and get Babs. Do you think anymore premium characters will show up for purchase or was John McClain was it?


  20. Wrapping paper is not dropping very much for me from the “Nice” procrastinators. Anyone else noticing that?

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Anyone got new android 1.5.5 update yet with tap to stop feature ?


  22. Is anyone else getting the “you need to upgrade your game in order to visit this neighbour” error? I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled but still whenever I tap the button to visit other Quahogs I get that and it dumps me back to my own town :-/


  23. Is anyone else getting the “you need to upgrade your game in order to visit this neighbour” error? I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled but still whenever I tap the button to visit other Quahogs I get that and it dumps me back to my own town :-/


  24. Bunny help!! I can’t get in the game with my android 😢 it said I need to update but I have no update in my playstore. I did get on with my ipad… is this a known issue? 😢


  25. I am finding the yeti impossible to beat unless I am playing 24/7 or spend clams. It really doesn’t seem fair. I buy clams for enjoyment of the game. I don’t feel it’s fair to have to buy clams just to complete tasks. It’s seems that I would have to buy Jon and play 24/7 just to get through all the yetis. Even the rewards from the yetis don’t seem to allow an average player to obtain Jesus. This is just my 2 cents.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Your two cents is gladly accepted into my donut fund.

      Liked by 1 person

    • After the 2nd yeti, I have to defeat him once, without clams. I have Jon and Lois. Clam rushed Mort to get him on it and now have Jesus, too. I still have to use clams to rush one or two character’s tasks to beat him in time. Really frustrating and I’m not buying anymore clams. I’ve spent $70 on clams just during/for this event.
      Every time it happens, it’s like the game is giving me 2 giant middle fingers. Really starting to resent the tricks they pull. I’m so sorry I have to sleep, pay attention to my family and work. I get that we want a challenge, can’t make it too easy… but why make it so the game has to be the focal point of our lives in order to fully enjoy it? I know I don’t HAVE to play, but I have been since the week it launched. This is supposed to be a fun, little thing I have for myself. Not something I have to set alarms for in order to accomplish the tasks presented. Alarms?! Unless it’s to feed my child, walk my dog, cook a roast or wake up for work… jeebus, alarms! People are setting alarms just to beat the thing! I can’t even right now…. (sorry for vent, it just kinda happened, lol)

      Liked by 3 people

      • Glad I’m not the only one that does that. Setting alarms is a bit excessive but does seem necessary to complete some of these tasks. :/ I’m definitely having fun, but dang, I feel like I need a patch or something.


  26. I got Jesus this morning AMD will have Babs once the station is repaired in a few hours. Now comes puppy Brian, though I have a feeling that with the drop rates he’ll be a pain to get. I’ve been debating on getting the 100 clam building for the gift wrap. Any thoughts? Did either of you cave and buy it?


  27. Any idea why it says I need to update my game when I visit friends?

    Liked by 1 person

  28. So does Babs have any useful skills? I’ve got her to level 3 via the questline but I haven’t seen anything like helping fight the yeti or collecting furbals or even distracting those annoying mall santas.


  29. hey guys, I’ve come across an issue today while trying to visit my friends, it says that to visit my friend I need to update my game, but there is no new update available, at least that I can see. It does not allow me to even try and choose a friend to visit. There is a way I went around the problem which was by deleting my facebook account linked to the game, then I was able to visit Ollie then while already on the friend screen I linked the facebook up again and although I got the same notice since I was already on the friend screen I was able to scroll through the friend list and visit them. Has anyone else had a similar issue? Thanks all and keep up the great work 🙂


  30. My game has crashed both on ipad and phone. Emailed tinyco, but of course no response. It was with the new update yesterday. Very disappointed.


  31. Profits vs Prophets Pt 10.

    Reach cheer level 6 (ticked as I’m lvl 10)

    However the Upgrade decorations to Jolly Christmas Tree, which I have isn’t ticked and still says GO……

    Is this right?



  32. I can’t connect to Multiverse. I get a message stating “You need to upgrade your game in order to visit this neighbor” when I try to enter Multiverse. I’m running 1.5.0. Anyone else?


  33. I don’t understand the point of the Christmas skin for the Mall. 24 cookies and 3 cheer over three four-hour drops without it or one twelve-hour chance at the shovel with no cookies or cheer. Shovels seem available enough elsewhere. (Peter, Chris shared with furballs, Bunny Slope). What’s with the no cheer and twelve hour length?

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Is anyone else having problems going to the Multiverse? I get a message stating “You need to upgrade your game in order to visit this neighbor” when I try to enter Multiverse. I’m running the latest version 1.5.0. Help!!!!


  35. Just wondering if we are getting a special coin package sale this weekend. I have some money in reserve and am hoping they do. I NEED to get some Furbals, I can’t seem to stop myself from getting rid of the Shoppers. Tried the tap/stun function but EVERY TIME I get a bunch lined up to fire at, the target shifts drastically up or down and by the time I get back to my myriad of procrastinators, they’ve all dispersed. I had about 22 in my sites and when I bombed them I only got FOUR! I was NOT impressed! This ‘zipping’ has been happening since I began playing. I often find myself in undiscovered territory *sigh*
    On the upside, I have Jesus and Babs (sounds like a bad 70’s song name) and am well on my way to getting bitty Brian. Less than 20 gift wrap to go. I haven’t checked in on Joe, but on average, I am getting at least one to two items for completion, so he will be along quickly enough. Don’t much care for the mutant elf. I found that episode to be rather disturbing. To me it was a statement on how shallow people have become and how much the season has lost its meaning … Family, caring, giving, sharing. Now it seems people are all about ‘what’s in it for me?’ And it doesn’t matter the cost or detriment. OK … Climbing off my soapbox, now.


  36. I’m still missing Brian’s inspiration corner, yet I’ve completed the contents of all four boxes. Is this still a glitch? Got the App Store update today, still didn’t get it 😦


  37. Just a note on the procrastinators. You mentioned the trick or treaters being the least favorite part of Halloween, and TinyCo not getting the hint. I’m relieved they did take fan advice at least partially. The reason trick or treaters were such a problem, at least in my eyes, was the fact that they were untouchable. The procrastinators work the same way as minion Stewies did, allowing you to tap them and have them stop moving for a short period of time. Forget using a maze to get rid of them. Use the trick for minion Stewies and tap them at 4-way intersections to pile them up, taking out several with one Furbal. Almost done with the weekly challenge after a few hours using this method.


  38. The maze trick did not work for me this time or my friends. They don’t seem to care a bit about streets this time. They spawn randomly in the snow and are just as happy there as they are the streets. That said, I kept watch in trigger mode longer this time and was able to get my 100 fairly fast.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. I am angry because since this began, I have only gotten 3 fancy wrapping papers from shooting the good guys. I thought it was always on them, but it seems more like it’s epic drop rate.


  40. Well, even though I got totally ripped off by the Silver box ( three cookies in a row indeed… Kringlenuts to that! ), I decided to give the Gold box one try *drum roll*… and I got Peter’s tank! Yippe Kay Yay to that mofos lol

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Please help, I’m really struggling with the last minute shoppers, I can never manage to get enough in one spot, just feels like a waste of bomb. I have a maze made from houses and hedges but that doesn’t seem to work they just walk through. And I’m finding it a pain that ones that are in your town already never re spawn like they have on previous events which makes mass killing easier. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated


    • The main thing that helps me is I only have ONE patch of road. They spawn there and from event center, so as soon as I go into the game I watch both spots (keeping them close as possible). Then when I see the “POOF” of them coming into the game on the roads…I start to bomb.


  42. The Top Hat Yeti has 24 lives.

    Hope I could help a little.


  43. Love the Christmas Tank. Meg’s car is weird because it drives around with no one in the driver’s seat.
    Only 8 more hours and I will have Jesus and Level 10 Cheer.


  44. Margaret C. Williams

    Just to let those who have the message; you need to update to visit this neighbor on IOS go to the app store. I did the update and it worked!


  45. Heyy look rolly hamster rolls now


  46. Unlocked Babs, defeated the Top Hat Yeti, and then was able to get Jesus all within five minutes of each other last night. The subsequent completion of character groups and quests immediately took me from cheer level 8 to maxed out at 10 right after. This morning I got the Mutant Elf. I think the key to all of this was buying John McLane. He makes a HUGE difference in the Yeti attacks and I have stayed at the top Yeti level every day, and usually finished with four or five hours to spare. Now I have Jesus throwing snowballs with Lois, Mort and John which should speed things up even more. So relax, people, this is all doable if you play it right.

    One note, the Mutant Elf just walks around doing nothing? Kind of a letdown after all that bombing (even if it took just over a day to complete the challenge).


  47. Mmmmm as regards to the fyi on how small Brian is. I couldn’t help but notice the barn with angel Bruce flying over Peter and lois dressed as Joseph and Mary. How Is this possible seeing as none of these are released in the game????


  48. I thought the Santa wish list was supposed to give character cookie tasks. I got the tea set and yule log, but Stewie and Seamus still do not have tasks. Did they forget this, or was that feature of the lost scrapped?


  49. I thought Santa wish list items unlocked hc tasks for each? I’ve gained the royal tea set for Stewie & the yuletide log for Jerome but there’s no new tasks for them. Is this normal? Thanks


  50. wildthornberry88

    Sorry if I didn’t read your post carefully enough, but it appears les bijoux can drop the wreaths needed for Jingle Joe? Just fyi ^_^


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