Guest Post – What’s Going On At TinyCo?

Hey clammers! Matt from TinyCo here. We asked Bunny and Alissa if we can give y’all a peek behind the curtain at what’s coming up in January and February, and we’re stoked they said yes.

We often say that we expect Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff to be around for a very long time. To make sure that it lives long and prospers, we plan content well in advance. We’re working on February as we speak, and we’re about to get started on March.

(Get ready to get a sneak peek and some spoilers below the fold!!)

Here’s a look at what we have so far.

January: District 10 and Pawtucket Brewery

Once New Years ends, District 10 is close behind. As with all districts, number 10 comes with new land, new characters and new buildings, including this guy:fg_pawtucketpat

District 10 brings a new way of progressing in the game: the Pawtucket Brewery. This building will have unique decorations for you to craft, including Beer Packs, a Pyramid of Beer, a Potted Beer Bush, and… lots of beer. It’s like a beer factory, only with more beer.

Also, this happens:


Expect District 10 to launch next week in the south corner of your Quahog.

February: Valentine’s Day

The best part about making games is that we get to explore strange new worlds. Family Guy is no exception, thanks to the Multiverse, Stewie’s time travel (don’t worry, we’ll learn what happened to that plutonium soon), and Quahog itself. For Valentine’s Day, we’re wondering:what would happen if a bunch of these characters went on dates?

We’re getting a visit from Multiverse Meg (SFW – kind of):fg_meggriffin_multiverse

And Handsome Peter, straight from the Beautiful People’s Club:fg_petergriffin_handsome

Fun fact – one of our animators is spending hours animating Handsome Peter’s butt.

Valentine’s Day hits Quahog in early February.

March and Beyond

We’ve set our sights on March as the next big Quahog-defining event, with a full crew of guest stars that would fit right in at Comic Con. That’s all we can share for now – but let’s just say they won’t be intimidated by Alien and Predator.

That’s all for today! Which two characters would you most like to see “grab coffee” together?

213 responses to “Guest Post – What’s Going On At TinyCo?

  1. smileyface123ABC

    Hitler Stewie from ” the road to Germany” episode would be cool plus the fraz guy from the episode “german guy” plus an american army costume for herbert! (just a suggestion)


  2. As a homage to Seth McFarlane how about Johnny Bravo and Cow and Chicken.


  3. Oh and if they are going to do more multi-verse I would really like to see human Brian and dog stewie as their own characters.


  4. So I’ve been doing some thinking on what I would like to see. Multi-verse wise i would love to see the Disney versions of the characters. Com-con wise why not have the characters cosplay. It would be a great way to bring in somee Starwars costumes! Peter as Sailor Moon would be funny. Cleberity wise…Alyssa Milano, James Woods, Robert Downey Jr., Neil Patrick Harris, Seth MacFarlane, Ashley Tisdale, Drew Berrymore, Jennifer Tilly…I can keep going lol. Multi-verse Meg should hook up with Quagmire because they almost did after her 18th birthday. Just my thoughts!


  5. My birthday is in March! Make cool stuff for my 30th celebration! Lol.


  6. I would like to see more sales of premium characters and buildings this year. I was a late joiner so the only one I have seen was Halloween.


  7. District 10 just opened up in my Quahog! I am currently working on getting Stewie’s Chumba Wamba outfit. ‘I get knocked down, but I get up again’ and then some rambling afterward. Even Tricia Takanawa has a task on this one!
    Thank you Tinyco for including some of the tertiary characters.


  8. The beer is here, and we finally get the ability to add rivers to the town! Kind of.

    Rivers of beer.

    So hopefully Stewie doesn’t fall in and get drunk again like he did in the movie…


  9. My suggestion is to finish District 9 amd the blimp. Its finish is well over due, if not then get rid of the blimp. Its an eye sore


  10. ConsuelaLoves2SayNo

    Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone has noticed, but District 10 has finally opened up!


  11. It’s here! I’ve just started opening the brewery up!


  12. The way the roads can only be placed in set squares is really frustrating – I can’t put a road directly behind a building, I have to put back a bit from the building wasting precious land space. Could you also do a month where we can buy/collect for characters & buildings we have missed out on during events? Great game though beats tapped out hands down!


  13. I don’t mind who shows up as I’m sure I’ll enjoy who ever comes in as I have so far with the comic con celebs, the Halloween characters and of course, Kiss!! One particular thing I’d like to change is please get rid of the dragging feature for characters, it really grinds my gears when I’m trying to view my town and I accidentally drag someone around! We can send them on their tasks without the dragging, I don’t think we need it! Also like many others my inventory is overflowing and rapidly running out of room, more land would be awesome! Keep up the good work guys!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my gosh, I can’t disagree more! I love just mindlessly picking them up and dropping them off elsewhere! They say the oddest things, like they know you’re picking them up! It’s the only time you’ll ever hear Bonnie Yelp ‘You Ba*****!’ I had Meg dangling in front of the Portal because she’s the only one who is small enough to do that with and I couldn’t snap the picture to send in. But there are some really neat situations to place them in with the dangle. Try to do it on purpose and you may change your mind.

      Liked by 1 person

      • For me… I LOVE this dragging option. Many times I love to put my characters on task together that they all look cool, silly, etc doing. I LOVE that this is a quick and easy way to get them to do it. I also love you can pick them up and it SHOWS you WHERE they can do a task and WHO they can do one with. It is an amazing feature I would hate to be taken away.


  14. O and I forgot when u send all your characters to do tasks zoom all the way in this helps 2 so u won’t crash your game n it’s better when u don’t have NO ROADS but a small one so all your characters stay in one place I like having a huge block party with everyone on a very short street lol

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ok I hear a lot of ppl complaining about land n then about memory n the game constantly crashing as a premium player from the very beginning I have a whole lot of stuff n I currently have no more room n that’s Including no roads as well lol well how the hell does he keep playing the game without it crashing at all yall may b askin….. well let me share this big secret with everyone when u load up your game zoom out as much as u can n clear everything u can c then before moving into a new area exit your game wait a couple seconds no more than 5 that way it can save ya last action then go back into your game and continue to the next area I have been using this strategy for the longest without any problems n without having to store all the STUFF we get from tiny co!!! Lol well I hope this helps a lot gud luck everyone

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have stated this numerous times, it’s nice to have someone corroborate, Tinyco says it, Alissa says it and Bunny is emphatic. Now we’ve seen it from the few, let’s hope it’s seen by the many!


  16. I think Tom Brady and a New England Patriots Peter skin should show up for Feb 1st. Assuming we win on Sunday.


  17. I would like to see premium content have more of a purpose even after you bought it. In TSTO premium always earns additional money. How about for this premium characters are ALWAYS given tasks to drop items, 1-2 of their shorter tasks has an item option. Not an always drops or anything like that, but the same option of dropping as regular characters. So if you paid for something there is a permanent benefit. Buildings… not quite so much, but if they’re premium and not on an “always drop” already you should pick 1-2 per event/skin/character that have an item drop chance.

    As it stands, premium players get benefits if they pay. Freemium players get basically nothing and both groups who have been playing for ages (like since the start) technically get nothing either because previous purchases or unlocks have no use. About the best thing i have now is jingle joe gives me a 20 hour task that doesn’t need 2 people.


  18. One way to fix the land problem is TinyCo needs to go in at re-scale all the buildings to half their size. The scale between characters and buildings is already off, so there shouldn’t be a problem with players complaining about the change.

    Also there needs to be rules when it comes the designing buildings, so that they fit the street building structure. 1.) No building can be over 6 squares. 2.) All buildings must be either: 2×2, 2×4, 2×6, 4×4, 4×6, or 6×6. No odds numbered square designs! It makes it to hard to fit everything. 3.) Buildings can’t waste space. The Rehab Clinic wastes more than half its space on empty land that players can place 2-3 other buildings on. 4.) This is just a personal gripe, but don’t put cement side way boarders around buildings. They never align with the streets making my Quahog look ugly. Just leave it open space.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Wow I’d really love to see a futurama crossover at some point like they did with american dad


    • I think a Futurama crossover would go better in Tapped Out, to be honest. It’s a Matt Groening, not Seth MacFarlane production. Albeit, they did cross Simpsons over to Fam-Guy in the season’s premiere. THAT was pure animation genius!


  20. Great to hear about the upcoming plans… I am looking forward to the new content.

    My comment/request for going forward is, if we are going to be playing this game for a long time to come, the number of characters, costumes, and especially items is going to continue to balloon. We will definitely need not only a solution for the lags and memory issues, but also much better inventory management.

    Currently there is so much time spend flipping, flipping, flipping until you find (or miss) the building you’re looking to place etc. Maybe we need a scroll bar that you can whip over quickly, with the option to sort alphabetically, or maybe a mini-search that narrows down the available items that match / contain the string you start to type.

    Something to that effect would greatly ease our inventory management as the number of items jump by hundreds!


    ps. now what’s the deal with Beautiful Peter and Spanish Soap Peter in the two Peter Costume Boxes?


  21. Love it! I’m sure that any new characters who make an appearance will be fantastic! I know this isn’t a WTH?, but since everyone seems to be airing their game grievances here I thought I’d toss my couple out there.

    1) Everybody is constantly screaming about “more land”. I haven’t had any issues until the release of the current round of buildings. They’re HUGE! It seems the size of new buildings are disproportionately large compared to the initial game content. Shrink the footprints and resolve cries for land.
    2) Levels for both players and characters… THEY DON’T MEAN ANYTHING! It’s reached the point where messages informing me of something leveling up are a pure nuisance. Make levels amount to something and I’ll be a purely happy clammer!

    End of rant. This game is my favorite. Keep up the good work TinyCo, and of course the lovely lady addicts who make this site the amazing resource that it is!


  22. Hi mat from tiny co.

    Please please please have your dev team sort out the inventory space. It takes forever when trying to find something. Alphabetical would be a good start



    • I’d just be happy if when you’re missing a building to perform a task you could open the menu right to the building. I’m sure it’s on their list though. I’m probably nuking again come Friday….


  23. If too much land is causing memory issues, how about a compromise? Give us another area of Quahog to work with that loads completely separately (think Krustyland vs Springfield in Tapped Out, except all the buildings can be placed). I would be totally okay with making one residential and another more “city” based. Or having one realistic and another fantastic with the Superheroes and movie icons.

    Of course, more land is the answer we all want, but if the real problem is memory and crashing, then this is a fine alternative. As it stands, I think I would need twice as much land to fit everything I have in storage right now…

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I’d like to see Al Harrington become a character. Can’t a short but handsome, slightly hairy, newly single salesman get some love this Valentine’s?

    Liked by 1 person

  25. More land, less buildings. Please. I really want to make my Quahog look nice and not so overcrowded.


  26. No pls, no more timed events NO,NO, NOOOOOOOOOO


  27. I know that this has been mentioned before. I would like to be able to rotate the buildings a full 360degrees. The Browns live across the street from the Griffins. Their front doors face each other. It would help make our Quahogs a tad more realistic. Looking forward to the new content. Keep up the good work TinyCo. You too ladies.


    • This! I hate not being able to organize the buildings in the way I’d like. I understand something like the graphics aren’t easy to completely change, but if they ever do revamp the looks of them, being able to turn the buildings would be great. Also, more flexibility when it comes to how the roads are placed. I hate when I have two lines open because the road can’t be moved two over.


  28. If you expect the game to be around a long time you better get someone fixing all the random crashes. The only TinyCo comment I’ve seen on those is that it’s memory issues. I have an LG G3 so plenty of proc and memory and can’t play the game for more than a minute without it crashing. The Simpsons game used to have the same problem on an earltier phone I had and their developers found and fixed the problem, why can’t you? When it crashes, I have to redo the last few actions do it has to be some kind of buffer issue you can fix. I’m not a game developer, but come on, people have been sending you crash reports on this issue for a long time now, how hard can it be to find and fix the problem???


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