Evil Week Main Walkthrough: Fear No Evil

Hey there Tribblemakers!

With our town already in Spooky Summer Mode, TinyCo decided to add even more Evil-y Goodness into our games with the Mini Evil Week Event. Which being a fanatic of all things Halloweenish, I am loving.

With the New Evil Event of course comes New Questlines too, including the Main Questline. Fear No Evil.

Bank of the Dark Lord

Let’s take a look at the Evil Week Main Questline and all you will encounter along the way.

Fear No Evil? Pt. 1
Peter starts

Place Welcome to Evil Quahog Sign- Cost $100

Welcome to Evil Quahog Sign
Have Peter Spot His Doppleganger- 30s, Earns $5, 3xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 2
Peter starts

Place Retep & Retep’s House- Cost $250, 1hr Build Time

Retep's House
Collect Rent from Retep’s House (x2)- Earns every 12hrs
Have Peter Watch Val Kilmer Flicks- 10hrs, Earns $90, 59xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 3
Peter starts

Place Defaced Stewie Billboard- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Defaced Stewie Billboard
Have Peter Hang Out at the Clam- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 4
Peter starts

Place Evil Stewie and Tiny Tots Sweatshop- Cost $300, 4hrs Build Time

Tiny Tots Sweatshop
Collect Rent from Tiny Tots Sweatshop (x2)- Earns every 12hrs
Have Peter Buy Sweatshop Goods- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 5
Joe starts

Harvest 6 Anti-CoinsAnti-Coin – Sober Oyster OR McVeggietown OR Tiny Tots Sweatshop OR Retep’s House OR Bank of the Dark Lord
Have Joe Go Beer Skeet Shooting- 1hr, Earns $20, 10xp
Have Quagmire Report Evil Incidents- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 6
Peter starts

Place the Sober Oyster- Cost $250, 2hrs Build Time

Sober Oyster
Have Quagmire Read Lipstick Message- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 7
Lois starts

Have Lois Freshen Up- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


Fear No Evil? Pt. 8
Peter starts

Place McVeggietown- Cost $250, 12hrs Build Time

McVeggie Town
Have Peter Overeat- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


You will need to have completed collection for Retep for this part and have him Unlocked in your game. 

Fear No Evil? Pt. 9
Peter starts

Have Retep Murder a Lady- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Peter Stub his Knee- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


You will need to have completed collection for Evil Stewie for this part and have him Unlocked in your game. 

Fear No Evil? Pt. 10
Peter starts

Have Evil Stewie Lick Wounds- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp
Have Retep Regenerate Hand- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $100, 30xp


There you have it. The Main Questline for the Mini Evil Week Event.

What do you think of this Questline? How far are you on Retep? How about Evil Stewie? How far in the Questline are you? Let us know.


67 responses to “Evil Week Main Walkthrough: Fear No Evil

  1. Ok not sure this is where this goes but, I have Chip and cannot find his house. I know he came with the tennis court but I did place his house and now I cannot find it. Tell me how can I easily access the things that I place during events ,after the fact , when I’m trying to find them in my ,very full ,quahog?


  2. Am I the only person not getting drops on Love Notes for Meg? I’ve been sending Joe and Quagmire on their respective tasks since last Thursday and not one drop so far. I’ve messaged TinyCo. and they told me not to worry about it since there’s no time limit to unlock the character. I responded that he leaves on Thursday and then they closed the conversation. WTF?!?!


  3. Have you posted the Questlines for Retep and Evil Stewie? I can’t seem to find those in any post


  4. Do you know if there are going to be any new items coming out before the event ends that requires anti-coins? I have enough to buy the church and evil swanson house but don’t want to waste them if something else more useful is in the works. Those two are just decorations and anti-coins can take a while to gather more.


  5. Is anyone else having problems with reteps quest? Im stuck on retep rampage pt. 4 I’ve had joe build his deck like 3 times but it’s not registering that it’s been completed.


    • Just did went through it in my test game. It registered. Try using the task itself to “GO” to the task when complete instead of checking it off to see if that helps to make it register. If not, report it through your game.


  6. Just/still waiting for the sixth anti-coin to move forward. Hoping to get enough anti-coins for Brian’s defaced billboard.


  7. When does the evil event end?


  8. OMG….I was wondering why I was not getting Shirley Temple from either The Drunken Clam or The Founding Father….I was only getting them from Jerome (7 so far)…it was because I had the “winter” version of each building still active. They don’t give you the drop chance for Shirley Temple if you have them turned into snow mode…..everyone should check their building and make sure you are in the right mode or you will miss out like me dumb self did.


  9. I’ve just noticed, the upscale hillbilly atm is actually quarter scale compared to the normal hillbilly atm… do you think this will be fixed or is it supposed to be tiny? ☺


  10. Lots of people seem to have unlocked both characters without clams already. I actually decided to buy clams for the first time and got Satan. However, I’m still lacking one razor blade for Retep and 4 anti-coins for Evil Stewie. Ah well, still plenty of time left. Just hope I can get enough anti-coins for all the buildings.


  11. Luv how Evil Swanson house has a flight of stairs to the front door!


  12. Just waited 12 hours to get evil coins and not 1 dropped how am I gonna finish at this rate

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I know this is going to sound strange…but i just can’t bring myself to purchase the Church of Satan! i know, i know!!! i’m nuts! but i just can’t. like in the last event, i couldn’t purchase the old school abortion clinic….it just wasn’t right. i know…i know.


    • Meh. Personal tastes. If it’s not for you… don’t purchase it. That’s the good part about choice. Your game, design it how it makes you happy 😉


    • Heh, I bought the Dark Lord’s Bank specifically so I can buy the CoS.
      Of course, you HAVE to buy the Dark Lords Bank if you want to get any of the Anti-Coin buildings, because the 12 hour rare drop will just barely get you Retep and Eiwets, er, evil Stewie.

      The current model of stealth premium items is turning out to not be as bad as I feared. I really enjoyed the Mob event and was only bummed about the leaderboard prize, but they fixed that (after 2 weeks and half a dozen emails lol)

      I even bought the big man Himself, the Dark Lord Satan. Why? Cause its equally hilarious as having Jesus runnjng around my town.
      But for the record, the Satan in my Quahog is the Satan from Robert Heinlein’s “Job, a Comedy of Justice” 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • I know how you feel. I didn’t purchase either one either. I know it’s just a game but…I just can’t. Its there for others that’s into that sort of thing. I bought Satan & that was pushing it for me but why did I get mad because I couldn’t see him part with Super Devil? I wanted to see the animation to it…I know…I’m complicated like that. lol. I plan to buy Jesus & God if they ever put him in the game in the future…no time soon because I’m broke off of Evil Week. LMBO!!!


  14. I just need one love letter and 5 coins! 😀


  15. “Have Retep Murder a Lady” is showing as a four hour task at the moment. Will it change to an eight hour task when the questline hits as listed above?


  16. This is one of my favorite events so far! I love the visual gags, especially doggie hell! I thought the long tasks were going to be a problem, but I had Retep unlocked yesterday and just unlocked Evil Stewie. It appears the drops have loosened a bit. Now I am just saving coins for Church of Satan and Brian’s billboard and I will have all I wanted out of this event! *smile* Now I just need a horde of zombies for my town to be complete!


    • Ive recently learned that a group of zombies is called a ‘Groan’. 😀


      • Nope. Never heard the term before, and Google has nothing on “a groan of zombies”. The commonly used term is a “horde” of zombies, although some people have adopted other terms for different sized groups of zombies, like “pack”, “herd”, or “chainswarm”. But never “groan”.


  17. Has anyone else noticed the pattern of drops in these timed events? There seems to be always at least one item that has a poor drop rate (in this case for me it is anti-coins) but this rate improves as the week goes on. I suspect this is TinyCo trying to start a panic at the start to get us to spend our hard-earned clams. I no longer panic as I know that by the end the drop rates will improve and the prize shall be mine!


    • For every single game played ever pretty much. There will always be a “challenge” item or boss or area. Something to keep you going at it. Make a game too simplistic and you’ll bore the audience. Challenge keeps it interesting.


  18. Got Retep this morning and will have Evil Stewie unlocked this evening. I am having a hell of a good time with this event. 😉


    • Oh yeah, I love the fun of setting Quagmire and Peter going so as to find out 12 hours later that neither are dropping those much-needed items! Such fun.
      The fact the outcome is decided/pre-determined the second I set a character doing a task just makes the excitement even harder to contain myself!


  19. Has anyone else noticed that they no longer get an exclamation point over the icon to go visit your friends’ quahog when it’s time to collect from them?


  20. I just got retep an hour ago, now on to evil Stewie!


  21. Ah only started this game last week and thrown straight into an event! Really want to get as much as possible but don’t have Joe or Lois unlocked yet 😦 will plow through and hope for the best!


  22. So far on Pt.4 of Fear No Evil, need 5 Razor Blades & 1 Anti-Coin for Retep & 5 Machetes, 3 Yellow Contact Lenses, 4 Demonic Hymnals & 8 Anti- Coins for evil stewie so still quite a bit to do. Have built all available buildings with coins don’t bother with clams anymore after the last event.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. You can have several banks in your town to collect demonic hymnal books for Evil Stewie


  24. I cant get into the game again. Its been crashing since yesterday 😦
    The mobster event was the same, i could only get to week 2.
    I miss out on everything 😦


  25. again with the insane drops for a short event. I will be trying, but not sure all will get done. I hope to get Stewie and Retep done.


  26. Sorry I’m an idiot I thought that the thing saying david on then the date was the answer to my question


  27. When will this event end?


  28. Clarence Jones III

    I can’t find an Evil Fried Father’s skin for the one task. Where is it?


  29. Awesome questline, loving it so far, the doggy hell gag is my all-time favourite family guy joke 🙂


  30. Wouldn’t Stewie’s evil twin actually be Good Stewie? Regular Stewie isn’t exactly a saint!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I starting on placing the evil buildings immediately; all that build time would really slow this down. I think everything will be done tonight & then it’s just a matter of collecting the coins & things.


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