Phase 3 Glitch Report: Hams, Tasks, Lois and more!

Update: Version 1.1.3 has hit the Google Play Store.  THIS is the patch many have been waiting for.  This should fix the Assert Error glitch with out needing to uninstall the game.  HOWEVER…if you don’t have an account created once you get back into the game now is the time to create one.  Remember you don’t need Facebook to do it either, you can back it up via an email address.  You can see details on how to setup an account here.

app update

Hello There Clammers!

Just a quick Sunday glitch report for you all.  We’re seeing a number of the same questions pop up over and over in the comments this past weekend…so we figured 1 big glitch report post will help benefit everyone.

So let’s get to it shall we?


Let’s start things off with a bunch of Ham!

Lots of reports of players getting MORE than the required amount of Ham to unlock Blobulous.  There’s a check mark over it but the hams still keep on coming…

2014-08-10 22.13.59


This is a known glitch at the moment.  We don’t know why the hams keep popping out, all we know is they do and continue to add to your total.  However, you still only need 10 to unlock Blobulous.  While it’s been reported to TinyCo numerous times we STILL recommend sending TinyCo an in game message if it’s still happening to you, this way they can see just how wide spread it is.  In the mean time there’s nothing more to do but have a ham party!  (just wish it was bacon! 😉 )

Now let’s talk about a task for Lois.  In the Redheaded Rivalry Pt. 2 questline you’re asked to make Lois write passive aggressive emails.  It’s a 6hr task that shows up in Lois’ task bar immediately.  HOWEVER…many of you are reporting it not clearing after you’ve completed the task.

2014-08-10 22.23.42

So here’s the deal…this task is tied to unlocking Felicia Day.  So you’ll need to unlock Felicia and then do the 6hr task in order for it to count towards the goal objective.  TinyCo has also responded to this in their in-game FAQ’s:

2014-08-10 22.13.08


So if this is happening to you and you have not unlocked Felicia…do not send an in-game message to TinyCo.  Send Lois on another (more beneficial) task until you’ve unlocked Felicia (I usually have her on the 10hr task with Jerome…best Blam! pay out for both characters).

So now the final question we’re seeing pop up a lot in the comments….Mutant Stewie has your characters trapped in a building and you can’t zap him.  The zapper won’t work, therefore you can’t progress through  a quest.  (seems to be happening a lot with the Fab 4 Headquarters and Lois)

Latcher Stewie Fabulous 4 Building


Here’s the deal.  If this is happening to you, definitely send an in game message to TinyCo, it’s not supposed to happen like that.  Keep in mind it may take a little while for them to get back to you.  However, in the meantime remember Latcher Stewie jumps to a new building every 8hrs.  So all you have to do is wait for him to jump to a new building to free your character.  🙂

And just a reminder to everyone:  If you’re experiencing the Assert Error Crash and you have an account setup, uninstall and reinstall TQFS to get past it.  It’s basically a corrupt file in the original download, and once you uninstall and reinstall it eliminates the issue.

IF you have uninstalled and reinstalled and it still doesn’t clear it…we recommend doing the following:   Hard close TQFS, Clear your Cache, Uninstall TQFS, restart your device, and reinstall TQFS.  That should clear out any issues with the corrupt file and get you back into Quahog.  When you get your game back remember you may have to follow the steps in this post to get back to your game. 

If you do not have an account setup….you can either wait for the patch to come out (we don’t know when it’ll be, we only know they’re working on it.  As soon as they release one we’ll be sure to post it) OR some players are saying if that excessively tap outside of the Assert Error box they can get back into their game.  If that works for you…we recommend IMMEDIATELY setting up and account in the game & then uninstalling and reinstalling the game.  This way you can for sure get ride of the error.  You can check out this post to learn how to setup an account.  

So there you guys have it.  The rundown and solutions for all the glitches that have been popping up over the weekend.  Have YOU been experiencing any of these glitches?  Any other glitches you’re experiencing?  How are you enjoying the event these days?  (despite the big Assert Error bug)  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

226 responses to “Phase 3 Glitch Report: Hams, Tasks, Lois and more!

  1. Is anybody else having an issue with ice creams dropping for Bolbulous? Is it part of this glitch? I have only had two drop 😦


    • Keep in mind they’re Extra Rare…so they’ve got a pretty slow drop rate attached to them. They’re dropping…just at a slow rate 🙂


      • Thanks. I didn’t know if it was part if this new glitch. I will keep at it. Slow and steady. Lol


      • Yeah, I call shenanigans.

        I have gotten 12 extra-rare 8-sided sided dice and 7 extra-rare Telescopes in the same time as 2 Sundaes have dropped(one from latcher and one from peter).

        The Sunadae obviously has its drop rate cranked way, way down. Like eyeball level. I am assuming the only reason I have 2 is because the increased drop rate over time finally allowed me to be lucky. Sure we have plenty of time left, but The Multiplier and Stan Lee are certain to hit the bottleneck of Peter being required to unlock them as well.


  2. im having a completely different issue. Everytime i scroll to the right to where i put one of the gardens it kicks me out of the game. idk if this is a known glitch but yeah it gets pretty annoying when characters or nerds get close to it because i have to wait for them to get away from it which can take ages -.-

    Just wondering if anyone else has this & what i should do to solve it, thanks in adavance !


  3. I’ve got an issue regarding Red Hot; one of her tasks requires the Ask Jeeves building, but I can’t seem to find it in the shop. Any knowledge on that realm?


    • Just that they removed it due to issues. Not sure on how they are going to get around that. I would suggest sending them a message too, so they know players are now running into the issue of the task.


  4. So far I haven’t seen any nerds spawn from my Q hotel after building it. More people with this problem?


    • We’re waiting for spawn rate confirmation from TinyCo. As soon as we have it we’ll pass it along. I know a few other players mentioned not seeing an increase in nerds.


  5. Just a question, has the drop rate for batteries improved? I have Ron Perlman on his 4 hour task where it either drops pesticides or batteries and the batteries are rare, but I’m getting batteries 50% of the time? It’s kind of annoying since I make sure to tap him when I have no latcher Stewie’s to zap and I’m still getting batteries 50% of the time.


    • I think it’s a glitch with Ron at the moment, I’m experiencing the same thing. Seems WAY more batteries than pesticides fall from him.


      • I tapped on ron after defeating giant stewie and got nothing, not even a battery. I realized later it was before giant stewie reappeared. This happene a couple of times: when i went to rons task it only showed battery drops, but then later on pesticies reappeared


      • I get hardly any batteries at all from Ron – must be an Android glitch.


  6. ninespiritedkitsune

    Has anyone else had a problem regarding unlocking blobulous and red hot I had earned all the items for vlobulous had him unlocking and earned red hot a few minutes later it started me back with no items gathered for blobulous and no costume eothet ?


  7. Ive gotten a few weird glitches now. I get the ham spam glitch, and also lois not clearing her email task. I actually got a clam from the second time i sent her on that task so did it a few more times but didnt get any more. Also, last night my timer ran out at 11pm for giant stewie so it reset and i was able to get the car. I beat him one more time and then itentionally did not start the timer again. However this morning the timer was running and showed 17 hours left. Even odder, it bumpe me up to the 13x level on the streak meter even though i never did the 8x!!
    My latcher stewies are barely spawning now. I consistently have at least six batteries left over because i cant use them. So glad i didnt buy the battery factory!


  8. My game has been crashing all the time(between 2 and 10 times just to collect the buildings and 10 to is do charactors aswel). Yesterday i did a fresh install and no change. Today i did a fresh install to the new android update and no change. I had a think about it and i decided i would try puttin away a building i built on friday being the fab 4 headquaters as the crashing only started on friday and it has been causing other glitches. Now that it is in my storage i have played 3 times without it crashing. Can anyone tell me is this just a fluke or dose it work for other people aswel???


    • Now im sure it is a issue with the headquaters. I just placed it in my town again and it crashed. I went back on and the game was fine where it reverted to a save with it in storage so i got it back out and it crashed instantly after


      • Very odd. I would suggest alerting TinyCo on the matter. You may have to get rid of the one you have and get another. That or leave it stored.


        • I have sent them a message but im not holding my breath. If there was a way to sell it (and unfortunatly theres not) for the full 5000 blam i would be willing to re-spend that blam on a new replacement. I wont buy a new 1 from my hard erned blam as i have spent 5000 on it already and i have other things to spend it on. 10000 for 3000 for blob chris and all other stuff yet to be released


  9. Is the Ham Thing A Glitch Or could It Be Used In The Future For Tom Or Mayor West… But If It Is A Glitch ignore my idea


  10. Any change that George Takei and 100,000 Blams isn’t the grand prize? It’s not label as such. Could they be hiding more prizes from us?


    • No, the change is from the Full Moon event (when they didn’t list the maximum “butts” needed until later in the event). Really angered a lot of players. So this time they displayed ALL the prizes from the beginning. Now this doesn’t mean, however, that some “extra” surprises may appear after the event ends. 😉


  11. Having to do long tasks for random drops that never seem to drop is bad enough. But having the characters stop doing said tasks is starting to wear me thin. I had Captain Hammered halfway through his Fly Under the Influence task when I went to bed. Woke up to him just walking around doing nothing at all. Happens all the time.


    • Need to send a message to TinyCo. It’s never happened in my town playing on an iPad 4, but I have seen a few other players have this same issue. It could be unique to one type of device.


  12. So I won the Q, but I’ve watched it and even when tapping to collect its rent, no nerds come from it. Is the building’s description only meant for after the event and not during that it’s permanently spawns nerds? Not getting it.

    Also (not related just cool) Felicia practicing her LARPing… Awesome!!


    • All nerds still spawn from the main buildings in the Comic Con area. My rate has gone up since placing mine (a lot more blue nerds at least). Not sure yet if they will continue to spawn after the event ends. Looking for clarification from TinyCo. 🙂


  13. I getting the same problem with the hams and I used clams to unlock blobulous but giant stewie keeps giving me hams am on ISO my characters disapear randomly seems to be just Meg and stewie at present and what is the spawn rate for the q building you obtain as a prize dosnt seem to be doing anything


    • My blue nerds are spawning more often since I won my “Q”. The posted rate by TinyCo is 1 every 15 minutes. 🙂


      • I don’t have the 50K B! Q but my rate of Blue nerds has been a consistent 3 every 7.5 minutes. They arrive at :00, :07:30, :15, :22:30, :30, :37:30, :45, and :52:30 after every hour with a max of 12 appearing to catch up if I wasn’t online. 2 Red nerds appear at 12:00, 4:00, and 8:00 AM and PM. 2 Gold ners appear at 2:00 and 8:00 AM and PM. (I am in Eastern Daylight Time if that makes a difference).


  14. anyone else stuck on readheaded rivalry part 3?????? it shows everything cleared, but wont end the task. worse yet, the apostrophe is always above louis’s head, and i cant select tasks for her. :/


    • Hmmmm I would uninstall/reinstall to clean out any corrupted files (Only if you are linked to an email or FB account, though). Let us know if that works. Anyone else having this issue?


      • i uninstalled and reinstalled the game, didnt work. then played it on my android. still didnt work. the only way to access lois tasks, are to select a costume through harringtons shop.

        ive even tried running Felicia day through her tasks again, and bought another play ground thing. but still nothing.


      • basically, i click the apostrophe, it runs through the dialog, then shows the tasks to complete, and all three have checks. there is nothing to click, except an x, on the top right. nothing appears on the tasks list on the left, and the apostrophe pops up above lois again.

        (just thought id give a step by step)


        • I’m currently completing part 2 of their quest. I’ll see what happens for my part 3. Send a message to TinyCo from within your game if you haven’t already. They’ll need to look into your game and see what’s wrong. This also helps if the problem starts trending, because more players are now unlocking Felicia and starting her quest line. Thanks for all the details. 🙂


  15. Just a quick question unrelated to the article: does Ron Perlman actually come with a chair? I’ve read somewhere about people ‘struggling to place it’ or something, but I can’t see anything in my quahog. Just wondered if it existed! 🙂


  16. SUSPECTED BUG REPORT: Zapper hits non-Stewie latcher building.

    I used a “Zap” letting the game choose the target and it zapped a building with no latcher Stewie attached. I got a post zap message from the non-existent ‘Latcher Stewie’ but no Blam or any other rewards. The Blam counter didn’t seem to move either. However, I don’t recall if there was a latcher Stewie to blast.

    I reckon it’s either ‘zapping’ a random building if no Stewie exists (albeit with a post zap message which shouldn’t be there)


    It might be zapping the wrong building.

    P.S. I have two of the widely reported bugs too so they may be related

    • “Redheaded Rivalry Part 2”. The task “Make Louis write passive aggressive email” will not mark as complete

    • Excessive Hams – I’m getting more hams than required for the task


    • Interesting “zap” issue. We’ll see if it starts trending. Of the two glitches you also listed, “ham” bug is indeed a glitch, but the Rivalry Part 2 isn’t (it just should have been better programmed with a pop up warning players you need Felicia unlocked to get “quest” credit).


  17. Since the update every time I go into my friends town the screen magnification is at the highest. I have to shrink the screen down to see their town. When I go to the next friend town it forgets the magnification setting and puts it back to the highest.
    Very annoying.
    Anyone else experiencing this?
    I am on an iPad.


    • It’s happening to all of us. At first I thought it was put in to help those that had trouble visiting friends due to so much data be loaded and their game closing, but now I think it’s just a new little coding bug that has sprung up while they were working on other parts of the game program. We’ll find out Monday. 🙂


  18. So all my friends who have undeveloped land, the land doesn’t show trees anymore and also when I visit friends I now drop really zoomed in on the area in Asian town. Not sure if this is just me or a something from all the glitches


  19. I miss the days when I could potentially get 60 Blam! per hour using Peter. Alas, I have to have Captain Hammered get pesticides to kill his giant mutant son (which he can get away with, cuz he’s a toon!).


  20. I figured the Redheaded Rivalry problem was that I had not unlocked Felicia Day yet. Still, I think it is stupid to give us a task that we cannot check off. At least give a pop-up saying “You will not complete this task until Felicia Day is unlocked. Do you still want to proceed?” or something like that.


    • Handel,

      The current need to complete tasks in a set order is not the default behaviour for any other quest line so I suspect the explanation given by TinyCo within their in-game FAQ guide is an attempt to mark the problem as a “feature not a bug”. Not a criticism… just an explation (see below).

      [NOTE: For anyone who has ever worked for a software company this is common practice to reduce the ‘number of bugs’ statistic.].


      • That takes me back, “it’s a feature, not a bug”… I remember that all the time in development meetings with IBM. All of the “real” programmers used just laugh and laugh.


      • I agree with boozedude. This kind of minor stuff coupled with the gamebreaker a few days ago really makes me wonder how rigorous their in house testing is. Pretty sure if my friends in the coding business put out products like TinyCo has over the last week, they would be out of a job in a hurry.

        While I like what TinyCo is trying to do with all the updates to keep the game evolving, perhaps they should slow down and keep the game stable…


    • Completely unintuitive and contradicting previously learned behavior. The lois task button should be disabled if it is designed to remain locked until Felicia Day is in the game. Or better yet, the joint task shouldn’t appear until Felicia is unlocked.


  21. I wonder if they forget to drop sundaes. I have all the other items and blam! amount required to unlock blobulous but 0 on sundaes. I’ve been sending peter to overeat when i know i’m not going to be able to check on the game for longer time or overnight and none drop yet. Not even latcher stewie.


    • I think you’re right. Send them an in game message to show how big a net this problem is throwing. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • I am getting EXACTLY the same issue as you… I haven’t got a single sundae and I also now have all the other items to unlock Blobulous.


      • Very frustrating, good to see I’m not alone… it’s a shame only Peter over eating is the only way to unlock (excretion to forking out 150 clams for the diner)


    • I got three really quickly, and then nothing for two, three? days. I decided to just pay the 70 clams and unlock Blobulous rather than buy the diner for 100. I’m probably going to do the same with Felicia day once I get the last telescope (all but 1 so far from the Clamterprise) and the 2 stereos I need as buying her will be cheaper than buying her trailer and waiting. After that, I’m hoping I have enough clams for fillion and never buying them again.


  22. Well I keep getting Hams and not getting any ice cream sundaes please fix i already lost time for the car and getting pesticide to get rid of big stewie we should all be given some free clams or buildings


    • I wish we could fix it (just gamers like you), the ham problem is a little coding error where the game thinks there are two characters needing them. The ice cream sundaes is a well voiced complaint. Send TinyCo an in game message so they can see just how wide spread it is. 🙂


  23. Hams should never be dropped!!! Their just to good not to be eaten 🙂

    But bacon is honestly the best…. Mmmmmm. Bacon…. Its making bacon time now 😉


  24. Blam’s got what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Just had a google play update for game not sure what it did any items. I hope all these hams carry over to something im up to 26 lol whos hungry!?


  26. Allmost considering paying the 100 clams for the sundae’s… But no… Gotta keep my cool…


  27. Actually, by having Jerome Play ball for 1hr 10 times you earn 20Blam! and having Lois Swim in geek trash for 6 hrs once you earn 12Blam!, which is more than the 23Blam! earned by having Lois Save Jerome for 10 hrs. So if you’re able to check every hr (even if you only check Jerome 6 times over 10 hrs), stick with their separate tasks, but if you’re not going to be on your phone for 10hrs then definitely use their joint task.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Woop woop! After 9 tries Peter finally earned a sundae. I guess persistence pays off. 8 more to go.


  29. Blam! It's what's for dinner...

    You’ll know you have a fab 4 building glitch because the latcher Stewie is not actually on the building. You’ll just have it covered in ink..


  30. I wish they were trade them in for ice cream sundaes. I have none. I having been sending Peter to get pesticides but a few times I gave him a break to overeat and got nothing. And with Lois I was a bit confused because when I did send her on that mission that task should the clock symbol so I thought I was getting credit

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same here 😦
      Got everything for Blobulous –> blams, 15/15 cupcakes, 14/10 Hams -.-, but 0/10 icecream Sundaes!!!….. never dropped, tried it for the last 2 days with peter task, but this item is likely nonexistent ;/

      also vote for trade-in ^^


      • I am in the same pickle. 14 hams and no ice creams. I also think they should do an excess ham for ice cream sundae trade. The hams are keeping me from sundaes.


  31. I updated and tried giant Stewie again, still dropping ham! 14/10 now, Lol!


  32. HisNameisJames(quagmire)

    I’ve already uninstalled & reinstalled my game & it works fine now, but should I update again anyway


  33. I’ve seen this glitch mentioned in comments and now have it myself:
    Enfant Terrible Pt 6 says to vanquish Stewie 4 times but the counter shows 0/3. I’m not far enough to see what happens after 3, but the really weird thing for me was that in my game this quest part originally said to vanquish him 2 times with a counter 0/2. (Yes I know there was another part where you only had to vanquish him twice and no, I’m not getting them confused.) I exited my game and went back in an hour or so later and suddenly it was changed to say 4 (with a 0/3 counter). This glitch probably also belongs in the WTH section!


  34. Update isn’t appearing in my App Store. I reset my iPad a thousand times and nothing,


  35. The Lois thing is kinda corny since it’s never worked like that before. But whatever.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. My wife is almost done collecting for Felicia, but the redheaded rivalry quest line to help her never popped, we have android devices. Is that connected to a glitch, or would it drop when she unlocks her, because I haven’t yet, but still have the quest line. Thinks!


    • It depends on where you are in the main questline. I’ll have the walkthrough up tomorrow (hopefully) and that should show you where it hits off of the main questline.


  37. Did they do some sort of reset? All the latchers from my quahog disappeared. I had at least 3 of them. Not that I am complaining though.


    • First I’m seeing it. Anyone else?


      • I have had something similar the last 2 days, the most lil stewies I have had is 2 at any given time. I even went 12hrs without killing one and when I woke there were still only 2. I did send an ingame message but havent heard back. Now its seems after I killed the only one left ( 6 hrs ago ) I still have none. I did update to the lastest version about 20 mmins after it was released. So that maybe a glitch with the latest update.

        Once again thank you to you all (Alissa, Bunny, and Cyber) this site is awesome and so are you guys. I visit several times a day and the first place and only place I come to for all my info about QFS.


  38. First off, congratulations to this website. This is actually my first comment on here.
    I have been reading all your posts, comments and answers. I think that it is outstanding that you guys actually take the time to answer to every single comment.
    You guys were also my first resource when the game crashed. I also thought that it was funny that I found the solution on here a couple of hours after the “big crash”, yet Tinyco did not respond till the next day with the same solution. But I guess I should give them a break since they had a lot on their plate.

    Now to the game. I really like the game, I think that it is very addictive and I find myself logging in every 20 minutes or so to collect blam.

    I do find however that for it being a free game, it can get pretty expensive. I understand that there should always be “premium” items that you can only buy with real money, but I find their prices overall outrageous. I will never pay $20 for a single character. Not worth it in my opinion. I would rather prefer that they had something similar to the TSTO game where you can buy scratch cards with a chance to win their premium currency. I have done that a couple of times and I always won quite a good amount of donuts. I would also like for them to give some benefit for actually going up in levels. Right now it is just a number and a yellow bar nothing else.

    But to the event.

    I have the same issues. I already invited my extended family for an “ham” dinner, but I told them that they would have to bring dessert, since I only have 2 ice cream cups so far.
    All the other items are dropping ok, hopefully I get Felicia by Tuesday and Chris costume by Wednesday. Stewie is only dropping pesticide for me. I was able to max out the first day but now I am letting the timer expire to get the car and finish some other tasks.
    I do agree with other comments though, there should be more options to get blam. It gets boring to send the same people to send to do the same stuff over and over again.

    And last but not least, I find that the communication from Tinyco is pretty bad. With the whole Rupert event, (which by the way, I did not get him) the information was minimal. Then they changed the time last minute, which caused many of us, to luck out in getting toys on the first day. The initial plan was that the toys would reset at noon, hence I did not send any of my peeps to collect toys Saturday morning because at that point we had no idea that the toys would convert to the next toy, should the timer reset.
    I actually send Tinyco a message about that, and I finally got an answer 5 days later, telling me that they have more important things to deal with, referring me to the FAQ and telling me that my case was closed. Not the answer I expected.

    That is my rant. But you guys keep up the good work!!!


    • Well thank you for the kind words! And sometimes rants are ok…they help get everything out 🙂

      Glad to have your first post, hopefully the first of many more to come 🙂


  39. Tadmire Giggity

    Uh, This might make me sound like a bad Family Guy fan, but where did the fabulous four, Blobulus, and the Multiplier, etc. come from? Was there an episode (I missed) that introduced them? Thanks. Still loving this event and your posts!


  40. So, if you need Felicia Day to do the Lois mission, then why is it highlighted as an active mission in Lois’ task list?

    I find TinyCo’s response rather condescending. Rather than apologising for having it listed as an active quest, they blame the customer for not knowing that they shouldn’t be doing that quest yet.


  41. the problem with the excess hams is that when you get yet another ham, you don’t get something that you really do want, like a can of pesticide or something needed to unlock anther character or costume. i keep on getting hams and i have yet to get an ice cream sundae.


  42. After getting to the 25x on the Giant Stewie it now wants 29 pesticides. I thought it would reset. I need one more for blaze and 29 is a lot to get.


  43. Awesome. …!!!!!. patch works!!!!


  44. I had the fab 4 glitch and still have the ham one lol. Well on the other hand I just got the Q hotel 🙂


  45. Any idea how many/how often the nerds come from the “Q” you win? It doesn’t seem like I am getting extras. Thanks.


  46. Tough week for TinyCo.


  47. Awesome info…. Thanks :-). I had a feeling Lois’s 6hr task wasn’t counting due to Felicia not being unlocked. Also thanks for the Lois / Jerome best blam payout. I missed that one :-).

    Do you guys have a list of best duo payouts ? Wonder if I’m maximizing my best duos for payout ?


    • Bunny’s been working on one…except they keep changing the tasks lol. Lois/Jerome is a great payout as is Bonnie and Joe. Those are two I do to get players that aren’t regular blam! earners into the game. The others I usually have them do independent tasks 🙂


  48. There’e an update for Android in the Play Store. FB page says it’s a fix to get back into games without re-installing…


  49. Ugh! I wish I had known about the Lois thing before sending her to write emails again!


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