Phase 3 Glitch Report: Hams, Tasks, Lois and more!

Update: Version 1.1.3 has hit the Google Play Store.  THIS is the patch many have been waiting for.  This should fix the Assert Error glitch with out needing to uninstall the game.  HOWEVER…if you don’t have an account created once you get back into the game now is the time to create one.  Remember you don’t need Facebook to do it either, you can back it up via an email address.  You can see details on how to setup an account here.

app update

Hello There Clammers!

Just a quick Sunday glitch report for you all.  We’re seeing a number of the same questions pop up over and over in the comments this past weekend…so we figured 1 big glitch report post will help benefit everyone.

So let’s get to it shall we?


Let’s start things off with a bunch of Ham!

Lots of reports of players getting MORE than the required amount of Ham to unlock Blobulous.  There’s a check mark over it but the hams still keep on coming…

2014-08-10 22.13.59


This is a known glitch at the moment.  We don’t know why the hams keep popping out, all we know is they do and continue to add to your total.  However, you still only need 10 to unlock Blobulous.  While it’s been reported to TinyCo numerous times we STILL recommend sending TinyCo an in game message if it’s still happening to you, this way they can see just how wide spread it is.  In the mean time there’s nothing more to do but have a ham party!  (just wish it was bacon! 😉 )

Now let’s talk about a task for Lois.  In the Redheaded Rivalry Pt. 2 questline you’re asked to make Lois write passive aggressive emails.  It’s a 6hr task that shows up in Lois’ task bar immediately.  HOWEVER…many of you are reporting it not clearing after you’ve completed the task.

2014-08-10 22.23.42

So here’s the deal…this task is tied to unlocking Felicia Day.  So you’ll need to unlock Felicia and then do the 6hr task in order for it to count towards the goal objective.  TinyCo has also responded to this in their in-game FAQ’s:

2014-08-10 22.13.08


So if this is happening to you and you have not unlocked Felicia…do not send an in-game message to TinyCo.  Send Lois on another (more beneficial) task until you’ve unlocked Felicia (I usually have her on the 10hr task with Jerome…best Blam! pay out for both characters).

So now the final question we’re seeing pop up a lot in the comments….Mutant Stewie has your characters trapped in a building and you can’t zap him.  The zapper won’t work, therefore you can’t progress through  a quest.  (seems to be happening a lot with the Fab 4 Headquarters and Lois)

Latcher Stewie Fabulous 4 Building


Here’s the deal.  If this is happening to you, definitely send an in game message to TinyCo, it’s not supposed to happen like that.  Keep in mind it may take a little while for them to get back to you.  However, in the meantime remember Latcher Stewie jumps to a new building every 8hrs.  So all you have to do is wait for him to jump to a new building to free your character.  🙂

And just a reminder to everyone:  If you’re experiencing the Assert Error Crash and you have an account setup, uninstall and reinstall TQFS to get past it.  It’s basically a corrupt file in the original download, and once you uninstall and reinstall it eliminates the issue.

IF you have uninstalled and reinstalled and it still doesn’t clear it…we recommend doing the following:   Hard close TQFS, Clear your Cache, Uninstall TQFS, restart your device, and reinstall TQFS.  That should clear out any issues with the corrupt file and get you back into Quahog.  When you get your game back remember you may have to follow the steps in this post to get back to your game. 

If you do not have an account setup….you can either wait for the patch to come out (we don’t know when it’ll be, we only know they’re working on it.  As soon as they release one we’ll be sure to post it) OR some players are saying if that excessively tap outside of the Assert Error box they can get back into their game.  If that works for you…we recommend IMMEDIATELY setting up and account in the game & then uninstalling and reinstalling the game.  This way you can for sure get ride of the error.  You can check out this post to learn how to setup an account.  

So there you guys have it.  The rundown and solutions for all the glitches that have been popping up over the weekend.  Have YOU been experiencing any of these glitches?  Any other glitches you’re experiencing?  How are you enjoying the event these days?  (despite the big Assert Error bug)  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

226 responses to “Phase 3 Glitch Report: Hams, Tasks, Lois and more!

  1. Now that I’ve gotten demon stewie I keep getting an error message that reads “Json File, fg_featuredModal_actionmovie_mini_award_v2.Json,not exists. Call FileCacheManager::findFile and assure it exists before looking in JsonCache.


  2. I have got enough blam for Louis’s superhero costume but cannot seem to access it.


  3. Anyone seeing the Ice Cream Sundae dropping? I’ve been getting one or two per day, but over the last few days…not a thing. I’ve tried zapping a latcher right after spraying giant Stewie; no luck. Quagmire comes up empty in his 12 hour drinking session each time. I’m 3 away from unlocking the Blobulous costume. No more ice cream for me. 😦


  4. Also, for those of you with the glitch creating outfits in Al Harrington’s store, I can confirm that I safely unlocked both Felicia Day and Carter Pewterschmidt without any problems today, so it looks like its a glitch just in creating stuff in the Al Harrington store.


  5. Hey Gang,

    Just thought I’d give an update for those of you who are having the glitch where you go to the Al Harrington shop and try to create a skin (such as Chris’ Blobuous or Brian’s PB&J) only to have all the items for that skin disappear and the skin not to be created with all the amount of items re-setting back to 0. I sent TinyCo a message in my game twice yesterday and got a reply when I opened my game tonight simply apologizing and saying that they were going to credit my account the amount of clams needed to re-create the costume. Since I haven’t been sending any of my characters on tasks to get the items for the skin my game glitches on (PB&J Brian) because I know I already obtained them all, the only items I have currently towards the skin are 4 PB Sandwiches that I got from Chris instead of the sugars I’m in need of to unlock Carter. My game says it will currently cost 940 clams to build the skin, so apparently TinyCo is going to credit me that amount. If that happens, I’ll have a big decision to make as to whether to spend the clams rebuilding the skin or to get myself Brian Cranston and use the rest of the clams when I need them while I rebuild the skin from scratch. I’ll keep you guys updated if/when I hear anything back or receive my clams. Oh and a Special thanks to Bunny for helping bring TinyCo’s attention to the glitch yesterday!


  6. Anybody have luck from TinyCo about the Blobulous glitch that took all of the items and didn’t unlock the costume? The update on 8/12 didn’t seem to address this and its left me pretty frustrated because of the money i’ve spent to get the diner. worried to gather all of the items again, only to lose them AND another 3,000 blam! Any help is appreciated. I have contacted them when this occurred, but haven’t received anything back yet.


    • They’re currently investigating it (and they have a lot of claim tickets in about it)…as soon as they have a cause they’ll let everyone know 🙂


    • Yeah I’ve had the glitch since I tried to create PB&J Brian yesterday. Put in a bunch of messages to TC now just have to be patient and wait. I’d suggest not trying to create any other character/costumes until we get something from them about it. I got the last item I needed for Felicia Day this morning and I’m holding off on creating her so that if she resets back to 0 items my characters don’t start dropping items I shouldn’t need anymore from tasks instead of items I still do. Paying the price right now with the PB Sandwich/Sugar Packet drops from making Chris eat a ham.


      • I’ve created Felicia Day just fine bc I didn’t have to wait, it was just an unlock. I think it is only effecting the creation costumes from Al Harringtons.


  7. I’m having the glitch with redhead rivalry part 3. I unlocked both characters and bought the forest and have done all tasks multiple times.


    • TinyCo is aware and looking into this issue. Send a message to them from your game, though, so they can gather more data. It’s not happening to all players. My quest line with her, went without a hitch.


  8. I have two issues
    1) redhead rivalry put 3 all complete no progression
    2) when I uninstalled and reinstalled my fb account was linked to a new profile (level 1) and I cannot get it to go back on my current profile (level 40) any help?


  9. Not sure if it’s a glitch or not but I haven’t had quagmire drop anything since I was trying to unlock Ron Perlman. I never got a record from him, I didn’t get blueprints from him and now I’m not getting sundaes from him. I know these are all rare items but I would think I’d have gotten something from him at some point. Also I only get pesticides from zapping Stewie. No sundaes. But I still have 15 hams. Wish tinyco would respond to my message.


    • Hmmmm. That is odd. Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling with a linked FB or Email account? See if that helps to refresh the game?

      The items you list are some of the more rare items and will take a few times to show, but they do come. The hams issue should be resolved now and no more will come, they were however independent of any other materials…so they never impacted the other item drops.


      • Maybe I’ll try the uninstall reinstall. I got the items from other characters I just wasn’t getting them from Quagmire. One of my friends told me he was having that issue as well. I was kind of hoping they’d change the extra hams to sundaes. Guess that was just wishful thinking. Thanks for the response Bunny.


  10. anybody else have a problem unlocking Blobulous?!?!?! I got all the items pressed create came back ten minutes later and everything is back at zero except the three extra hams!!!!!!!


    • Please contact TinyCo from your game right away. That should NOT happen. We will keep an eye on this in the mean time.


    • Same thing happened to me with PB&J Brian this morning. Got the last item I needed, tapped create, timer started counting down, 10 minutes later nothing created and Al’s shop says I need to get all the items again.


      • We reported it as well. Make sure you contact them so they can actually SEE into the games impacted. 😉


        • Thanks Bunny! It’s really messing up my game now because I’m sending characters on tasks that I want them to collect items for other characters (Carter, Stewie) from, and instead they’re collecting items for a character I’ve already got all the items for. Spent 8 hours waiting for Chris to drop a sugar packet for Carter only to get a PB Sandwich that I shouldn’t actually need.


          • Not a problem. We like to keep an eye out for trending issues and alert TinyCo to them. We had alerted them already on this, but they need to see the games impacted and that is where readers like YOU come in. If you open a ticket, it helps resolve the issue for all impacted. 😉


          • Can you do me a favor? Can you email me your Player ID from your game or send me a screenshot of it?


            • You got it, Just sent it over. Thanks for all your help! You guys do one heck of a job on this site. I must admit, as a converted TSTO player that basically just started playing FGTQFS because I like the TV show more, this game has become much more enjoyable for me than TSTO. As many player sites as there are for TSTO, I don’t think I’ve come across any that interact with players as much as this site does. And as much as people complain about Tiny Co., I find them to be leagues ahead of EA in terms of customer service and communication. The fact that this site has an open line of communication with actual people working to create the game they’re playing says a lot about how much Tiny Co values their players.


              • I got it and will send it on. Thanks. 😉

                I am happy you found our silly lil blogs. We started out as just players ourselves seeking information and help and just not finding the kind of environment we wanted. So one was created. We really do enjoy what we do and to “Pay it forward”. I know it gives me great joy to help.

                I too am astounded and delighted by TinyCo. Yes, they are small…like a Mom & Pop Business…but they are doing things that should make those larger companies like EA take notice. It is very refreshing. Makes me have a lot more faith in what they do. 😉


                • Couldn’t agree more. I used to frequent the TSTO site you help out with (you know back when TSTO actually created new content), and this site feels a lot more like a community/common interest group than the TSTO one. Not sure if it’s because of the company, or the game itself or maybe just differences in FG fans and Simpsons fans. Regardless though, TinyCo definitely owe you, Alissa and Cybersilly a vacation and a whole buncha clams for the amount of angry emails and messages from frustrated players y’all save them.


                  • Awwww, well I am just grateful they DO communicate with the gaming community. That to me is priceless alone.

                    As for the other site…yah…very very sloooooooooow right now. So, everyone is here. Lol.


    • Can you do me a favor? Can you email me your Player ID from your game or send me a screenshot of it?


  11. Quagmire is stuck in the ‘Furry’s’ building. It got latched when he was in there doing a task. I zapped the latcher prior to him completing the task. Now that the task is complete I have the yellow check and no latcher, but when I click on the check mark it tells me I need to zap it. When I try to zap the game hangs. Has anyone else seen this?


    • We have sent info to TinyCo, but please also send in a report yourself as our games are not having the issue and they need to see the issue live in a game in order to be able to resolve it.


  12. So I somehow just lost everything I needed to get PB&J Brian? I got the last banana peel i needed from Herbert this morning and went to Al Harrington’s to create him, it started creating him just fine and then part way through the creation time it just stopped counting down and now when i go back in the shop it says I don’t have any of the items I need for the costume. Already sent TinyCo two messages. Anybody else hear of or see this happening in the game?


  13. I’m having trouble with Lois doing the email part I’m on my 6th trying. When she is done I click on her but nothing so I make her redo it and still nothing. Please help


  14. SUSPECTED BUG: Batteries dropped but not added to the total.

    The Red Shirt geeks have dropped two batteries recently, neither actually increase my count of batteries.


  15. Ahhh haaaaa! Cybersilly you’re the best thank you.


  16. Was there any resolution for people with little to no latcher Stewies? I only have 1 at a time and they are few and far between.


    • Is this still happening? We are not getting that many reports. It has seemed to have gone back to normal since the earlier updates. Send a message to TinyCo if you are not getting one at the 3 hour mark. Mine are like clockwork.


  17. Just noticed they added Quagmire drink at the Clam to get ice cream sundaes! Whoo Hoo!


  18. Pretty sweet of tinyco to give 50 free clams for the downtime and glitches!!!!


  19. Hey, did anybody else get 50 clams for being Awesome? (the games words not mine, lol)

    A few minutes ago I checked my game and there was a 2 action quest, Help Fix Loading Error, which was was checked, and Collect 50 Clams for being awesome and a button to collect.

    After collecting my clams there was a ‘reminder’ about the Pesticide Boxes in the shop, lol, ‘Hey here’s 50 clams, now go spend 95’

    So what was up with that?


  20. Hey, I got a 50 Clam present from Peter for reporting a glitch!


  21. Ah, this is probably the thread to mention that free 50 clams quest for loading errors.


  22. Just noticed when I logged on that they gave out 50 free clams for the community because of the loading issues. Awesome!


  23. TinyCo just gave me 50 clams for “helping fix problems.” I had no problems with my game at all this weekend on any device, and had no reason to contact them about anything. I guess this is a make-up gesture to all of you that had problems. Enjoy your 50 clams!


  24. Tinyco has just given me 50 free clams for hanging in during the glitches. Log in now to claim. 🙂


  25. EVERYBODY SEND A MESSAGE TO TINY CO ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS. They just sent me 50 free clams for “helping us solve an issue”


  26. Hi!

    glitches… a little one. The catmobile appears displaced when you edit the town, have you noticed it?



  27. AfricanizedBees

    Anyone else have the Q drop an ice cream sundae? It says only Peter and nifty fifty diner but I got one from the Q or something else because I haven’t had Peter do that task yet and didn’t buy the diner. Also I think maybe the hams glitch is because of a format problem where Alicia day needs 15-15-10 items and Blobulous maybe got that same sequence because after 15 hams I haven’t had any more drop making Blobulous needs 15-15-10 also if the hams mistake is from that. Just got Super Lois Yayyyy!


    • They fixed the Ham issue. The Zapper drops Sundaes when you Zap Latcher Stewies. 😉


    • So I figured out an interesting strategy towards getting sundaes from the latcher Stewies. If you tap them while Giant Mutant Stewie is present on top of the convention center, the latchers have a chance of dropping sundaes or one pesticide of any color (my game is getting mostly orange). However, if you leave the latchers be until you have enough pesticides to vanquish Giant Stewie, and then in the 30 seconds it takes for him to re-spawn on top of the convention center quickly go around and zap the latchers you have, you’ll notice that the rewards for zapping him eliminate the chance of getting pesticides and instead leave only a chance of getting a sundae. I think I got at least 5/6 of my sundaes using this method. Before you try this though, just know that technically the odds chance of getting a sundae do not increase at all and that obviously trying this method eliminates any chance you have of getting pesticides from the latchers (if you need them), meaning you can wind up getting just Blam and XP from the latchers and nothing else. It’s certainly a gamble but it appears that limiting the options of possible rewards paid off in my game.


  28. I am having a problem with redheaded rivalry pt. 3. After going through the dialog all the tasks show that they are completed for the mission, but all I can do is close the window. After that the exclamation mark is still over lois’ head and tapping it just goes into the dialog for the mission again. Tried un-installing/ re-installing the game but it didn’t fix it. So far no answer from Tiny Co. Anyone else have this issue?


  29. Im upto date on the tasks but it wont let me send quagmire to chase furry tail at tge convention centre for my little furry pt 3,ive messaged tinyco but had no reply,has anybody else had this issue?


  30. Will the surplus of hams be credited to our sundae accounts when the glitch is fixed? Thanks for any info you can provide.


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