iOS UPDATE 1.1.3

Hey there all. The update that iOS users have been waiting for is here. This should help to clear up those left with the Major Update Bug from Friday. So go to your app market and download the patch for the “Assert Error”.

2014-08-12 14.43.35

Now please make sure you IMMEDIATELY link your account to a FB, or if you prefer, an email. This will ensure all your game data is saved and in the future you will be able to uninstall and reinstall the app as well as play on multiple devices with the ability to just log in to your game.

Let us know if this helped to fix your issues.


115 responses to “iOS UPDATE 1.1.3

  1. Yay a quick question I lost my progress since some problem occurred with my Facebook profile I messaged tiny co when the problem appeared on the 13th to be exact but still no answer or any sign that they are trying to help me out. I can’t get to my old saved game and missing out so much. So my question is how long did it take them to message you back guys who had trouble with the game? Thank a lot!!


    • If you dont hear from them after a week, send in another message to see where they are. So…I say contact them again. I know they are back logged right now, but they will get to you.


  2. Anyone know when the next celebrity is going to be available


  3. I linked my game to my Google account early on. How often do I have to log in to make sure the current game is saved? Most times when I go into the game, I’m *not* currently logged in with the Google account and I have to tap to login.


  4. My Fury Funhouse and Quagmire have been freed! Yay!!
    I did provide my log in info in my mssg to TinyCo and the did let me know they had received my mssg. I don’t know if they popped in to fix it or if it resolved itself, but I think they have some really great support working for and helping out their customers. Great job TinyCo! Despite what my little avatar looks like…I am a happy camper 😉



    Atfter weeks of trying every trick in the book & sending TinyCo my crash logs (& them responding that they’re working on using less memory but sorry there’s nothing to be done for now) it’s working again!!!

    I’m (what feels like) years too late for the comic con event, but I’ll take anything I can get! Now I have to read all your posts on the event to try & maximize what little time I have left.



    • Wooohoo! !! So glad your back. 😉


    • Staff.
      I. Wow. I don’t know how you do it with just the three of you. Have you considered drafting sub mods? I have no idea what moderation powers you can give on a blog. I’ve only modded on forum sites but I would think the permissions would be at least similar. Kittenbones would be a good add. There are a few other regulars around that could answer basic questions. Maybe take a little stress off of you kids having to answer the same question every other post. Anything in caps is yelling when read. Is it possible to just leave a link to redirect to a comment you’ve already made or the part of the post that explains it? Again not familiar with blogs. I don’t need a reply of course. Just me being maybe constructive.


      • Thanks. It’s fine. We don’t mind helping. I know people also yell in happy excitement when something like finally back in happens.

        I appreciate the suggestions. If it comes to we do need more help, we know our community of great readers is always around. 😉


  6. iOS! That makes sense. My phone has been bugging me to update the OS for weeks and I’ve just been ignoring it. That’s why I never had any of the issues others had. My procrastination finally paid off!!!


  7. is a screenshot from the game just now, mods does this mean no more pesticide streaks after 7pm Thursday? (Ie that’s when the Friday updates hit for me on the east coast, and if there’s a new weapon, does that eliminate pesticide?? Why does tiny co keep changing things?) In the interest of people who may be stockpiling and waiting to go on a run could you maybe make the advice that they shouldn’t? (I got lucky and my streak is currently focusing on orange which I had a surplus of)


    • Now now…it is just a pop up. It is ok. No worries. Don’t read into it. If you look closely it is stating ANOTHER version of Stewie is coming. As we have stated in many other posts…the other two are still here and will STAY the duration of the event.Confirmed MULTIPLE times by TinyCo. As far as the new content, they are just keeping the event amusing by adding a new element each week. I like that. Keeps interest in the game going.


  8. My game has kicked me out of Facebook and will not connect back to face book. I have tried everything. Does anyone have a suggestion I have been trying to connect back with Facebook for 3 weeks now!


    • If you have tried all troubleshooting, updated to the latest versions, and still no luck…contact TinyCo through your menu, help & settings, and see if they can help further.


  9. Yaye! 5 more clams for visiting their Facebook page!


  10. That deal that if you buy a box of coins you get a box of clams……. I bought a box of clams and got a free 130 clams, glitch in my favor!!


  11. Help! I updated the game, but now I can’t zap Latcher Stewie! It says the gun is ready, so I hit “zap” and then the game freezes. What can I do to fix this?


    • Try some basic troubleshooting. Force Close, restart device, or…you can go as far as uninstall and reinstall of the app as long as you have it linked to an email or FB account to save your progress.


  12. quit game, hard quit and u shall be fine, it was just a minor server issue due to so many players.


  13. i dont get the issue that i have. i bought the furry funhouse and it has a checkmark on it, but the furry funhouse is dark making it look like giant stewie is still on there. when i click the furry funhouse it shows the zapper. once i use the zapper, it freezes making me have to start over. this started happening yesterday. once i read the update and accepting it, nothing changes, still does the same thing over and over


  14. Game WAS running fine until it forced me to “upgrade” my game and now Consuela is telling me it can’t connect to server. Playin on iPad. This sure has been a glitchy mess of an event.


  15. Jasper Gonzales

    I updated the game about 30 minutes ago. Played the game, and finally got the last banana to make P&J Brian, started the creating process and exited the game. Now it won’t load and said the game can’t connect to the server. Is there anything wrong with this current update?


  16. I am now unable to connect to the server on both my iOS devices since the update ….


  17. Everything was working fine before but now I’m getting Connection Lost errors all the time. Anyone else!


  18. The game cannot connect to server. I hope it’s just a temporary server problem and not an update problem.

    Fingers crossed.


  19. Stupid Consuela popping up not letting me in game. I hate it when she *** blocks.


  20. Woohoo! I’m finally back in! Didn’t realize how addicted I was until I had to deal with three (or four) days of not being able to get into my game, lol. Needless to say, at this point I don’t care anymore that I’m quite behind on my progress – I’m just glad to be back in. 🙂 And you can bet I signed up an account name/login this time.


  21. Can’t connect to server since the update?


  22. Is anyone else having issues connecting to the server? I can’t seem to play. 😦


  23. right, just logged back in after 1 hour as per, it now has Consuela Connection panel. Gonna in-game TinyCo, but if anyone else sees the same problem, when they contact them in-game, ask for Error Codes to be displayed on the Connection Problem, that way, Droid or Apple or Kindle can be easily identified when posting a techy issue! It is not my network, I am watching a buddy on Twitch.TV too, so bandwidth is not an issue.


  24. So many connection errors after the update…. 😦


  25. My phone forced me to do the update, not been able access game since, keep getting cannot connect to server. Help?


  26. Got the update, now my game keeps saying it cannot connect to the server. I got in once but then it booted me out. And peter is stuck in there doing nothing! Nothing!! Arrrghhh!


  27. So for me the new IOS release is much worse then it was before (I was lucky and had no problems before). Now the game crashes by just scrolling around, happened at least 5 times in the last 10 minutes so instead of getting better it is much worse now 😦


  28. Im curious about something that maybe some of you can help me out with. There’s 5 challenge cars plus a 6th for getting all 5 challenges. There’s only 4 character superhero costumes, unless we count the elusive joe costume for android. So who are the extra cars for? Maybe a bad guy stewiemobile? And if ios doesnt get joe, would they want his super vehicle?(however a souped up motorized flying wheelchair would be freakin awesome) I am just curious what everyone else is thinking cause right now I just cant figure it out 6 super rides?


  29. With the new update Quagmire now has a sundae earning action if you missed it.


  30. little change made with the update

    I noticed that when i used a battery on a latcher stewie the timer did not reset as it had been doing. i used 2 earlier and my timer stayed where it was (about 2 hours left i think it was).

    just a little change i have not seen posted about.


  31. should my 25x streak meter stay at that after the timer gets reset? I had about 5mins left last night and did a final zap on Big Stewie, it went to 25x then the clock reset to 24hrs and stayed at 25x, just updated to 1.1.3 iOS and it’s still the same? I have deffo killed him more than enough times for the quest as that has gone, only Redhead pt2 n Blob pt1 left now.


    • Have you let him sit and NOT defeat him for a full 24 hours? If not, you need to let the clock run out completely to zero back out to 1X


      • just thought I would give him a Zap one more time on 25x after the 1.1.3 Update, timer has reset again to 24hrs, the bar has now gone back to Yellow rather than Red, so I think it might be fixed? well I got 2500 Blams so I guess its fixed! just panicked because I see folks on here at 65 gazillion blams alreadly lol, but thanks gang 🙂


      • i didn’t let him sit for 24hrs no, just zapped again at 25x and the bar is now Yellow after the 1.1.3 update, just was 24hrs for aboot 46hrs lol. thanks anyways gang 🙂


  32. Would I be right in saying there is still nothing in the game about dropping bombs on mutant Stewie? It says about it in the update description but I can’t find anything! 🙂


  33. Help! I need opinions. I have 40 clams (had 50 but my finger slipped when I was checking something) and I can either:

    Save it for Blobulous (I have 1 sundae) or I can use the 40 I need for the 4 remaining 8 sided die for Felicia Day…



    • I always say to try and save the clams all you can. Try getting items free first, then if you feel you REALLY must have it…then it is what makes YOU happy to have in your game. 😉


    • The drop rate for the 8 sided die is much higher than for the sundae.
      If its a question of either/or, definitely wait to see how many sundae you still need by the time the next update brings new celebs and costumes.


  34. So wrong place for this i know but does anyone else wish we could actually place vehicles on roads. I would think that would be a relatively simple code change. But I am a network monkey so what do i know. Other than “It is NOT a network problem”


    • It is more than a simple code. The characters use them for movement. That is why many game do not have vehicles on the road with really active characters in the games. Maybe, more driveways and parking areas to place them on. Or a paved, gravel, or cement type block (like grass) that allows you to put them on it.

      Liked by 1 person

  35. This fixed my iPhone. I had purposely left it not working (mainly because i didnt want to have to go through the intro) So the iPad the Old android Xoom and the iPhone are all up and working. The only problem is I can only be on one device at a time. And it would have been great to have gotten 50 clams for each device but lets not be greedy


  36. So happy I finally got my game back. And I made sure that I linked my game to my email, just in case anything else happens.


  37. Do you not get sundaes from zapping stewie anymore… I looked at what earns sundaes and I don’t see zapping stewie anymore?


    • It should still be there, are you sure you didn’t max out the sundaes? I had them as an option on the zapper until I maxed them out.


    • Do you have any stewies currently in town? He tends to disappear from the list when there are no stewies on buildings, at least on my android game.


    • If there is not a building with latcher Stewie on it, the option will not show in the ways to get the sundaes. Check when you have a latcher Stewie on a building and it’ll be listed with other ways in Al Harringtons. I thought it was gone too but I noticed it returned when latchers appear. Hope this helped.


      • Ok thanks for all the help… I didn’t have any stewie’s latched at the time I know see sundaes back up… Thanks for the help


    • They made this INSANELY hard to get. Only Peter or the Nifty Fifties Diner for the longest time (while Peter was busy collecting Pesticide and I didn’t buy the diner…) — they have recently added in Quagmires 12 hour Drink at the Clam task to the possible list. But it’s annoying that you can’t zap, defeat, or nerd-tap your way into getting these :-/

      Liked by 1 person

  38. I have no problem so I guess I should not update … They should really say wgats different


  39. I don’t notice a difference between this and the reinstalled version I had before


    • Is your game working? This was for those that could NOT uninstall/reinstall during the glitch due to a not linked account. If you already uninstalled and reinstalled when it all went down, then yes…you already have it. 😉


  40. Sadly this has still not resolved the undefeatable, phantom Latcher Stewie. For me, Quagmire remains trapped in the furry building where he’s been chasing tail for well over 24 hours now.

    The building appears darker as if Latcher Stewie had it though there is no Latcher Stewie icon. When selecting it the zap gun comes up, lets you use a battery, and goes through the animation as if you’d shot it, but then requires a hard reset to get back into the game.


    • Have you tried storing the building to kick him out? Have you already opened a ticket with TinyCo?


    • I had this same prob with the fab4 building yesterday. You cant store the building because someone is inside and if you try it kicks you back into game mode. I kept resetting the game, hard closed, going back several times and it eventually changed to show the coin over the building which you still cant click, kept hard closing coming back and eventually the squid finally showed and I got to zap him. I had lois chris and peter all inside and couldnt do anything until the squid finally showed. Maybe try that, hard close go back several times til thr squid shows or even try logging in on a different device? I use my IPhone and my android tablet but mostly the tab, but maybe some of this will help.


    • I am having the same issue. Never had a problem before this, but also the first time I’ve sent Quagmire on this task in a couple of weeks. I did send an in-game mssg to TinyCo just now…we’ll see what they say/do. I did try to store the building, per Bunny’s suggestion, but it will not allow me to select the building…just pops me back out into the game…soooo, you are not alone Aly 😦


  41. Just want to point out the first two months I did not want to link this to my Facebook out of fear it would constantly update all of my friends any achievement or purchase I made..was worried that it would send spam directly to friends all the time like all of the major FB games have (This is why I hate Candy Crush and I have never played it). At the same time I was worried it would crash at some point and it wouldn’t take any of my emails I actually I finally linked it to my FB account. .the result was it did not do any of those annoying things but it did automatically make all of my other friends who played friends I can visit..had no clue they played as well and its kinda like a secret club now lol.. so basically do is worth it


  42. I don’t really have anything to add to this, I just wanted to be the first to leave a reply 😏


  43. Bunny please help me. I lost everything. I linked my game to my Facebook account. I fear everything is now gone for good 😦


    • Can you please be a little more specific? What do you mean you “lost everything”? What pop ups did you see while linking? Let us know so we can direct you appropriately.


      • Sorry but I am in a total state of shock which I’m sure you can understand. I am back to level one. When i go to Acct info I click on log on with Facebook and it says “this Facebook ID (Judy) is already associated with your current account” but it doesn’t give me the option to replace my acct. I have also contacted help and support but I have always relied on your column for answers


        • If your game is missing, TinyCo is going to be your best option. They are the only ones with access to a players game and can determine what is going on.


      • Before I did the update I did make sure my acct was linked to something. I hit “link to facebook” and it said my acct was already linked


        • So when it said it was already linked, did you tell it to replace THAT account or back out?


          • This was before I did the update. I wanted to make sure I was linked to something first. Then I just backed out or maybe hit ok

            Liked by 1 person

            • If you hit ok, and did not read the print, you may have replaced your game with a Level 1. An option there for someone wanting to start over. Please contact TinyCo and allow them time to get back to you.


              • I have not heard back from them yet but I don’t have high hopes. I guess it’s back to just playing Tapped Out. I’m totally crushed. How long do you think it will take to get a response? A better question – do you think they can help me?


                • I don’t know the ins and outs of account recovery and why one is successful while another is not. They get a LOT of messages everyday and try to get through them the best they can as it is case by case. It could be as soon as 24 hours up to a couple of days, but they will get to you. Just hang in there, see what they can do. 😉


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