101 responses to “Halloween Glitches Update

  1. Anyone else getting the ENGINE_CONFIG_ERROR_TITLE message? Can’t load the game at all :*(


  2. What will the Halloween buildings give out, after the 7th?


  3. After brewing witch connie, her costume disappeared. Can’t brew again(now locked) and not in inventory, at least I don’t see it. Quest 1 still says to brew. I do(did) have all items to brew. Any help?


  4. An issue I’ve been dealing with now is the fourth challenge not appearing. I’ve tried finishing other tasks and quests, but they simply progress the same questline or introduce other quests that, in my opinion, should apppear later. A thing that kind of bothers me is that the quests for getting Alien, Predator, Mr. Weed, Slutty Cat Meg and other stuff that might not be reachable without spending major clams keep staying in my task list until I finish them. The Alien and Predator quests should have a timer or at least have the ability to be removed if you did not want to purchase the characters, or perhaps hide the quests until the characters were purchased. As it is now, they take up at least two of my task spaces along with other tasks not Halloween-related that requires me to do things that will take longer than the Halloween event to finish. Not sure if there is anything else I ccan do, but for now I’ll just have to try to finish the remaining Halloween tasks. 🙂


    • A great suggestion to send to them.


      • Sorry to spam this board, but I experienced another bug/glitch. 😛 I have reached part 8 of the “Ghostbusters, Roll Out!” questline and the TV now wants me to reach Fright Level 4 and upgrade the portal to Stay Puft (orange/red). The problem is that I’m already at level 5 and Nightmare Portal (green). The Fright Level part is checked off in the questline but not the portal part, and when I click Go, it centers on the portal, but nothing else happens. I’ve reported this and the things in my last post to TinyCo. Hoping for a speedy answer. 🙂


  5. I just wanted to give my than ks to this page, the community and the wonderful Bunny and Alissa for keeping us posted, up to date on and about everything and for giving us information about the glitches and problems when TinyCo gave none. My issues have now been fixed and I’m back in the game trying to get as much out of the Halloween event as I can. 🙂 Here’s a fan pic for Bunny and Alissa: [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/339nfrt.jpg[/IMG]


  6. stinky wizzle sheets

    The two solutions to the stat_badalloc is to do the phone restart sure… But that doesn’t solve the problem only temporarily patch it. The better solution is to put into storage the animated items and decorations that are not bringing in money, have a real value, or are really desired to decorate the town. After I stored the items the problem went away and hasn’t resurfaced.

    Sometimes you can improve the ram issue by pausing between apps and taking the phone out of idle. That seems to free up ram that it was using to close apps/functions.


  7. Hello ladies loving this Halloween event since ive been back on. My son and I were effected by the facebook/level 1 nightmare, so scared of something happening again. My question is, im still playing on level 5 portal without updating. this a.m. I went to update my game in the app store,because my phone said there was an update, and saw so many posts about since update they cant get in, locked out because not uploading at all, and dare to say knocked back to level 1. Can I continue to play without updating, is this update necessary or is it a patch for certain issues that some where having? Im so terrified of loosing my game again. Im catching up and dont want to be locked out again.


  8. Hi, has anyone had the error message: “Child name modalBG not found” it occurs when I tap on the perfume factory in the Stewie and Mayor West quests. Next I have to collect 4 bottles of perfume but every time I go to do it, it crashes with that error.
    Any ideas? I have done the usual, force close and restart. Thanks


    • It did have issues prior, but a patch was sent to correct it. Try launching the perfume factory from the menu instead. If it still wont help, let them know.


  9. So, got to love all these glitches, hopefully this post isn’t too negative for some people on here. So I am (or was) trying to doing the fourth week’s challenge with the stay puft marshmallow man. I had him up to 5x, I had just managed to get the last 2 bombs I needed, I used the bombs, he blew up and 5 jars of marshmallow came out. This was terrific, I clicked on the jars, tapped some other stuff and then the game, of course and as usual, froze. So when I went back in my jars were gone, they were not counted in the challenge. Would have had 7, now still have 2. Oh and my streak was gone and the stay puft was away for his hour after I ‘defeated’ him. So I contacted TC, but apparently they don’t have people work the weekends (god forbid), so the challenge is over tomorrow, so now I’m SOL. Gotta love it.


  10. I have had francis since the day after he was available. He is still level 3 and his bar hasn’t moved a bit. I reported it but if course they never respond. Their customer service isn’t very reasonable time wise.


    • Do you have him doing the same task? Some tasks have very very low XP payout, so it would appear they move slow or not at all. Try to switch up his task a bit and watch…see if you see him and the XP icon light up after the job is complete. If you do, then you are gaining XP.

      It is the weekend, but if you have not heard back on an issue…did you see an autoreply message? Did you message them through your game or email?


  11. Hi Ladies!

    My 1st post & its a glitch post… *sigh*

    Since this morning when the Halloween Houses update started, The game crashes with NO warning straight back to the O/S (Android 4.4.2 on Galaxy S4). After reading your advice on the other post (How to store characters), I mercilessly gutted my town by accessing the game on my Galaxy tab 3. The game seems to run fine on that, but not on my phone.

    Guess what…? Game STILL crashes!

    Now i’ve restarted the phone, NOTHING else is running & theres MUCH less installed in the phone than on the Tablet, but the Tab still runs fine & the phone craps out after 30 seconds or so.

    Having some I.T experience (30+ years), I don’t think this is memory related, But a new bug generously thrown in by TinyCo on the last update.

    As usual, All the plaudits you deserve for running my 1st & only port-of-call for all things FG:TQfS related. I’d be lost without it…..


    • Sorry to hear that. Please let them know. They made changes to the way the game impacted specific devices during Con Event to help combat issues. I am sure they can look into the added drain Stay Puft may be causing on some devices this one. 🙂


  12. I was going to report a glitch I was having with sending Lois on her 1 hr drinking halloween task. Instead of sending her on the task it would center the game on where I have the Founding Father in my game (which was latched onto at the time – with no batteries to rid it with) & a peter pop up would say something like “oh, no. a being has appeared & attached itself” or whatever the official phrase actually is. This would happen every time (including the pop up message) & Lois never went on any quest.

    But it’s not doing it now. Don’t know if it got fixed because the building latcher changed buildings or because I finally gave up on lois going on that task & sent her on a random other task (that happened at about the same time) or what. I just know it wasn’t fixed by the app update because it was fixed prior to it being released. but it’s working now.


    • You pretty much just diagnosed your issue on your own. 🙂

      If a latcher is on the building you need for a task, no one can go in and no one can come out. So can’t send characters inside for a new task, and those already in there are trapped until you get the latcher off.


  13. I lost my game on the 3rd of this month. I sent an email to tinyco and I also sent a message through the game. I had no reply until the 16th and that said “due to recent heavy support volume we are unable to answer your ticket”. I seriously doubt I will get my game back, and I also believe that the money I spent on clams is also gone. Im really gutted but there is nothing else I can do.


    • Hey there, THAT is the auto reply email I was referring to in my posts. 🙂

      Make sure you reply to it. It is just the standard practice for them to clean out the emails now and then. Especially when a mass issue hits and Tens of Thousands of emails pour in for an issue that’s resolved that same day. Those block users like you from getting help as they take away time from the techs. So, they clear them out…weekly or bi-weekly I think…and it keeps only those like you in the tech queue.

      So please make sure you reply back to that auto email, state you are still having the issue…what it is…etc…and stay in the tech queue. They will get to you. MANY readers from here had the Facebook rollback, it took a lil patience…but they did get restored and are playing now. 🙂


  14. Is anyone else having problems with Ghostbuster Quagmire not doing his jobs or jobs disappearing on his list besides me?
    2 days ago Quagmire refused to start any of his Ghostbuster jobs. After noticing he was just walking around not doing anything, I tried every job. I even went back and did it very slowly to made sure wasn’t releasing the jobs prematurely and they just weren’t locking in. I switched him to regular Quagmire started him on a short job and then went back to GB Quagmire and everything was fine. Today after GB Quagmire finished zapping a banshee, I tried to set him on the same job but the only thing that was showing up as a job was fishing for ghosts. I switched him to Regular Quagmire and then back to GB Quagmire and all his jobs show up again! He started zapping banshees right away once I locked his job in. I did contact the Help guys in game so they know about it. Even though I thought we were talking in circles for a while I want to give them major credit for answering my initial text within 10 minutes and within 5 minutes each text after that! Thank You Help Guys!😄 They said they’ve never heard of it before so if anyone else has had something like this happen please contact them so they won’t think I was smoking something wacky. lol
    And thank you Bunny, Wookie and Alissa for everything you do to help us!
    (Wookie! I made you the center of the sandwich😉)


    • HAHAHAHAHA except…Wookiee don’t play on this playground. 😉

      I haven’t seen it either. Occasionally a character will stop a task if the game didnt sync and you exit out too fast, but this…it’s new. Thanks for sharing so if any others run into it, they can report too. 🙂


  15. I’ve had the child fingerview not found problem, but it’s all good now. I deleted the app and downloaded it again. Here’s a pic of the error message.


  16. I am playing more on my iPhone because my iPad air crashes every 5 seconds. Tinyco says there is a known problems with iPad airs and they are trying to figure out what the problems are so they can fix…Very frustrating!


  17. Why do Francis and the Kool-Aid man have no facespace pages. They are just blank for me. Is this everywhere or is this a bug?


  18. I don’t think my stink bombs are adding up right I am earning like 5 and only add up to 4 at most


  19. Do you run out of terror dogs? Joe and Peter have finished clearing all of my terror dogs, and when I check the portal to see when the next terror dogs will release it just shows trick or treat kids. Sorry if you all ready mentioned this.


  20. the bad alloc (Start Error) has been happening to me for several months now, which is odd because i have a fairly new phone and usually this game is the only downloaded app using RAM at that moment (using the task manager i can see that about half is still free before starting it back up again) … but yes, closing it does fix the problem, but it’s just annoying to have to do that every time i go to play it again … it also occurs sometimes when i am in-game for a while and then try to open the event menu (did it for the previous event as well)


  21. Does anybody know what the upgrade is for reaching fright level 7?


  22. I don’t want to complaine but I have chose to not play family guy for the past few days and just stick with the Simpsons tapped out and don’t really like the show or the game but family guy is basically unplayable because it will not stop crashing so it won’t save anything I am playing on an iPad Air 32gb with a lot of open gbs. Is there anything you know to do to stop the crashing and I also have a really big town and am max level and have all the buy able to free players from king but to George takie to mayor west also have kool aid man and all the characters you can get in this event so far.


    • My personal things I have tried in this game and the other with highly active events are listed towards the bottom of the post below…. Lag/crash issues.

      Family Guy Technical Help: Basic Troubleshooting


      • I completely agree with removing animated objects to help reduce memory problems. When the TorTs arrived my game almost became unplayable. I had a lot of searchlights from the Comic-con event, which being semi-transparent, must put a lot of strain on memory and processing power. Removing them helped a lot.
        It’s odd that Tapped Out has more animated objects yet plays smoother and is only half the data size – yet takes longer to load. I wonder if TinyCo are putting so much into the game that they now need to slow down and make optimising the code an absolute priority, otherwise it can only become more of a problem and the chance for the player to clear more land will reduce.


        • I think it’s sheer amount and time. TSTO has been at this since 2012. So they’ve got their system down…kinda. Still run into this same issue there to in my games.

          TinyCo is working on this. We had a great discussion on it during our trip. 🙂

          To me…it’s quantity of items. TinyCo had given us so much stuff. Almost same amount it’s taken TSTO 2 years to drop, so it’s a lot in a lil time. Many aren’t used to that and cover every inch. Lol. We do like to show off our prizes.


    • The problem may be RAM. That 32GB is storage. The equivalent of hard drive space on a computer. The RAM is only 1GB.


  23. Level 3 for Francis sux. I’ve never been stuck on a level 3 this long before. Anyway I know it is moving slowly & apparently not just for my game. Hope levels 4 & 5 don’t take this long or we’ll be til the end of the event trying to finish his questline. Oh well.


    • Lol. It seemed that way on FP level 2 to 3 too. But now I am on 9. 😉


      • Same problem as with Predator, but once you get over the hump, they go quickly. I’ve had an interesting (though helpful) possible glitch during the event: When the event started, I had Carter down to only two sugar packets left to unlock, and Stewie with everything done except for 10 blueprints and all 10 plutonium. I think that sugar packets were once listed as common and then were changed to uncommon, at which point neither peter nor chris would give up a sugar packet, while lois and brian gave me plutonium every time. That worked until I had 9 plutonium, then got the sugar to unlock Carter. So, considering the complaining about the rarity of plutonium, maybe someone could try the same tactic. I literally got 6 plutonium in the same day and 9 in two days after trying for about a week for nothing and I log on about four times a day. Good luck! Also, thanks for the maze advice, Bunny! I got the Zuul Portal with about two hours to spare after bulldozing all of my meticulously zoned streets and leaving a little trap up by the entrance to the graveyard. Slainte!


      • I thought so too, but the 1000 FP you get for slutty cat Meg & whopping 5000 for Mr. Weed bump you up real quick. But if you need a quick jump, the 400 you get for chomps the zombie is efficient if you have extra terror bones. Too bad they don’t have a brew item that costs 20 candy corn as I have more than 200 of them collecting dust.

        Liked by 2 people

  24. Is that green Lois witch at the bottom of the page going to be a skin? She’s looking sexy…lol..perfect for Halloween! !


  25. What about predator with the banshee killing task? Is this task not progressing his level? It seems like it has not moved when I use this task of his, but if I switch up the tasks, visible movement on it.


  26. Is- Not Receiving Paid For Clams a glitch? After 4 days with no response from TinyCo, I contacted Amazon and luckily got a full refund within an hour. Really no excuse, TinyCo. I would caution anyone from purchasing clams, unless you’ve got a week to wait for them. Buy at your own risk.


    • I understand you can get upset, but please allow me to offer you some basics on replies to messages. TinyCo, like pretty much every company in existance, runs on a 9-5 M-F work week. So any messages sent after hours or weekends will go into the “line” with the rest until they are open again the next business day. It takes a company at LEAST 3 days to get to messages depending on flow, mass amounts of messages created by a game wide glitch, and the sheer time it takes to get to each and every single one. (Imagine yourself sitting at a desk with 50,000 people standing in line with an issue…how many can you get to a day?)

      That being said. They probably just NOW got to your message, if not tomorrow. If you allow them the proper time to respond, they are more than happy to help you out. I get you want something NOW and instant results…but there are things that are just not able to be instant in the real working world. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • That makes sense for like a small local cupcake shop, but a company with international customers making millions on sales at all hours of the night across the world can and should have customer care – at least – during the weekend.
        They’re not shy about sharing their success on their own website
        ” …our games have been downloaded more than 85 million times worldwide. We’ve grown exponentially since our founding in 2009, consistently raising the bar for success along the way.
        We raised $18M in series A funding from Andreessen Horowitz in 2011, and recently announced $20M in additional funding led by Pinnacle Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz. TinyCo is growing fast!”

        That should at least afford some high paying interns during “off hours.” This isn’t the real world- it’s the digital world- and that’s the world their business is in.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I am sorry you feel that way. I have worked for many of these large companies. Tech support has always been regular business hours. TinyCo…is still tiny in comparison to Giant game houses like EA. So in a sense they ARE like the local cupcake shop. I have been to both EA and TinyCo. Two completely different set ups and small vs Giant. They have no where near that level of staff.

          Just trying to offer you advice on how it works, especially with TinyCo. Regardless of what their promotions department provides to the public or not, that has no merit or bearing in how many hours tech support works or how long it takes to get through tickets.

          Weekend support watches servers and keeps game alive. Standard tech issues run basic work weeks.


          • Well, I’m certainly not running a multi-million dollar company, so who am I to suggest how to do their job? I got my $20 back though.


          • Why was my comment to this thread rejected? I made sure to submit it and saw that it was awaiting moderation, but now there is no sign of it whatsoever. I was certainly not disrespectful at any point and I was definitely on topic. Just wondering why my post would be wordlessly dismissed like that.


            • I understand you were upset, but still do not understand why you continue to be so negative towards us. Especially when it is US helping you. Your comment is there.

              Halloween Glitches Update

              I ask that you please show us a bit more restraint in the future and not be so quick to constantly judge and be negative. Kindness goes a long way. We are not a door mat. 😉


              • I’m afraid I don’t understand how I’ve been negative toward any of you. Are you referring to my original comment or my follow up asking why it wasn’t posted? My original comment was respectful at every turn. Is there really no room for disagreement here unless you’re a moderator? That doesn’t seem to be a very inclusive community attitude. Regarding my follow up, nothing I said was untrue. I posted, and it disappeared. I scrolled all over several times and refreshed the page and navigated to the comments multiple times before posting and it was definitely absent. Are you asking that I not engage in conversation in the comment section? Or that I not respond to certain people or certain topics? It seems to me that comments that you don’t agree with take longer to get approved than other comments, thus killing the conversation that would have taken place because the other party saw no response and moved on. That could totally be just in my head and not at all what is happening on your end, but that’s been my perception. I whole heartedly disagree that I’ve treated any of you like doormats. I’d be happy to have a civil discussion about this if you still feel I’m being out of line.


                • Previous comments…In your reply about it gone …and again in this one…you once again are accusing us of “avoiding” you intentionally. I’m tired of explaining this to you time and again. It’s in the way you reply that’s disrespectful. Instead of just asking where it went or if we can point you to it…it instantly becomes us picking on you. Which I find amusing as I personally went out of my way during my personal time and helped you. But yet your very next comment you try to make us out to be bad guys again.

                  Show some respect. We do have real lives, other jobs that pay for this site to stay active and FREE to you. We are human and require sleep and food at times as well.

                  If a comment sits…we are busy. Stop accusing us of mistreatment because you feel ignored. If you’d like, we can REALLY ignore every comment you post and let you see what it’s like to actually have no response from us ever. You are not the only person on this site. Over a million or more come here every month. It’s not all about you. The ONLY comments pulled are those in violation of guidelines.

                  Addicts Guidelines

                  Outside that, there’s those caught by spam for trigger words we have to dig out of the thousands we get every day. This on top of moderating thousands of regular comments daily. All this takes time.

                  Your comment WAS and still IS there. I found it fine. Even linked it.

                  So once again, stop accusing us of avoidance. Wait in line with EVERY ONE else for your comment to be moderated. Stop making false accusations. Be respectful to those providing you FREE help on their own dime and time. Be respectful to every other person waiting in moderation. No one gets special treatment. Every one waits their turn. It’s not just you.


                  • I’ve got to say… in this exchange, I feel that you are being far more disrespectful that I. It appears to me that you have a hard time with people saying things that you don’t agree with on your site and admitting when you’ve made agree mistake. You’re free to ignore my comments if you like, as you threatened, but moderators are supposed to be above that kind of behavior. Regardless, I maintain that I’ve not been disrespectful. If you insist of accusing me of that, that is your prerogative. You control the flow of conversation and it’s clear that you dislike me by the way you choose to respond to me. And thats fine. I’m not out trying to get the world to like me. I’m sure you won’t, but I’d encourage you to hold yourself to the same standards that you hold your readers to.


                    • Again…the fact of just how far out of my way I went to help YOU in particular, when I did not have to in any way shape or form…far outweighs your accusations. I laugh at the fact you still keep saying you are “picked on”. I guess my help just got tossed out. But… that is up to you to continue your path of “everyone is against me”. I am holding YOU to those standards and asking YOU to stop being so negative all the time. We get anger, we get frustration, but there comes a point you need to stop taking it out on us. Which is what you are doing. All the time.

                      I am not making threats, I am blatantly stating…YOU are accusing us of ignoring you…if you truly and honestly want to see what it is like to REALLY be ignored by us…not just assume we do. Then we can offer you the same treatment as those not following guidelines. I think you will quickly then realize what it is like and stop your silly accusations.

                      You accused us…again of ignoring you. My reaction is to THAT. If our morals and initiative of treatment here are called into question again and again…I sure am gonna respond. I have a right to. Enough is enough. I have been kind to you over n over n over n over…but you still continue to bash us if your comment, heaven forbid, sits longer than YOU want it to. So…I am being blunt now. We have a right to stand up for ourselves when the same person feels it is ok to continually accuse us.

                      They way you’re responding now, just proves my point. You think it is you against the world. You couldn’t be more wrong. I have offered my side and my thoughts. I will not pursue this any further.


        • I agree with you, sadly. During the lastevent, my game suffered a catastrophic failure that ended the event prematurely and I spent over a month trying to communicate with TC. In fact, the only reason they got back to me at all was because Bunny was kind enough to rattle their cages for me herself. I work in the IT field myself and I have to respectfully disagree with Bunny’s assessment of how things work in the real world. If I let issues go for days on end with no response and no real acknowledgment that the issue is reported… and then close the ticket with no response a week later because I couldn’t be bothered to get to it; well, I’d be fired… and rightfully so. TC did that multiple times in a row and I’m absolutely certain that mine was not an isolated incident. I’ve just learned to expect that level of service (or lack thereof) from TC. It has made me more content when playing the game. I’m personally of the opinion, though, that TC is biting off more than they can chew. If they can’t support the users they have with the game as it is, they have no business adding new content. Just my opinion, though.


          • I agree with your assessment. I myself have spent decades in the IT field and have commented elsewhere that they have “bitten off more than they can chew”. I think pretty much anyone who has worked in the traditional IT arena would feel this way. However, they seem to fully subscribe to the new mobile development paradigm where your users are your guinea pigs… new platform, new way of thinking I guess.
            I’m not sure why your comment above would have been held back… doesn’t make much sense to me but I’ve seen stranger things 🙂


            • They were under staffed at first. But this was their first HUGE game like this. I don’t think anyone saw how big it would grow and at the pace it did. I’ve seen a lot change since they started growing and adding more people. Response times quicker. Issues curbed faster.

              I still think compared to EA…they’re still in lead and TSTO is 2 yrs old and still same issues as launch. 🙂


  27. Thank you for all the info. 🙂

    I really think there is still an issue with Francis leveling up. I have been sending him on his 4 ht task for almost 2 days now and his bar has not moved and I never got to level 4. I am sure what you are saying is true for the most part. However I think in my game there is a glitch. I am still waiting on tiny co for an answer to this and sent this another in game msg this afternoon about it.


    • Lol. That is what Alissa said, then I had her speed up the task over n over..BOOM…leveled up. 🙂


    • I really wish they displayed numerical values. It would be easier to be sure. I’ve got several tasks that have been sitting for days because I can’t get the chars high enough to open the tasks that have to be done.

      Also, if you get a chance to mention it to them, I think they had a good balance of batteries and bombs last event, UNTIL the very end. The mystery box to use up blam was where we got crazy amounts of batteries and bombs that couldn’t be used up.

      I think that should have been the take away from the complaints at the end. Hopefully this event they won’t have that stuff in the final mystery box.


  28. What about all of the terror dogs being gone? I logged in and it said there were none in town but i know i hadn’t vanquished them all especially since i only had peter on the task and hadn’t touched it in 8 or so hours.


  29. Just wondering, it’s been 6 hours now and I have no terror dogs in my town and none have spawned either?


    • From what response we are getting, the spawns are still fine…so please report it to them.


      • The problem with dogs spawning is that they added the Treaters to the portal. They took a slot they have no right to be in. The Portal should only be for ghost, banshees and dogs only.

        I currently have Treaters maxed because they spawn too much and I can’t get enough Bombs to make a dent in their number because they spawn on the sidewalk and Portal. Its gotten to the point of frustration that I can’t take out Treaters or use GB Peter and Joe to get bones.

        What TinyCo needs to do is have the GB characters have a choice of what to capture. I currently have Max Banshees I can’t get rid of because Quagmire is the only guy that can remove them for me. TinyCo limiting a GB character to one monster type was a very bad decision. I’m sure Cleveland will do Banshees, but since I don’t have him its not going to help.

        Liked by 1 person

    • As Alissa said elsewhere, and which makes sense, since there are now more different characters coming out of the portal, of course there will be fewer of each spawning… and since they spawn randomly, sometimes you won’t get any for awhile. The Terror Dogs will be most affected by this since there are more characters that can vanquish them.


  30. Random question: what level do the comicon celebrities go up to? It’s seems like they’re never ending…


    • Still waiting on verification. 🙂


    • Most of my characters, except for peter, are maxxed out at level 15; if I were to hazard a guess, I would say this was the comicon character’s max level as well


      • Three of mine are at level 16, so I’m not sure the normal limit applies to them yet. Levels don’t really seem to mean too much after awhile anyways. They could use more face space posts though; I always find those enjoyable.


      • Can’t be true. My Patrick Stewart is level 17. Other Comicon guys are higher than 15 too, but i don’t remember off the top of my head what they are.


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