123 responses to “Miracle on Spooner Street Updates

  1. I have every character in the history of the game butt only the Christmas chAracters have audio ever since I updated it please help!


  2. I opened a Snowflake gift box and got the Poker Table for Bonnie, but I think I must have pressed the x button when placing it and it disappeared. Is there anyway I can find it again without hoping for it to drop in another gift box?


  3. I tried assigning Lois to the task battling the yeti. But I don’t have the task in her list of things she can do. The yeti is taking the 4hr break, is that why I can’t assign her to it?


  4. Thanks for sending me over here miss bunny, I sent them a message in game telling them I could hear no character voices.

    which I didn’t know I could do, what a brilliant feature.


  5. One of the most annoying things in this game is the drag-and-drop feature. Where you can drag a character all over the screen and drop that character off at buildings to work. I need an option to turn that feature off.. Trying to swipe my screen to clear coins or completed jobs, it always picks up a character and flies them through the air.. WORST FEATURE YET!!!!

    also, ever since the Christmas update, all my game does is crash… Crash, crash, crash… The screen goes black and the kicks me from the game. Galaxy s5


  6. Alright so I updated my game last Friday and it STILL doesn’t work! I can’t even open it! When I do, I get a message from Consuela saying “Data Error” and that there’s been an error configuring the game. Why is this still happening after a week?! What’s the deal?!


  7. If I delete my facebook and have no other accounts connected to the game will it erase all of my progress? Ive been wanting to switch my game to my gaming facebook profile for a while but without losing any of my progress in the game.


  8. I’m on the level needed and you can’t update the tree..


  9. Was they’re a tree upgrade? I’m still on 1 I guess but leval 5 in holiday cheer. I can’t unlock Bonnie’s presents


  10. Samantha Anderson

    There should be a Christmas action for Herbert along the lines of playing the role of Santa to get kids to sit on his lap. Mort should have one involving Hanukkah. And Cleveland should have something, anything! He never contributes to the special events until the very end.


  11. Any news on when the update will be?I’m just so impatient lol


  12. Meh, that error isn’t difficult to read, just a bit of Java. I don’t quite know the context, but I understand what is happening 🙂


  13. Ok I’m not sure if this was already asked or not, but when I’m trying to visit other players towns to drop off presents it just keeps showing Stewie spinning around and around and never takes me anywhere. I have presents to give, but can’t get anywhere. My version is updated. I’m not sure what is happening.


  14. Jerome also has a new task; Wrap Secret Santa Gift, 12 hours, yields 25 cookies and 5 cheer at the Quahog mall.


  15. maybe the wampa from star wars will come out of the cave or the ice cave will serve as the manger as when you click on Jesuses facespace profile it says in manger.


  16. My santa’s workshop is fixed! Took TinyCo about 5 hours to fix 🙂


  17. I solved the problem of “empty id in T” by putting the last present i opened in my inventory. Hope it works for you guys


  18. Not sure if this has been addressed but was Felicia Day removed from the game? Haven’t seen her in a few days.


  19. Dang it! Peter’s task is Ask for toys 15 cookies and 3 cheer; 4 hours at the Mall. Quagmire’s is Donate Toys, 15 cookies 3 cheer; at the mall


  20. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but Peter has a new 4 hour task that gives cheer and cookies, Play with Toys and so does Quagmire ‘Donate Toys’ also 4 hour task


    • Unless it’s a glitch, my game also allowed me to set Jerome to a 12 hour task of Wrap Secret Santa Gift. Although there doesn’t indicate any chance of receiving a Secret Santa Gift.


      • I think this will change after the update. The amounts for what he gets for completing is exactly the same as Bonnie’s and it is the exact same wording. I am pretty sure it goes in line with the 4th cheer level that says ‘More Gift Givers’ and has the ? in the red ball. Same with the 5th level cheer, it also has a red ? in the Procrastinators! Ornament.


    • Not only that but they apparently fixed the glitch that allowed you to finish Peter, Chris, Meg and Brian’s 1day Christmas tasks for either 2 or 1 clam. Bummer…I did it a few times to build up my holiday cheer.


      • Yeah, I was waiting until they were down to 1 clam to finish but they fixed the glitch in the meantime. I shouldn’t have been so greedy. I did get to Holiday level 6 though!


    • Jerome can now, also, wrap gifts.


  21. Chris. Templeton

    empty id in T” bpc::config object factorynewobjectforld(constituting&)const [with t=bcb::eventbuildingphase;std:::string=std::basic_string] _______________ so can you u guys please help me I don’t know what this error is come up every time I go to Santa’s workshop. and I don’t know how I should word it to contact tiny co


  22. Hi Guys,
    As always a great job on getting updates as quickly as possible to us, I know how hard you guys must work.
    I’m having a problem that I haven’t yet seen mentioned. I can’t open Santa’s workshop! I get a Consuela message that reads lots of gobbledygook starting with “empty id in virutal T…” and then I click ok and the game restarts but I just receive the message again. Pretty irritating, but I’ve already reported it to TinyCo, just thought I’d let you guys know at HQ.


  23. Hey there! So I’m having an issue with santas gift wrapping building. Whenever I try to open it I get an error message that’s kind of all gibberish, like I can’t pick out any actual words lol. So has anyone else had this issue? I already turned my devise off and on again, and I checked that my game was up to date but to no avail 😦 please let me know if there’s something else I can do!!


  24. I no longer receive any holiday cheer for placing holiday decorations.

    Is this happening to anyone else?


  25. What a bummer! I had no choice but to buy jasper for 100 clams 😩 it seems there’s a glitch with the Christmas gift boxes. I needed one more thing for jasper and the stripper box that it was in disappeared 😦 I didn’t want something to happen to jasper so I just bought him. Wth? Why can’t I get the rest of the presents 😦 they’re all locked away 😦


  26. Ughhhhhhhh! I’m becoming soooooooooo impatient!
    It feels like I’ve been waiting forrrrrrrrreeeeeevvveeeeerrrr
    to upgrade my tree.
    Thank The Gods it’s happening tomorrow!

    I wonder what the creepy Christmas cave will bring… Bumble Snow Monsters??

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh I am sick of waiting!

    Did the Family Guy ever spoof A Christmas Story? What would Peter want that’s similar to a Red Rider 200 shot range model air rifle?

    Quagmire could get… Ummmm… “It” stuck to a frozen flag pole… Stuck Stuck STUCK! Giggity.


  27. Um…so I don’t really want to “report” this, but today when I logged on it congratulated me for purchasing a box of clams, gave me 120 clams, and the clam task on the side changed to “Keep Clam and Carry On”. I never bought any clams (ever) and I have my iPhone set up to require me to enter my password before any purchases so I know it wasn’t done in error. Merry Christmas to me? Anyone else have this happen?

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Bonnie’s poker table how do you get this?


  29. I must be playing in God’s server, I have none of the problems listed in this post.
    I feel very lucky


    • I agree. I rarely experience the bugs that are reported and play on multiple devices. I may be experiencing the character sound issue on my iOS but I wouldn’t know as, disregarding the front page instructions to do so, I do not play with the headphones. I actually keep the game silenced so I can sneak in tasks at work and all sorts of other inappropriate places.


  30. I just opened a striped present I crafted in the workshop, and received something called “Free Play” It gave me back the 5 dolls I had spent to make it, some candy canes, and some gingerbread men. Is that an actual prize or maybe a placeholder/glitch?


  31. My Facebook linked game reverted to level 1 after a reinstall following a crash trying to visit friends towns. If I try to log in the loading TV pops up but it does not log in. I messaged tiny co from the game on Saturday but have not had a reply yet.


  32. I’ve just had a reply from Tiny Co regarding the audio issues, after sending them a message after reading this post, they said the issues are as a result of all the new content they added with this Christmas event, and that they were looking into it to find a way to fix it, they got back to me really quickly.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Sorry if it’s already been posted about but I’ve spotted the Pawtucket Brewery in the latest district area – any news?


  34. On the “The More, The Merrier” screen, it lists Holiday Cheer Level 5 as giving “Procrastinators”. I’m at level 5, but I still only get snowmen and Santas. Are Procrastinators only unlocked once the second Christmas tree is ready, or is this just a problem with the Kindle version?


    • You are on CHEER level 5. Not Tree Level. If you look over your tree you will see the #2. That is the next TREE Level coming. Tap on the Tree and it will tell you when the next Tree Level unlocks (tomorrow).


      • Yes, I’m on Cheer level 5, and that screen says that Cheer level 5 gives Procrastinators (at least, it has a 5 inside the Christmas ornament).

        Here’s a screenshot that shows what I’m talking about:

        Am I supposed to be getting Procrastinators now that I’m at Cheer level 5 (which is what the screen suggests), or are those not coming out until Tree level 2 (which isn’t suggested on the screen anywhere), or is it just an issue with the Kindle version of the game?


        • I can see how it may be confusing…that is actually showing the Levels of the Tree…and stating what levels of Cheer you are required to be on for each New Tree Level. That is why right now #2 is showing over your Tree. The Second Tree Level is about to drop soon and it is warning you to make sure you are at Cheer Level 2 to unlock it for the new items.

          “Earn Holiday Cheer to Upgrade your TREE…”

          So at TREE Level 5 (as long as you are also at Cheer Level 5…which…no worries for you) you will then get to see what they are. 😉


        • Yea i bet Procrastinators ends up being the shoppers i read about somewhere (the minion/ToTers of this event) Also i notice occasionally on the screen you show above my Mall Santas will say Gift Givers instead and have a similiar red circle with gold ?. So I am pretty sure procrastinators is a placeholder like gift givers seems to be.

          I am more curious about what level 5-10 will give since i cant seem to get it to scroll down and theres that note that says upgrade to level 10 and get every perk. Was kinda hopin to hit cheer level 5 before the new tree to see if that screen changes. I dont think I will make it though without buyin decos and I rather save my cookies for whats to come.


    • To answer your question, yes, they are unlocked later.


  35. After I leveled my treee I can’t make the older gifts. Is that a bug or done on purpose?


  36. I have run into an odd issue with my inventory, item names/pictures are not lining up right. Everytime I get a snow covered building it replaces the image of my Comic Con sign in my inventory. Several other ones are messed up too.


  37. “ChildName ModelBG Not Found”…. can’t open the gifts! can’t proceed! arrgh!!!!!


  38. I can no longer make a Holiday gift box?? It has a big padlock on it and says I need the Christmas Tree. Does it lock when you make all ofthe presents? I do not think I have, but I can’t figure out why it is doing that.


  39. It must have been late! Your Blog:
    + Wild west task refers to Brian?
    “One of them the R&B Records Task for this. ” Huh?

    Also, I am on Android, and I lost all character sounds, building clicks and game sounds except Background music and Jingle Bell sound when you click on Santa’s toy factory. I have reported it.

    I have also been having problems sending screenshots through the in game help – my help system crashes. I have force quit and reloaded/restored game, but it didnt help. Anyone else?

    Also having some problems with the second item in inventory items has wrong name associated with the icon. (but I cant send in the screen shots!)


  40. On my wish list for Meg it says boyfriend 300 not 3000


    • It is for all of us. Lol. Reported. That is more an autocorrect/spelling type error. As it doesn’t impact game play, they will fix it but it won’t take priority like these others.


  41. Yay! I won the Deranged Elf on my first box from Ollie and he’s still wandering around my town! Adding no real value though: he’s no larger than Stewie and doesn’t do anything but silently pace around.


    • What’s up with Ollie?? I haven’t seen him wondering around. I have an Ollieland friend that hasn’t played since the game started up. He/she never updates their game.


      • Ollie isn’t a character wandering the game. Ollieland is just part the “game”. It is there to give you someone to visit for those that have no friends linked.


        • On that note, Bunny, I don’t have fb friends who play, but I can see sometimes people put ‘add me’ as a friend within other threads. How do I add these people? Do I,have to add them as fb friends first?


          • Yes. Most are essentially also making accounts for JUST this game. Like I did. I do NOT want people on my personal account either. Lol.

            So you can make another Facebook account for just the game and use that to add all the friends you want for only playing purposes. Hopefully an alternate option of linking up to friends will come to the game in the future.


    • You should probably practice tapping him as I am sure there is going to be militias of them wandering our towns shortly.


  42. 🎄Ok, I asked this before & was unable to locate my question 😞 so I’ll try again. How in the world do you decorate the Christmas tree?? Mine still looks like a snow covered pine tree & it keeps telling me to decorate it. I am working on getting to level 4 BUT my tree ornament still says 2. THANK YOU!!!🎄😊🎅


    • The Tree itself is similar to other events. You CAN’T upgrade it yet. EVERYONE is on Tree 1 and Tree 2 will be unlocking shortly. Just tap on it and it will tell you how long until an upgrade to #2 will be.

      The Level you are seeing in the lower corner of the game is your Holiday Cheer Level.


  43. Any chance they’ll be bringing back American Dad buildings like CIA headquarters and Occupy Quahog? I’m unlocking the characters but can’t make them do the tasks, they’re practically useless.


  44. Which mystery box can the deranged elf be found in?


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