Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

Bless me Father for I have sinned…

Oh Hello There Clammers!

Forgive me as the Catholic in me feels a bit guilty as I write out this post.  Something tells me I’m gonna need to spend a WHOLE lotta time in the confessional after this one is done.

ANYWAY….it’s Christmas in our Tiny Quahogs and nothing puts the Christ in Christmas like Jesus Christ himself!

Jesus is an all new playable character for our Tiny Quahogs that can be “Crafted” via Santa’s Workshop.  For the low, low price…oh who am I kiddin?!  I’m already saying Jesus Christ over and over again…I can’t lie too!  For the insanely ridiculous price that will drive you up a frakkin wall of 100 Snowflakes and 15,000 Cookies…Jesus can be yours!  But trust me before you get there you’ll be cursing his name…either that or calling out “Save me Jebus!” (oh wait wrong game!)

Anyway…once JC arrives in your Quahog he is a full character complete with a full list of tasks & a questline.  He also has 1 pretty sweet task…where he turns water into clams! So now let’s take a closer look at this Birthday Boy’s questline..and just what you can expect when he arrives in your Tiny Quahog….

As mentioned above Jesus does come with a full questline & a pretty funny one too I might add.  Kinda, sorta, almost makes those 100 Snowflakes and 15,000 Cookies worth it…in a kinda, sorta, almost way….

Save the Date Pt. 1
Jesus starts

Have Jesus Slip and Slide- 8hrs, Earns 25 Cookies, 5HC
Have Jesus Upload Miracles to Facespace-
12hrs, Earns 35 Cookies, 6HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament


Save the Date Pt. 2
Jesus starts

Have Jesus Turn Water into Clams- 24hrs, Earns 50 Cookies, 10HC…Rare Chance for a Clam drop! 

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament


Save the Date Pt. 3
Jesus starts

Have Jesus Make Goodie Bags- 4hrs, Earns 15 Cookies, 3HC
Have Bruce Pass Out Flyers- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

Save the Date Pt. 4
Jesus starts

Have Jesus Wash People’s Feet- 2hrs, Earns 10 Cookies, 2HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

Save the Date Pt. 5
Jesus starts

Have Jesus Cut the Cake- 20hrs, Earns 45 Cookies, 9HC 

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament


And that completes Jesus’ questline in Quahog!

Now for a few questions I know many of you have been asking…

Do I Have To Have Jesus Unlocked In Order to Get the Cake To Clear the Wishlist to Unlock Santa?
No.  Just like you don’t need to have Stewie, Brian, Meg etc to get their prizes…you don’t need Jesus either.  It’s just a prize you win in one of the boxes & is not dependent on the character it’s for.

How Long Do I Have to Get Jesus?
You have until the event ends to collect the 100 Snowflakes and 15,000 Cookies.

2014-12-19 03.01.31

Will the Water to Clams Task Be Around After Christmas is Over?
Currently, we don’t know.  We’re waiting for an answer from TinyCo on that.  However, we do think it will still be around after Christmas…considering how long it takes to unlock him.

2014-12-19 03.01.44

How Many/How Often  Clams Fall During the Water to Clams Task?
I did the task 3 times.  I got Clams once.  I was awarded 2 clams when I got them.  It is a rare chance…

Do you need the Manger to get Jesus?
Nope! He comes with his own teeny tiny one once you unlock him. You place it into your Quahog to bring him in the game. It is NOT the one in the Gold Gift Box

Can I Use Jesus to Beat the Yeti and How Many Points Does he Give?
Yes, Jesus can beat the Yeti.  He’ll hit him with 2-3 health point drop (like John).

So there’s the Jesus Christ rundown my friends!  Now if you’ll excuse me…I’m going to go say 10 Our Father’s, 6 Hail Mary’s and a few O Holy Nights…you know, just in case! 😉

What do YOU think of Jesus?  Have you unlocked him yet?  How close are you?  Thoughts on his Turn Water into Clams Task?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!



95 responses to “Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

  1. Dangit I have childish yeti left with 18 health and 3.5 hours on the timer. Characters have 3 hours to do their first round of damage (louis, joe, mort, and john). And 98 snowflakes wtf. So, I wonder if it is worth it to speed up for Jesus


  2. Never going to get Jesus! So upsetting


  3. Will there be a Rupart box that we can buy for like 10,000 cookies at the end. Kind of like what he had at the end of the Halloween one. Or should I try & spend my 99,500 cookies now?? THANK YOU!!



  4. I’m so upset, I have 99 Snowflakes and I’m not gonna be able to get that last one for Jesus:(


  5. O’ my gosh!!! I thought it was going to take 150,000 cookies to get Jesus & much to my surprise I checked out the toy shop place & it said I could wrap him up & it was only 15,000. I swear mine said 150,000.


  6. I only unlocked Jesus today, do you think I’ll be able to complete his quests after the event ends?


  7. Do you get clams when you unlock Jesus? If you do, how many? Checking to see if it is worth it to spend clams to get extra time to beat King Yeti.


    • You get clams for character completions. Look on your facespace to see what ones you have. As far as Jesus himself…his task does kick out a random Clam here and there.


  8. Just checking… I got me some Jesus, a gay dog and an uptight older lady… don’t I get 25 clams for that? I’ve closed then restarted my game, but no uptick in clams.


  9. Im never going to get the other 50 snowflake stockings I need for Jesus…. Ughh


  10. So, I’ve got the wish list for Santa completed. When do I get Santa? It says on his silhouette Your need the Gold Gift Box? Do I need to buy one of these??


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