Hey there Guise and Ghouls!

Having fun yet with the Graveyard addition to the game? Well, just like TinyCo… MORE is always better. 😉

We now have even MORE EVIL added into our towns courtesy of another Mini Evil Week Event. This one is timed.


Satan Pop Up

Back with more Evil details in just a bit….


Retep's HouseRetep’s House w/Retep: $250, Build Time 1hr, $60 & 40XP every 12hrs, Chance Anti-CoinAnti-Coin

Tiny Tots SweatshopTiny Tots Sweatshop w/Evil Stewie: $300, Build Time 4hrs, $60 & 40XP every 12hrs, Chance Anti-CoinAnti-Coin

Sober OysterThe Sober Oyster: $250, Build Time 2hrs, $60 & 40XP every 12hrs, Chance Anti-CoinAnti-Coin

McVeggie TownMcVeggie Town: $250, Build Time 12hrs, $60 & 40XP every 12hrs, Chance Anti-CoinAnti-Coin

Channel Negative 5 NewsChannel Negative 5 News Building: $12500, Build Time 16hrs, $45 & 40XP every 8hrs

Ugly People's ClubQuahog Ugly People’s Club: $1000, 4hrs Build Time, $60 & 40XP every 12hrs


Church Of SatanChurch of Satan: 12 Anti-CoinsAnti-Coin, Build Time 1hr, $55 & 35 every 10hrs

Evil Swanson HouseEvil Swanson House: 6 Anti-CoinsAnti-Coin, Build Time 4hrs, $70 & 45XP every 16hrs

The Shaved NunneryThe Shaved Nunnery: 8 Anti-CoinsAnti-Coin, Build Time 4hrs, $30 & 20XP every 4hrs


Alternative Healing HospitalAlternative Healing Hospital: 225 ClamsClam Icon, $40 & 25XP every 6hrs

HellmouthHellmouth w/Satan: 175 ClamsClam Icon, $70 & 45XP every 16hrs

Bank of the Dark LordThe Bank of the Dark Lord: 150 ClamsClam Icon, $30 & 20XP every 4hrs, ALWAYS Anti-CoinAnti-Coin



Defaced Stewie BillboardDefaced Stewie Billboard: $125

Satan's BBQ RoastSatan’s BBQ Roast: $666

Satanic AltarSatanic Altar: $666

Welcome to Evil Quahog SignWelcome to Evil Quahog Sign: $100


Evil Stewie FlowerEvil Stewie Flower: 5 ClamsClam Icon

Vegetable TreeVegetable Tree: 45 ClamsClam Icon

RetepCopterRetepCopter: 125 ClamsClam Icon

HindenRetepHindenRetep: 200 ClamsClam Icon

Frozen ChickenFrozen Chicken: 10 ClamsClam Icon

ATM From HellThe ATM from Hell: 15 ClamsClam Icon


Upscale Hillbilly ATMUpscale Hillbilly ATM: 2 Anti-CoinsAnti-Coin

Defaced Brian BillboardDefaced Brian Billboard: 4 Anti-CoinsAnti-Coin





Love Letters to Meg3 Love Notes to Meg (Rare): Quagmire Drink at the Clam OR Joe Investigate Source of Prank Calls OR Satan Doggie Hell OR Quahog Ugly People’s Club

Razor Blade8 Razor Blades (Uncommon): Mort Swallow Jewels OR Quahog Mini-Mart

Shirley Temple12 Shirley Temples (Common): Jerome Host Happy Hour OR Founding Father OR Drunken Clam

Anti-Coin5 Anti-Coins (Rare): Sober Oyster OR McVeggietown OR Tiny Tots Sweatshop OR Retep’s House OR Bank of the Dark Lord


Evil StewieEvil Stewie


Machete6 Machetes (Common): Chris Get Easily Smitten With Girls OR Herbert Buy Extra-Drousy Cough Syrup OR Lois Shoplift

Yellow Contact Lenses3 Yellow Contact Lenses (Uncommon): Bruce Fret in Line OR Satan Party with Super Devil OR Jerome Trade Baseball Cards

Demonic Hymnal9 Demonic Hymnal (Uncommon): Meg Scarf Down Hot Dogs OR Bonnie Abuse Jacuzzi Jets OR Quahog National Bank

Anti-Coin8 Anti-Coin (Rare): Sober Oyster OR McVeggietown OR Tiny Tots Sweatshop OR Retep’s House OR Bank of the Dark Lord


Satan 1Satan: 175 ClamsClam Icon



Peter will kick this off as usual…


Pt 1: Place Welcome to Evil Quahog Sign & Peter Spot his Doppleganger (30s)

Pt. 2: Place Retep’s House & Collect from Retep’s House (x2) & Peter Watch Val Kilmer Flicks (10hrs)

Pt. 3 Place Defaced Stewie Billboard & Peter Hang Out at the Clam (1hr)


There you have it, the Evil Goodies just added to our game.

What do you think of it all so far? Enjoying the Spooky Summer Theme going on? What did you pick up already? Let us know.


97 responses to “EVIL WEEK IS HERE! MUHAHAHAHA!!

  1. More characters!
    How come they don’t have timers though? They really should if they are available for just 1 week.
    In any event i bought the devil and have retep nearly done (100 clams to unlock now) and evil stewie is 40% done, drops are fair for me.


  2. You can have more than one bank to help get the demonic hymnal books for Evil Stewie


  3. I wonder if there will be a part 2 to this event with Super Devil as a premium character.


  4. One nice thing about Evil Week is that those of us not to the point of opening up the new district get to have some Halloweenish fun also. I haven’t even unlocked normally evil Stewie and his not exactly nice grandfather yet, so the graveyard district is far in the future for me. If I unlock Evil Stewie this week, he will be running around my Quahog before his allegedly less evil normal counterpart.


  5. ZLicense storbinC

    I only plan on building the coin buildings that drop stuff, and storing them as soon as they don’t become usefull (got 2 builders going full out on them) and only buys decorations as required by the quest line.
    Yes it’s true the new district land that was just released will be filled by the new evil content.

    I thinks it’s also time to start storing more old stuff.


  6. Somebody at TinyCo really doesn’t like vegetables. I suspected with Peter’s task of cooking [derogatory adjective deleted because I can’t remember it] vegetables, but the vegetable tree as a demonic item clinches it…. A mixed vegetable tree would be really nice as one of those miniature potted trees for apartments and non-gardeners. Just pull off a carrot for a snack (with peanut butter), grab some lettuce, a bell pepper or two, maybe a little broccoli or radishes for lunch or dinner.


  7. Sorry to do this because this looks like a fun little mini-event, but TinyCo math has struck again. In order to get the two characters (13), the three buildings (26) and the two decorations (6), you will need 45 anti-coins. Once you have built the four freemium buildings that drop this item, they are all 12-hour rare drops. Assuming you have all four buildings completed by 6 pm ET Friday, you will have 12 more 12-hour windows (six days at two per day) with which to collect from these buildings before Thursday at 6 pm ET. Twelve collections from four buildings is 48 opportunities for a rare drop for 45 anti-coins. Understanding that some buildings are built prior to this time frame and will have different collection times, it still will be a tough get. Kinda unrealistic for a rare drop item. It appears you need to use those coins wisely for the items that you really want the most. Or spend the 150 clams for The Bank of the Dark Lord building and you should get everything since that is listed as an always drop every four hours (probably five anti coins paid out per day).

    Anyone else compute this differently?


    • Keep in mind that the Decorations and Buildings NOT needed for Questlines or Character placement are always “Alternate Options” in the game. Just like Clam Buys. You do not have to get them, but they will still offer them. You have to make the personal choice to get anything more. So yes, they are there for a player to decide what is worth it to you to put into your game. Also, don’t forget you get a Coin IMMEDIATELY after those Buildings are placed/Completed. So you get many right away. The main concern always has been and always will be the Characters. There is a lot available to get them. Anything else is a “side thought”. Not to mention all we see here in the Comments daily is “too much stuff”, so there is also no need to get every single item unless you want to put more “stuff” in your game. If that is the case, then again… up to you to do so. No need to overthink this one. Think only “will it get me the Characters”. Beyond that… personal choice to try for more. 😉


    • Most of the buildings that have a chance of dropping the anti-coin don’t drop them. The Bank of Satan always drops the anti-coin, so I suck it up and spend clams just before it drops and the spend 8 clams each to get additional anti-coins. That is the only way I see getting enough anti-coins for all the stuff I want out of my game.


  8. Shouldn’t Stewie’s opposite Doppelgänger be nice? Stewie’s pretty evil already….


    • No, obviously you aren’t a regular family guy viewer, this evil stewie is an accidental clone that stewie made, in the episode stewie tried to make himself more evil but this resulted in an evil clone.


      • I’ve watched so many episodes since the series began, and in endless repeats (Adult Swim runs them twice a night), I think I qualify as regular…. But I still think an evil Stewie would really make a 180 and end up good! 🙂 That kid is nasty. It’s allowed to have a different opinion than the show’s writers. It’s not as though they care about consistency themselves.


  9. I know it’s early in this mini event but does anyone know the quest line tasks yet? I’m afraid to send anime Peter out on a 12 hour task for Paddy in case he’s needed for a fear no evil job. Like many of you I’m waiting for construction to finish up from yesterday before this event started so I can build buildings needed for this event.


  10. No rest for the weary. Tom Tucker and Mayor West will not be pleased as they get to keep sitting and not be activated any time soon, LOL. Gonna have a devil of a time with this one!


    • My Mayor West is hard at work with the spirit portal, in my game I have found Paddy and his rare item is the one mayor west is trying to get and still have 0 of them.


  11. Did anyone of you buy Satan? I like this character and I’m wondering if it is worth buying. I play only with collecting clams, don’t want to buy any clams and currently I have around 600 clams, so 175 is quite a lot for me. If anyone could help, say how he helps with getting Retep and evil Stewie (what are his tasks / how long they take and if he always gets Contact Lenses and Love Letters) and maybe something about his questline… I don’t want to sound like a cheapskate, but if I pay for a character I’d like to get some profit from it, not just buy it because I like him. I did it only with Consuela because I love her character.


  12. Girls… you do such a good job with this site. Thanks.

    A bit off topic, but my Quahog is really looking messy, and I want to stick a load of buildings into inventory, but don’t want to remove any character/skin tasks. Is there a list of buildings that have no interaction whatsoever?


    • As they change… no. Best thing to use is the main ones that unlocked each District, then leave some area to put in “temporary” ones. The run down posts like this one will let you know what will be useful.


  13. my drunken clam doesn’t say there’s a chance of dropping Shirley Temples 😦


  14. Satan is voiced? If so i will buy!


  15. Not another timed one! Please TinyCo give us a week off. I hoped that the district would mean a week or two of calm. Luckily had already got the land 🙂


  16. Well… I am a bit irritated over the short week long events that they put in to lure me into spending Clams. Especially as EVERY (censored) time they introduce a weekly event my game starts to crash on me forcing me to restart multiple times just to make sure that all my characters are assigned to their tasks after the last crash.

    This event is more interesting than the last one though so I will play it through but I am slowly reaching the point where I will uninstall the bug permanently.


  17. Eh, too many buildings, but I really am exited to get Retep and Evil Stewie (though evil versions of the other griffins would be cool, like maybe a meg that is considered hot, a chris that is smart, maybe a lazy lois, and a brian that is, well, the opposite of brian. I really want the Retepcopter and Hindenretep, but I don’t have nearly enough clams. Fun fact, Retep appeared in the episode where peter and meg used the Megcopter, and peter mentioned seeing him while in the copter.


  18. my names jeff

    On holiday next week, so probs won’t get this stuff


  19. Nice idea for the event but given the nature of it I would have much rather they’d been skins for the existing buildings instead of whole new buildings in their own right

    Liked by 1 person

  20. No voice for Satan?


  21. I’m so mad right now, i really wanted to get satan but I only have 87 clams and dont get paid until the day after the event ends ugh…
    Can anyone spot me a fiver lol…


  22. Must! Have! EVERYTHING!!!!!


  23. Are Retep and Satan supposed to be voiced? Only evil Stewie seems to say anything right now (and it’s the usual phrases for regular Stewie). Thanks!


  24. I knew I would regret starting that piece of land that takes 2 days to clear. I knew it.


  25. Finally something to use all my banks !! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  26. “Solicitors welcome”

    So funny…


  27. Arg…of course I sent Peter on a long task and started two buildings this morning. 🙂


  28. I love the last couple of events, as well as the new district. The tasks in this one seem quite long for a week long event, but other than the love notes for Meg, obtaining the rare items is a passive, and you don’t have to send anyone, just remember to check the buildings to collect. In fact, there are a lot of buildings to check in this one, so I guess I better check my inventory to make sure I do not have needed ones stored! *chuckle*


  29. I agree that they should have been skins instead of more buildings. Even the new district added land, it’s also added a ton of stuff, so that land got taken up.

    Biggest downside? Many of the item tasks are extremely long, 12 hr/16 hr/1 day tasks. They did better this time, with only Jerome overlapping. Satan does help with both characters, so that’s good too. Shame he didn’t also have a clam task.

    I’m concerned with only a week at the limited number of chances to pop these items.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I personally like they are not. I have “THEMED AREAS” I like to work with, so I would have to uproot the Base Building, move it to the Theme Area, then move it back again when I am done (like the Valentine’s Skin). This way when they are not in use, I can store them and leave the Base Buildings where they are. Less “reconstructive” work to do. I learned a long time ago that this IS The Quest For Stuff and I learned to tuck Stuff away and not have every item in my town.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bunny, I would like to see your quahoq, any chance you will be my neighbour?


      • Yes of course. But we need more lands anyway. I don’t get the point to play if you just have all your lands full of building with no roads and no decorations, it’s sad! I mean the purpose of this game is to rebuild Quahog too.
        I still have a lot of lands to unlock though. But when I won’t be able to build neighborhood with some park and decorations etc as I like because of the lack of lands, I think I’ll stop the game at this moment.


      • I would like to see a snap shot of your town and how you have it set up someday. My town is slowly getting a little congested and I am not sure what buildings to store because I want them all out to make the most money (lol)


      • I love the quest for stuff!!


  30. Sooooo much stuff I hope it’s all do able … I guess I will take my focus off the ghosts as they all seem to be same characters needed jorone Peter quagmire Urgh


  31. ahahah looks my graveyard will have to be downsized to make way for more new STUFF!


  32. I would of loved to see Thaddeus instead of Retep but he’s cool too.


  33. moviebuff3000

    Looks like I will have a devil of a good time with this event. 😉 Probably would have made sense to release Evil Monkey during this event also. Would have made even more sense if the “evil” buildings were skins instead of new buildings. Now I need to store more buildings to make room for the new buildings.


  34. Know what I’d love….Bertram! And maybe the grease skins for the characters *hint hint* tinyco


  35. Anyone know if Satan has a task that drops clams like Jesus? If so I may get him.


  36. SATAN!!!! Had to get him. Still have those annoying hybrids wandering around; maybe Satan could BBQ them 😉. Too many buildings again, but looks like a fun event so far.


    • Hey, the hybrids are little moneymaking machines! $10 a pop! It’s like popping bubble wrap but profitable. I have ten of them still floating around, too, am trying not to pop them to see what happens.


  37. Apart from things like Retep’s house which I dont mind cause we need more houses, things like the sober oyster and McVeggieTown really should be skins, so unnecessary to have soon to be useless buildings taking up space when they could so easily have been otherwise


    • You can always store what you don’t plan on using. I store character ters from time to time when they aren’t useful in events just to get them out the way. I store most of the decos and npcs too.


      • Of course I can but I dont see the logic in not using a system which they have used so well in events such as the Halloween & Xmas events. For no extra hassle they could have just made it a whole lot easier


  38. I’m glad Retep and Evil Stewie are characters and not skins. I’d be more interested in getting Satan if he had a clam generating job like Jesus did, just because the parallel between the two

    Liked by 1 person

  39. I guess it really is evil week. I just sent all my characters on one day tasks or to work on 10 quests for Pawtucket brewery. Gotta wait till morning to continue…. In the mean time, I placed down the decos and some buildings!!


  40. Yeah I was wondering what this was a few moments ago when I opened the game!


  41. You guys don’t have the name of the task of the people that we need to collect stuff for evil stewie?


  42. It’s 8:11pm eastern time now and I just got Satan ! That’s kick ass to drop that character but I’m still seeing hybrid dogs around my town and under characters pregnant stewie is still showing up (I refuse to purchase that skin, since the challenge before this one, I used up the Rupert box to get the comic con characters because I started the gay with the Star Trek event and all I got were costumes. I spent 125 clams times 6, that was 750 clams on just costumes. After that I refused to spend any more money for the comic con characters. I think that was horrible for tiny co to push the costumes before the characters if a person didn’t have any of them. Imagine spending 750 clams on past costumes (that didn’t even have any task after getting them, not one). But I’m glad I got satan now !


    • Not gay, I meant game lol oops


      • I think my phone’s autocorrect has a very strange sense of humor, too. I’ve given up making corrections to the incorrect corrections spotted after posting unless it really is totally incomprehensible. Sometimes my phone seems to make changes just as I hit the send button. So relax and enjoy!


  43. I’m in heaven! 😈 Not that Jews believe in the devil… Or heaven… Or anti-coins.


  44. Squeeeeeee! I now have Jesus and Satan in my Quahog!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. A little bit of poor planning by Tinyco on this one, releasing this event so soon after the new district, as a lot of players will have their handyman tied up clearing the new land, so may lose up to 2 days out of the 7.


  46. I was initially REALLY annoyed that this event appeared. It’s an event I like and love the theme of, but I’m working on my graveyard and have a long ways to go. Then I smacked myself hard on the head and reminded myself for the MILLIONTH TIME that the district is not timed. Repeat to me again, district is not timed! and that people newer to the game aren’t even on this district.

    So I take back my crazy thoughts and say Thank You TinyCo. I love Evil Weeks characters, buildings, and others assorted doodads so far!


  47. Yay, for Evil Stewie!!! He’s one of my top 5 need have characters.

    Also I still have a few Hybrids running around town, which I plan to keep. Let’s see how long they last before being removed from the game.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. I didn’t think this would only be a week, I’m going away next Wednesday to stay with family and will probably lose access again, I’m glad that this is a week as it will probably be fairly easy to earn most things. I’m not too fussed about these, I’ll try but I mainly just want Retep and Evil Stewie. Of course, bonus free things are nice.
    Side note-I had some friends round today and we went to see Ted 2, loved it, great film! Would have loved a mini event for that and would pay clams for them!


  49. This is really Halloween in July…


  50. Way too many buildings. Skins would have been better.

    Liked by 2 people

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