Monthly Archives: August 2015

PeterPalooza Main Walkthrough: Grin & Bear It

Hey there Clammers!

The PeterPalooza Festival has now moved into Phase 3. Rocker Alice Cooper is in our games. Some International Party boys Belgard & Tomik have made an appearance, Leaderboards are back, and we all are desperate to get as many Blammy Awards as we can. Just like Musicians. Lol.

All this crazy New Content just means one thing… New Questlines for the Event. Including the Main Questlines for Phase 3, Grin & Bear It

Mascara Shop

Let’s take a look at the Main Questline and all you will encounter along the way.

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Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

fg_materials_oregano_v2@2x fg_materials_cd_v2@2x fg_materials_vicogin_v2@2x

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? Do anything fun? 

Any cool Movies out you are going to see? Already watched?

I want to make Divinity with my Gramms tonight? Any cool recipes or tips? 

Do you have a unique dessert from your family/ country that you’d like to share?

Wanna send us a cool pic of your country? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! 

Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

PeterPalooza 101: Blammies & Leaderboards

UPDATE 9/1 3:20PM EST: TinyCo is actually going to launch the 2nd Leaderboard on September 10th instead. So just a heads up for all those of you wondering if you should wait on doing the next Concert. 

Also, ALL prizes are out and awarded now. Peter’s Costume will be in the Costume Shop, Al’s. If you won the Materials (Coins, Clams, Glowsticks) those will automatically add to your totals. 

If you do NOT have an award, in game message TinyCo ASAP. 


Hey there Roadies!

Just bouncing by as it seems there is a hot topic of discussion going on. As usual, many tend to jump the “pitchfork & torches” gun before really diving in deeply to what is actually going on in the game.

In this post, I will dive in a bit deeper to those Leaderboards and the Blammy Awards you collect for them.

Leaderboard Page Continue reading

What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!


All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a fun way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

REMEMBER: This is the ONLY place all that Venting and Frustration is allowed, so please Respect the Addicts Guidelines and post them ONLY here. They are always open, so you can use them at anytime. 24/7, 365 days a year. Help us by keeping the Vents/Rants off all the other helpful posts. 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting.  

Here’s mine for this week:

WHAT THE DEUCE… Still holding out for that “Cancel Task” option. REALLY WANT IT NOW!

WHAT THE DEUCE… Airlines… yes again. My entire nightmare trip last month just got more exciting. The “Management” that contacted me obviously works at a Call Center similar to the other Gaming Houses I deal with. I know how it works. The email is scanned for ONE word, that word triggers a “scripted response”, rep then does a copy n paste of “scripted response”, and email returned. After about 6 “scripted responses” I went over their heads. I hate doing that, but when I need to reach out to one of my Contacts I will if a serious issue is being passed off. Now there is ACTUAL “Management” involved. All this due to a Customer Service Rep screwing up and losing my ticket in their systems and not wanting to “bother” to call the ticket desk to fix it because “the phone was at other end of desk”. (No joke, actual convo… recorded by THEIR system.) Not wanting to lift a finger for a total of 10 minutes it took someone else to fix the “lost ticket” issue when I got their help… 2hrs later. Because she just didn’t want anymore “customer issues” today. Even though SHE created the issue. She dealt with enough. Move along. NEXT! If only she had spent 10 minutes, I would not have been stranded overnight on other side of Country, no Hotel, no Cab, next day almost missed my now 4th rescheduled flight, and had a nightmare journey… that now has created a more serious issue for them. Patience and kindness… use it people. It goes a long way. This “Customer Service Rep” did not.

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your WHAT THE DEUCE?! moments from the past week!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

PeterPalooza Character Profile: Rapper Brian

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Our Quahogs are infested! Spotted Toads, Dudes running around licking the Spotted Toads and freaking out. Girls dressed as Hippies being chased by Bees. Tons of Fans, some too busy on their phones too care. Patchouli Oil, Hacky Sacks, and and in there somewhere… some AWESOME Music. PeterPalooza is in our games.

With a New PeterPalooza Event in our game, that means New Characters/Costumes. Costumes like Rapper Brian!

Rapper Brian 3

Let’s take a look at what Rapper Brian can do in our silly lil games.

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Phase 3 Rundown

Hey there Frantic Tappers!

I am going through all the ins and outs of the Update and will have a complete compiled list for you shortly.

The main thing I am seeing so far… just as in releases of the past… you need to reach a certain point in the NEW Content to have full access to all the items for Phase 3.

In this case, build the Mascara Shop and complete Part 1.


Back with more in a bit….

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Phase 3 is Live!

UPDATE 11AM EST: Bunny is back in the house, frantically going through it all while trying to clear comments too. Bare with me while I get all the info I can. You didn’t miss me too much I hope. Will have an updated post as soon as I am done. 😉

Hello There Clammers!

Phase 3 of Peterpalooza is now live…so what are you waiting for get on your device and get to collecting!


More info will be up soon…but for some basics check below… Continue reading

End Of Phase 2, Prep Phase 3

Hey there Headbangers!

Just a quick bounce by to remind you that later today Phase 3 will be hitting our games.

Approximately around/after 3PM Pacific Time is when it is assumed to launch. 

End of Phase 2

As a new Musician will be hitting the game, the Concert Stage will be taken over again. That is why you see the pop ups about Encores Ending. So get in what you can while you can. 😉

There is an Update in Google Play (1.11.2) with bug patches and Phase 3 prep, iOS out soon if not out already. You can still play though without it per TinyCo, but you will want to eventually update from the App Markets.  Continue reading

PeterPalooza Character Profile: Joe Lion

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Our Quahogs are infested! Spotted Toads, Dudes running around licking the Spotted Toads and freaking out. Girls dressed as Hippies being chased by Bees. Tons of Fans, some too busy on their phones too care. Patchouli Oil, Hacky Sacks, and in there somewhere… some AWESOME Music. PeterPalooza is in our games.

With a New PeterPalooza Event in our game, that means New Characters/Costumes. Costumes like Joe Lion!

Joe Lion 2

Let’s take a look at what Joe Lion can do in our silly lil games.

Continue reading

Happy Birthday Bunny!


Hello There Clammers!

Interrupting your regularly scheduled PeterPalooza post to bring you this important message….today is a very special day here at Addicts HQ!  It’s Bunny’s Birthday!!!  (be sure to tell her how old she’s getting 😉 )

  Bunny PNG
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