Comic Con Trending Glitches

Hey there Clammers. Hopping on in here with some updates and help to issues we are seeing continuously in the comments. Hopefully this will help if not redirect you to where you can find help. So let’s jump on in to see what is going on in our lil games.


Enfant Terrible Part 6:
Originally the dialog said 4, but the countdown stated 0/3. The dialog now matches the countdown. You should only have to defeat him 3 times during this portion.Enfant Terrible part 6 Corrected


Hams Hams Hams Hams:
A patch was pushed through to resolve this issue. Only characters tasks should now provide the hams and they should cap at the needed count. (10).


Ron Perlman Pesticide Task:
The task for “Practice Fighting Large Monsters” will now only provide Pesticides (Always). His task of “Shop for Tough Guy Bandanas” will now provide Batteries (Rare). This should help issue of players seeing just one or other drop from his previous task.

Ron Perlman Battery Pesticide Tasks


Captain Hammered Pesticide Tasks:
The test games and TinyCo confirmed both colors drop from both tasks. One may be more likely than the other, but they both drop sooner or later.

Captain Hammered Pesticides

Q Spawns Nerds:
You may indeed see some Yellow Nerds sneak out these door, that however will not change the totals of 4 max in a town at a time.

building_theq@4xYellow Nerd


Ask Jeeves:
The building was pulled from the game due to a glitch (It looked like McBurgertown). It will return later (no details yet as to when), but for now…the Red Hot task will be updated so it reflects not in use until the Building is available.


Quagmire Chase Tail Task:
Quagmire has a task to “Chase Some Bushy Tail” at the Convention Center. Well the building has been taken over by Giant Stewie so Quagmire is not able to use it. No worries. TinyCo has since relocated his task to the Furry Funhouse.

Quagmire Chase Bushy Tail


Characters/Building Stuck Under Latcher Stewie
There are reports from player of Fab 4 and Furry Funhouse being locked up when the Latcher Stewie hops on. The buildings are darkened, but Latcher can’t be removed. We have not been able to replicate this in our games. Not sure what is triggering this, but TinyCo is currently looking into it. For those players impacted, please contact them from your game Menu.

Latcher Stewie Fabulous 4 Building

Diamonds Instead of Clams:
For those of you that were seeing a girls best friend drop instead of the Clams (like for Character Collection Completions), this is a known issue they are working on resolving with the image. It should still count as Premium Currency though (Clams). If it does NOT apply the Clams, contact TinyCo through your game.Diamonds for Clams


Blobulous/Skins Not Collecting:
A few players now have reported that they went to collect Blobulous or PB&J Brian. Once the costume was set to build, the items zeroed out and the costume reset. We did alert TinyCo and they are looking into this as we speak. We were not able to recreate this in our games. Any impacted players need to contact them through their game Menu right away.

character_blobulous@4xPeanut Butter Jelly Brian PB&J


Note: The following aren’t glitches, just new things that popped up in the game tonight….


Free Clams For Checking Out TinyCo on Facebook:
Today a new task popped up with Peter.  It’s check out TinyCo on Facebook and get 5 free clams.  Some dialog with Peter will pop up and then you’ll see the task to check out Facebook.
2014-08-13 01.28.38

Clicking GO will trigger another popup:
2014-08-13 01.28.53

Clicking OKAY! will take you out of Quahog and to TinyCo’s Facebook page online.  When you return to your game (you may have to relaunch the game)…you’ll get the popup for 5 free clams:



2014-08-13 01.32.32

You have 15 days to clam your free clams, and you’ll find the task in your task bar (if you skip it at first) with the timer.

2014-08-13 01.28.47


Stan Lee/Stewie Changing (again):
This popped up in many games tonight:

2014-08-13 01.32.44


This is basically just teasing what’s to come this weekend.  Stan Lee will be hitting our games by Friday, as well as a new way to attack Stewie.  HOWEVER…it’s not in our games yet.  Remember this is just a teaser of what’s to come 🙂

The majority of these issues are known, however it is critical if YOU are having the issue that you still contact them. They need to see the issue as it occurs live in the game to find the cause, remove it, and make any other corrections needed so it does not spread or happen again. Majority of these issues never impacted the Addicts Team. We also touched on the Lois/Felicia task issue here.

If you need help contacting TinyCo whether in game or via email, you can find the details here.

Also, we highly recommend you link your account to SOMETHING. Facebook, email, w/e you choose. Just link it so if you ever have to uninstall/reinstall the app to correct an issue, your game progress is saved to that link and easily retrieved.

As always, we are here to help out with anything we can. Feel free to ask.


207 responses to “Comic Con Trending Glitches

  1. MINION STEWIES: I recall reading that there maximum number of minion Stewies at any one time maxes out at 40… I’m pretty sure that I’ve managed to bomb 15, 15, 8 and 7 a few times in under a minute. Anyone else noticed that?


  2. I just recently noticed that when I bomb the minion Stewies I frequently receive coins instead of blam. Is this normal or a glitch?


    • Normal. Sometimes they drop blam! sometimes STUFF and sometimes coins…


    • I heard back from TinyCo a few weeks back when I asked them this exact Stewie Coin dropping thingy.
      They said that IE: if 5 Stewies are bombed you get 5 Blam, but if you get Coins too, they are in addition to the 5 Blam, and that Coins won’t replace Blam, they are just sometimes dropped too.

      So according to them you always get your Blam and the coins I guess are a bonus.


  3. Will all the minions disappear after comic con ends? Also why am I having so much trouble gettinv the restraining order achievement? I am level 49 with 81 friends visit multi times daily, collect from them as well. Help and support will not answer me I being trying for 3 weeks now. No response from them. Will you answer?


  4. Quagmire superhero still locked and i dont see other celebs for comic con on my game to either purchase or task as of now stan lee is last of celeb and blob is last of vostumed super heros


    • Yes…nothing new has been unlocked yet. The trend is every Thursday releasing a character, something with stewie and/or a costume. So this week we’ll see Nathan and something with Stewie. I think we’ll see the Multiplier as well, but not sure. 🙂


  5. Well games become unplayable.

    crashes everytime in 10 seconds of playtime.
    guess it’s too many things going on at once.


  6. The game crashes every time I try to scroll up to the convention center. This means I can’t defeat giant stewie or bomb minion stewies.


  7. I have not gotten one single jazz record from quagmire. I got one once from zaping Stewie or from some building but not one from quagmire. I have since stoked trying to get the guy from hell boy and moved on to Falesha Day. My friend has already unlocked the guy from hell boy on his iPhone so maybe its an android thing.


  8. Ever since updating, my game keeps force-closing on me. Once of those times was right after the minion Stewies quest started, and now I don’t have any minion Stewies. I’m collecting bombs, but I have nothing to do with them, because there are no Stewies crawling around the screen. Thoughts on what I should do??


    • I would suggest trying some of the basic troubleshooting. Make sure your account is linked to an email or FB. If it is, then try force closing the app. Restart the device. If that does not work, try Uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Linking to an email or FB will save the game so you can go right back once you reinstall. Give those a try and let us know if it helps.


  9. The jerome black and white blues quest part two where he has to visit the dolphins ive had him do it twice and its still there. any help?


  10. Kevin McConnell

    Hey all my issue is with the furry building. Quagmire has finished the chase bushy tail mission and it looks like stewie has inked the building but he is not on it. I can not zap the building ti clear it and can not tap the check mark to complete the mission. Any help would be appreciated.


  11. I play on a kindle hd fire and I’m having lagging and freeze up after a couple minutes of playing. Does anybody else have this problem? It also crashes when I visit other towns


    • Others have stated a lil Lagging going on. May be a bit much in the game causing it. Try this…store items you are not using or not needed at this time. Especially ones with animation (so if you have some things from past events). See if that helps. Memory drains can cause lagging along with poor or weak WiFi signals.


  12. Minion Stewie and Stan lee are in my game but I’m having trouble connecting to the server. Bombing 300 monion Stewies to get the next car seems high. I got a bunch with the first few bombs but then only got a couple. I’m thinking I need to wait until they regenerate so that there is a chance of more in on spot to bomb.


  13. Hi Gang!
    My problem has to do with Giant Stewie. When I go to spray him, the game lets me spray him once, twice, and then when he returns, a countdown timer (24 hrs) appears above G.S. and I can no longer select him. Do you know what is up with this?
    It’s frustrating, because I need to complete some streaks soon or I’ll never get to a hundred thousand in time.
    Love the game, and thanks for the website!


  14. Day 6 and still no answer from TinyCo on my problem. This is what I am experiencing: 1. I touch on Family Guy icon to launch the game. 2. I see the blue screen with the TinyCo and Fox logo. 3. I am directed to kissing screen. 4. Before the game can finish loading, Consuela pops up with a load error stating “invalid wallet data.” 5. I click “ok” and screen starts reloading and load error keeps popping up.

    I have uninstall and reinstall numerous times. I’ve been told to log in with my Facebook account, but how am I going to log in if the game won’t get past loading screen? It’s like support doesn’t even read my whole email where I am starting my problem. I’ve had way better customer service before. SMH


    • Just send them a reply back and let them know that the options they provided still won’t work and to research the issue further. Sorry. Your issue is nothing I have seen before so I do not know what is causing it at all. They may be running into the same thing. It is just a matter of finding out what is going on with your device and seeing if it can be fixed.


  15. Hi there fellow addicts I was wondering if anyone else has noticed that sometimes when the nerds come out, they drop batteries.. And I’m like woo boo, but my battery count never goes up. I’ve lost 3 so far this week, and it really grinds my gears. Anyone having this issue as well. Again big thanks for all you guys do to help us Lil evil monkeys in the game. You guys, and players are the best! 🙂


  16. Hm… No mention of the bug that ended the event for some users. I wonder why that didn’t make the cut. I for one can speak from my own experience and say that this has been well over a week and not only is the issue still present, but TC is decidedly UNpresent. I’ve sent multiple in game messages as well as emails and have gotten exactly ZERO responses. Thanks for the 50 clams though. I guess that evens everything out….


    • Because that issue was already covered. Many times previously. So the info is already there and available. These are the current ones hitting that may have not been mentioned or covered at all, so the information needs to be put out on them.

      If it has been a week, contact them. See if they will give you a follow up on where they are on it.


      • I’ve been pinging them every day. No response from them at all besides their canned response requesting my game ID. I don’t recall seeing any posts on this issue anywhere. I must’ve missed it. Would you mind pasting a link? Have you heard anything on possible resolutions? I wish anyone over there could be bothered to answer their email.


        • I will have to comb through all the posts for the event to find the specific ones. I do know it is all over in the comments though. The info is still the same as pretty much any glitch issue. Basic troubleshooting, contact TinyCo. We try to help all we can, but sadly an issue like the event disappearing from your device…only TinyCo has access to any of the games and they are the only ones that can correct the issue. Some issues are more involved and not so easy a fix, so may take a bit longer to fix.

          Will you do me a favor and send ME your Player ID? I can also forward an email to see if they can update me on where they are on the resolution for this. I do know last time I spoke with them that it was a priority issue they are trying to fix. We have been in contact with them about it.


          • I ended up getting crunched for time last night and just forwarded my game ID email that I had sent to TinyCo to you. Can you verify that you got it? If you need me to resend with some detail, just let me know.


              • Thanks! It’s nice to have a resource that can actually get a response out of those guys. It sure would be nice if they’d be willing to actually speak with me about it. Honestly, at this point, the lack of response is a bigger issue to me than getting the event back up and running. I mean, I have no chance of catching up with the event now. I’m barely over 10,000 Blam! and that’s if I even got to keep the progress that I’d made.

                I’d really like to know what factors were at play to cause none of my attempts at communication to be answered, though.

                Thanks again!


                • I just know they’re super backed up with tickets right now (so much going on with this event)…hopefully they’ll get your issue resolved though 🙂


                  • I know everyone likes lots of updates… me included, but it seems like they have a complete disregard for their ability to support users when it comes to putting out content. If they’re already backed up and emails are going unanswered regarding issues that are unresolved, why are they releasing new content? The basic philosophy behind the decision is troubling. It communicates to me that they do not prioritize resolving issues with their software when then do that. Perhaps I’d have a different opinion regarding their motives if someone over there could respond to any one of my many emails inside of a week, but unfortunately that’s not the case.


                    • I understand your frustration. That due to your issue you feel “left out” or “ignored”. I do know that issues such as yours are NOT easy to just fix and are taking a lot longer to handle and deal with. I wish it was a simple thing and they could fix it fast.

                      We are looking into it too ourselves to see what info we can provide to you, the players, on it. They are staying on top of things. It may not seem that way to you, but they are. Thing with games on multiple devices with thousands of lines of coding…they gotta play needle in a haystack. It takes time. Hang in there. I know its hard.


  17. I sent my message yesterday to tinyco about my latcher problem. Quagmire has been stuck in the furry house for almost 3 days, even after numerous attempts at zapping/freezing/force stopping. I need him for the Patrick Stewart questline.
    Hopefully something gets fixed soon 😦


  18. Quagmire is stuck in the furry building with a latcher Stewie. I fire the zap, but the animation is incomplete (gun recoils, but no beam), and then… nothing. The game goes on, but I’m stuck on the unfinished sequence and have to exit and restart the game.

    I can zap unoccupied buildings with no trouble, but that furry building with Quagmire will always hang up the game. Already alerted TinyCo via in-game message.


    • TinyCo is aware of the issue. Right now, the work around is to wait 8 hours for Stewie to move to another building. Hopefully they’ll get this issue fixed soon. 🙂


      • I am having the same issue except for one thing. Stewie detached from the building like 12 hours ago, but the building is still blue/inky. It has the yellow check mark above it showing that Quagmire is done, but it wont let me click on it. When I do it tells me to zap; which freezes my game completely. It has been like 48 hours since the problem started. I cant continue on with my quests until I get Quagmire back.


        • Send a message to TinyCo and let them know you are in this group. They are looking into the games and have asked for all players to “in game” them through the contact us area. 🙂


    • I hear ya having the exact same thing!


  19. Higha,
    i got some screenshots of the ‘no latcher, yes inked building’

    it looks like this:

    trying to zap non-existent stewie froze my game and i needed to force close it.

    frozen zapper after trying to zap inked building with no stewie:

    So i tryed to clear cache, data and full un-install but the building is still ‘inked’..

    poor Cleveland … stuck in the footbath


    • Just wait the 8 hours till he jumps to the new building, cleared it up nicely (if not slowly) for me. Also, I beat one by using a different device.
      I did wish there was a way we could purge all the latchers though and beat the glitch.
      Other news, I’m actually ready for Friday and a bit ahead, plus Bonnie has a four hour task to buy bomb supplies, so I’m happy it’s not Peter. Plus Stan is coming.


  20. Is anyone else having the problem that the final Giant Stewie color is the same every day? It seems to be green for me every day, and I can not build any significant numbers of green up. I have a ton of red and orange…


  21. Did anything ever come of Superhero Joe? Did I miss something by not being on for a few hours one day?


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