Questions and Glitches

Hey there Minions. Hoppin on by here to give some details and updates on issues and questions we are currently seeing.

Ghostbuster Peter and Slimer 2

Here are some of the main Questions/Issues we are currently seeing right now.


TinyCo is aware of this. Noticeably it is linked to the Banshees, but they are looking into it further. They are hoping to get a patch soon to correct this.



There are a mix of items you may see the Banshees drop. Right now it is the tears and other items you may need currently (like the claws).

Quahog Cannery

Banshee Tears will drop, but they are rare. So you will not see them all the time.


The results of this issue seem to be surrounding devices with low RAM, but the results vary by player/device. It is always best to try the basic troubleshooting and if no luck, reach out to TinyCo.

Mr Weed

This one has mixed results. Some players just do not have enough items, others have enough but just are not able to brew them. If this is the case, enough but can’t brew, please report it.


We have been seeing a couple reports here and there of players not able to buy clams. Getting a “working on it” or “wait” screen. Try the basics, if no luck, contact TinyCo and/or your App Market as there may be another issue. (I ran into this myself, but found the cause was just a poor WiFi signal and the game couldn’t connect to the market to make and/or complete the purchase. Once signal was back to full WiFi strength, I proceeded to purchase just fine.)


I know there are readers here waiting for a fix on this. I know from personally speaking to them on our trip that this is definitely a priority to them, it is just not an easy fix and requires some patience on your part as they help with it. Just make sure you first sent a ticket in to them and then keep an eye out for the auto responses. If it says something to the effect of “if you still have the issue, reply”…then make sure you reply. That way they keep you in the queue for tech support. This is very important as the message is there to clear out those that wrote in and issue corrected itself, mass issue a patch fixed, player figured it out, etc. Please do NOT spam them with message after message. This just bogs down the system, slows down the responses, and causes a back log that has to be cleared once again. Try to ONLY reply to the same original message and allow proper time for response. (In other words, please don’t expect instant results, responses on a weekend, or a magic instant fix for a very complex technical issue. 🙂 )


That is it for now. Keep in mind with most “issues” check our site to see if its been reported. Our SEARCH tool is awesome to type in a keyword(s) and find posts relating to that content. If it is technical, try some basic troubleshooting. If we are unable to help, and troubleshooting won’t either, please report it. They still need to see the issues in a live game to help find and solve them. 🙂


118 responses to “Questions and Glitches

  1. I can’t buy clams or coins. I keep getting “your purchase no work. We fix you try again later”. I want to buy consuela and don’t want to miss out on the 40% off sale. Can you please help?


    • Can you grab a screenshot of this for me please and give me some details?

      What device are you on? What market are you going through? What package are you trying to buy?
      Send all that to me

      In the meantime try this, force close and exit out of your game. Log out of your app market. Restart your device. Log back into your app market. Then launch the game again and let me know if that helps.


  2. I’ve looked through the known glitches on here but haven’t seen this one.

    Since tasks were made available for Anal Point, every time I send a character there, the whole icon gets blanked out until they are finished and I hit the checkmarks. There is no issue with collecting the prizes, it pays out correctly every time. I’ve cleared the game’s cache and data, un/reinstalled, but still the same thing happens. I don’t know how to do a screenshot share for this from my phone.

    Anyone else experiencing this?


  3. I had the same facebook glitch do i made a email and password and logged in through there then the problem was fixed while logged in thro ur email u can click connect to facebook then it will bring up all your friends


  4. I brewed megs slutty cat outfit last night but now when I go to my inventory it shows the outfit but it has a big lock symbol on it. Any help y’all can give?


  5. Morning Bunny & Alissa, thanks as always for bringing some sense to the madness. Enjoying this event very much but can I ask should I definitely be awarded clams for completing each Fiscal Fright task, I’m up at Part 6 after upgrading to level 5 but to date not been awarded clams for any level upgrades. Is there something I’m not doing?


  6. Trying to brew Meg’s costume and ran into the issue where it says “not enough” even though I’ve triple checked and I have all the items needed. I’m at PRECISELY 3,000 spirit vials, I wonder if this has something to do with it. Left a message with TinyCo, here’s to hoping they get back to me… I plan on trying again as soon as I get a few more vials though, I’ll let you know if that fixes it.


  7. Any word on the Predator patch to get it to upgrade to level 7? Thanks


  8. Anyone running into issues with the cauldron? Thanks to the macabre mystery box (and a LOT of clams) I have an abundance of resources but I still cannot brew anything but the scarecrow. I’ve unlocked and brewed everything except for Mr. Weed. Is there a limit to brew certain items? I have 100+ of all resources and over 8k SV.

    I’ve submitted a ticket to TinyCo.


    • Silly question but are the additional items you’re trying to brew highlighted in Green? (and no limit beyond the characters)


      • Yes. The issue is resolved now. I think it had something to do with the amount of coins I had. I noticed if I didn’t have at least the number of coins as SV that it would not brew. When I had accumulated more coins than the SV amount required for that Item I was able to brew it.



  9. Is there a specific pattern and/or release rate of the items that come out of the portal? Terror Dogs have dried up and I haven’t seen one in over 6 hours. Peter and Meg have nothing to do and Mr. Weed is on hold because they can’t catch them.


  10. I’m very upset right now because my game progress just reset to level 1! I tried restarting and reinstalling the game, but whenever I try to log into my game account through Facebook, it keeps telling me there is no game saved to that account even though I know for sure my Facebook account was linked to my game progress.

    I have already sent in a report through the game, but I seriously hope they can get my progress back. There is no way I’d be willing to start all over again, especially with all the exclusive items I’ve gotten from the past events. And if they’re not able to restore my progress then that would just be the worst 😦


    • They are working on the Facebook issue. Hang in there.

      Questions and Glitches


      • Thanks, yeah I sincerely hope so. I don’t know how upset I’d be if they’re unable to fix the problem. Also I have way too much free time now without the game that I don’t know what to do with 😛

        Anyways, just want to thank you for all your work! Never get a chance to say how much I appreciate this website 🙂


  11. Only a small glitch but in the search for busts quest line pt9 it shows the poltergeist portal not the trick or treaters


  12. I bought clams for the limited time deal and never recieved my banshee tears or the vials.. What the heck?!


    • Did you contact TinyCo on the matter?


    • same thing happened with me! Today, I happened to have a conversation with TinyCo in the help support thing lol. So they’re telling me that I DID recieve the vials but I really can’t remember if I did, so I believe them cause they went into my purchases transactions and everything. They are going to want your EMAIL thats associated with the game/Play store/whatever, you need to also send them your CONFIRMATION # of your purchase receipt (in your email) and your TinyCo.ID.


  13. Glitch: I brewed the slutty cat Meg outfit yesterday and the game froze in the process. It took my ghost items and vials. The game also awarded me the 1000fp for brewing her. When I relaunched the game I did not have the outfit, the Meg quest had not cleared and now there is a lock icon over her in the cauldron.

    I already filled out a support request, but has anyone else had this issue?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. So just wondering…have you heard if they will be putting in a spooky fence so i could make my own grave yard. And what’s up with the ??? Portal


  15. Glad I spent 250 for predator and doesnt work…Iam afraid to by anything in this game anymore it so glitchy..I went to by clams twice!!.. took my money and didn’t register giving me my clams..thank god Google refunded me and said its really a Tiny Co.problem.


  16. I tried buying clams and i was told to wait, that you would fix. this went on for at least 5 days. i am finally able to buy clams again, but i missed the oppurtunity to buy the package with Spirit vials and banshee tears. I feel like this is unfair, and I should be reimbursed. This had nothing to do with not being in a good wifi area either. I tried many times in my home where I was in full wifi.
    I am also having trouble connecting with Facebook.


  17. Is anyone else getting random crashes in Bluestacks? Only started happening to me a few days ago.


    • I stopped playing on it cuz it hates my computer. 😦


    • i used to leave the game open on bluestacks all day and it would be fine. seems with halloween event it crashes roughly every1-2 hours and can crash randomly for reasons i can’t seem to figure out. i had updated to the newest bluestacks (v. 0.9.4… or something like that) and it memory hogged and lagged like crazy so i uninstalled it and went back to v. where the game is nice and fluid and pretty stable if i don’t leave it running all the time.

      what version are you running? hover over the bluestacks icon in the task bar to see. what kind of resources is it using? the task manager will tell you how much ram and processor power it is using under the processes tab.
      hd-frontend.exe should be using no more than 150,000-175,000 of ram. if it is more or your system has less than 1gb of ram (some basic computer specs can help identify the problem) this is more than likely your problem with crashes.

      sorry for the long post but with this information i can perhaps offer some help to you as i am a user and computer geek and have helped others in the past.


  18. hey Bunny, i did do everything you told me to do and jars i’m collecting are still not counting. i even shut my phone down completely for a few minutes and turned it back on, still jars that i’m collecting are not registering! now the same is happening to my boyfriend’s game, a few terror dog bones aren’t counted. i got a response back from TinyCo YESTERDAY for a ticket i sent in about predator not leveling up the day before&& i read 1 of your comments saying as soon as people get their auto-response, REPLY right back to that so i did that TODAY about jars not registering.
    i’ve been a VERY PATIENT player about everything in this game like i’ve never had a single serious problem with this game until now. and now i’m thinking we’re the only ones who are having this glitch or whatever it is ughhh, i’m so confused and kinda bumming out lol what if this has been going on with my game and i’m just now noticing it


    • Yours is first reports. We passed it on but they need access to the impacted game to first locate the issue then to find a fix. They can only do that if you message in so they can track the issue.

      Please remember technical issues are at times not easy fixes. They take time. Give them at LEAST 3 days just to look into it. They will get to you. 🙂


    • ya know whut,. i think i figured it out! 🙂 did a few tests, and come to the conclusion that they count it either AFTER you hit a characters checkmark or BEFORE you tap to collect the jar?!?!…lmao um…does that make sense? hmmm…yeshhh, i’m pretty much confused haha, i dont understand why it does that, but i’m pretty sure that’s what it’s doing.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. One glitch that hasn’t been mentioned is the graphic for Vial Ghost Machine, which I’ve reported to TinyCo twice. The image is suppose to be in a 2×2 square, but the image displayed looks to fit an 8×8 square.


    • That is more something image wise. The ones I am focusing on are directly impacting the game play and players from being able to move on and progress in the game. Still report the lil stuff though. It is good for them to see that too. 😉


  20. How often is Diane’s 4 hour task supposed to drop the ghost busting box thingies for the latchers?


  21. What is this claws i have never seen the claws that the banshees drop is it suppose to collect for a person? Also george takei dosent even have a face space there wasn’t on the main screen and also when i click him and click his name all i get is a white blank page


  22. The only glitch I’ve had involved my game calling predator quagmire. It’s been resolved. My game has flowed smoothly. Great job and best of luck everyone 😉


  23. For me the Predator is taking forever to get to level 7. Also Mayor west is taking forever it seems like to level up


  24. another issue I literally just came across!:
    I’m collecting the terror dog bones, banshee tears, and talons, BUT they are not registering my counts in the witch’s cauldron!…I just picked up 2 more banshee tears and they didn’t move my count up from 22 to 24?
    same with terror dog bones, got 1 from Peter, but did NOT move my count up from 6 to 7.
    ARGGHHH!!!!! :/
    just wanted to warn anybody who is experiencing this also to pay attention to your counts to see if what you’re collecting ARE registering.


    • Make sure you are syncing you game now and then to ensure it saves the counts. At times there is a lil delay…but if you wait a minute or two…the counts will sync back up. You can even exit out of your game, restart your device and/or force close the app, then go back in and check again. If none of this helps…please report it to them.


    • Same issue with batteries. Been reporting it when I see them appear but the count forrest go up and they’ve been crediting me.


    • The count goes up as soon as the item is dropped, not after it floats up and disappears. The floating up part is visual only. So before it dropped, you probably had 5 dog bones.


  25. It’s a minor thing and I could have missed something, but I just unlocked Mayor West and though the dialogue window that pops up before you have him clear a Dawg indicates a Coin reward, none were awarded when I cleared them.


  26. i noticed that all of predator’s tasks give spirit vials and fright points, but no XP. this makes him not leveling up make 100% sense, but shouldn’t there be at least one or two tasks that could provide XP?


  27. How do I report not being able to brew meg? I have all the required items


  28. I have a question regarding the news about the American Dad event coming up which was mentioned previously… I was trying really hard not to post anything off topic but there’s no place to do so.

    I’m just wondering how in the world they will pull off this Family Guy/American Dad event. I honestly think, and I hope TinyCo is reading this, that an American Dad game in the style of Family Guy, where we build our own Langley Falls would be a fantastic idea. There is so much potential with a game like that.

    If any characters from another show were to come to Quahog, I still say it should be Cleveland’s new family.

    And Auntie Momma… Because she’s outrageous.


    • Hheheheh. Stuff like this you are welcome to use in our Open Threads. Just random thoughts. It also will fit well in the Dear TinyCo post. 😉

      I am excited that things are coming to light for it.


  29. What happens when you don’t have any space to put the halloween event stuff or later events that come up?….will they add more room later on?


  30. Chomps is now animated!!!


  31. I feel bad for u girls …Alissa and bunny. U guys are so nice to answer every questions (mostly the same one over and over). I honestly can’t believe how many people are out there that don’t seem to be using basic common sense, ok I’ll say it…..idiots. I believe the majority of the people who play fg is adults so I find that very disturbing knowing that those comments are not coming from little kids. Let me tell u, u guys r great. Can’t seem to say it enough for both of u. If it was me I’ll be like…”whut r u..Meg?”.


    • SHUT UP MEG!! 😉

      We are happy to help. Yes it does get tedious at times and rough at others with the negativity…but it is players like YOU that keep us going. If we can help at least one or a few people…then to me that is worth it. 😉


  32. This isn’t a bug with the game.. But your mobile site. The ads are making it weird..


  33. im on iphone 6 and i can’t access the game at all today, just keeps saying connection lost. also i have no idea where peter went. I haven’t been able to find him since last night and i didn’t put him on any tasks


    • All I can say is check each building around to see where he went on a task at. Outside that, if he is on an outdoor task…he will be on a sidewalk and may be hidden behind object depending on how you arrange your town.

      I have been in n out of mine all day on multiple android and iOS devices. Might be a connection issue on your end or in your area you are at. Always try for a good steady WiFi as it offers the best signal for app games.


  34. Questions and Glitches..I will ignore the original intent and ask questions. #1 Does Tinyco give you two a heads up on what is coming up in events to help you answer questions better? If so are you promised to secrecy (ie if they tell you Michael Myers is dropping next week you may not tell anyone about it but you can say there probably is another character dropping next week). If they don’t give you specifics do they at least give you a clue when new content is being dropped? What is your current favorite action a character does (mine is Cleveland putting the fire in his hair out). Do you see something during this event being like King Butts throne or Stewie Monsters multiplier (that you can receive more and more vials the more times you vanquish something…say Stay Puft). If Family Guy ever does a XMan event..what three XMen are a must? Bruce “Ash” Campbell is the celebruty I want to see the most..who is yours if you only had one choice? As always ladies you are awesome and thanks for allll of the info you put is way helpful


    • Oh you…always the thinker. 😉

      SOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo many questions. You numbered the first then fell off…WTH? Lol.

      We ask questions and get answers from them. Not all the time. We are very respectful of their privacy and security and would like to keep that relationship, so if we are asked not to share…we do not share. I have a LOT of gratitude for their help and will do all I can to protect that relationship. 😉

      Honestly a LOT of info we pull, we pull it when the game goes live. Alissa and myself work as a team getting all the stats and compiling them as quickly as we can. Then focusing more on a breakdown of them to pass on to you.

      I am hoping for a multiplier, but with something relating to the event…like a giant marshmellow man 😉

      Xmen….hmmmmmm…that is a tough one… Mystique for Lois is a must. Gotta bring in Mort’s brat for Wolverine. Stewie as Magneto. On n on n on…my geek is showing. Lol.

      Honestly…MY choice. BLUE HARVEST!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 😉 Please everyone request it…like a million times…every day. 😛


      • …that moment you hit submit and realize you forgot to number the rest… lol
        Awesome info!! Gives a great insight into all you two do.
        Deadpool (Technically not an X-Man) would be my first pick..and who doesn’t see Ryan Reynolds showing up at somepoint. Lois would also make a good Phoenix. Meg could be squirrel girl lol.
        Again Awesome Info!!
        (What watching Doctor Who, reading comics and playing/discussing games make you a geek now? Lol)


  35. Hello, Addicts! Any way we could get a Pro/Con blog regarding Slutty Meg vs. Mr. Weed? What do the character and costume bring to the game? I’m a few bones away from Slutty Cat Meg, but REALLY want Mr. Weed, as I have been watching Family Guy since the beginning. What would the pros be to getting Meg before Mr. Weed. What would the cons be? I would love to see your “professional” opinion on obtaining them both and which might benefit us most by getting first. I know it’s all how we choose to play. But, I’d like to make an informed decision before brewing. Especially with a glitch floating around out there! Thanks! Have a terrific Tuesday! 🙂

    (Accidentally commented on walk through post. Sorry for repeat.)


  36. I got Slutty Meg and she is off on tasks and quest lines, but the Witches Cauldron now shows a lock on her character. It’s not affecting my game, but does seem to be some kind of glitch.


  37. I noticed that my spirit vials amounts are getting smaller a couple of times a day, even though I didn’t buy anything that uses them. Is this a glitch?


    • hmmm shouldn’t be happening. Are you crafting items? (I know you said you’re not buying, just making sure you’re not crafting either).


      • I haven’t crafted anything since Saturday. I’m stumped on this. I was wondering if maybe spirit vials are being taken away if you don’t clear out a poltergeist from a building in a certain amount of time. That’s the only thing I could think of, unless it’s a glitch.


        • Oops, I forgot that I unlocked ghostbuster Quagmire which cost 1,000 spirit vials. I guess it was my imagination that the vials were slowly dwindling.


        • They should never go down. Only time they will is if they are used for a purchase. The Poltergeists won’t impact the counts. I would suggest to alert TinyCo on the matter. My thoughts are the counts are somehow not syncing right with your game. So you win them…but they don’t “save” that progress. Then you exit game and come back to find them missing. Almost is if you never won them. If that makes sense.


  38. I’m not sure where to put this so I’ll just post it here.
    While viewing FaceSpace I noticed that Felicia Day (From the Comic-Con event) is friends with Jillian and Neil Goldman which are two unrelated characters. If this was posted or talked about before, sorry but I didn’t see it.


    • They’re listed as Characters to Come in the game…they’ll most likely be out with a future district. I believe we talked about it when they were introduced into the game a while back 🙂


  39. I have had a problem contacting Tinyco, on my iPad the message does not deliver and show an ! in a red circle touch this and it says try again, I’ve done this numerous time with no joy.
    Then on my iPhone the message seems to have gone but no reply yet 24 hours (this may not be a problem).
    The accounts are the same but show differing messages can you advise me please?
    My message was predator not levelling up.


    • If you are having difficulty in game, try just using the email instead. Just ensure you send along the information of your Player ID too. (Menu, Account, long number lower right side. NOT the one from main load screen.)


  40. So am I the only one who isn’t getting their batteries? I see them drop, but the counter never goes up. I reported and they gave me 2.


  41. Don’t forget the fragrance factory issue. I cannot touch the factory without the game crashing.


    • This should have been fixed last week with an update. If it’s still not fixed for you check your app store and make sure there’s no update waiting for you. If you’re on the most current version contact TinyCo and let them know what you’re experiencing.


      • My fragrance factory disappeared after completing the task to get the cologne. Checked inventory and build menu, but it’s like it was never there. Not that big of a deal since I don’t have anywhere to put it anyway.


      • What about when you have him cut the ribbon? Task doesn’t go away…and you get no rewards for doing the task. Just by accident I figured out that I could clear the dogs…there was no quest line or anything to let me know that I could clear them


  42. i was able to brew slutty meg but it did not give me the 1000 fp for it. would really love to have this and hope they can credit it to me. dropped TC a note already but thought i’d post here in case anyone else has this issue.


  43. I reported the loss of my game via the in game help and support 10 days ago and I have not had anything back from TinyCo at all?? Should I do anything or just carry on waiting? I can play my original game on my ipad, but cant save it, but I cant play it on my phone as its now somehow linked to a level one game. My issue isn’t probably the same as some others, but it is still annoying as the same happened to me a while back and all TinyCo did was unlink the level one game and all was good, it took them no time at all 🙂
    Predator not leveling is because TinyCo have not put any XP reward into the Banshee Quests, which is also the same for Slutty Meg, in fact any of the quests that involve getting a jar for the Cauldron do not reward XP?


  44. What else does the cannery drop? The owl shop clearly just drops talons because that’s the icon we get when we tap for more info, but the cannery has a multiple item icon.


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