Witch’s Cauldron Brew Prizes Part 3

Hey there Trick or Treaters. Hopping by with another rundown of some of the cool new items you can Brew for this awesome Ghostbusters Quahog Halloween Event.

Witch's Cauldron

If you want to see the other items I wrote about from the Cauldron, see the post HERE and HERE.

Now for the new items just launched. You are pondering whether an item is worth using your precious earned ingredients to brew? What do you get from it? What does it do? Here is a breakdown that may help you out.

Poltergeist Claws Banshee TearsTerror Dog BonesCandy CornMarshamallow Goop 1


Item Spirit Vials Ingredients FP
Huge Freaking Skull 1000 15 Candy Corns/ 10 Terror 350
Best Friend Skeleton 300 1 Marshmallow Goop 45
Hovering Ghost 600 10 Latcher Talons/ 2 Marshmallow Goop 240
Vampire Duck Stewie 4000 15 Candy Corns/ 10 Latcher Talons/ 10 Marshmallow Goop/ 15 Terror Dog Bones 2250
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Deco 2500 20 Marshmallow Goop 1000
Alien Queen Deco 5000 10 Candy Corn/ 10 Latcher Talons/ 10 Marshmallow Goop/ 10 Terror Dog Bones 1000
Halloween Griffin House 3000 10 Marshmallow Goop 450

This should help you to see what items give you the most FP for your ingredients. So for those of you just seeking FP, some items you may want more than others. For those that want the items more for looks and/or animation, see below.

Additional Animation/Character Info

Huge Freaking Skull (Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. No animation. Just a Huge Freaking Skull. Lol. It really isn’t too big though. Smaller than a building for sure. A good size. It is cool as far as looks. A spider rests on the top with webs strung around it and some brush along the edges. Huge Freaking Skull


Best Friend Skeleton (Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. No animation. A skeleton hanging from a fall tree with leaves here n there. Mainly on the ground around it. Two pumpkins sit at the base of it. Cool decoration for a haunted forest themed area. Best Friend Tree


Hovering Ghost (Decoration): Sits on a 2×2 base. No animation. Just has the appearance it is hovering there in the air. Cool looking ghost, but would be cooler if he floated around in circles in its area. Hovering Ghost


Vampire Duck Stewie (Costume): A cool new costume for our lil character Stewie. You CAN brew this without having him, you just will not be able to put it on him until he is unlocked out of his District. Once you have him, it is just a matter of going to your inventory and creating it for him after it’s brewed. He has a lot of funny lil tasks. He will earn you Spirit Vials and FP. One task even helps to earn Rockets needed for Stay Puft. More on him in a separate post. He says “Quack quaaaaaaack” when tapped while in this costume. Vampire Duck Stewie


Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Deco (Decoration): Sits on a 4×4 base. He is animated and the same height as the Stay Puft you destroy. His animation consists of him waving his arms angrily and walking back in forth in his lil area. I really just wanted this one just to keep him in my town. Now if only I could drop rockets on this one and set him on fire. (Of course I HAD to put the 4 guys zapping by him. Would be cool if this was an actual task to zap Stay Puft. Lol. **hint hint TinyCo**)Stay Puft 2 Stay Puft Stay Puft 1



Alien Queen Deco (Decoration): Sits on a 6×3 base. She is animated. She whips her tail around and hisses with her mouths while dripping some acid. When tapped you get that silly “Bruce” Alien voice and she wiggles her hands together…all four of them. “I like to eat people from other planets, specially y’all”, “Oh no, y’all get back up inside me lil mouth”, “You think you can just up n run way, you crazy”, “I likes to eatcha with my lil mouth too” (really high voice), “Stop, no so fast y’all”, “I wants to play too” (really high voice), “Get back inside, I’ll get you when we’s eatin em”, and a lil “Zoooop” sound the lil mouth makes as it goes back inside. Alien Queen Alien Queen 1


Halloween Griffin House (Building Skin): A cool Building skin you can add to your Griffin House that gives a bit of Halloween Decoration look to the home. When in place, it also helps drop an item for Cleveland’s Costume and a Rocket for Stay Puft. Just make sure you keep it on the house to get the goodies. Once removed the time resets and you lose any items collecting. Griffin House Halloween Decorations



There you have the newest items available to Brew in the Witch’s Cauldron. More to come as the game progresses into the last Portal. Remember that these items can be located in your Inventory once you brew them. You will need to place them in your town to see/use them.

What do YOU think of all these cool new items? Brew more than one of anything yet? What items have YOU got? Favorites so far? Let us know.


77 responses to “Witch’s Cauldron Brew Prizes Part 3

  1. Why can you brew the Griffin haunted house more than once? Do the decorations change the more you brew it? I don’t want to waste ingredients if it doesn’t actually do anything to brew it multiple times.


  2. i wounder why there is not any candy decorations? or buildings? its not Halloween without candy! trick or treat… also they should of made marshmallow man a character would be kool and would be nicer if we had more space its hard enough with all the old buildings and things


  3. Simpsonsforever

    Is it worth saving the bombs until after the next update, also as I have enough mallows for the stay puft and Alian queen, and have duck Stewie, could not resist as he is adorable, should I grab them or wait in case mallows needed for other new stuff.


  4. Anybody having a problem with the griffin haunted house? Mine has an extra police station hovering over it and Daggermouth’s cave appeared behind the house


    • I have seen reports of this. Let them know from your game.


    • I had a weird graphic issue when I first put it down. It was really tiny. I immediately changed it back to normal then back to Halloween and it fixed itself. Remember that will reset the time counter on the house “task.”


  5. I remember during comiccon they changed the harpoons the final week but did give you one new harpoonfor every three you had in inventory plus the payout was much better. Any idea if it’s the same strategy for this event? I’m stockpiling s’mores bombs hoping to get a head start on the next event. I know I’ll have fewer if they exchange but the payout was so much better that if its like comiccon it could be worth it. Anyone else taking this strategy? I’m at 11k vials and I still need mr weed and I’m sure connives costume will cost vials too. I have all th other costumes and quest related items. Didn’t spend on anything else really. Hoping to get those last 2 items I want.


  6. Just saw someone post something about a costume for Bonnie, is this correct?


  7. Glad I didn’t get alien and got predator and Jason instead. I think I’ll be just as happy once I get the queen alien deco instead. From what u guys said she can even talk and the premium doesn’t. And all I have left is Freddy. Hopefully he’s free, but I bet Jillian will cost 200 clams or vice versa.


  8. Now if I want the most payout on vials for killing the marshmallow man and not really care about the goops (got a ton of em) should I keep the 25x going everyday or just start over every time i hit 25x?


  9. Got all the house skins, Stewie’s costume, Mr. Weed, StaPuft, and Alien Queen! Now I’m building up rockets, bombs, and traps like mad for when the next portal opens *rubs hand together with glee*


    • lol sounds like you’re all set!

      Liked by 1 person

    • How do you guys manage to get absurd amounts of vials? I have been playint this diligently the whole event but I only have 12k vials minus the ones I used oj GB costumes.

      I’m gonna be getting my first 25x streak and which adds about 12k and it’s not even close to the amount needed to get all couldron prizes.


      • I can’t speak for everyone, but I bought the premium buildings, which give out a lot and I got very lucky with my one and only Macabre Mystery Box attempt: the lab, which gives out a tonne 🙂 Keep trying and don’t get discouraged, who knows what the last phase will bring 🙂


      • I’ve gotten most of my vials with a steady bombing of 15 ToTs each time. I have a post down below with my layout.


  10. Love the House skins. Do you think they will release more this week? Btw I am stockpiling stuff for next weeks final challenge for Ecto 1. So far I am at 70 bombs, 10 batteries and working the rockets up (yes they could make rockets obsolete next week lol)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Are there any tips for speeding up collection of Spirit Vials? This is proving to be a big bottle neck for me – I have tons of the items but I’m short on Spirit Vials to complete the brew. Mr Weed at 17500 spirit vials seems unattainable at this stage…

    I’m putting all SV earning characters on tasks every 2 hours, I’ve got every SV generating building that I’m clicking on regularly, and I’m working my way through all the SV earning tasks. But I’m still really struggling. Is anyone else having the same issue or am I just doing it wrong?


  12. Refuse to get any other items until I have Mr. Weed. Once I have him, I’ll get Bonnie’s costume and then the rest can go on decoration items! I’ve got almost 8k vials now, and I just think if I get at least 2k of coins a day I’ll happily have at least Mr. Weed by the end of the event.

    Also, is it just me that has noticed that the kids all seem to gather together when you don’t have bombs, but the moment you get bombs they scatter? This really isn’t a coincidence, I’ve watched them multiple times now scatter the moment I get a Bomb!


  13. Hello. Unlocking Vampire Duck Stewie starts a new quest?


  14. I was just curious about the quest involving Chris and meg about the missing keys… is that something that will possibly be continued later, like maybe in the next portal update? Cause unless I missed something that didn’t really seem to go anywhere? And sorry if this topic has already been discussed, I didnt see it anywhere.


  15. I can’t wait for Freddy to be released although inside I’m hoping and wishing that at some point they give Jason his Jason X costume.


  16. SO happy Stay Puft wasn’t a mystery box prize! He’s now my favorite décor in Quahog! Haha! Really should have gotten Vampire Duck Stewie prior to him since he can earn, but with how my phone has been bugging out, I didn’t want to risk missing out on the Michelin Tire Man and Pillsbury Doughboy’s love child! Just need Freddy, and I am fulfilled with this event! Onward to American Dad! *loads $50 onto iTunes account*

    As always, thank you so much for your breakdowns! *hugs!*


  17. Not in a rush to buy the skin for the Griffin house. 3K vials?! I just bought a couple of pumpkins and brewed a best friend deco for 300 vials and placed them in their backyard. I placed a scarecrow and a TP tree behind Quagmire’s house. Saved me 25 clams. 😀


  18. Also, I was looking for a walk thru of Jason’s quest (right now I’m on Jason annoys Lois) and I’m also on one that’s called Chris Griffin and the lost keys….am I just blind or are these walk thrus upcoming?


  19. Don’t suppose uve heard if the quest lines will continue after the event ends? I remember some of then did after comic con and I’ve been neglecting them in order to build up rockets and was thinking maybe I better focus on quests….


  20. does anybofy kbow what to do with the poltergeist claws? i have collected more than i have ever used (have like 70 now)


    • sorry about the mispelling and unaccuracyof my previous port (wish i could edit it)….
      i actually have:
      200 corns
      140 claws
      100 terror dog bones
      and just a few tears and goobs because i am using them

      so i wonder what should we do will all the corn and claws? are we gonna use that for connie? :O


  21. How do I uninstall and re-install the game without losing any data?


  22. Bunnybi just wanted to say thank you for doing these blogs if not for you I would have rushed and not have obtained diane or Francis 🙂


    • You’re most welcome. Alissa and myself work hand to make them awesome, so we’re grateful and happy when people thoroughly enjoy them and get great use from them. 😉


  23. Ha! My game glitched for a few seconds when I bought a building skin and I think I saw a building from the next portal update! No spoilers but it is gonna be awesome! Love this game and live this blog for keeping us all on track!


  24. The Alien Queen is freaking halarious! One of the funniest decos so far. Wish she was a full character with the same voice. “I like to eat Ya with my little mouth too”!!!! Too funny!


  25. A quick, simple off topic question: Is Jake ever very useful?
    I’ve restrained from buying him even though he’s “cheap” because there are already so many characters that they hardly included in collections and whatnot.


    • He does earn things now and then. That’s about it outside being the cheapest. Lol.


    • Jake helped to unlock Tom and has a bomb earning task for this event, I don’t know if he’s had anything else. There’s no guarantee he will be useful in the future and I found him quite annoying for the first few days.


  26. Any chance on a post containing the quest lines for Jason and Vampire Duck Stewie? Also what about a previously intended post for He’s Bla-ack….Again. Thanks for all the help ladies.


  27. Bunny can you contact Tinyco for me about the Amazon update problem. The problem is after you update it tells you to update it again but there is no more update.


    • Did you message them from your game? There may be more going on. I honestly think it is best the player contacts them for isolated issues so they can go into that exact game having the problem and see what is causing it. Many other players on Amazon updated just fine, so this is isolated. I am on Android and iOS, so me contacting them won’t do any good as I am unable to replicate the issue myself. We report the issues anyway…but they need a game having problem to fix it. If that makes sense.


  28. so many AWESOME things and so few vials to go around. got 11k and won’t spend another one until i have the 17500 for weeds. keep getting close then spending them on others like duck stewie which was a must have. here’s to hoping the marshmallow man pays off big time!!!

    got him to 25x today and should get one more 25x then i have to stop and restash smores. saved up about 50 of each all weekend and hit him hard today. will do it again and hit him again in a few days unless i can convince myself it will pay better to stay at lower multipliers which seems unlikely

    Liked by 1 person

    • The good thing is the cost doesn’t go above 30, so you can stick to x25.

      I like to wait till I have 20 each of the other rockets which gives me a head start before the next round. Should be able to get two big hits a day till the end of the event.

      Liked by 1 person

    • This is my 2nd go around of saving up the bombs….I think it’s definitely worth saving them up cause of the multipliers. Does feel like it takes too long tho and I should be going ahead and zapping him lol


  29. is anyone else having problems with rockets and jars of potions NOT registering on their tally once collected? I checked today how many red rockets I had and I had 7….I did my collections and I got 3 red rockets but one 1 registered as when I checked after, my tally had only gone from 7 to 8, when in actual fact it should of gone from 7 to 10. Also the same happened with the jars won via Quagmire and Joe – I collected off of them and won a jar of potion off of each BUT my tally did not go up 😔 Really disappointing as obviously I’m trying to collect and build up the rockets and potions, but if they aren’t registering in my tally, then it’s a waste of a mission! Is anyone else having this issue?


    • Sometimes there is a sync in the game. Did you try force closing the app or restarting the device to see if it syncs back up? If not, give it a try. If still issue…let them know please.


      • Many thanks for your reply. Yes I have tried doing the restarts etc, but I’m still sure I’m missing bombs, rockets and potions. I am going to do a count next time before I collect anything and see if it is happening for sure. If not I will contact them…although I’m not sure what good this will do as I’m pretty sure they wont be able to give me back my lost stuff I’m sure! Have you heard of this happening off of anyone else before?


  30. Right now I have the exact number of tears for the 3 items that need them other than Mr. Weed who I just got. Obviously we don’t know if Connie will require tears though. Do you recommend collecting beyond the 48 needed so far (in lieu of getting rockets from Cleveland and Quagmire). They were not needed at all for the week 4 items. Candy corn, terror bones and talons I have either in the 90’s or 100’s on the other hand. Any feeling if there will be a freemium costume or character other than Connie for week 5 to save for?


  31. It would be great if TC would add a task for the final round “Cross the Streams” – say a minute in length, the guys blast Mr. Stay-Puft, and then his animation changes to the one they use when he gets bombed.


  32. I’m doing okay with this event I *think*, at least in terms of collecting items. I’m starting to worry about having enough Spirit Vials though, and keep being almost-tempted by one of the premium vial generators (the machine etc.) How is everybody else doing with for vials?

    I have 10,540 at the moment, but the items are obviously increasing in price too, and that 17500 needed for Mr. Weed is looking a long way away. Add to that 2500 for Stay Puft which I DEFINITELY want, 5000 for the Alien Queen, 3000 for the Griffin decorations (How long does it take to drop that one rocket anyway?) plus presumably Connie’s outfit will drop next week and there’ll likely be a task that requires a building that costs vials… It’s making me a bit nervous, and I know if I wait too long to buy a spirit vial wagon I may as well not even bother, because they’re long-term benefits.

    So yeah, how’s everybody else doing with vials? Reassure me, people!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am getting most of my vials from kids and Stay Puft now.


    • I got mr. Weed and I am sitting around 10,000 vials again. Just bought alien queen and duck stewie. You’ll make it!


    • I’ve learned to just spend some money and buy clams to acquire the premium event currency generator from the premium mystery box. It cost me 200 clams (mind you, the 1000 a day generator is 700 clams) but I got all three rares and then whatever else, but that fourth gamble yielded the Spirit Vial Labratory in the very beginning g of this event. It drops 2000 vials a day. It has made the Spirit Vial price of anything I’ve looked to purchase an afterthought. I’ve bought everything and have about 13000 at the moment I intend to use for this week. Will do the same thing next event, too.


  33. Yay, with the alien deco, I can now I have the alien I was hoping for without clams.


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