Secret Santa Neighbor Gifts

Hey there Ho Ho Ho’s. Back again for some more details and info on gifts. This time we are going to explore the Gift of Giving. In this case giving them to your Neighbors on Facebook.

Neighbor Gifts

In order to get additional “Gifts” in our game from Friends/Neighbors, you need to be linked to Facebook for your account. This will allow you to have the possibility to get all the Secret Santa Gifts (depending on how active your neighbor is).

At the completion of Miracle on Spooner Street Part 5, you will notice you will receive 1 free Secret Santa Gift. Part 6 will then launch you into the details of how to Make and Give Secret Santa Gifts. Here you will learn that Bonnie is the main character that makes them.

To Make a gift, all you do is send Bonnie on her task and tap on the checkmark when complete. The newly made gift will then be added to your total.

Bonnie Wrap Presents


In the lower left corner of your game will be the Secret Santa Gift/Neighbor Icon. This will tell you the amount you have to give to out.

Neighbor Gift Giving Count

You will get a gift, most likely from Ollie, in the beginning of the event around the same time as Miracle on Spooner Street Part 5 & 6. Now, you MAY get another Ollie gift but they are only around 1 every Tree Upgrade. So your best amounts will come from active neighbors.Neighbor Icon Give Gifts

Outside of that, it will depend on your neighbors.

Much like the Neighbors, you can only receive ONE gift every 24hrs TinyCo updated this to one every 12hrs now, so you could potentially see TWO each day. So if 10 friends sent you gifts, it will take you 10 days to open them. (Another good reason to spread out the gifts and not try to drop them all in one place). Secret Santa Gift Box

The Secret Santa Gift will show up in the Christmas Event Area right behind Santa’s broken sleigh. You will see a lil bow above it. You will also see a message pop up when you enter your town letting you know that you got a gift and who sent it. The pop up doesn’t stay around for too long, so if it has been 24hrs 12hrs since you last Secret Santa Gift check the Christmas Event Area.  Neighbor Sent you a gift


Here is the list of items you can get, so far, from the Secret Santa Gifts. (Yours might vary slightly)

Secret Santa Gifts
In-da-club Snow Fort In-da-club Snow Fort
Snow Ammo  Snow Ammo
Ginornaments  Ginornaments
Festive Arches  Festive Arches
Chestnut Roaster  Chestnut Roaster
Santa Clam  Santa Clam
100 Christmas Cookies  Christmas Cookie
2 Candy Cane Stockings  Candy Cane Stocking 1
2 Doll Stockings  Red Doll Stocking
5 Clams  Clam


You can give ONE gift to each neighbor within 24 hours 12hrs. If it has been less than 24hrs 12hrs, the game will pop up a message from Peter telling you how much longer you have to wait before giving them another one.

Already Gifted Friend

Another good thing to watch out for is in the top right corner above your Neighbor’s Picture icon. If there is a a teeny tiny lil blue gift package, this means it is time to drop a gift for that Neighbor. Neighbor Gift Screen Secret Santa


That is OK, like I stated above you do still have Ollieland. You will get a Secret Santa Gift from him about once every Tree Upgrade. So approx 4. You are more than welcome to also drop them there. Why? Well, there is the payout YOU get from dropping gifts.

Ollieland Screen Secret Santa

Ollie Sent Secret Santa Gift

If you take the time to craft Secret Santa Gifts and send them to your Neighbors or even to Ollie, you will be rewarded for doing so. Now each time you drop a gift, the payout will vary…but here is an idea of what YOU get for just giving someone a gift. It’s pretty cool and helpful. So just drop a gift off to a Neighbor and see what pops out.

You will get one or MORE of the following (each payout varies)…

Secret Santa Neighbor Gift Bonus Materials
20 Christmas Cookies  Christmas Cookie
30 Christmas Cookies  Christmas Cookie
25 Holiday Cheer  Holiday Cheer Ornament 1
Clams (2 or more)  Clams

Similar to the Gift Box Prizes you wrap in Santa’s Village, you can also see what gifts you may get from Secret Santa too. Just tap on the Green “PRIZES” option instead of “Open Me” to see what all is inside.Secret Santa Gift Box Prizes


Now that all the basics details are out of the way, let’s look at it all together. So you send Bonnie on her task.Bonnie's Christmas Wrap Task

She heads over to the Quahog Mall. When she is done, you just tap the check mark over the Quahog Mall. The Secret Santa Gift is now added to your total count.Bonnie's Task Quahog Mall

Now to go to your Neighbor’s/Ollieland. Just tap on the Secret Santa Gift Icon (Friends Icon).Neighbor Secret Santa Icon

The game will automatically take you to the first available Friend. Look on their pic to see if they have a lil blue gift box, if not…scroll through neighbors until you find one that does. (You can also go look in their Event Area to see if there is a gift there already.)Neighbor Gift Screen Secret Santa

If they are ready for a gift, tap the “Giving” Icon in the top right corner of the screen and the Secret Santa Gift will drop off for your Neighbor and YOU get the Bonus payout in return.Neighbor Gift Giving Icon

Neighbor Gift Bonuses

Tap the “Home” Icon to return back to YOUR Quahog when you are done.


There you have it. The basics of Secret Santa Gift Giving and Receiving. Hopefully all of this will help to answer any questions left.

What do you think so far of the gifts? Have you received any Secret Santa Gifts yet? Like the items inside? Got any Bonus Clams yet for giving gifts? Let us know below.


75 responses to “Secret Santa Neighbor Gifts

  1. So I had about six gifts saved up. I got two clams each for giving the first four gifts. Then I got fifteen each for giving the last two gifts. Such a nice surprise!


  2. Got all the prizes, and just got 2 more green stockings, already have over a hundred and nothing to use them on as no longer needed so bit of a waste as a gift, the blue stockings would have been a lot more usefull as trying hard to get Jesus, and keeping the Yeti on max, I try to give out presents and got a good ammount back. Hopefully Tiny will give us something to spend the red and green stockings building up with nothing to use them on.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oops ignore the other libk, my real link is
    oops xD


  4. I havent received any gift until now. Friends sent me some. I also get Screenshots. But nothing arrived. Any idea? Greets


  5. Ho ho ho!!!!
    I got 25 clams!


  6. Well the update dropped and I upgraded my tree but have yet to get a second gift from Ollie. Has anyone?


  7. Its now changed to 12 hours so I can open 2 gifts a day…well 12 hours since the last one u got u can get n open another. Anyone know how many clams u can get leaving a oresent? Most I got was 15. Anyone get more


  8. I think they might have made it so you could get more than 1 a day because everyday I have been able to open one around 9pm or so. I got one last night and I got one again today at 2. It was a nice surprise.


  9. What happens when we collect all the Secret Santer decorations? Do we just get the Red, Green stockings and clams after that? or will tinyco add more gifts? Does anyone know how it works?


    • As no one has really got them all yet…nope. I am waiting to see as well. MORE gifts may be added. We will see. 🙂


    • So far, I got the pile of snowballs. All others I’ve opened have had the stupid 2 worthless candy canes. I’m no where close to having all the gifts. I hope they don’t add more.


    • I received all the decorations from the secret Santa gift boxes and have only been receiving red stockings. Hope they add more gifts soon


  10. I’ve noticed that if your making a present in your Santa’s workshop you won’t receive a present from friends till its done and you’ve opened and cleared it. Since there’s only enough room by the tree for one present. Good thing they don’t take long to make present in the workshop


  11. Hoping you can assist and apologize in advance if this is not the correct forum, but is it possible to associate a different facebook account to your game without losing progress/starting from level one?


  12. Oops I forgot that the comment at the bottom of list (Right above reply box) is older so tagging on a reply to that might be confusing..


  13. Thanks for looking into the ollie gift situation Bunny! (I’m replying here instead of the thread I asked in since this exists now and is the actual subject..)
    I can’t believe they’re only gonna give us facebook-phobes up to 4 gifts! It’s a bit sad since I still keep spending 12 hrs wrapping gifts for Olllie to get the cookies and HC when I could really use dolls and clams more. Haven’t got clams from Ollie or snowmen and feel a bit cheated on the 15 someone mentioned for gifting Ollie! Oh well..

    Regarding the lake deco, I don’t think being a deco stops them since I have Hayley sitting in the occupy camp often which is a deco too. It’s a bit sad cos I got the lake but not stars and stripes so would be good if it was either!
    Cheers again Bunny! You’re too awesome!


  14. I sent a note to Tiny Co, but I sent two gifts to Ollie over the course of the game and have upgraded levels twice (on 3 now), but only got one gift back. I am not linked to facebook and do not want to be, so I was hopeful about Ollie sharing a little love! lol


    • You only get a gift from Ollie when you upgrade the tree, not when you level up on holiday cheer. So you should get one after tomorrow’s update. Also note you get something for giving to Ollie, like clams etc. So it’s definitely worth it to keep on giving.


  15. Off topic, but is there a known glitch where clicking on the Blimp Construction Site does not display the parts needed and current counts toward the totals? I feel like I am not at all progressing with this


  16. I don’t have a normal Facebook account nor do i want to create one just for this game.

    It would have been really nice so it was set up in a way that if you didn’t receive a gift in a 24 hour period Ollieland automatically gave you one. That way it wouldn’t matter if you had Facebook or not you would still be getting the gifts.

    I have every item the game has offered so far and kinda feel like i’m being punished for not having Facebook and they have brought items in that are now inaccessible to me ;'(

    Really hope they change this setup.


  17. Is there a way to see if FB friends already have the game? Or does the fact i dont see an option mean none have it?


  18. I got 2 clams on the 1st secret Santa box I sent. The gifts I have received so far are – in da club snow fort (drops CC & HC) best gift so far
    Cheastnut Roaster, Santa Clam, Ginornaments & 100 CC.
    I also got a clam by tapping a snowman.
    When I try to look at the prizes it only shows me 1 box but there’s not a picture of anything in it or no writing above it saying what it is.


  19. I just wanted to say that the first gift I dropped to Ollieland scored me 10 clams. Obviously I was pretty stoked about that.


  20. The first time i gave it to Ollie after the update i got 15 clams i thought this was always until I saw this


  21. I wonder where the gifts that i know at least 2 people have sent me. I see who has sent me gifts and theirs are still not there. and they sent them when the gift started.


  22. Thank you Bunny! I’ve been dying to know what was in these.


  23. Are these gifts giving out duplicates?


  24. So ladies could one of you verify this for me? I tapped a snowman and that guy came through like a champ by giving me 1 clam. Is this legit?


  25. I got 25 clams for giving a gift to one of my friends! So that was really exciting!
    I’ve only received 2 gifts from neighbors (only 2 of my Facebook friends are active players)
    One was the ginornaments, and the other was a chestnut roaster from Ollie. I’m hoping to get dolls or clams from the next one 🙂


  26. I have bought 10 gifts on my alt account and each day I give a present.

    1 arches
    And 5 clams prize!


  27. My game keeps crashing when visiting others, anyone else experiencing this? It happens in both of my devices, Nexus 7 tablet and S3 cell.


    • Double check your signal. Try to keep on a good, strong, and stable WiFi at all times. It carries the game better. If all troubleshooting fails, let TinyCo know please.


    • Constantly on two different new Samsung devices…also crashed right after I got 25 clams from a gift drop and clicked back to my town…and of course the clams evaporated and tco has been no help getting them back.


      • A note from TinyCO on this as well as a link to my personal experiences with Lagging/Crashing during active events.

        “Crashing on low memory devices. This is due to the event district and new items taking up additional memory, which on older devices can lead to an increase in crashing. Visiting neighbors, in particular, is a memory-intensive action. If your game has begun crashing since the Christmas event started, clearing your cache before starting the game may help the app run more smoothly. You can do this by closing out all other apps running in the background.”

        Family Guy Technical Help: Crashing and Lagging Game


  28. santasLTLtapper

    Anyone else notice Lois’s clear mall santa task now drops a stocking everytime?


  29. I got 2 clams from the first gift I gave, and 15 clams from the second. As always thank you both for all your hard work keeping us informed, thanks to you both my fiance and I know to not start repairing the train station yet 🙂


  30. Fortunately, the gifts aren’t something needed for the game. I have no intention of linking my game to Facebook.


  31. I still think TinyCo should have made another way for non facebook players to connect.

    Let me ask this…if you are a facebook player, does everyone in your facebook get notifications from the game when you level up or anything like that? I have a facebook account, but I want to keep it professional, nor do I want random game players showing up on my friends lists for my business

    Liked by 1 person

    • I put the link in the post, but many are making alternate Facebook accounts JUST for this game. I did. I have same concerns.


      • I also set up a gaming account with a new email address just for this reason. I never get on that FB page but it’s nice to have my game backed up and neighbors to visit.


      • Unfortunately, mine is linked to my personal FB account (which I have not used for accessing friends). I believe if I were to create a new “gaming” FB account, that I cannot link this game to the new account without starting a new game. Can you verify this? I have previously tried “disconnecting” from facebook, but it is based on your currently logged in profile on your device and I don’t want to keep deregistering FB on my device every couple of hours depending on whether I want to FB or game.



        • According to their latest discussions with me on this, you are able to do so…but do so with caution. The main thing is first to log your current status (like a screenshot of the money/clams/level etc. Then take a screenshot of your player ID (menu, account, long number lower right corner). All so you have an record of where you are game wise.

          Once that is done, then the process starts. In that same Account screen, you will see a blue button option to “Delete Facebook”. Tapping this will delete the link between your Facebook account and your game. Once you do that, you can re-link it to the profile you want.

          Just make sure your link it to the new Facebook and not the one you are on now.


  32. Ollie land doesn’t give gifts?


  33. I’ve got a question, why are we giving Valentine’s Day Gifts? Has no one else noticed the boxes are heart shaped?


    • Its a lil bit of LOOOOOOOOOVE. 😉


      • Seems like there’s always some icons that dont make sense. Like Stan’s 24 Skating task has the icon of the frozen pond that you could win from one of the boxes (which I have), but he has to go to Stars and Stripes to do it. I had the building, but had no idea were Stan went for it until I followed him one day.


        • I think it is due to issues they run into or think players will as progressing. Like it may be a while before someone gets the pond, so they linked it somewhere else. Or they tried and it didn’t work. They are always watching, monitoring, and improving the game at all times.


          • I’m no programming expert, but it might be because the lake is a decoration and not a building, therefore the player can’t “enter” it. I suppose they could make it a building, but I don’t know how much coding is involved.


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