End of Miracle on Spooner Street

Don’t PANIC over the Christmas Cookies. I will post more info on how that all will translate after I talk with them some more. 😉 

Just to give you all the nice warm fuzzies and to CALM YOUR HORSES!!! Lol. Giggity. I just confirmed…for the… I dunno how many times now… with my dear patient friend that tolerates me over at TinyCo (you know I adore yah guys)… COOKIES WILL BE BACK!!! AGAIN…COOKIES WILL BE BACK??!! COOKIES WILL BE BACK FOR NEW YEAR!!! 😛 

There…everyone happy now??!! Torches and Pitchforks down???!! K… now you all go play nice while I disappear into the dark of the night. SEE YA NEXT YEAR!!! 

Hey there Clammers!

So, 3pm PST and Miracle on Spooner Street has come to a close. What now? Well, there a few things that WILL continue, the rest is now in the Christmas Past. Lol

Rabid Reindeer

Here is a breakdown of what YOU might expect to see in your game…

First you will get that usual Pop Up… “Event Ended…restart device…”End of Miracle on Spooner Street

Once you go through the process, you will come back to a no more snow fallin Quahog (though still some on the ground) and an empty Event Area.

End of Miracle on Spooner Street 2

Miracle on Spooner Street Event Area

Due to the Event Area is now empty, if anyone was battling the Yeti… they will be out wandering around as he is gone.

If you were working on Babs or Jasper at the Train Station, since that is gone too… you will no longer see either one or be able to get either Character. They are gone with the Event if not completely unlocked and in your game as playable Characters.

Christmas CookiesHoliday Christmas Cookies. These will hang around town in preparation for use on the next Event. (Nothing on that for now. We will post when it arrives. Most likely at least a day away…you know…the New Year.)

Christmas Quahog MallBuildings/ Vehicles that dropped Event items will no longer drop them anymore. This includes the facades or “skins” on the Houses and Buildings for Christmas Decorations.

Christmas Shoppers 2 Christmas Shoppers 1Characters will no longer drop any Event items or Materials. Also the Reindeer, Shoppers, and Snowman will be all gone. (I am gonna miss them. Wish I could have kept one of each. 😦  ) Anyone going after Snowmen or Reindeer… will end up just wandering around.

Reindeer Games Part 4

Now for what MANY of you were wondering on the Character Tasks…what stays and what goes?

If all went as planned…these ones SHOULD go on. Keep in mind though…SEVERAL you needed to have PASSED a specific questline point/part in order for it to go on. If you did not, it will go away and won’t continue. Again, some may still not pull through after the event, but this is what we hope stuck around as planned. Lol. Let us know what you see.

JasperJasper: Jasper Visits Part 4-6

John McClaneJohn McClane: Happy Trails Part 3-8

JesusJesus: Save the Date Part 1-5

Jingle Joe 1Jingle Joe: Hustle and Bustle Part 1-5

Babs PewterschmidtBarbara (Babs): Five Golden Rings Part 3-5

Hanukkah MortHanukkah Mort: A Very Jewish Christmas Part 1-3

Puppy Brian StandingPuppy Brian: Young Dog, Old Tricks Part 2-5

SantaSanta: Bag of Tricks Part 1-4

Elf PeterElf Peter: Elf Too Fat for a Shelf Part 1


That about does it. So sit back, relax, take a little break for the night. Have fun. Be safe….and…WE WILL SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!! 😛


253 responses to “End of Miracle on Spooner Street

  1. Happy New Year! Thank you for all your work ladies.


  2. Did anyone complete the king yeti challenge and not get deco?
    And no its not in my inventory. It didn’t even register that I completed the task other than giving me 50 snowflakes and cookies.


  3. Any word on when they are going to fix the game so I (and others in a similar situation), can actually play the game again?


  4. TINYCO totally ROCKS THE CLAM!! I sent in my report about Gene, Jesus, and John caught behind the iron curtain and two hours later, there they were, hovering in the ‘Netherworld’ waiting for me to use my ‘magic finger’ to rescue them!


  5. JUICE, people. Drink juice, and relax!


  6. Does Paul and Gene’s quests still there after? havent got to check my game yet and i just got the both of them this morning and i was hoping to finish it and get those 25 clams. Thanks!!!


  7. I only had one building to unlock Babs but I didn’t get it in time. And I thought she was gone. But when I reloaded Quahog it said she was unlocked. Not complaining but I’m grateful that she was unlocked:)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. So even though i dont see the cookies anymore, they are still there?


  9. Will you be doing another event survey? It’s great that fellow players can get their voices & opinions out there 🙂


  10. Not too worried about the cookies or stockings. What I am more concerned with, and have already contacted Tinyco through support for, is that Gene, Jesus and John are missing from my Quahog. I checked every building and every spot in my sock … They are AWOL partying in Niagara Falls with Keith Urban for New Years Eve, I guess.


  11. I unlocked all the characters I even had santa before the last weekly challenge hit me – get santa in 4 days? How about 0? xD

    I dunno how anyone could be having trouble getting the first few characters – they were easy, it was jesus and angel bruce I was having trouble with – mainly cos jesus required 100 of those yeti stockings and on top of that you had to do a balancing act to both defeat the yeti and collect items for bruce so it was tricky for me to get him but i managed to after i quit bugging the yeti, after the event ended i was left with 90k cookies which i had no idea what to do with… i already unlocked all the buildings and had nothing else to spend it on: if you ask me the event was pretty easy – I didn’t really need to spend much time on it and yes: I even had time to spend with my family on christmas =P

    I guess they must have been too busy to check their phone now and again.


  12. I was really disappointed on how this event ended. It just kind of dampered my whole day. Tinyco really should have followed the Halloween wrap up protocol to rid of all the items we worked hard to earn. The only good thing about this event was the awesome amount of clams dropped. Thank you Tinyco.


  13. I was so close to Jesus 😦


  14. Babs was killing a reindeer before it ended, she wasn’t wandering around when I got back lol I just got coins for finishing the task.


  15. I kinda figured cookies would be back. I had something like 108,000 and idk why I kept harvesting those stockings. When the next event comes out, will we have to start over collecting cookies or will my grand amount come back?


  16. Hmmm.. I think I have seen more “See top of post:)” posts from Bunny in this thread than I thought possible 🙂

    People are literally “tossing their cookies” worrying about where their precious cookies went!

    I didn’t know the cookies were coming back for the next event, so I bought enough Christmas trees and pointsettas to open a garden and tree shop for next year…


  17. If I had a nickel everytime Bunny wrote “See top of post. ;)”…


  18. My game keeps crashing saying, Error, reward doesn’t have anything in it. It’s to do with Barbara’s quest. Anybody else with this trouble?


  19. Anyone else feel like the chicken scrooge ended up just kinda ending after all the big up, there was like two throwaway lines in one quest finishing the storyline compared to many dialogs at the start of the event. Wheres my chicken fight!!??


  20. I miss Jesus , just need 7 more and Bam Xmas event over already . Me sad ….


  21. My puppy Brian has disappeared! it took me forever to save up for him! Any ideas how I can get it back? Thanks x


  22. My pitchfork was down. I will admit that my torch was abit bright. If you two ladies ate the cookies then best investment I ever made 😉 Hope you two ( and everyone else ) have a great and safe new years eve. CYA next year.


    • What do you mean ***crunch crunch crunch*** I ate the ***crunch crunch crunch*** cookies ***crunch crunch crunch*** whatever ***crunch crunch crunch*** are ***crunch crunch crunch*** you ***crunch crunch crunch*** talking ***crunch crunch crunch*** about….

      ***crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch****

      Liked by 2 people

  23. I unlocked puppy Brian but due to the fact i work nights didn’t get back in time to actually open the box…and this upsets me as i bombed the crap out of those shoppers hoping to get enough to unlock him and fianlly did at 8am est….then i went to bed since i worked last night…


  24. Ok so I didnt really participate in the Christmas event but I did get to the part where you rebuild the train station and get a chance to unlock jasper but I didnt really care to get him so I reloaded my quahog back to classic mode and he appears as an unlocked character and I didn’t even unlock him im sorta confused its not a bad thing im not complaining or anything im just curious on why he didnt disappear with the event


  25. Thank you Jesus!! Seven days of turning water into wine and not one measly clam.


    • I think we had to run it…hmmm… 4 or 5 times for the payout? But hey….FREE CLAM!!! I don’t care how long it takes. Free is free. 😉


      • right. i’ll keep sending him on the task just to chance the free clams. i mean did you really get him because he’s jesus? lol i have gotten one payout from him but i refrained from using him that way because he could fight the yeti.


  26. Can they make all these events anymore confusing? Seriously if we need to scour the internet to understand an app game the developers need to review their game design. What’s the point of having characters, like Vinny, that just get in the way and end up being hidden. No point trying to earn something that adds no value to the game. KISS characters should have been introduced separate to Christmas.
    Some of the items are just clutter and not even scaled to make sense (tiny items get lost, huge ones take up too much space). With limited real estate each event like this fills up land quick. They should look at TSTO for longevity and incremental activities without overwhelming/confusing otherwise given my game is already 2.84Gb(!) in size people are going to give up and free up space for other games.


    • I just have to giggle a lil at this…I saw pretty much the SAME comment…reversed…over on TSTO. I honestly think it comes down to the style of game itself and whether or not it fits into the players style of what they like and are used to. 🙂

      To me… KNOWING Family Guy the TV Series… KISS HAD to come with Christmas. It was Peter’s thing. Can’t have Christmas without KISS.


  27. My cookies are all gone! Lol! I had to say it. Happy New Year everyone! Be safe!

    I noticed in the new screen that popped up, stewie got his plutonium… I sure hope it’s coming!

    Oh! I think it would be awesome to have a casino type slot machine to play with our cookies, stocking, etc that were left over… I’m excited for the new event, I have no task going so I’m just keeping them busy with money making chores.


  28. People need to stop complaining, yes I was a little upset and had to spend 122 clams toward Jesus but in the end I wouldn’t have gotten him if it wasn’t for the clams they gave me throughout the event so thank you tiny co. Happy New Year’s


  29. BBBBu…b..but,my cc..cccookiesss…wahhhh…whered my precious fortune go?…wwwhhaa……….
    Just kidding….I read the top of the post and it was quite clear,cheers!


  30. 😘thanks and happy new year!😊


  31. It’s New Years Eve and I just lost my cookies! (Sorry I couldn’t resist!). I have been trying to buy clams all day on my iPhone and Consuela keeps telling me “No, No come back later.” I am worried about missing out on the fire truck. Again thank you for this amazingly helpful site!


    • This is what I do when my iOS device does that and throws a tantrum. I throw it….hahahah…just kidding. Go out of game. Go to app market and make sure you are completely logged out of it. Restart device. When you come back, go to your app market. Double check ALL your payment settings to make sure they are right. THEN …launch Family Guy.

      Usually when I see that…it is either a Market connection issue or it won’t let my payment go through (it is why I use mainly iTunes gift cards now. No hassle on the CC side)


  32. Happy New Year! After about two hours the noise died down, so I finally can go to sleep 🙂


  33. For some reason I thought it was 4 hours difference not 3. It has been way too long of a day. No biggie as I was done, I just wanted to carpet bomb the shoppers at the end.


    • 4 hours when we are in Daylight Savings time on the East Coast, otherwise it’s 3 hours.
      I was thinking if the Ball dropped it would be for midnight tonight, so nothing happening tonight, so I’m going to set my characters off on longer errands instead of them popping up every hour.

      PS I got Brian today, and went to my inventory and created the small puppy Brian, did the first quest before the event ended and now it’s still open for me to finish them off 🙂

      Now working on the Asians and I’m glad I found out so I can get all of my workers building some of the buildings that I need for that.

      Happy New Years 🙂


  34. So I read the article but could not figure out what will happen with the cookies??? Just kidding… Pretend there is a smiley icon here….


  35. Anyone notice in the picture at the top of this post – what Glenn gave to Lois? I just now saw it! HAHA! I wouldn’t mind seeing Lois in that! Giggity, giggity, giggity, giggity!!!


  36. Bs ending event abrubtly. There is a timer for everything else but none for the event?


  37. I’m sorry, but I just have to say something. Our hosts here spend a lot of time and energy writing up information for us, and it strikes me as really insulting to them when so many people can’t be bothered to take a minute to READ what they’ve posted. Instead, it seems like a lot of folks just start posting comments/questions as a knee jerk reaction. Please be more respectful so that they don’t have to post things like “see above post” 800 times.

    Happy new year!


  38. LoL!!! Happy New Years to you Bunny and your patience with at least 30 questions of “Where are my Cookies”. Don’t understand how a person could get to this website, see the first three lines and stilll ask that question. I came because I knew I would find the answer.
    Have a Good Night, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  39. if i was i billionaire i would give everyone commenting about the christmas cookies disappearing glasses. Why you ask? cause they are apparently BLIND TO THE TOP OF THE POST!!!




  41. i’ll have to take their word on any cookie count i had because it’s no longer even visible if they’re going to give us anything for that lol no biggie really but most events let us still see our counts while they let us use the remainders in the post event option. wonder how they’re doing it this time


  42. Good lord, all!! SEE TOP OF POST!!!! 😉


  43. they won… I finally spent real money on this game (& not earned gift cards from watching ad websites, etc). I just had to get Jesus (he gives clams! it was an investment!). So they’re happy… I’m happy… but if it was all that effort with the yetti to get kiss or something. forget it. I also got the die hard guy to help with the yetti. while it probably would have been cheaper to get the building to get the snoflake stockings than it was to get bruce willis & to speed up attacking the yetti & to keep the yetti going… in the end I’m glad with my choices. can’t say that about past events. My dad had me watch Die Hard on his lap as a kid. so now when I play the game those memories come back. that’s a christmas present from TinyCo!

    but I actually got most of the items this time! it was actually doable for freemium. granted, I spent a LOT more time on this than I had planned & gave up my progress on TSTO for it (missed their nativity… grr) but overall, not too bad.


    • I got the building that dropped snowflakes but still needed about 15 to get Jesus by the end of the event. It’s the first free character I haven’t gotten. And there wasn’t even a chance to use clams to get him is what really make me upset cuz I would have finished it with clams no problem..


  44. I messaged TinyCo and they said the counters are intentionally down now, but will be back when the event starts, so no worries!


  45. Does anyone actually read the article or just ask questions? 😂

    Happy new year everyone


  46. I understand that they’re doing something with the cookies I just wish I had used my 50 or so fur bombs cause then I would have had more cookies. Sigh. Same thing happened to me after Halloween-I didn’t cash in a bunch of my stuff and lost out for spending in that last box with Rupert.


  47. Bah, I’m still irked over the glitches that took place over the holiday event. I tried to troubleshoot, wrote to TinyCo, I even bought some clams.

    I never got a response to my glitch inquiry, so I will not give them any money again. 😓


  48. Of course it turns out tinyco is nothing but a bunch of liars Christmas errands and the New Year’s event does not begin and all of my cookies stockings and other leftover Christmas currency has vanished


    • How exactly did they lie? They NEVER said it would come today. No where… on no pop up… nothing. Just…COMING SOON. 😉

      As far as the cookies… psssst… there may be some info… right up there… right at the top… you might wanna just take a peek at it 😉


  49. Didn’t they make a reference to the ball drop as part of the New Year event? Anyone else think a ball drop tomorrow or the next day is going to be lame?

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Freddy and Jason’s 12 hour tasks had a new reward for task completion, it looked like a was of cash in a money clip. Any ideas or was it always like that. Happy New Year everyone be safe tonight and get a DD.


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