Mobsters Week 5 “Glitch” Report

UPDATE 3:50PM EST: See the different sections below for some updates. 


FYI: Myself and Alissa currently are NOT able to get into the game on our Android Devices. It just crashes. It has been reported. Will update if we hear anything back as it seems to be spreading. 

It seems the crashing was originally linked to only a few Android Devices over the weekend, but as you can see… it is spreading. I am on GS4, and Alissa is on GS6. Both are unable to access the game. 

UPDATE 7/6 2:55PM EST: I am now able to get back into my Android Device. Let us know if you can too. (Alissa is still down)

I was able to get back into my device after using an iOS device to go in and tap on a bunch of items. Exited the game. Then went by to my Android device and got right in. 

p.s. Alissa tried my shortcut of using an iOS device, it gave her access to her game too. 


Hey there Mafioso!

After Week 5 content was released, we saw many reports from players of odd things happening in your games. No worries, we are always here helping. Even when you do not see it.

Just before I went off the grid, I did send off a full report to TinyCo to look into. Take a peek below to see if any applies to you.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch

Here are the main items we saw…


Players stating they completed all of the Law of the Land Questline and got the Upgrade Icon over the Mansion to Upgrade to Week 5. When tapping on it, the game crashed and Mansion would not Upgrade to Week 5 content.

Mansion Upgrade Week 5

This issue was already reported to them, I would suggest anyone experiencing this issue reports it to the too… from in game if possible.

In the meantime, there are some things you can try to see if it helps at all… but it is up to you if you would like to try.

  1. Go to your App Market and make sure you are on Version 1.9.7 of the App, if not… download it and see if that helps.
  2. Try some Basic Troubleshooting to see if maybe there is a bad file loaded to your game.


UPDATE: TinyCo has offered a workaround for this issue. 

  1. Make sure you are on 1.9.7 in the App Market for the Game.
  2. Store 5 Buildings from your town into Inventory (Try even some Event ones)
  3. Try to Upgrade the Mansion again.



Load Error Streak

Players reported a Load Error appearing, locking them out of the game, shortly after completing a Streak on Don.

“Attempting to load a streak requirement that is no longer in config”

This isssue was already reported. We would suggest you report it too. As we know you are unable to get into your game, email them with the following…

  1. Your Player ID if you have it. If not, a screenshot of the opening Splash Screen of the game with the Load Error Image and the numbers on the left and right side.
  2. Any device information you can provide.
  3. An explanation of exactly what you were doing when it happened to help narrow the trigger along with the day it happened.
  4. Note in the Subject line it is for Family Guy.


UPDATE: TinyCo Engineers are still investigating this issue.



Defeat Don Corleone 4x

Have not seen too many reports of this as of yet, but still reported it.

Players are stating that the Goons show on set needed, Goons sent for Hire at Copahavana, then game exited. When returned, the Goons have changes to an alternate set.

We need a bit more information on this one as I am sure that TinyCo does too. So players noticing this issue, please give us more specifics like…

  1. Did the game crash before this happened?
  2. What streak were you on when it happened? (1x-5x)
  3. What was the Goon requirement before and after?

Make sure you also report this to them directly from in your game messaging so they can track it and locate the cause.


UPDATE: TinyCo is not locating any specific reports from Players on this issue. If YOU are having the problem, can you please email us your Player ID directly? (Menu, Account, Long # Lower Right.)



Some quick Side Notes: For those of you on Android still locked out while they are still trying to locate the trigger points, there are two option you can try. Both may not be easily accessible, but it may be worth a try. BOTH require you to have your account saved. (Which I hope by now ALL of you are doing.) Before you jump in, check to ensure you are on Wersion 1.9.8 on App Market.

  1. This one I already covered in the Glitch post. Borrow an iOS device. Log in to your game in the iOS device. Tap on a few items if possible, like collect some coins. Exit out. Then go back to your Android Device and see if you can get back in.
  2. This one is the real long shot.  But have been talking to other Players in the comments on the Glitch post and it did help. There is a BETA Facebook version of the game out there that is by far ready for play, however… it is a “workaround” point like the iOS device. It is ANYTHING outside the Android Device. So, if you have some time and patience… try the Facebook BETA version… be patient as it could take a few tries to load. If you can get in, the same as above. Tap something. Exit out. Go back to your Android.

Both are just optional, but if they get you back in… it’s worth a try. Good Luck


There are a few other isolated things we are seeing, but as they are more one on one issues so we will not focus on them unless we start to see a pattern or it spread like those above.

As with any issues, there are always some Basic Troubleshooting steps you can try HERE.

For general Crashing and Lagging issues, try some of the tips HERE. 

For anything else, Contact TinyCo HERE


REMEMBER: This post is to HELP Players experiencing technical issues. If you would like to vent/rant about the makers of the game, this is NOT the place. Take it to What The Deuce. Keep this post as a helpful one those in need. 

Hopefully this will help some of you out as far as the current things we are seeing impact Players in the game. Let us know if there is anything else specific.


251 responses to “Mobsters Week 5 “Glitch” Report

  1. I understand that they get backed up over a holiday weekend, but ive been messaging them in game about once a week for a month now and still haven’t received a response.


  2. Crashes on loading screen for me now. On an andriod s5.
    pissing me off as im real close to finishing a bunch of tasks.


  3. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!!!! I’m in, I’m in!! HUGE thanks to the person who posted here about signing in through Facebook and then being able to get in on Android. I had tried accessing the game in FB several times prior to that person’s post but the page would not finish loading, so I gave up. I have been near-constantly trying to log in via FB since around 8am PT today, refreshing and refreshing and trying other browsers and incognito mode in Chrome, and I just now *finally* succeeded! So for everyone else trying the Facebook-fix, please note you may have to keep trying like a million times — I didn’t count, but it really has been a slew of repeated attempts over the past several hours, to where I didn’t immediately understand what had happened when I finally got in a few minutes ago. I then tried on my phone (Samsung GS6) and was successful, then immediately came here to share!

    I know it’s really too late to do much good with only 24 hours left in this event, but I’m trying to look at the positive side. 🙂


  4. I got the crash on loading error, and being on day 3 now, I actually feel relieved that I don’t feel rushed to get everything done before the event ends because I actually can’t do anything about it. I think that’s a big sign that the game has ceased to be fun for me. Too much content, not enough time, TinyCo. See ya around.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. For me every time I try to place the hotel in, Family Betrayal pt 2.The game crashes so won’t be able to progress in story line. Reported in game. But did get Consuela on Sunday Night so. Accomplished my goal. For this event. I could care lass about leader board or personal stats as the items one will not AIDE in future game play. Do want Tricia since have everything for he for last two and a half week . Everything except cookies. My meager 3,664 will barely cover “gas” lol.
    Thanks ladies for all you do and all the help.The game is unplayable without you.


  6. Help crashing!

    I am at the end of getting mob Bonnie and now it crashes on load every time. What’s going on?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Will be three days not being able to play, have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and still can’t play, think I will be pushing for refunds too, I was well on target but am prob well behind now


  8. wildthornberry88

    Well, I can’t get in on my Kindle, can’t get in on fb, can’t get in on my Samsung phone. So very glad I spent money speeding up tasks etc this event to get the grand prize but don’t even have a chance to do the final 24 hour challenge 😦 also was on the third raid and therefore so very close to Bonnie. Have emailed them. I know to never bother spending money on the game again 😦


  9. I’m just curious but do we have a rough estimate (% of users) who can’t even load the game? I haven’t been able to log in since Sunday and after 4 days, I pretty much am relinquished to the notion that I spent $50 on clams to get ahead is now in vain. Hopefully TinyCo can either reimburse us or provide us with some kind of “we’re sorry we haven’t fixed this problem in almost a week” kind of message/gift. I’ve been playing this game since it started and never complained. But this is ridiculous.


  10. Been locked out since the cookie boxes showed up on android galaxy note 4 really sucks close to getting bonnie and Tricia hopefully they extend it a week with no knew content and give another shot at the 4thought timed prize as I had just started when I got locked out


  11. Still have not heard from tinyco. Been emailing them since friday and nothing at all. I am very disappointed. It has never taken more than a day for them to respond before. I really want a refund.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re backed up in emails from all the people that send hundreds of messages from 1 account over the weekend because they weren’t responding. They have to weed through all of those emails…


  12. I can see your point about wanting it to just end, and part of me agrees. 🙂 On the other paw, I’m not alone in having spent real money on clams to achieve certain things in this event. Being locked out for days (to possibly never get back in to the event) due to bad coding means that money – not to mention time and effort – was a waste. I know it’s just a game, but people play games to be entertained and to achieve whatever results are used to attract players. I’ve been playing and spending money for over a year now, and I really really try to take TinyCo’s side. But you wouldn’t keep spending money at a restaurant that continuously messed up your food and sometimes kicked you out after charging you but before actually giving you the food, right? Whether it was a large corporate restaurant or a mom & pop diner — you would stop patronizing the establishment after a certain amount of disappointment. TinyCo has been fairly good about trying to “make it right” in the past, but I’m not sure how they could do so in this case without extending the event. They dropped too many new items this past week, plus the grand prizes dangled like Kingpin Consuela, Fight Promoter Cleveland, etc, *plus* the Leaderboard component that kept many of us shelling out clams to retain a certain ranking — that’s a lot of stuff people will feel cheated out of (and of course, if they just give those things to those of us who got locked out, there will be people angry about that). I would be surprised if TinyCo doesn’t lose a large number of players (especially premium players) should we never be able to resume our quests for this event’s stuff. I can tell you that of my 25+ multiverse friends — many of whom I picked up through this website — only 3 still play this game. That seems like a lot of churn for a game this new. I know TinyCo tries hard and they do evolve with each event — I can clearly see how much thought went into this event with so many prizes and questlines and options, they really knocked it out of the park on entertainment and variety and activities. But they do seem to have glitches (some big, some small) every event — I’m not always affected, thankfully, but it does seem from my year+ of playing and following this site that their QA department could use help.

    I’m not just sucking up when I say you ladies and this site have kept me from ditching this game at multiple points, and I’m sure a lot of others feel the same. You two – your patience and dedication, etc – are amazing, and I have no idea how you run both sites, plus work day jobs, plus maybe squeeze in a couple minutes of sleep…oh, and presumably you somehow have time to play the games as well. 🙂 Thank you for everything!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You took my thoughts right out of my head. I agree with everything you said and i am another they lost. Like you said, waste of money if i cant even play to maintain what ive spent over $100 on. Im tempted to ditch my plan of uninstalling when my last 7 clams are gone and uninstall now.


    • Feel the same way but there’s a weird kind of peace this time as it’s out of my hands, if I could get my unspent clams out of the game I would definitely quit at this point.

      As it stands my relationship to the game will totally change if I don’t receive the items I was working towards as it’s not a complete experience any more (and this is absolutely the kind of psychological reinforcement the game thrives on when it’s working) so there will be no reason to compete the same way in future.

      There are easy solutions but you just know they’re not going to happen based on how everything has already been handled. Respond to emails with the appropriate amount of clams for example and put the last 2 weeks costumes/characters in the store for purchase.


    • I think they should give us premium players who are locked out at least the characters and skins from the final week. I dont care if it makes others mad. I already paid to make sure i would have gotten them anyway. I sent them an email stating that that is the only way i would ever trust them enough to pay for anything in the game again.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Don MacAlpine

      A lot of well made points here.

      I too have been playing for over a year and have now been locked out of this event for nearly a week (since I finished the week 4 quests). I imagine my emails (only 1 per day) are also in the queue to be answered.

      Being unable to login has given me some time to remember how long I have been putting up with the game’s instability, especially of late. Why have I put so much effort into pussy footing around, keeping the game zoomed in to a ridiculous level and scrolling as slowly as possible to reduce the frequency of crashes caused by bad coding? If I didn’t have to do this, or constantly restart and redo actions because of crashes, how much better would the game be to play? Am I actually getting enough fun out of this to justify the frustration?

      Maybe if Tiny had put a little less effort into producing a constant stream of ‘events’ (encouraging players to acquire yet more characters, buildings & decorations – which then have to be stored due to lack of space/decreased stability) and more into getting the basic game code right we wouldn’t have so many problems with each new event update?

      I’m waiting to see how all this is resolved, but the longer I’m locked out the less inclined I am to stay with this game.

      I’d like to add my appreciation for this site, you’ve probably kept me playing a few times too…


    • You summed it up perfectly.


  13. Long story short the Don’s 24 timer booted me AGAIN completely from game after it reset. Funny thing is with so much left to do I still haven’t even attacked the Don once! I had to drive all the way to a family member’s house just to borrow their iOS. Thank the multiverse Stewies that the Facebook Beta is working otherwise I would be locked out again. So if you’re locked out I highly recommend logging into the Facebook app after the Don’s timer resets. I really did want an extension but if everyday is like this just let the event sleep with the fishes. I spend almost $20 in real currency trying to get Brian out of mystery box (let’s not count the Clams I’ve also invested in the event, or I will cry), to no avail. If you’re reading this TinyCo, give up on the extension. Just give me enough cookies to get Tricia, provide Brian for compensation, and let it be. Of course if you want to give me clams too, I won’t object.


  14. Ive been unable to log in since last night


  15. My game just started crashing on the splash screen or even before it. I’m on an Android, but I haven’t had any problems before this, and now all the sudden on the last full day of the event it craps out. Is this a known issue or just my phone, because I’ve tried everything but uninstalling and reinstalling.


    • And now I’m getting an assert error too.


    • As you can see on the very top of this post… yes… known issue. 😉


    • I assumed that since me being locked out later meant it was a different issue but then you know what they say about people who assume (well maybe you don’t, I shouldn’t assume you do). I fixed it though, by logging onto an iPad, though I had lost many hours by the time I got onto my game, and then it let me get in on my android again.
      The weird thing is the game worked fine on the android after I uninstalled it and got it back, but it only worked when I didn’t log in to my account, aka when I was playing as a level one guy who hasn’t unlocked Jerome. Just a little strange.


  16. Ambient Monkey

    Have the spawn rates for the Gold Trucks changed? I previously always had 3 in my town and when I cleared one another would spawn almost immediately, but now I’m only seeing 1 spawn maybe every 4hrs or 5hrs. I still need 21 Gloves for the Fight Promoter Cleveland outfit!
    Also, the frequency of crashes is getting very frustrating – it can sometimes take me more than an hour to achieve what I used to be able to do in 10 minutes. Consequently, I’ve not enjoyed this event at all. Too much grinding and way too many glitches has taken all the fun out of it for me!


    • That is right. To only see a few each day. They only upped it at first as they weren’t spawning at all and when did they didnt drop gloves.


  17. Clayton M. Cunha Filho

    Still not logging in… crashes midway through since monday night…


  18. question for Alissa or Bunny, when we get to king pin Consuela, is it the house with her or it’s a Skin for her, as i unlock it this morning and got the house with her, but no skin? can you shed some light pls


  19. I am really worried about how my rep that I built up all these weeks is dropping from me not being able to load the game. I really want to keep the prizes I was going to get and finish week 5. Any update as to when we will be able to load the game? 😦


  20. Don’t have an iOS device, but I was able to fix my crash on loading issue by logging on to the FACEBOOK version of the game that you can play on PC – I let it load all the way, then once I saw my town again, I exited the Facebook version, and then my Android one logged in just fine after that.

    It says beta, so not sure if everyone has the option to play on Facebook.


    • Oh wow, I was trying that yesterday but mine never completely loaded. thanks for the tip, I’m going to try again!


    • this got me back up working for me too… finally back into the game after 2 days locked out and a drop of nearly 300 places on the leaderboard so am now outside of the top 10,000 now and 2000 mob rep behind :(… but hopefully TinyCo can address this by either changing the levels of leaderboard or offering the godfather for clams or something 🙂


  21. 4 days of not being able to play now. Wasted clams on buildings that I am getting no benefit from. Wasted clams on rushing to try to get detective scrotes. Had everything for Tricias costume but hadnt claimed it. Getting frustrated now.


  22. I’m starting to seriously reconsider being a “premium” player and giving some of my entertainment budget to a functional game… Once again there is a crippling glitch that has to be sorted out on a timed event that save for maybe one week hasn’t started when it was supposed to.

    Thanks Bunny and Alissa as always for the tips and updates. Off to play some tapball!


  23. My family guy app has not been working since Thursday. Reinstalling doesn’t work. I can’t get past more then a sec of the intro before the game crashes so I can’t even ‘re log in with Facebook to get my saved game data…. Anyone else still unable to get into their games?


  24. I keep crashing out of the game for about 24 hrs already. Im an android user.


  25. Darth Smurf X

    Ugh. This has been the hardest event yet. 2 days left and I haven’t even begun the 5th week content. I’ve never been this far behind. AND I bought Robocop and Mr. Miyagi. How is this even possible?


  26. I tried the ios fix but I didn’t work for mine and my iPad has the game working with it but my phone can’t access the game because every time it loads the game exits me out… Haven’t gotten on since last Thursday night and I have an HTC m8. I also emailed them twice but no response. I also can’t go on iPad all the time so I’m losing cookies and rep all the time. Top 26k and sadly I won’t get Don corleon.


  27. Also a huge help would be releasing new content on a Monday so when this happens and people are locked out for 5 days you have your full support team there to fix it


  28. Finally able to log back into my game through my Facebook accounts and it reset me to the beginning I lost hundreds of dollars and time


    • After you are able to play again, beat the the turorial, it should let you log in through G+ or FB. It may not fix the current glitch, but when this is over, try it 🙂


  29. Does anyone else find their game constantly freezing? Not crashing, but just freezing. And gameplay is exasperatingly slow – major lag? I’m playing on an android device.


  30. tried to log into the game, it crashes at the loading screen without warning


  31. still locked out since yesterday morning,and It sucks really bad this time,since last issue we had I could still log on for a bit just to do what i had to do. this time its a total lockout.all i want is to get my leaderboard prize that i i paid clams for,to stay in the 3-4ooos,and mob bonnie,so i can get my 25 clams.thats what i was working on,and thats all i feel I personally am entitled to.. This whole thing just sucks!!!!


  32. Sorry to hear you’re getting hassle, it’s not rational behaviour but at this point you do appear to be the unheralded public voice of TinyCo.

    That’s not a criticism, the game is tough enough and I’d imagine near impossible without your efforts but there has been a major issue since Friday which appears to have been isolated by players to certain devices and the 24 hour countdown, you’ve offered a fix and suggested there won’t be an extension yet TinyCo has said absolutely nothing?

    I don’t see how it can be that hard to transfer a working script from one device to another when certain players can fix the problem themselves yet it’s now taken 6 days.and counting.

    Apologies if this is a little deucey but I wanted to ask if you could please suggest that all the prizes are released and we let the event sleep with the fishes. Spending clams was always optional but being kicked out after 4 weeks of time and money is irreplaceable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. I’ve been playing since the beginning and have paid for every premium character in this event and in past events. I also dished out some clams to keep up as this event was near impossible to keep up with (star trek was terrible too). I was in place for the stewie outfit but I’ve been locked out since Thursday morning and all the clams spent to secure my place are all a waste of money and time at this point. I sure hope they come up with something good to appease this time around…


  33. OtriviaLaLivia

    Sadly I’m still trying to get through week 4. Hopefully all glitches will be resolved before I get there. One of a thimble full of benefits to being so far behind. 😿


  34. Sigh. I updated to week 5 on Sunday night (spending quite a few clams to rush through week 4, like many others it seems) and it was working ok all Monday. Haven’t been able to get in at all since Tuesday morning (it’s late Tuesday night here now). The yellow bar gets about halfway along on the loading screen, then it just closes itself down. All reported to TinyCo, just playing the waiting game now. Reminding myself that TinyCo always seem to have been very good in the past at adding extra time etc. when things go wrong. First time I’ve ever experienced crashes/problems first hand though! Can understand the frustration, but I think it’s also easy to lose perspective…how many of us in our jobs could sort out a major technical problem in a couple of days over a holiday weekend, or handle a massive influx of queries without increasing the wait time…let alone both?
    Sorry if that sounds preachy at all; isn’t meant that way 🙂 (also sorry if I’ve posted in the wrong place; I haven’t commented before!)


  35. Starting today, 7/7 at 2pm i can not log in at all, game crashes half way through start up. It was fine all weekend


  36. Is anyone else still unable to get into the game? Mine has been crashing on the loading screen since Friday night/Saturday morning. I’ve checked all the updates here and with TinyCo. I’ve contacted support multiple times (I know they were off for the holiday, we all need a break once in a while), and still have not heard back. I don’t have an iOS device. I’m using a Samsung S4 mini. Just thought I’d see if anyone else is still having issues while I patiently waiting to hear back from TinyCo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • no joy at all. tried rebooting, reinstalling, nothing works.
      game itself lets me play through the intro as a new user but as soon as i connect to my own account, I’m stuck with it crashing every time I try to start it.
      so many people with this issue. why don’t tinyco even acknowledge it?
      so glad I didn’t waste $$$ on guying clams to claw my way up the leaderboard, I’d be furious right now…


  37. Still cannot log in. Been down for over 24 hours for me.


  38. My Android can’t get past the load screen now, so it looks like I’m out on the rest of this event since there isn’t enough time for TinyCo to fix the problem.


  39. Just to address the elephant in the room… has anyone heard back from TinyCo about whether or now there will be an event extension? Sure there’s been alot of setbacks and I’m sitting in the top 2 percent of the leaderboards without yet having breached week 5 content. With just a hair over 48 hours left to the event, am just curious if anyone else is behind and whether anyone has heard anything. Thanks.


    • Honestly… I highly doubt it. Too many other things on the Calendar coming up that having to go back through and change ALL those dates… chaos.

      I would prefer a different compensation given to Players and it just end myself.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I completely agree with you, just let this event end, compensate us with clams and move on. I spent all weekend trying to upgrade my mansion and finally read your “fix” and got that upgraded, only to now be completely locked out of the game altogether. Love the game, have bought clams just to try and sort of keep up (although it wasn’t really working) and now I’m completely locked out.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Salty balls (that's what Tinyco named me!)

          I would absolutely lose it if they compensated with only clams. They certainly aren’t likely to reimburse the $100 this event has cost. I would be satisfied if my easily projected outcome of receiving Zoot Suit Stewie, Don, Fight promoter Cleveland, and Bonnie were given to me. Characters and skins are always my main goal in these events and I’ve never missed one, even with the constant crashes and glitches over the past year.


  40. Afternoon ladies,
    after seeing your “fix” of using an iOS device, i was able to login with my Note4 and continue with my game. Thanks so much.


    • WOOHOO!!! I told TinyCo about it as soon as I tried it and it worked. I hope they passed it on too. I put it here hoping it helped. Glad to see it is. 😉


      • Just fyi Bunny I tried the fix on iOS but it made me update first then it wouldn’t reload. Boooo booo 🙂 Hopefully it works for everyone else though.


        • and back to being kicked out, started at 6pm and now once more i am unable to load. sigh. may try again tomorrow to play on apple device and try again on my note. thanks again for all you ladies do. 🙂


  41. 36 hours and stills and get game to load. Don’t have iOS to try that trick. Kind of sucks was in the mid 7000s in the leader board before this. Just about ready to give up and just play tsto.


  42. Sorry to be such an Addict, but I was wondering if you’ve heard anything new? I’m huddled in a corner here, shaking from withdrawal symptoms, and all I can vocalize is a pitiful wail about Fight Promoter Cleeeeeeevelaaaaaaaaannnnnnddd.


  43. My game has been crashing on the load screen since last night when the timer on the Don ran out. That could be the issue. I didn’t have any problems upgrading the mansion. These crashes have put me really behind. I really hope they extend the event. I tried opening it through Bluestack. I started playing a new game until I was finally able to login with Facebook and then it crashed again.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have a device that uses IOS. Only Android on my phone which is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and my Android tablet and my PC using Bluestack. I’ve tried clearing cache, clearing data, reinstalling. Nothing has worked. 😦


  44. I know it was a holiday weekend and they are busy. But I jave been emailing th since friday and still have not gotten any response. I spent money on this mob event and have not been able to play since early friday. I just want to get back on and play and have extra time in the mob event.


  45. I’m still unable to enter the game, the error came after Don Corleone timer expires.

    (sorry for my bad english)


  46. Salty balls (that's what Tinyco named me!)

    Still can’t get in. 3 days and counting


  47. This is the first time I’ve been locked out of my game (been playing since the beta test)
    As I have zero access to a ios device I’ll just have to wait on a fix.
    Hope its not too long don’t want to slip out of the top of the leaderboards I’ve worked hard to get there.


  48. 24 hours into the glitch and I’m still locked out. At this point I imagine I have been kicked from the top 10000 and may not be able to get back on in time in order to get the Don, let alone possibly missing out on Stewies costume. I love this site, the work you do and have done… but this is exasperating. Crossing my fingers for this to get worked out soon as I don’t have access to an iOS device in order to fix it myself.


  49. I still can’t get on the game it loads half way and then says unfortunately family guy has stopped working and then kicks me out


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