Graveyard District (11) Character Profile: Paddy Tanniger

Hey there Tribblemakers!

It has been a while since we have seen a New District in our games, but TinyCo did not disappoint with this one. Ghosts, Spirits, and all things Macabre are now in our Quahogs. THE GRAVEYARD DISTRICT IS HERE!!

With a New District in the game, we were able to get some cool New Ghost Characters from the Lazarus Portal.  Characters like Paddy Tanniger.

Paddy Tanniger

Let’s take a look at what Paddy Tanniger can do in our silly lil games.

Paddy Tanniger was a New Character added during the first part of the Graveyard District (11) 2015. As with (almost) all Characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect lots of STUFF.

You first had to take some chances in the Lazarus Portal until you “RESURRECT” him.

You Resurrected Paddy

Once he was Resurrected, he appeared in front of the Lazarus Portal with the Lock Symbol over his head. Tapping on the Lock above Paddy Tanniger’s head showed you just what you needed to collect for him…

Paddy Tanniger Lazarus Portal


Golf Clubs14 Golf Clubs (ALWAYS): Dr Hartman Test Experimental Drugs OR Jerome Be a Superior Athlete OR Carter Make Money Angels

Anger Management Books20 Anger Management Books (Common): Joe Visit Gun Range OR James Wood High OR Quahog Public Library

Plaid Pants15 Plaid Pants (Uncommon): Rambo Lois Do Target Practice OR Connie Go Shopping OR Bonnie Bake Sale

Tank Helmet6 Tank Helmet (Rare): Mayor West Visit Vinny OR Anime Peter Roll Over Children OR Sick Burn Crematorium


He does come with a Questline, Wanna Fight About It?, more about it in another post. You Got Paddy

Paddy Tanniger does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn $$$ & XP.

Let’s take a look at some of Paddy Tanniger’s Tasks:

Paddy Tanniger Beat Up TankPaddy Tanniger Play Golf

Task Time Earns Location Level
Drink Beer 2hrs 30Family Guy Coin20Family Guy XP Bob’s Funland 2
Play Golf 4hrs 50Family Guy Coin30Family Guy XP Visual ~
Caddy Manage 6hrs 65Family Guy Coin45Family Guy XP Playground 2
Beat Up Tank 8hrs 80Family Guy Coin50Family Guy XP Visual ~
Fight About It 12hrs 100Family Guy Coin65Family Guy XP Drunken Clam ~
Wear Plaid 24hrs 150Family Guy Coin100Family Guy XP PF Chinese 3



He is not Currently voiced just yet, but his voice is coming. Will Update when it becomes available.
Here is one of his Phrases (more may still be coming)…
“Big Woof, wanna fight about it?”


And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown for Paddy Tanniger!

Did you Resurrect him yet? If so, how close are you to unlocking him? If you unlocked him, what tasks are your favorite? Which one is your favorite? If not, how close are you? Let us know.


38 responses to “Graveyard District (11) Character Profile: Paddy Tanniger

  1. I unlocked paddy but now it keeps asking me to Collect from southern fried father but ive collected from it about 5 times but its not working !!



    • Do you actually have the Southern Fried Skin active on the Founding Father? Or is it still just the normal Founding Father?


      • It must still be the normal one. How do u make it active ?


        • Tap on the Founding Father Building. You will see a Green Arrow over the image of the Building in the lil Pop Up. Tap on that Green Arrow. A drop down menu will open up and you will see all the “Skins” for that Building. Tap on them until you see the one for the Southern Fried Founding Father (image in post). Just make sure you take it off if you need JUST the Founding Father again in the future. That is done by just tapping on the circle with a slash through it. 😉


  2. just unlock him this morning, 😀 and i’ve complete all characters from the district 11 yeah


  3. Paddy problem – have collected from the restaurant at least a dozen time’ manual and vacuum and the credit for it on my quest will not happen. Stuck do not know what to do.


  4. Paddy was the first ghost that popped for me. Almost 2 weeks on helmets. I know; slower pace and all. It’s still slightly frustrating 😄😄😄


  5. Thanks bunny I won’t even ask my ? On the helmet drops .lol…love your comments as well !!!!


  6. First time I’ve felt the need to ask for assistance …the tank helmets…what the hell..!…first off it’s a 12 hour task with just two characters…one of them being the main character (Peter) needed for endless other tasks at the moment, and then the drop rate is about 1 every 20 goes.
    I have messaged the company through the game…4 times…and not received one reply.


    • We are not TinyCo, we are the Addicts… but we can still try and help. 🙂

      First thing… Paddy and the Portal is part of the Graveyard District. Districts are here for the life of the game. No time limits. That being said… expect more limited drops and it to take time to complete. That is how each District is structured.

      Districts use existing characters, buildings, and tasks. Doing so means they’ll vary as they will use what’s available at the task times preset already in game.

      Think eyeballs, headbands, plutonium, etc. Districts are more an “in between” to do at a slow place. So no need to panic. It’s as intended.

      As far as messaging…patience. They’re called TinyCo for a reason. Everything is done in house. Think 10 to 20 people answering players concerns. Not thousands of scripted outsourced call center workers worldwide like other giant game houses. So replies may take time. Send one message in game and wait. Give them 5 days to respond. Including automated messages. If no reply in 5 days… send a follow-up and repeat. (Though I can pretty much guarantee they’ll tell you exactly what I just did.) 😉


  7. Not got him yet, as with the other very rare items, helmets aren’t dropping yet, but I know they will. Once the 1st one drops, the others usually don’t take too much longer (in my experience at least) But it is a district, so I’m not petting the sweaty stuff… err I mean sweating the petty stuff. 😉


  8. Jimmy Campbell

    Does he speak when tapped now? Just wondering.


  9. Wow, 0-32 trying for bathtubs for Loretta. District or not that’s downright pathetic.


    • Sounds like you need to try some basic tricks. Send those Characters on short small tasks… like 1hr. Restart your device. Then try again.

      In my game I play Freemium, they dropped just fine. Took a lil bit… but I at least was getting them.


  10. Once I reserected Paddy I stopped getting zombies is that normal ?


  11. I unlocked Paddy and have collected a good part of all items except the helmet..after at least six tries i still have not one single helmet. I have not have any problems with and other “rare” or “Very Rare ” items before but at this rate it will take a year to complete

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Just got him and now working to unlock him, he is the first ghost for me had almost seventy zombies before a ghost came up.


  13. With the mini-event ending today, and this new District going to take awhile and involving lots of different characters to get drops (Thankfully and FINALLY), do you have an idea if they’re going to start the next big event today/tomorrow?
    Or does it look like we have some time to settle before then?


  14. Don’t see Paddy yet, only working on Loretta (came on the first portal opening). Those stinking Blue Earrings are taking forever (12 hour task on a rare drop, on super commonly used characters for mini-events/main events).


    • And the others will equally take time. It’s the nature of Districts. Meant to last. Something slower than Events so you don’t have to rush. 😉


    • Yah Paddy has the 12 hour task for rare drops as well as New Brian. And they all involve Peter :/ Districts are always long and frustrating but I still love them for the new land!!


  15. I got Paddy Monday morning and managed to get everything for him except the helmets. Not a single one has dropped yet so I guess I will be stuck building him for a while.. 😦


  16. I resurrected paddy, hope I can get some tank helmets. They are like never dropping


    • Plan on it going slow. Districts have that slower pace.


    • I was just going to post about this. I am having a hell of a time trying to get tank helmets for Paddy. Have been trying for a few days but haven’t had one drop yet. I am not stressing over it, just wondering if the programming on this drop is a bit off? Seems more epic than rare.


  17. i bet you’ll do the Loretta ghost as well, as for me she was the 1st caracthers to be resurrected


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