Quahog New Year Quick Walkthroughs: New Year, New Lies & Tardy to the Party

UPDATE BUNNY 2pm EST 1/9/15: Just verified from TinyCo a patch has been pushed to resolve the issue with Peter and Lois and the item drops. Please let us know if things are back to normal in your games. 😉 


UPDATE BUNNY: I just ran the questline again myself, after Peter and Lois finish their tasks, they go away during the questline. I have already reported this to TinyCo and verifying if it was as intended. Just tasks for only the questline. In the meantime, try not to complete those tasks until you have all you need for Jillian.

Hello There Clammers!

2015 has finally arrived in Quahog!  And what’s a New Year with out resolutions?  And what’s making resolutions with out breaking them 20 minutes later?

Quahog is ready to celebrate the New Year in style with Clock Towers (it is 2015 you know…we’re officially IN the future), noise makers, funny hats and ditzy loose woman!

So let’s take a look at the main New Year’s questline, New Year, New Lies, as well as New Year’s Jillian’s Tardy to the Party questline & just what you can expect each step of the way….

2015-01-02 02.20.32

New Year, New Lies Pt. 1
Peter starts

Have Peter Do a Drunk Dance- 2hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Lois Make the Rounds- 5hrs, Earns $60, 38xp
Build Little Party Tent 
$7,500.  4hr Build.  

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 2
Peter starts

Build Quahog Gym- $1,000, 4hr Build
Make Quagmire Giggity Strut- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 3
Bonnie starts

Build Providence Rehab Center- $2,000.  10hr Build.
Have Bonnie Attend a Support Meeting- 8hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 4
Lois starts

Have Lois Donate Lightly Used Clothing- 4hrs, Earns $65, 45xp
Have Peter Donate His Underwear- 4hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 5
Peter starts

Build Dr. Ling’s Eastern Medicine- $1,750, 6hr Build
Have Joe Beer Skeet Shoot- 1hr, Earns $20, 10xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 6
Chris starts

Have Chris Eat Broccoli- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp 

New Year, New Lies Pt. 7
Meg starts

Have Meg Make a Deposit- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

And that completes the New Year’s Eve questline!


Now let’s jump to the questline you’ll start around part 4 of New Year, New LiesNew Year’s Jillian in Tardy to the Party.

New Year's Jillian

Tardy to the Party Pt. 1
Jillian starts

Get New Year’s Jillian- Collect STUFF to unlock her.  Here’s what you’ll need:

Black High Heels20 Black High-Heels (Common)- Earned By: Make Jerome Play Darts OR Make Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night OR Make Bruce Fret About Something OR Make Seamus Flirt with the Table OR Get from Providence Rehab Center OR Get from Gingerbread House

Lip Glosses12 Lip Gloss (Common)– Earned By: Make Jingle Joe Camp Out OR Make Herbert Freeze Popsicles OR Make Mort Obsessively Count Cash OR Make Jake Tucker Play the Organ OR Get from Party Tent OR Get from Quahog Gym OR Get from Unemployment Office

Bracelets5 Bracelets (Extra Rare)- Earned By: Make Joe Patrol the School OR Make Stewie Travel Through Time OR Make Lois Donate Lightly Used Clothing OR Make Hanukkah Mort Light the Super-Menorah OR Get From New Year’s Cocktail Bar

Black Necklace5 Black Necklaces (Extra Rare)- Earned By: Make Chris Hang Out at Home OR Make Peter Do a Drunk Dance OR Get from New Year’s Cocktail Bar OR Make New Year’s Brian Adjust Bow Tie

If you have the Pet Cemetery from Halloween this can also be used to drop Black Necklaces.  Sorry for not having the info yesterday…I didn’t have it in my town (it’s in inventory).  So pull those Cemeteries from inventory! 

Have Jillian Text Badly- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp 

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 2
Jillian starts

Have Jillian Put Up Christmas Tree- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Jillian Cook Healthy Snacks-
4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 3
Jillian starts

Have Jillian Play Party Games- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 4
Jillian starts

Have Jillian New Year’s Boogie- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp
Place More Fireworks- x2

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 5
Jillian starts

Have Jillian Count Down to New Years- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

And that completes New Year’s Jillian’s questline!


What do YOU think of the New Year’s Event?  Thoughts on New Year’s Jillian?  How about her questline?  What about all the new freemium buildings added for phase 2?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

169 responses to “Quahog New Year Quick Walkthroughs: New Year, New Lies & Tardy to the Party

  1. Peter and Lois’s tasks are back in play- on Android


  2. Both my lois and peters asks have returned 😀


  3. Are u sure ur not ‘losing tasks’ because uve collected the item already? Js. Check!


  4. Lois’ task has returned, but still no Peter. All I have is Chris to get Chokers, that’s what the item is called btw. I have 2 already, so its going to be a challenge to get the last 3.

    I think its ridiculous that one extra rare item has 4 free ways to get it while another only has 1. That really grinds my gears!


  5. Apologies if it’s already been asked and answered but… Anyone else struggling with gold rings? None so far (and I’ve even spent a few clams to speed up the event).


    • You mean the bracelets? Just had two drop for me.


      • Just dropped one! Good stuff.
        Only 4 to go which at the current rate probably won’t happen. Come on TinyCo help me out ya buggers


    • They’ve been hard to come by for me too, but the black necklaces were acquired rather quickly (1 day!) and that was without my cemeteries. But I’m not too worried about it because I figure by the time I finally get the other common items that have a high count requirement and long wait times, those bracelets will have been long ago gotten.


  6. I don’t believe anyone should get too upset about certain tasks disappearing. I mean it can be done easily. It’s January 9th at 1032am as I post this…I have 7 shoes with 7 more opportunities just today and then 10 or 11 shots every other day through the 15th, that’s a lot.

    As for rest I have 9 lip gloss, 3 braclets and 1 dog collar and with the dog collar just using Chris if you can check it every two hours that is 8 or 9 chances a day and between now and the 15th that is 30-40 chances…that’s a lot. Even at extra rare rate of 10-20 percent, you shoudl get them. Hang in their fellow addicts.


  7. I’m seeing the same loss of tasks. No pitchforks and torches, but I’m keeping a rusty teaspoon and a glowstick in reserve. 🙂 Still, it’s not like I actually *need* Jillian’s extra outfit, it’s not that likely to be used in future tasks. So not a biggie, but a fix would be nice.
    And thanks for looking into this!


  8. When wilt his event end does anyone know


  9. Keep calm everyone! Tiny Co is really good at listening to our feedback and its not like the event ends tonight. We will all be ok 🙂

    Besides it really does seem like a glitch to me, not something they did with bad intentions. I say this bec everyones tasks seem to be disappearing at different times (based on all these posts).

    For me i have not even completed part ONE of the main quest-line (im ignoring Lois 5 hr task for now) but just ramdomly overnight Lois has lost her item dropping task. Peter however is still dancing away to get those necklaces!

    So yeah. Based on what im reading on here, the disappearances seem pretty random


    • Oh and another little piece of glitchy evidence… When i just woke up at 6am to do my 4 hour tasks again (after setting them around 2am) i noticed Lois was not even IN the biulding i left her in. Thrift Shop i believe it is. She was just walking around town. Like the task poofed away randomly overnight so she got kicked out of the shop on her own.

      Now. On the other hand. In my 2am sleepy stooper maybe i did NOT set her like i thought. Lol. But i can safely say im 90 percent confident i did. The other 10 perecent…well… 😉


    • I’m almost positive it must be a glitch, they’ve been pretty fair up to now. I don’t think they would just yank a couple of tasks randomly to vex us.


  10. Jorge Tavares Rodrigues

    Don’t know if it helps or not but, i’m on Android, I’m at mid New Year, New Lies Part.1 (Party Tent Done, Peter Drunk Dance Done and Lois Making the Rounds Ongoing) and Lois as lost her hability to drop Bracelets, but Peter is still collecting for Necklaces…I will try not to tape Lois after her task is done but not sure of the result as Peter and Lois are performing their tasks in the same building…


  11. My counter thing for items I’m collecting for Jillian’s New Years outfit is not working. I have collected well over 5 bracelets and it still says I have 0! I’m getting a little frustrated. I tried to contact TinyCo but they haven’t responded. I think because I wasn’t able to “start a new conversation” because I had a crashing error that they were working on. The conversation is still open. I tried to just notify them through the the same conversation but I don’t know if it will get fixed. Ideas?


  12. Anyone else think that only having a 12 hour extra rare task for the black necklace if you are freemium is bullcrap? I mean that’s pretty much like the same “haha you can’t get this unless you spend your clams”


  13. My situation is a bit different.

    On Android, I haven’t finished New Year, New Lies Pt. 1, yet Lois’ task no longer gets bracelets while Peter can still get necklaces. There seems to be no correlation between Lois’ change and the questline in my game.

    This is surely an error in the code brought by the last update rather than an intentional change. The game designers or, more likely, the marketing pinheads, must have learned that they can change a challenge to become easier, but they can’t change it to become harder to increase revenue.

    So, everyone just send an ingame message and if you feel necessary, suggest a solution to counter the time lost such as granting an extension.

    I love that the Halloween Pet Cemetary drops necklaces which suggests that we’re grave robbing dead animals for their choker collars!


  14. Hooker peter only has 2 actions, am I crazy or is that how it was before? By the way keep up the great posts ladies!


  15. So sad. Just checked Harrington and saw too their task no longer exist.So, sad read your post earlier but wished I would of checked again before having Lois and Peter do their task. Thought I was giving them a break from by having them do quest line then do item task. When I last checked this post earlier. Check your post at least 3 to4 times a day to try to avoid snafu’s thanks for all you do?


  16. I was working on part 3 of the main quest and just finished part 1 of Brian’s, hopefully just a bug.


  17. In the meantime, try not to complete those tasks until you have all you need for Jillian. – this seems tough to do – since putting peter on dance task to get necklaces will also complete his task. I’ve lost Lois and peters ability to get items – who knows if I’ll get jillians red dress…


  18. Ok seriously I feel bad for Bunny and Alyssa. Does no one ever bother to read previous comments before posting their own comments/complaints. Going through the comments it is the same thin over and over with Bunny giving the same answer over and over. Take a minutes people before posting and read the comments. If you don’t find your answer then make a comment.

    Good job girls. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The reason we all seem to post similar replies (seemingly without bothering to read anyone else’s reply) is that most/all (I honestly don’t know if this is true for everyone) of us must have our comments officially approved before they show up here. I’m sure whoever does the approving does it all at once whenever they have time, so typically a lot of comments saying similar things about a new bug will be approved all at once. When I posted, for instance, it did not look like anyone else had said anything about the task problem. I was unable to see anyone else’s comments about the subject because they had not yet been approved.


      • It is always a mix of both. Meh. We still help not matter what. Repeats or not. What we do.

        I would say 90% of the time, it is a “knee jerk” reaction and even though the info is right there… in the post… in the comments… many seem to opt to ask rather than look for an answer. Lol

        Doesn’t mean we won’t help. We will always help. Whether repetitive answers or redirect to post they are commenting on… or to proper post that was already on site full of all the info they’re seeking. 🙂

        This is a community and we ALL help as a community. Readers and Addicts alike.


    • I think a discussion forum format with topics and threads would perhaps help with this regards. If there is a thread with a subject like “Disappearing Tasks”, then that would direct people with the same issue to that topic/thread, thereby reducing the repetitive posts by both users and admins. It would just be more organized than the blog comment format. Bunny and Alyssa… any chance a forum discussion could be implemented on your site?


      • We have forums linked to our site. Since it launched in fact. Not many use them. Still come here and ask. Lol

        Like I said, it’s fine. We don’t mind. Helping is what we love to do. 🙂


  19. I know you’re already looking into it, but if TinyCo intended for those tasks to no longer drop I have to say it’s pretty crappy of them. The drop rates as of now are already bad (and I never complain about that), but to lose two tasks to get those “extra rare” items really does seem like they just want to force people to spend money to get these (barring a bug). This is coming from someone who’s made it a point to get every character and costume up to this event.


  20. Thanks for checking into the Lois & Peter problem. Your suggestion of “just during the questline” does not make sense though. I’m only on part 3 of that questline, Lois’ task isn’t until part 4, but both Peter & Lois have already lost their item-drops.


  21. Thanks for the update on Peter/Lois. In my premium game I have 5/5 Black Necklaces, but 0/5 in my fremium game, and only Chris can get them.

    Hoping its a glitch they fix soonish… Saving my free clams for the next big event. It’s just a skin, after all…


  22. okay awesome I literally just noticed this too: I’m on Android and in my game, Peter and Lois 2 tasks are still saying they can colllect the stuff for Jillian’s skin even AFTER I completed their 1st task(think thats what you mentioned just now at the beginning of rhis post as an update!)
    **** was comparing my bf’s game and his Lois and Peter are NOT listed as collecting anything at all for Jillian, doesn’t even have em listed in Al Harrington’s.&& he also has Peter and Lois’ pt.1 questline done. ?

    Liked by 1 person

  23. My Peter and Lois lost the ability to drop items. I’ve restarted already. It’s no listed on them or when you go to the shop to see what can drop them


    • See top of post.


      • My Lois item-drop task went away before I finished part 1 of the quest line. I had/have Peter dancing a billion times but Lois only donating clothing repeatedly without ever sending her to Make the Rounds. Then last time Lois finished, the task had disappeared from her menu. Not sure if this changes your error report to TinyCo, but wanted to mention that mine disappeared despite the questline being active and in the first stage. Thanks!!

        Liked by 1 person

  24. Peter and Lois’s tasks just vanished here (I’m waiting for Quagmire to giggity strut NYNL pt 2 but seeing as how Lois needs to do this task in part 4 I’m hoping it’s just a coding glitch…fwiw I’ve been running these tasks since 3am eastern Peter and 7am eastern Lois (I clam rushed the last hour of her 5 hour task so she could be on the 4 hour schedule) so it’s not ran them once and disappeared it feels more like a 9pm in game update.


  25. same thing here, I can no longer see Peter drunken dance, it was there and now its gone


  26. The fact that the only way to get items is if you don’t do the actual quest is a bit of a fail. This makes no sense. I’ve worked since last night like a little bit before it was told on facebook. I have only gotten the shoes 4 times! And they are suppose to common. 1 necklace, 0 rings and 2 of the other. I have to say this seems out of reason. I set timers to play so I know I’ve been constant today for 17 hours


  27. None of my characters are dropping items now.

    Can we all admit this event just sucks.


  28. Is it just me or does Peter and Lois not have tasks to get stuff for Jillian anymore?


  29. So, did anyone else have Peter does the Drunk Dance for chance at black necklaces go away? Now I’m 98% sure that her skin won’t be achievable sand clans :/


  30. Peter and Lois task to help get Jillian have disappeared on my game…. Android


  31. I could have sworn Peter had a task for an extra rare drop that is gone now.


  32. My Peter don’t do no more drunk dances, and in menu they took if off as one of the way to get necklace. I don’t mind having only Chris doing it now, but the dropping rate is hortible, even unemployment office don’t give lip glosses all the time (((


  33. For some reason my Peter no longer has the drunk dance task (which earned black necklaces). I definitely don’t have enough necklaces yet and I haven’t recently put any buildings or items into my inventory. Has this happened for anyone else?

    I did contact TinyCo within the app, so hopefully they answer soon and can help me with this mystery.


  34. I’m just wondering why Peters task for the black necklace is no longer there???? It seems like it will be impossible with just Chris working to get 5 extra rare drops.


  35. Peter doesn’t drop the black necklace for me any more, not listed or anything, how odd…


  36. Not sure what’s happened … Lois’ “Donate slightly used clothing” (for bracelets) and Peter’s “Do a drunk dance” (for black necklaces) actions have disappeared from the options in my game. Duly reported to TinyCo, but this /really/ sucks since they’re needed for extra rare items. Anyone else seeing this?


  37. Is it just me, or having Peter do Drunk Dance no longer gives you Black Necklaces?


  38. Peter and Lois no longer help.


  39. Peter andlois lost ability to collect jillian items. I was able to run them through twice but after that lois cannot donate clothes and peter cannot drunk dance is this normal


  40. Some of the jobs that earn items have gone. My Peter no longer has Drunk Dance.


  41. What the hell. They pulled some of the tasks to earn the black necklaces and bracelets. Are they going to put them back in?


  42. hmmm…kinda concerned, actually no I’m REALLY concerned if this event ends on Jan.15th, I really don’t think I’m gonna unlock Jillian’s NYE skin in time! 😦
    really hoping they change that some what.. I haven’t had ANY gold bracelets drop yet&& only 1 black necklace has dropped so far. I’m on pt.3 of “New Year, New Lies” and pt.1 of “Love Changes Everything”.


  43. Was the Pet Cemetery something that was purchased with clams? I’m not seeing it in my inventory and I know I got all coin-based buildings and decorations.


  44. The freemium buildings are great…if I had any room to put them! When is the new district available? I NEED LAND


  45. ok so i have all the extra rare items for jillians costume already, did they change the drop rate or am i EXTREMELY lucky cause the same thing happened when unlocking jillian last week


  46. This event is kind of a mess.
    Luckily I’m not concerned if I don’t obtain her dress.
    I’ll appreciate having some down time again
    At least until District 10


  47. What do i need brian for not inclued in any of her quest


      • In the post before it says something about Tuxedo Brian being needed in the Part 4 of the Rehab quest (to further storyline?) and being necessary to get the New Year Jillian Skin. Just commenting that he is not apart of HER New Year quest here and that seems odd. So I was confused to his true purpose. Was also reading the debate between the bar and Brian and whether her was really necessary (him vs purchasing the bar debate) Need to go back and read that post to see what it says, since I last posted. Sorry things are disjointed.


  48. I wish Tinyco would have explained this new quest line to get anew skin for Jillian. I had no idea what the dropped items were for.

    And what the hell, 150 clams for tuxedo Brian? Why couldn’t that be earned like Jillian’s New Years skin.


  49. 24 hours tasks, 7 days until end of event… well done tinyCo


  50. Has anyone else had issues with some characters voices being super quiet compared to the rest? In my case it’s bitch Stewie and Brian, Jillian, and Freddy.


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