ADDICTS Meet & Greet

Hey there Addicts,

Bouncing on by with some fun things coming up on the Horizon. Back in October, we were thrilled to be a part of an amazing Meet and Greet with TinyCo and fellow players. This is something we have been talking about doing since before the Addicts sites were formed. Meeting up with a community of players, people like us. Just hanging out, chatting, playing the game, and having a blast. Well, we want to keep that idea rolling along.

Addicts Logo Alissa Bunny Wookiee PNG

In continuing our efforts to bring together this Community of Amazing Gamers and Players, we have set our sites on the Next Meet and Greet opportunity. As you know we love involving YOU in all that we do, we are putting this out there to get feedback on your thoughts.

This is what we have so far…

The Addicts Meet & Greet will take place on the East Coast. Most likely the New Brunswick area of New Jersey.

The Date will be a Saturday Evening around the end of March

We “might” have some cool treats and beverages on hand for you as well as “possibly” some sweet Swag. 😉

So we are now leaving it to YOU. We want to get a place reserved an ensure we have ample room for us all. Are YOU interested in coming? If so, does this location work for YOU? The rough date? Time? Let us know, we really would love to hear from you as well as get a chance to MEET you too. 😉

66 responses to “ADDICTS Meet & Greet

  1. I would love to go and meet everyone but I cannot afford to take the time off work. 😦 At work, they keep us right at that spot where we just miss the benefits of being full time. So no vacation time for me 😦 I will be there in spirit and foresee all the the fun you guys are going to have. Maybe you’re fans that can’t make it to the event, can have an opportunity to win some left over swag after the event??? 😉


  2. I will be in New Jersey on April 1,2,3,4,5. It’s really so close to March. Will it be a multiple day meet up? Possible a multiple day meet up that just continues into April?


  3. COME TO THE UK!!!! Pleassseeeeeee pretty pretty pretty pleasseeeeeeeee!!!


  4. I think a meet and greet would be fun! I live in Upstate NY, so East Brunswick would be roughly a 3 and a half to 4 hour drive, but it’s definitely possible, especially with this much notice in advance. The sooner you can secure a date, the better! I have to request time off work 🙂


  5. So happy you said the east coast! That would be so awesome! Just need 2 weeks notice!


  6. Wow that’s crazy. I saw this post and was like “it’s probably on the west in like Utah or something.” Nope. You guys will be like 15 minutes away from me. What a small world.


  7. How about somewhere in central PA?? I’m in Ohio. Lots of addicts in this region. PA seems central to all surrounding states being mentioned here.


  8. Bunny I thought you said you loved san diego, not NJ…yuck..

    Come here. Warmth verses snow..

    Hard choice?


  9. O.k how will you remember each of us? I should be easy becouse of my name and the pic of my cat as my avatar. So this is attempt 29 for jesus turning water into clams, I put him in a fitting place. Lol. Hope it works. 🙂


  10. I wish yall could visit houston


  11. NYC is a 6 hour drive and I’ve got friends who will let my hubby and I crash on the couches, and we can see a few shows while being there, sounds like a plan 🙂


  12. I say Michigan! WHOO HOO! (West Michigan, where I happen to be of course…)
    How long would a trip to you guys take? Never been to the East Coast, and I’m originally from AZ, so I wouldn’t even know if a road trip from MI to NJ would be out of the question…


    • Not 100% sure. BUT I’ve driven across the country 3 times and I can tell you I’ve made it from my house in NJ to Minnesota (where Mall of America is) in 18hrs. And I know it’s about 11-12 hrs from here to Chicago. Hopefully that helps give you some perspective 🙂


  13. Can I get a flight from Missouri with clams?


  14. Regarding the last meet and greet, was the Q and A with TinyCo posted? I apologize if I missed it. I remember that I was looking forward to reading it.


    • Here’s the thing on that… the majority of what we asked them… is IN the game now. Lol. So it became in invalid point. Some we posted here and there all over the site. They were totally loving the interaction and ideas. We have something else planned coming up soon, so keep an eye out on the blog. We love the Q&A stuff. It’s great to see things from their side. 😉


      • Thanks, Bunny. I am glad I didn’t miss it. I would love an interactive Q and A feature with TinyCo on this site! One thing I would still like to ask them is how drop rates are calculated and specifically how they improve after failed attempts. Also, it would be cool if we could directly suggest new game ideas to them. I love the direct interaction we have with you on this site and it would be fun to have that with TinyCo here too.


  15. You guys are soooo lucky I live in England but if I could visit any place it’s defiantly Paris

    How old are you guys because I’m wondering if I am the youngest player ever at 13

    If you ever need another addict plz choose me I love this website and I am dying to do a review on the upcoming valentines day event


  16. I live in central ct. I looked it up and it’s a little over 3 hours away for me. :-/ not sure if I can make a road trip like that with how my schedule has been. Anyway for you guys to have the even a little closer So I can make it a day trip? I havent had two consecutive days off in awhile.


    • This is the first of what we hope will be more. 😉

      We just had a LOT of response from the East Coast to plan a trip, so we want to see what kind of turn out we would get.


    • If you can find a way to new haven it’s a pretty easy train ride. Transfer from Grand Central to Penn Station and take the Red Line to New Brunswick (I looked it up earlier).


  17. Hi guys,
    Let me start by saying that this blog and all the family guy gaming community is awesome. I am also commenting mainly for accountability and by no means passing any judgement, so I apologize if this causes anger to any who read it. I have been a freemium player of this game and I think I spent about $10 on clams (had to buy the alien!). I just deleted the game from my phone. Previously I would get addicted to games, but then if I wanted to get rid of it, I would simply sell everything and use up all the clams/donuts etc. But in this game, that is not an option. So, I decided to clear my phone cache and any saved data for this app before deleting. It broke my heart but it had to be done as I was getting obsessed with this game. So much that I would buy anything that I could, put it in the box, align all building and maximizing all land space etc, you get the drift. I since reinstalled to see if it worked, but it didn’t. So I think it will take me more than just clearing cache, to stop playing this game :). I just wanted to write this to stick to my decision. I hope this works.

    Wish you all a fun time playing this game and good luck.



    • That’s too bad it came to that, but we understand. We tell others all the time that this game should be fun to YOU. YOU need to enjoy it and like it. If you don’t, it may not be for you and moving on to something that is doesn’t mean anything bad. It is actually a great idea. Especially if you feel it is intruding or impacting your personal life, like in the manner you spoke of. Taking a step away from the game is just fine.

      Just know no matter what, you will ALWAYS be welcome here. Even if you just want to pop on by to enjoy contests or join in the conversation on the Open Threads. You are welcome to. Outside of that, please don’t feel bad for having to step away. Not at all. If it is what is best for you, we support you fully. 😉


  18. any chance this can take place in NYC? might be easier place to meet up. then I can come too! 🙂


    • It’s just outside of NYC (by like 30 minutes via train). We wanted to keep it out of the city for costs & folks coming up from PA. Plus I know a lot of Jersey folks that won’t go into the city.

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Unfortuantly i live in the Netherlands 😭😭😭😭


  20. Brian (not the dog)

    I would attend! I went to Rutgers New Brunswick and I live 20 minutes away, in New Brunswick now.
    It would be awesome to meet some fans of the game and the show!


  21. May I suggest a better location ? What about Foxwoods ? Plenty of space and everyone knows where it is? What do u guys think?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Too far north for Folks in Delaware & PA.

      This isn’t a bad location it’s right by the college campus so plenty of space and located next to all mass transit. 🙂


    • Foxwoods would be a good idea but then you’d have to see about holding it there. I live in New London, CT so that’s really close to me.


  22. Bunny I know you aren’t an east coaster so this question is more for Alissa (unless you happen to know transit super well). If I were to come into Grand Central from CT could I take another train to new brunswick? I’ve taken it into NJ before but never that location. I obviously could drive but if there’ll be alcohol I’d rather stay safe.


    • Yes you could. I’ve got to check exactly which ones you’ll want to take but I know you can. That’s why we picked New Brunswick, since it’s centrally located and right by all mass transit in NJ. Let me do some digging and I’ll check to see exactly which trains you’ll have to take.


    • Good idea, a meet and great. Being a little over a month away there’s time to plan it out, and me being from connecticut too I would take the same route. Make sure you let us know the spacific time. . LoL 🙂


      • lol don’t worry we will. Trying to get feedback for numbers so we can decided which place to use. We’ll probably get it all situated within the next week and have full details up in early February. This way folks can have plenty of time to plan it. 🙂


  23. Sounds like fun! I won’t be able to leave Colorado to join in, but I’ll be there in spirit!


  24. Come to florida! It’s pretty nice down here in March. Spring break wooooo!!!


  25. Would definitely go if y’all come to Houston 🙂


  26. I’d whine about being on the other coast, but I guess it’s only fair since the last event was in my area. 🙂 I hope you all have fun!


  27. Question, if I remember correctly TinyCo said that they would do small weekly updates, correct? So can we expect something new tomorrow/Thursday?


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