What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!

Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a fun way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not.  Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language.  

Here’s mine for this week:

WHAT THE DEUCE….there’s still snow in Quahog.  I know it’s only January 31st but still.  I have enough snow to look at out my window at home, I really don’t want to see it in the game too.

WHAT THE DEUCE… parents NOT watching their kids as they run through the store knocking over and breaking items then pretending it WASNT their lil angels and walking away. Leaving a nice spot for others to slip and fall on or glass to slice them open.

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your WHAT THE DEUCE?! moments from the past week!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

284 responses to “What The Deuce?!

  1. Late Night Gamer

    Fortunately I got George Takei first time he appeared and I’ve just managed to unlock King Butt and Pawtucket Pat but they were a nightmare slog, drop rate was none existent on most quests then loads drop the next time, it’s so random!!!
    The problem I’m having now is Mr Weed, I’ve got nearly everything except 6 machetes and with only 2 characters able to get them on 4 & 6 our missions!!
    My biggest gripe tho, posted a message to TinyCo thru the game on Fri 30th Jan, STILL no reply 😦


    • If you messaged them Friday, they just got back in today (no one round for basic tech support on weekends). Hang in there and give them time to get back to you.


      • Late Night Gamer

        Ah, thanks for that, I hadn’t realised that was the case, as it happens I’ve just received a response to my problem, they say there’s a bug in the system which is stopping the award of clams when completing some character sets and they will update us once they sort it out


  2. I enjoy this game, but there are things that need dire revamps. For one, the scrolling around the screen, and while trying to do so, you end up picking up a character or npc. What is the point of this? It was funny at first, but it’s infuriating now. I wanna see the top half of the screen, not pick up Roger. Speaking of which, on some of these recent forums people refer to an alien character. Are they talking about Roger? Bunny/ Alissa, please shed some light on this.

    And my last grip is with the epic drops. They need to get rid of them completely. I realize there’s a component to being able to get a rare character and Tinyco is a company trying to make money, but give everyone a friggin break. That’s where tsto is somewhat superior. Like when they got rid of the wheel of chance and even made a broken one available during Christmas 2014 as a bit of a tongue and cheek joke for the fans.

    I do love this game, but some issues need to be addressed. And space. More g-darn space!!


    • As far as alien… it could be Roger… or it could be the actual Queen from Alien movies as a decoration at Halloween and her Xenomorph as an actual Character in the game.


      • Oh, yeah, I forgot about the Queen Alien and Predator. Well, I finally got King Butt, Mr. Weed, & George T.

        Is anyone else having issues with Jesus dropping clams? When I first got him, when I sent him to turn water into clams, I’d get them somewhat frequently. Now, not at all. It’s been over a week since he’s dropped a clam. Am I the only one?


  3. WTD? Where are my “well done clams” for winning Takei, the ghost trio and getting Cranston?

    I mean this whole event has been a clam grabber! I had just bought the big pack a week before, now have 870 clams left!
    125 clams per try and on top of that the extra characters Bryan and Nathan!
    I have spent about 1200 clams! So I need those Clam rewards!

    This mystery box thing really earned its name. Next time, I’ll have the boat 😉


  4. Wtd im with everyone on the drop rate have been cheacking ever 6hrs n i only got 3 srewdrivers and missing 2 ghost havent dropped any in several days even the machetes are not dropping only got 2 definitly have the feeling im wasting time n will not get to collect mr. Weed or king butt very disapointed here it would be nice if they added more time to the event n at least increase the drop rate


  5. WTD, at TinyCo having use get so many Ankhs. 68 total for both King Butt and George Takei in 5 days is impossible with the limited characters given. I’ve been working my butt off to get Ankhs since the beginning and only got 37, so there’s no way I’m getting both characters. TinyCo made Butt’s Ankh count too high. It should have been around 25.

    TinyCo should have made this a three week event, one for each part instead of squashing it all into 5 days.


  6. WTD! I’m a little late with this, as I’ve been in search for a QFS soundboard and found this one.

    I purchased the Old Timey Bike Shoppe for Barnaby as soon as it was available. I was working pretty well towards unlocking him, but when I woke up the morning of the 27th he was gone (with only about 10 of the weights left to get, which I would’ve used clams to force quests early if I needed to). I messaged back and forth with TinyCo and insisted that they took him too early, but they kept blowing me off. I told them that I paid for the bldg, but lost Barnaby before the deadline, and they said they couldn’t bring him back and that his bldg only cost $1000. There has to be a way to plead this, no? That’s the only character I’ve never been able to obtain, and it’s b/c all these quests and events came at once!

    Any thoughts Bunny???


    • Here is the difficult part. Those two were on timers. Only 5 days. Which means if you started them the moment the Event dropped, the timers would have ran out as early as the day prior to the end of the Event. This is common with many Limited Characters during Events. Separate timers from the Event itself. So you have to be careful and watch those lil clocks above their heads.

      In-Game Update: Phineas, Barnaby & Steroid Stewie!

      At this point all we can suggest it to wait and see if they bring them back for another try later.


  7. Drop is almost to zero. Haven’t seen any ghosts in days, finally saw couple bears today what a surprise. Doesn’t seen that it’s possible get eather George or King Butt… I was on task sending all this days and very very dissapointed. With all that amount of items they can get, Bonnie and Jerome are finishing with no drop at all threetimes out of four…


  8. Evil machetes! Whyyyyyy


  9. WTD!! We don’t get to keep the pyramid after obtaining king butt, that sucks.


  10. WTD!!! I got Takei to complete the 3 con chars but didn’t get my 100 clams.

    Brig back Kool-Aid Man


  11. Bonnie and Trisha are dropping at a rate of 1 in 4. Not enough time to get these characters when they didn’t all come out the same day.feel like I’m wasting my time.


  12. Did they lower the drop rates back down again? Not seen a ghost in 2 days but I’m dropping more flutes and tap handles than normal, WTD?!


  13. What the deuce i need 8 machetes😭


  14. Was really hoping for New England Patriots Peter at the very least give us a London Sillynannies version

    Liked by 1 person

  15. RustySilverspoon

    Are there any more best of 2014 releases coming


  16. It really is irritating when parents don’t pay any attention to what their monsters are doing while at the store, or anywhere else. My kids follow a rule that they have to have one hand on the cart at all times in the store.


  17. Add my WTD about drop rates to all the rest. Been visiting my town multiple times a day since the event began and only have 6 Ghosts and 4 Screwdrivers for King Butt – which also means another WTD is that sending all those characters that can earn screwdrivers on 3-4 tasks a day has resulted in WORSE drop rates than the Ghosts that can only be earned from Bonnie and Jerome – who were also dropping flutes (which is ANOTHER WTD all together)


  18. What the deuce!! No ‘Big Game’ mini event? My town needs a football stadium!


  19. I LOST KING BUTT!!!! Anyone else have this problem? I put the statue down after all items received and processed him in the pyramid, the game crashes and I los the pyramid, the statue and kind butt. WHAT THE DEUCE!!!!!


  20. I got now king butt and Takei…
    Both buildings from them are gone. (Pyramid and Phone booth) Got the collection full but got no 100 clams.
    New in this Event completed collections are not shown in facespace.
    Comic con char quests are broken, and quest related buildings still missing. This event was VERY nice (quite expensive) but it seems that they lacked of preparations. Shuffling quests for items around, missing quest related bulildings,bad droprates and some other grater and minor bugs.


  21. I have been waiting less and less patiently for the plutonium and blimp to become active again. For months the blimp has been sitting out there taunting me. I thought surely after the holidays it would be back, but now we’re into all this other stuff. What is the problem and why the long delay with the blimp and plutonium quest and when will we get back there?!!!!


  22. I’m not pleased with the drop rate of ghosts. I found myself setting a timer to set Bonnies and Jerome tasks. Too few drops by too little characters in short tasks: That’s how this game is getting a job 😤


  23. What the deuce I’ve had diebeto since halloween, make him roll around already

    Liked by 1 person

  24. WTD how can you complain about being given a chance to obtain characters some people spent a month of grinding to get?


    • King Butt was not really something we were grinding for, he was a bonus. It wasn’t until the final phase that we really knew he was a playable character for sure. Most of us were trying to get Cleveland freed and get the nifty Indiana Jones costume for Peter. We actually only ‘slaved’ at jelly-yo shots for one week AND don’t kid yourselves, these newer people who are collecting for King Butt are working JUST as hard as you originally did! I am trying to pick it up through a side account and it is infinitely more difficult without the mummies and jelly-yo shots!


      • Rather grind for a week than a month. This isn’t something TinyCo owed anyone.


        • A La Jillian; Truthishly? Nothing is owed any of us through Tinyco. I think it’s fantastic that newer users have an opportunity. I think it’s sad (like you) that people whinge (almost twice as much) as we all did with the jelly-yo shots.
          Creds and Props to Tinyco for having a thick skin through all of this and KUDOS to Bunny and Alissa for being their filter 😉


        • Wtd i would have loved the oppertunity to take a month to get king butt but i installed the game way after that event n now ive been busted my butt wasting time sending my characters to do job for items they simply r not dropping which means i probably wont even get him be happy u where able to attained him


  25. Okay how is it I don’t get clams for completing groups of characters that I bought during the best of 2014 event? That just seems wrong. I hope it’s a fixable glitch because I dropped some serious cash on coins for this event. I only started playing in October so naturally I had missed most everything except Christmas.

    Oh and what is the point of the dogs that mayor west needs to clear? Do they give money or anything?

    Also how do we get the same timeframe to unlock all these people for this event? some of these 14 items only coming from two people with 4 hour tasks is pushing the limit. 1week is a tight schedule when you missed a year of stuff.


  26. What the deuce?! Still have to unlock king butt?? Sonic screwdrivers don’t want to drop!!


  27. I am with many of the posters, here. I have a tertiary account that won’t be getting the King Butt because of the low drop rate/too few characters tasking. I was really hoping, but seriously considering selling the pyramid back for the few coins I can get and put them back to their regular tasks. I have more than half the required amount to obtain and only two days to go. It’s not happening for me.
    For all those people upset that they had the original King Butt through hard work and perseverance, you can rest easy, you’ll still have yours while a few lucky ones will get theirs and pretty well everyone else will be talking about the big one that got away.


  28. WTD… Where is Kool-Aid Man!!!


  29. What the deuce, I completed the “Comic-Con celebrities too!” collection and didn’t get the 100 clams. Tried a hard restart and everything. Is this a common thing? I’m a bit worried because I’ve contacted TinyCo several times in the past and I never even received a response…


    • Same thing with me… I contacted tinyco, they advised force closing the game which I did but still no clams. Written to them again awaiting their response


      • And I just completed Mr. Weed, thereby completing his collection, which said it rewarded 50 clams, but it did not. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I’ve sent TinyCo two different messages and I have never received a response…


    • Late Night Gamer

      Same here…. I contacted TinyCo on Fri 30th Jan and have had no reply as yet, I’ve sent them another message
      This may just be me being cynical, but they appear to reply quickly when praised but not when criticised!!


  30. One word… BLIMP!? What kind of cruel punishment is it to have a blimp sitting off the coast for MONTHS not doing anything? Please let it become part of a story; or blow it up. I don’t care, as long as something happens.


  31. So angry about the drop rates for items, even though Tinyco said they increased the drop rates! I’ve had only gotten two sonic screwdrivers so far and around eight people that are suppose to drop it! I almost had King Butt the first time he came out but was just a little short, and if I miss him again I will be extremely angered. Besides that, everything else in the game is great!


  32. What the deuce, my characters are dropping items for unlocking Jillian – wind glasses, party hats, 2015 sunglasses etc even though I completed all the New Years stuff?? Anyone else getting this??


  33. I wanna know how long will it take or what level do I have to reach to get stewie..


  34. What the deuce that Bonnie’s mission to get items has her twerking outside in the snow. At least get rid of the snow so that it doesn’t seem so weird.
    What the deuce, while they are giving the opportunity to get old items why don’t they give more land too. I’m tired of buying items for them to just go into storage. I have so much stuff that I have aquired during the course of playing that I just cannot display. I also think that we should have had the opportunity to earn items for more than one character like pee pants Peter especially since that’s a skin.
    And I’ll be so happy when the super bowl is over as a resident of Phoenix that is all the news can talk about and I’m just tired of hearing about it. Not saying I’m not a football fan or anything but I really feel like all the real news was forgotten about this week.


    • I feel like all the real news is forgotten about most weeks. Haha

      They should extend this event by the way, just a little. Because the ankhs are just too hard too get. I mean they drop, but 6 hour task for something you need 40-68 of is kinda annoying.


  35. WTD, I am seeing how all these people have unlocked King Butt, but I still have 9 Ankhas. Just a curiousity, have any fellow freemium players that can only use Chris, Lois, Diane and Francis unlocked King Butt? How far along are you to getting George Takei?

    How do people feel about the drop rate for teddy bears?


    • Im a freemiumplayer and I have almost finished unlocking king butt have all the anks and screwdrivers just need a few more ghosts and I’ll be finished and i cant answer anything about George takei and the bears since i already had him from comic-con


    • The ankhs were easy… even the epic stuff. But those ghost are a pain in the a$$! If Bonnie and Jerome unlock something are the flutes for Pat. I dont see the point on characters sharing ultra rare stuff to unlock, wait: to buy Cranston.. lame.


    • I’m freemium, got King Butt this morning drop rates were good got George during the event.


    • 1 more ghost to go that’s it the ankhs started dropping like crazy 2-3 days ago


    • If you’re a freemium who started after comic-con event like the game I play on now (or especially if you started after Halloween) then I would say it is pretty hard. I got Francis and Diane free at the beginning of this so right now for King Butt I have all the screwdrivers, eight ghosts, and twenty eight anks. So I think I’ll get him, so it isn’t impossible, just hard. I don’t think it would be possible to get George Takei too though.


    • Freemium player only have Chris and Lois and on 14 Ankas. Play non stop. I feel your pain. Mines drop only if they forget NOT TO. lol.


    • i have nearly unlocked KB, 4 Anks to go then he will be mine. Given the fact the teddy bears are so hard to collect i doubt i will unlock him or Mr Weed.
      i contacted TinyCo about the teddy bear drop rate but still awaiting a reply. very much doubt anything will be done about it.
      the drop rate for Anks has got better over last 2 days IMHO


  36. Ok…this Pawtucket quest is GRINDING MY GEARS! I’ve cleared 17 chumbawambas & had every character possible trying to get the flute for several days & still only have 8/15!!! It’s not “extra rare” it’s extra EPIC!
    As for the posts about needing more space to display more stuff, I made one end of Quahog my inventory junk yard…crammed full of almost everything from special events, etc. It’s nicely fenced in & that way the rest of my Quahog looks nice & orderly while still displaying all the crazy stuff!
    I totally agree about sidewalks & stuff. how about the crazy idea of putting the cars on the roads!? I love decorating Quahog & wish there were more options…more cool buildings…more houses…
    BUT all things considered, I love this game & have had lots of fun & haven’t spent one real dime (sorry tiny co.) I almost have tho…cause I really want Cleveland!


    • I just finished flutes yesterday they r not epic it just depends on your gameplay. The district is not timed, I msgd tinyco the other day about Bonnie and Jerome tasking and that if the ghost drops were amped up would bruce and stewie drop flutes auto. They said we’ve already made adjustments to event drops and that the district is not timed but if I’m worried about flutes they can reiterate it to someone else and low and behold I got 5 in the past 2 days without saying I was worried about the flutes hope this helps a bit .


      • It’s luck, a total crapshoot. I’d like to believe it’s about ones personal gameplay, but I retask my flute characters religiously right as their timers end at four hours (Bonnie, Jerome, Bruce) and six hours (Stewie) and I’m lucky to get one flute a day. My drops for them have been more like one every other day. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night so maybe that’s my problem. But that’s ridiculous. That’s a ton of work and babysitting with extremely little pay off.


  37. WTD! Why isn’t Mr. Weed voiced??? I loved his accent. Everybody else is voiced (‘cept for Human Rupert, but I don’t think he has a voice on the show, so it makes sense there.) Just wondering why no Mr. Weed. Is there a conflict with rights of the soundbites they take from the show? Is the actor that voiced him not allowing this? Did they have a falling out? Is that why they killed his character off on the show early on? This has the stink of conspiracy all over it…


  38. What the deuce!!! is with these items drops for this event!!! Being a player who only has got into this game in recent months, I’m very grateful for this best of 2014 event, but the drop rates have been horrendous. I normally have no problems achieving the drops required during events but it looks like i’m going to miss both of these, not to mention the event comes at a time when I have no money, therefore no clams… A little disappointed… 😦


  39. i have 52 out of 52 characters! Only one i can think of that i do not have is Alien! I do not think i am missing any!


  40. My only “What the deuce!?” is space. I’ve played this game since the beta and have at least one of every item ever released because my O.C.D. tells me I have to have everything. But 95% of my money spent, and some not spent, sits in my inventory. Every update has a ridiculously large amount of content, expensive content, yet nowhere to put any of it. I’ve nuked my town a few times, and again a few weeks ago, and I’m almost full again with just the last few updates. I’m dreading any new content updates and that’s sad because anyone who plays Tapped Out knows it can be dreadfully boring with large gaps between updates. But with Family Guy their updates are just too much content at once, I know that sounds weird. This game needs a substantial increase in land without adding 900 new items with it. Just expansion.
    And texture, it needs texture, like pavement, dirt road, sidewalk, something other than the nothing it has now. It is seriously hard to decorate with just grass. Cool the content and add some city-builder fundamental options and items.

    Liked by 1 person

    • All great points. Many things I constantly talk with them about (maybe bug them constantly even). Lol. I want dirt, pavement, anything other than roads. Less STUFF or smaller STUFF. Land is wanted across the board by all of us. Lol. 😉


      • I agree about the whole city elements that are lacking here unlike in TSTO which I’ve had much more fun decorating with items, but before they add more land, they really need to optimize the game better. I have all districts unlocked, almost all of the characters, and buildings covering the whole available land area, and when I go to collect the game lags so bad it’s almost unbearable. A crash it almost garunteed everytime I do this, and otherwise the game crashes so frequently I feel like I’m playing an EA game. Force Close is a common task in this game for me, and I just love it when I start my game and I get this: std::bad_alloc. None of my other games on my Samsung Galaxy S5 behave like this, WTD? And, yes, I have done all the normal troubleshooting steps to correct this…


      • I agree about the whole city elements that are lacking here unlike in TSTO which I’ve had much more fun decorating with items, but before they add more land, they really need to optimize the game better. I have all districts unlocked, almost all of the characters, and buildings covering the whole available land area, and when I go to collect the game lags so bad it’s almost unbearable. A crash it almost garunteed everytime I do this, and otherwise the game crashes so frequently I feel like I’m playing an EA game. Force Close is a common task in this game for me, and I just love it when I start my game and I get this: std::bad_alloc. None of my other games on my Samsung Galaxy S5 behave like this, WTD? And yes, I have done all the normal troubleshooting steps to correct this…


        • As far as optimisation goes, I don’t think it’s any worse than TSTO, it’s just that TQFS allows you to zoom out so far. Not that I’m complaining, I like that feature. But if you stay zoomed in about as far as TSTO allows you the game runs just fine…I always zoom in to deal out character tasks.


  41. What the deuce ever came from that topic about land in the game. I have over 70 buildings and over 70 decorations in my inventory. I can’t display anything from comic con or Halloween. Would need about 4-6 empty districts worth just to display all the stuff let alone make it look good. WTD!?!

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  42. I feel if I had till Friday I could get all three characters. Right now I think I could get king butt and Mr weed, too many anks to get and not enough teddy bears dropping.


  43. My “What the Deuce” is about this best of 2014 event. I spent a lot of time making sure I got everything in the past events. I’m happy for those getting a second chance at these items, but for those of us, who put in all the time and money (so many clams!) into making sure we got all those characters/items in time, are getting kinda screwed. The only two things I’m missing that I could possibly want are the record store and steroid stewie. One of those just happened, and the other I’ve asked repeatedly about and always get the “no plans to bring back the record store”. The only reason I even want either is so all my tasks are unlocked for my characters and steroid stewie is the only costume I’m missing. I guess I’m saying it would be cool if TinyCo gave those of us who had them already a little present, as we’ve put in a lot of effort on the game.

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  44. What the deuce i got a black eye from walking into a dresser


  45. WTD! I missed Sulu. Now trying to get him and King Butt requires a LOT of ankhs. I have feedback asking for them to extend it, but they said no.


  46. What the deuce! I won Consuela’s Halloween costume during the Halloween event but couldn’t use it as I didn’t have Consuela. Yesterday I decided to buy Consuela so I could use her Halloween costume but now the Halloween costume has disappeared from my inventory! WTD!


  47. What the Deuce! No kool aid man in the best of 2014?! Really.. Really? Sigh…
    Also i couldnt buy the €7,20 thingy of clams.. So i had to buy two of €3,60… bye bye 15 clams!.. I swear, if they release koolaid man for 275 clams now, im going to flush my phone.. Lol!


  48. What the deuce…I can’t stand that I can’t see my progress with King Tut or Mr. Weed. The only way I know I’m progressing is when the item is not an option for any of the characters anymore. That was stupid!


  49. Hey Alissa off topic question in your game I’m assuming you have every available character does it say 59 out of 62 characters?


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