Star Trek Character Profile: Geordi LaForge

Hello There Space Clammers!

Star Trek has taken over Quahog!  A Starfleet Shuttle has conveniently crashed in Quahog and apparently someone decided that the future of the Galaxy should rest on Peter’s shoulders.  (cause that sounds like a smart idea!)  It’s your mission to help Peter save the Galaxy, after all it’d be a pretty boring game if he did it by himself!

Along the way you’ll encounter characters from the USS Enterprise that you’ll have to save (you know save by collecting STUFF).  The second Star Trek character you’ll encounter in the event is Geordi LaForge, Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise.  Except when he can’t find his visor….

2015-03-22 12.14.03

Let’s take a look at this space engineer and just what happens when you unlock him in your Quahog! 

As mentioned above Geordi LaForge is the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise, so it’s only natural that you’ll find him in the Engineering.  So you’ll find him once you’ve powered up Engineering.  As with (almost) all characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect STUFF.


Here’s a look at what you’ll need to make Geordi a permanent addition to your Quahog:

Star Fleet Insignia Statue1 Starfleet Statue- Craft in the Replicator.  Requires 2 Life Support Energy and 675 Crystals

Rainbow5 Rainbows (Uncommon): Earned By: Make Quagmire Update Dating Profile OR Make Mort Snoop on Customers OR Make Chris Lock Himself in Shed

Children's Book10 Children’s Books (Uncommon): Earned By: Get from Cargo Bay OR Make Herbert Buy Candy for Kids

Visor5 Visors (Rare): Earned By: Make Starfleet Peter Drink Synthehol OR Make Lois Freshen Up OR Make Bonnie Abuse Jacuzzi Jets

Dilithium Crystal500 Dilithium Crystals: Earned by: Tapping Tribbles AND Completing Quest

Geordi is the second character you’ll earn in The Next Generation Character Set:

TNG Charactersgeordi

Note that completing this set will earn you 50 Free Clams…freakin’ sweet! 

Geordi will have a small questline, independent of the main questline, once you unlock him.  You can find the details for his questline, Forge Ahead, here.  Geordi also comes with a complete set of tasks!  Tasks that will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals, the event currency for Star Trek. So let’s take a look at Geordi’s tasks:

Note: Drops are as of the first Phase.  He could drop additional items as the event progresses.  We’ll try to update as we can…

Task Length Earns Unlock Level Drops Location
Build Model Ships 1hr 5 Dilithium Crystal    1 Star Trek XP 3 n/a Enterprise
Read Ship Manual 2hrs 10 Dilithium Crystal 2 Star Trek XP 1 n/a Enterprise
Adjust Engine Levels 4hrs 15 Dilithium Crystal 3 Star Trek XP 4 n/a Enterprise
Regain Focus 6hrs 20 Dilithium Crystal 4 Star Trek XP 1 n/a Enterprise/visual
Update Look 8hrs 25 Dilithium Crystal 5 Star Trek XP 2 n/a Enterprise/visual
Run a Level 3 Diagonostic 12hrs 35 Dilithium Crystal 6 Star Trek XP 5 n/a Enterprise
Get Easily Smitten With Girls 24hrs 50 Dilithium Crystal 10 Star Trek XP 6 n/a Enterprise

Just for fun, here are some of the things he says…
“Take a look … it’s in a book… or a kindle… or w/e… just read OK”
“Yes I’ve been naked on the Holodeck, we all have”
“The Phase Inducers are connected to the Ommiter Aray. I made all those words up”
“Let our powers combine… EARTH… wow guess that Captain Planet stuff doesn’t work here”
“Would it kill the captain to say please every once in a while?”
“You know I’ve never told this to Worf before, but I really admire his ridges”
“My visor has xray vision so… I’ve seen lots and lots of space butts”

And that my friends completes  the character profile for Geordi LaForge!

What are your thoughts on Geordi?  Have you unlocked him yet?  Thoughts on his dialogue?  How about his tasks?  Any tasks you wish he had that he doesn’t currently?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

34 responses to “Star Trek Character Profile: Geordi LaForge

  1. Wish he would drop something, like the blue energy


  2. I noticed in the FaceSpace page that both Riker and Geordie seem to have Whoopi Goldbergs character as a friend. Does this mean we can expect to see her character pop up in the near future?


  3. Not a big deal, but just wanted to point out that it is an “Emitter Array”, not an “Ommiter Aray”.

    Hope I do not sound nit-picky, and happy clamming (and thanks for all the work you do)!


  4. I just wish they had made sure Geordi did not have pupils. In the next generation his eyes were completely white when he removed his visor. Only times they weren’t were when he regained is sight on a planet for a brief time and of much later when his sight was completely restored.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Geordi once got busy in a Burger King bathroom…


  6. I usually have my sound off when playing, but I had it on to listen to the tribbles (love them!) this morning, and heard all of his phrases but the book one. May have to have the sound on more often, now.


  7. I’m so relieved I was able to get my last two visors this morning. I finally unlocked Geordi. I didn’t know if I was going to get him before the start of the next level. The visor drops were horrible. WHEW!


  8. I am playing the game on my iPhone. For some reason Geordie doesn’t say THREE of the phrases: 1) about Worf’s ridges, 2) about visor’s x-ray vision and seeing lots of space butts and, 3) Take a look…it’s in a book. 😦


  9. The cubes you get from Riker or the crew quarters are supposed to be uncommon, but I’m not getting them at all from the quarters, and very rarely from Riker. I still only have two of the five needed for the starfleet statue, so I don’t have Geordi yet. Although they used to be great, TinyCo hasn’t answered my last few requests for assistance, either.


  10. Has anyone else had this issue – I got mort then la forge and since then I sent Bonnie on her task 6 times and the the super rad cargo bay 3 times and no green cubes any more

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same here. I have 2 super rad cargo bays that I check every 6 hours and am constantly tasking Bonnie, but have not seen one synthesizer ore in three days. I was able to get Morty but things have slowed since then. I have plenty of the other crystal (the one you get from Riker and the crew quarters). I sent a message to Tiny Co. They thanked me for my input…


      • I have had three drop since Mort’s unlock (about 2 days). Two from each Rad Cargo and one from Bonnie. I will say that they drop infrequent as I set an alarm when they should be ready to maximize turnover and send Bonnie right back on task.


  11. I need help with oliva becuse i am missing my blimp but i didnt get a diourser so it wont let me unlock her


  12. Really looking forward to Phase 2 today. I hope it will be on time and not delayed like they have been having a lot recently.


  13. Just realized a small geek nitpick (not about Geordi, just in general). Stafleet Peter is wearing a next Gen uniform, but holding an original series phaser. CHOOSE A ERA PETER!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. To build the starflower statue, I needed 5 life support energy. 😦 I wish it only cost 2, theb I would have had it and Geordie days ago


  15. regarding the lines he says…i’ve tapped him a lot to try and hear em all but i’ve yet to hear the naked/holodeck and the phase inducers ones but heard the others numerous times….damn i must tap more. lol


  16. Does geordi reaching around for his visor remind anyone else of Velma from Scooby-Doo? “My glasses!”

    Liked by 1 person

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