Peter’s Booty Haul – How Did You Do Poll

So after almost 5 long weeks of fighting Blackbeard’s fleet, peace is finally returning to the waters of our Quahogs. But how about your inner peace, are you happy with your haul? Has it left you feeling like you’re walking on water? Or are you cursing your luck at missing out on a character and still feeling a little sea sick?

For the first time I’ve been blogging with you throughout a whole event, and as much as the seas got a bit stormy I’ve honestly had a blast, so thanks for the welcome. You know by now I’m a bit of a nosy Nora and like to gather information from you, so I was wondering if my fellow addicts would be willing to complete a couple of end of event polls for me.


These polls are really just to share how we all did. I personally had fun during this  event, but thought they could have been a bit more generous on drops, but as ever it certainly kept me busy and I’m happy with my haul, (even my impulse buy of TinkerBell). And I’m hoping many of my fellow addicts are too.

So have a seat and take a minute away from your games to share your success with us and I will bring you the results next week.

And remember if you’ve any tips to help players with future events please leave a comment also.





91 responses to “Peter’s Booty Haul – How Did You Do Poll

  1. As suggested, tips for what i did to be able to complete everything, i have a couple that i think helped me.
    1) when making the buildings I did NOT do them in order, I did the buildings that dropped the item i needed for that weeks main currency (the bottles for the ship battles or oars/anchors) then any building dropping an unlocking character/costume item, then any others in “normal” order.
    2) Every character that could drop multiple items or do multiple tasks, i had a priority order of what todo – anything to speed up getting the buildings that drop stuff; then any item/task only that character can drop/do; lastly, even if I finished getting things, keep using them to get extras (like cannonballs even in week 4, or still using the 1st weeks pirate ship)
    3) Even when i didn’t need anything specific from it, keep building up (but not using) any power up currency. Example from this event = i kept sending people out on the ships, and turning the items into Rum barrels so i could power up the newest ship a bunch right away


  2. This, FINALLY, was a good event again. It was completly finishable as a freemium player (like myself) and while the event could have been easier to finish with the clam characters, they were not needed – I will grant, i was still doing the “final” questline & had not finished those, but it was finally, FINALLY an even that could be completed. Its been agaes since we could do that (since the never sufficently ***ed mob boss event) that we could actually finish it. If the Haunting one continues the trend of actually having completable weekly pacing, i might even consider buying characters again

    (Just to be clear, as a freemium player doing the 4 times a day every 4 hour checks i could finish collecting every character, & costume and even the “hard” buildings before the event ended. I did not finish the event questing mind you, but at least i could get all the freemium items, instead of getting stuck on week 3 like the last few events did)


  3. For some reason I don’t see the poll. I’m using chrome with no ad blocker.


    • Hi, I’ve looked at this side, can’t see any issues. I’ve pushed the post again if you want try again. Otherwise I can only suggest checking your Chrome is up to date, or trying a different browser if you have access. Sorry.


  4. We need other options for the “Which returning characters/costumes did you buy during Peter’s Booty Haul” poll. One for “none of the above” and another for “Returning characters/costumes????” as I had no idea any of that stuff was being sold. I checked all of the event items rigorously, but I almost never look through the rest of the store (except when I level up)


  5. I got to unlock Daggermouth and Seamus’ outfit only. If the event hadn’t finished on Tuesday and would have continued till thursday as usual maybe I could have unlocked Davy Jones. But I’m not crazy about non-show characters and I don’t cara much about him so I can live with that. I was unsure about buying Brian’s mystery box to see if I got Jillian, but the deadline took care of that 🙂


  6. Odd thing…most the event I was “qualified” for the second tier prize and when the event completed it said the same thing…just for fun I tapped on the Leaderboards trophy a moment ago and now it says I am “unranked”?!? How could it change after the polls were completed?!!? I now understand why people get so overly frustrated by these silly Leaderboards.

    Thanks for any insight on what happened?!?!


    • I think everyone is listed as unranked until they have confirmed everyone’s position/kicked anyone they think was cheating etc. Wouldn’t worry about it currently.


    • I can confirm what Wildthornberry said, I finished on leaderboard and am currently showing unranked. Just got to wait until they verify and release the prizes now, usually within the week.


    • It did the same thing last time there was a leaderboard, after the event ends they go back & remove any cheaters they can find. It took almost 2 weeks for the items to get given out last time – to be fair, they get given out individually, so it can take awhile sometimes. Generally, if you were on the board, your final rank score will tend to be a little higher after they remove the false accounts & the cheaters, so oddly, the longer it takes to give them out, the more cheaters are getting removed & the better a honest players score can get 🙂


    • Oh that awesome feed back!! Thanks a million!!
      And it’s hard to even think of how one could cheat?? Using clams maybe?? Idk, i didn’t use many clams for anything, I was just checking every 4 hours (due to lack of sleep) and was able to keep up with the bottle drops enough to always keep 2 or more boats battling at a time. So I hope I get the bird I was ranked for, or hey if they throw people out maybe I can get the Stewie skin lol


  7. I was 20 shipwheels away from Davy Jones .. i thought he was cool at first but when I zoomed in on him he was ugly so I didn’t spend clams on him …. wish they did the squid face from Pirates of the Caribbean …………
    i also couldn’t unlock Carter’s custome but it’s MEH …….. so happy with Peter Pan and Daggermouth though …


  8. Whitney D Perrault

    This was one event I actually did well in…I’m a freemium player and I got all the free characters during this event and placed in top 500 of the leaderborad… The drops could have been much tho, seems like it took forever to get those bottles for the last ship, got Duke Carter only like 8 hrs before event ended


  9. I wasn’t overly impressed by the latest event…I never made it to phase four and didn’t quite get Daggermouth. I was close, but I was close for DAYS…my last dozen or so shots at fishing I only got two gears. I’ve played for a while and I’ve NEVER finished an event, and I play fairly often.

    Now that my Quahog has all the districts and I have a few million dollars, I decided to start plating TSTO, too – didn’t want to establish two games once. The first event I started from the beginning, I got too the end. That was nice. Each game has things to recommend it, but I gotta admit the events in Quest For Stuff can get annoying with the amount of things that can only be purchased.


  10. Bummed, as I finally got to week 3 content at the end of the event, even as a several times a day player and sometimes clams user. The leaderboard never was populated for me during the time it existed in the event, so I have no idea where I was on it (or not). Somewhat bummed about the drop rates for characters and use of few (and or costume-level) characters for fighting the ships. This did not feel as bad as some of the previous events were, but I definitely felt like I was grinding away at bombing octopuses and (eventually) sending Peter and Lois to battle ships for worthless fleet upgrade barrels. Thankfully the shop allowed one to buy items at will instead of in sequence as in some events, which made the event feel more friendly to the player. I also like the water use in the game area. I hope the future events allow for longer-time players to be able to use the characters earned and/or purchased from previous events for additional activities/quests/game progress: being a level 60 play r with over 12 Million (mostly worthless) coins should amount for -something- in this game…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I posted these thoughts elsewhere but I’ll post here too: I hated this event. The drop rates were terrible, I was always seemingly “one short” for everything, one short to attack the squid, one short to attack the boats, a few coins or items short to buy the buildings needed, and adding insult to injury, making the last week’s required items a RARE drop? Are you kidding? Even the common drops were acting more like uncommon drops (as in, I would not get a drop on a 6-8 hour item I needed, it was brutal). This needs to change, as this event wasn’t fun at all. Once you get behind on a week 1-2 item/quest/person to unlock, you’re thrown off for the rest of it so you might as well just give up. I refused to spend a single clam on this event with the way it was behaving with the drops. And the leaderboard reflected my pain, at one point I was all the way down to 4995/5000!

    I sincerely hope TinyCo is listening, but I doubt they care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sorry, GV, but if you didn’t spend a single clam, and still made the leaderboards, I would say that you were doing pretty well! And it is not reasonable to expect TinyCo to give everyone everything for free: The simple fact of the matter is that they need to make money to stay in business.

      Personally, I used up around 100 clams [they were all “earned” through quests and videos, not bought], so I did make the leaderboards (around 1100th), but I was very surprised to do so, as I was spending clams to get characters and buildings, not caring about the leaderboards.

      All in all, I did better in this event than in any other, and that, along with the way that they used the water area, made this my favourite event so far.


    • They don’t care it seems. I now just play and don’t try for anything. If I get it, Iget it. I also do not put money into the game because it is a game of chance. My money goes to Simpsons.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. X Files theme event live? Is that right? Saw someone post a new splashscreen but can’t access my game atm

    Do you need help with posts RussianTiger? I am a blogger so have experience with writing


    • Muller & Scully are definitely part of Halloween.

      Thanks for the offer but this isn’t my blog, I’m just helping Bunny out, posts submitted by others are her domain.


  13. I guess we are in limbo now waiting for Halloween to maybe start?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Why hasn’t the new event started yet , not even any clues right now my characters are all in tan lines bored as can be


    • Personally I’m enjoying a day off. As soon as we get any word of what’s next we will share it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree! I still have quest lines from the superheroes event on my task bar, lol. So the day off to clear as many tasks off my bar is very much appreciated!!!

        But Halloween is my favorite!! And I can’t wait to see all the super awesome scary stuff!! I’m not a big fan of X-files myself, but my husband has seen every episode. Really hope the staple characters aren’t clams/premium only. Another high hope, and I hope I describe this right, we don’t have to achieve the buildings in order(like superheroes event) but chose as you will like the pirates event. I hate when you have to get a useless decor before you can get the item dropping building.

        Liked by 1 person

        • So glad to hear that I’m not the only one – I’m trying to finish Superman Peter’s questline right now! I generally get stuck at points where Peter or another character is needed both for the old questline and the current event. It was almost Spring before I cleared the Christmas quests….

          Liked by 1 person

    • I would love Tiny Co to give us a week or more off!


  15. I never got to week four. There was an update I was unaware of and it stalled the game. By the time I found out about the update, I had already been 6 days. I’m only sad I couldn’t get all the monkeys.


  16. Like with everything, Facebook is late on ending the event too, Mine is still going, collecting Champagne, treasure and worms…I already had everything but even with reloading all the Pirate stuff doesn’t disappear. BTW, the I am also still able to move up the list in the contest, but it’s of no consequence as I am now like 679 and have always hovered around 490-750 the whole time…


  17. Hello,
    Is anyone else stuck on Peter Pan’s quest line? I have a task for “have Chris get lost” but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this. I know if you have a building stored it usually says so. Thanks for any info.


    • Yes many are having this issue, including Bunny herself. We’ve reported it and ask that you use your in game support tab to do the same. Thanks.


      • Thanks. I was looking for an answer to this last night but didn’t bother asking. Like many I’m trying to empty out my quest list before next event as I still have superhero ones remaining. I did have a blueberry peter one as well. 😛


        • Snap, I’ve a blueberry Peter task also, I put Peter on it minute the event ended to try get it cleared. I’m always worried too many open tasks tie up my game so try get them Down in any short gap we get.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Maybe they fixed it – I just successfully sent Chris off to get lost, 8hr task in the Griffin house (is it that big, or is he just easily confused?!?). Am on iPhone, iOS 9.


  18. Day 1 player so from the first event king butt to this on I can see you cannot possibly finish witout spending clams got 3 of the 4 monkeys but wine bottles should have been a epic drop since for 2 days I got to attack the ship once so missed out on the grand prize if tiny co is reading this I know you need to make money to keep the game going but at least give us freemium/premium players a shot I usually grow down 10 to 20 bucks an event and I was like 350ish on the board the first day by day 2 the leader had 12k flags how is that possible ? There needs to be a equal distribution of gameplay for high rollers n common folk


    • The leaderboards are a mine field, some spend crazy clams to reach the top spots, but hey it’s their money so they can spend how they like. But I don’t spend massive amounts and complete many of the weekly challenges, including this events. Sometimes it’s not just about clams but timing, challenges usually drop on a Monday so from Saturday evening I start to stockpile resources, and hope I’ve guessed right on what will be needed.


  19. I just wanted to say I do not like this style of polling, having to click ‘vote’ for each question and then not even seeing where the current tally is, very irritating. Please stick to the same format Bunny uses, ask all the questions and then submit to see current results.

    Have a great day/evening everyone!


    • The reason the results aren’t shown is some of the questions allow multiple answers, so the automatic results would not show the true picture, the results need to be taken and calculated by the amount of respondees. Simple polls such as that in the Daggermouth Questline post with only one answer allowed will give instant results, as will urgent polls where we are seeking information to feedback to TinyCo, however the type of questions asked here won’t show results as I said due to the data needing collated. I guarantee you if I change the setting to show instant results other people will highlight fact they aren’t correct due to the multiple answers hence the delay, once proper calculations are done the full results will be brought to you in a follow up post once the poll ends, that’s one the benefits of Bunny having some help on here, we can find the time to do follow up posts. It’s not a case of you won’t ever see the results, honest. The post with the results will be up on Saturday. And please don’t feel you have to complete the polls, they are just there for player interaction and fun, no hassle, no stress if you pass on them. Hope this makes things a bit clearer on why no results on this post’s polls.


      • I understand the real results are delayed, but it’s nice to get an idea of where things are going. Additionally, the results are the least of my concern as I know there will be a follow-up post, I’ve been here since the beginning of FGA. I’m more annoyed by the fact of having to click submit for each vote. It’s better to have one form, ask the questions and then submit, Bunny uses Google Docs for this 😉


        • I’m unfortunately using what WordPress constrained me to when I was asked, as Bunny will confirm, to help babysit the blog at very short notice. I had a look at Google Forms but getting that set up wasn’t my priority with everything else I took on. I can’t install plug-ins so it’s not as simple as just selecting a different poll plug-in. Sorry it’s caused you a bit more work but really it was that or nothing I’m afraid, thankfully most readers are just happy have the end of event polls back. But believe me I don’t like PollDaddy any more than you, so I won’t be using it forever.


  20. As far as leaderboards go, I know it rubbed a lot of keen long-time players the wrong way, but I did well out the first Peterpalooza one and managed to get the first place Starbright Express Peter. The 29 (IIRC) people I was up against must have been very casual players, many of which probably not even playing every day. It was this victory that made me play a lot more. I feel bad for everyone who were up against hardcore premium opponents though.

    Since then though I’ve usually not done that well and was unranked throughout all of this one. When the event ended I had only just entered phase 4, and didn’t ever get enough champagne drops to initiate even one attack.

    There was one event I did well at. Greek Life. No idea how but I was able to mostly keep up with that and get all the leaderboard goodies including Hercules. Was that event just unpopular? I loved a lot of the architecture in that one, and a lot of the new pirate stuff will go well with it.

    Anyway, yesterday I blew all my cursed treasure (over 1000 of it) on sea serpent parts. It’s possible to make walls out of animated serpent heads and tails (one square each), and long tunnels out of the bodies (1×3 squares each)!


  21. I think some changes should be made to how the leaderboards work. I think my first leaderboard was in the mob event and i did get a prize but since then there hasn’t been much point in trying. As freemium player i don’t stand a chance of getting anywhere near a prize anymore as the premium players are hundreds of currency ahead in the first few days alone. If tinyco took away the ability to rush leaderboard tasks or buy currency i think it would be a fairer contest.
    I hope people don’t think I am having a rant as this just an observation 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I was one item short for Carter, and 20 wheels short for Davy Iones. Another half day and I would have had them. I thought Daggermoutth was pretty easy.

    My main issue was the drop rates on items you needed to attack the different fleets. I think I only was able to attack the last one three times. I was pretty diligent during this event and still came up short. Going forward I think I will just skip the last week of any events unless I can unlock a character from the show that I really want.


  23. I found out that nuking the town does NOT remove shipwreck point. So if you like to nuke between events, go ahead. Your clams will be safe.

    I nuked, then said oh no! Then I checked, and it’s still there and counting down to my 13 clams.


  24. I was a few days late getting into the last phase so didn’t seriously try for Carter’s costume. I would have needed another half day to get the last wheels for Davy Jones plus do Seamus’s 12 hour task, but he’s so ugly that I didn’t bother using clams to get him. Unlocked the other freemiums, though. Foolishly spent 300 earned clams on the mystery box that had all characters, got one I didn’t want but also one I’ve really wanted for a while (Jillian). So that’s a win though overpriced.

    The wine bottles for the fourth saffron-producing boat attacks dropped so slowly that I didn’t get the wine bottle dropping building until just before the end… So I didn’t get anything else on page 4. But I had collected so much stuff from other attacks while waiting that I was able to go back and buy the four remaining buildings on pages 1-3. Including the last items on two pages!

    Once I did the math and gave up on the wheels from the giant squid, I amused myself buying remaining decos for fish bones or gold coins (had plenty of both) and then bought several long closely spaced rows of those tropical fish to see the array squirt in unison. Pain and a half storing them all after the event, but maybe I’ll find a use for them some day. Will still be collecting clams from Shipwreck Point for a few days, so kept out my original loop of tropical fish guiding me to the point. Most stuff from the event is stashed away except boats and a few nice buildings. Some of them might make nice Halloween decorations. Or for the Day of the Dead…


  25. I didn’t read tips on here and I think that’s why I probably didn’t do so well. I never figured out how to bomb octopi efficiently, or how to get enough alcohol for certain ship battles, and it was a slow event as a result.

    Also, useful drops from fishing essentially stopped a few days ago, so I wound up thisclose to daggermouth but unable to complete, which was frustrating.

    I wish they had a way in the game to quit an event when you know you can’t go any further or do any more. I would have liked to turn that part off (avoid the annoyance of knowing I’d lost) but still go for stewie bucks and whatnot.


    • The I like the suggestion about turning an event off. Some events are meh and sometimes I just need a break. So I lose my daily stewie bucks and travelling clams. You should bring that up to tinyco, my opinion.


  26. I really liked this event! Probably the best since my first event, the Princesses Bride. I got to the last week(first event in a long time, wasn’t even close with the superheros) and i also achieved every free character and costume!! Even splurged a bit and got Tinkerbell, although the 10 free cannonballs i got from buying 9.99 in clams were way more useful then her, lol. LOVED the utilization of the water area, and I am super happy I could buy every decor in the Ruberts 90 pirate coin box (Glad it wasn’t over priced) the giant squid is awesome!!!! Somehow even got in the 2nd tier in the Leaderboards, how is beyond me?!, It’s only too bad Adrian Beaky is only a décor.
    LOVED THIS EVENT TINYCO!! GREAT JOB! (But please work on the “uncommon” drop rate, it was almost worst than the rare drop rate)


  27. When does the next event start anyone know


  28. For the mystery box with characters, I don’t have any of them, too bad we could not buy them without taking a chance, cause for me getting firefighter Chris would be 1/11. I would spend the 150 clams for that costume.


  29. I really enjoyed this event. I am Freemium, only used “earned” clams to speed up the odd task but managed to unlock every character and outfit. Got the last ship’s wheels to unlock Davy Jones 5 minutes before the event was due to end. I felt like I was a day behind for most of the event but somehow managed to catch up during week 4. This was probably the most enjoyable event for me yet – there was a lot to do and not too many long tasks. It was very important to manage your time and tasks properly and I felt I did that.
    Thanks Tigger and Bunny for all the help!


  30. I ended up using 50 clams for the duke due to sucky drops in the third and fourth weeks. In regards to the returning characters/skins I had all except barmaid lois but I’m saving my clams for other characters I really want (Rallo).


  31. so the leaderboard prizes were released already? so if i just logged in now and see nothing i didn’t qualify for anything?


  32. Found an item in the deco section of the store. It appears to be a campsite with words on it like “occupy quahog”, “boo war!” and “We are the 99%”. It has no price but it seems to be for the next event?


  33. Found a “campsite” item in the decorations section of the store. It has a blue background, is untitled, and is decorated with “occupy boo, 99%, etc.” Might be for the future event?


  34. It was, in hindsight, pretty good. I didn’t finish the main quest line, got to Pt 4 of the last phase, and I only unlocked five characters/outfits (Seamus, Salty, Daggermouth, Lois and Peter Pan). I generally passed on the premium characters – almost dropped 50+ clams to finish Davy Jones in the last few hours, but thought better of it as I really didn’t want him that bad – he’d become a resident of Tan Lines pretty quickly. I don’t do the Mystery Boxes at all – just don’t think it’s worth the value (Learned from experience – to me, they are in the category of ‘fooled me once’ for me.)

    I was really psyched TinyCo opened up the ocean to use – hopefully, that gets to be a space that can be expanded and is utilized in the future.


  35. creepyfamilyguyplayer

    Got held back in event with item drops o well wasnt bout to drop clams after clams to rush and try to catch up


  36. I have no idea what this barmaid Lois or Mermaid Bruce you guys are speaking of. I know there was ab option for Bruce to collect but it always brought me to Al Harrington’s but never showed an outfit. I assumed it was a legacy outfit I didn’t earn or didn’t have the app to earn.



    • Both were available in the event mystery boxes, Mermaid Bruce in the Marine Mystery Box, Barmaid Lois was in The Fun in the Sun Mystery box, both boxes cost 150 clams per try


  37. This may be,ok it probably is,a dumb question but where was the o[tion to buy older characters? I never even knew that existed! :/


  38. I worked very hard and finished all the quests without spending my clams. On the last two events I didn’t even get to the last week, but this time I did it. Thanks for the tips, specially during octopus shooting and fishing. It was fun.


  39. never started last phase, didn’t even bother, by time I got Seamus’ outfit unlocked was a moot point, didn’t get davey jones either, too many boat steering wheels. did get the last “hard” item on the first three pages of the house of booty items. spent my time working to get the turtle castle thing which is what I really wanted


  40. I didn’t have Barmaid Lois and Steroid Stewie but chose not to spend the ~$6 in clams a piece to get them. No need.

    I did end up completing this event with time to spare. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to do that. This one was better without so many tie-ups.


    • Me too Clob. I’m a freemium player, except for spending the clams gained in game, and I was able to earn all the characters and costumes. I just got Carters costume this morning, so it was close. This is the first event in a very very long time that this has happened. Before this event, I struggled to even get into the final phase of previous events. Nice event tinyco!!! Thanks for all the info on this site Bunny, Tigger and fellow addicts.


    • Agreed on all fronts!


  41. This event was the first time where I didn’t care about the leaderboard, and all I spent clams on was getting each weeks premium character (not including Mermaid Bruce), and I found that I had a lot more fun and still ended up around 49th place. Now I’m looking forward to see what we’re getting for the Haloween event this year.


  42. There should have been a 4th choice on the leaderboard question for those of us who didn’t rank high enough to get any of the tier prizes.


  43. Hi RussianTigger, thanks for all your help through this event. 🙂 Just a quick question. Next time with the polls can you add did not achieve/or none. For example your leader board question I can not answer as I did not qualify for any prize! I would like to answer all the questions for you but I can’t! Thanks again!


  44. I didn’t get anything from the 4th page of the buildings. Left off on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Seamus Pt. 3”


  45. I ended up buying 50 clams to finish getting Davey Jones, just barely getting in under the wire with my last 2 worms for daggermouth. If the event isn’t force-ended in the next 45 minutes, and I get both self-portraits to drop, I’ll get duke carter. But only if…
    This with the fact that I bought Tinkerbell, captain hook, and Blackbeard, and set an alarm every 4 and 6 hours during the day. This to me was not the hardest event to finish, but pretty intense.
    Also I was binge-watching “once upon a time” (TV show) during the whole thing, made it kinda… Weird!


  46. Was a fun event. Certainly did better on this one than on the heroes one (that was my first event as I’m new to the game) managed to fall short on ship wheels for davy jones (did get outfits for Lois and Seamus, also got Salty, Peter Pan and Daggermouth) needed about 40 more too bad would’ve liked to have him walk around in my quahog


  47. The second poll should have another option or two. Perhaps a “Had all the characters already” and a “Couldn’t afford to get one”. My only available option was Barmaid Lois, but I wasn’t able to afford to get her to fill my collection.


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