Quahog New Year Quick Walkthroughs: New Year, New Lies & Tardy to the Party

UPDATE BUNNY 2pm EST 1/9/15: Just verified from TinyCo a patch has been pushed to resolve the issue with Peter and Lois and the item drops. Please let us know if things are back to normal in your games. 😉 


UPDATE BUNNY: I just ran the questline again myself, after Peter and Lois finish their tasks, they go away during the questline. I have already reported this to TinyCo and verifying if it was as intended. Just tasks for only the questline. In the meantime, try not to complete those tasks until you have all you need for Jillian.

Hello There Clammers!

2015 has finally arrived in Quahog!  And what’s a New Year with out resolutions?  And what’s making resolutions with out breaking them 20 minutes later?

Quahog is ready to celebrate the New Year in style with Clock Towers (it is 2015 you know…we’re officially IN the future), noise makers, funny hats and ditzy loose woman!

So let’s take a look at the main New Year’s questline, New Year, New Lies, as well as New Year’s Jillian’s Tardy to the Party questline & just what you can expect each step of the way….

2015-01-02 02.20.32

New Year, New Lies Pt. 1
Peter starts

Have Peter Do a Drunk Dance- 2hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Lois Make the Rounds- 5hrs, Earns $60, 38xp
Build Little Party Tent 
$7,500.  4hr Build.  

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 2
Peter starts

Build Quahog Gym- $1,000, 4hr Build
Make Quagmire Giggity Strut- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 3
Bonnie starts

Build Providence Rehab Center- $2,000.  10hr Build.
Have Bonnie Attend a Support Meeting- 8hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 4
Lois starts

Have Lois Donate Lightly Used Clothing- 4hrs, Earns $65, 45xp
Have Peter Donate His Underwear- 4hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 5
Peter starts

Build Dr. Ling’s Eastern Medicine- $1,750, 6hr Build
Have Joe Beer Skeet Shoot- 1hr, Earns $20, 10xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

New Year, New Lies Pt. 6
Chris starts

Have Chris Eat Broccoli- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp 

New Year, New Lies Pt. 7
Meg starts

Have Meg Make a Deposit- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

And that completes the New Year’s Eve questline!


Now let’s jump to the questline you’ll start around part 4 of New Year, New LiesNew Year’s Jillian in Tardy to the Party.

New Year's Jillian

Tardy to the Party Pt. 1
Jillian starts

Get New Year’s Jillian- Collect STUFF to unlock her.  Here’s what you’ll need:

Black High Heels20 Black High-Heels (Common)- Earned By: Make Jerome Play Darts OR Make Bonnie Go to Ladies’ Night OR Make Bruce Fret About Something OR Make Seamus Flirt with the Table OR Get from Providence Rehab Center OR Get from Gingerbread House

Lip Glosses12 Lip Gloss (Common)– Earned By: Make Jingle Joe Camp Out OR Make Herbert Freeze Popsicles OR Make Mort Obsessively Count Cash OR Make Jake Tucker Play the Organ OR Get from Party Tent OR Get from Quahog Gym OR Get from Unemployment Office

Bracelets5 Bracelets (Extra Rare)- Earned By: Make Joe Patrol the School OR Make Stewie Travel Through Time OR Make Lois Donate Lightly Used Clothing OR Make Hanukkah Mort Light the Super-Menorah OR Get From New Year’s Cocktail Bar

Black Necklace5 Black Necklaces (Extra Rare)- Earned By: Make Chris Hang Out at Home OR Make Peter Do a Drunk Dance OR Get from New Year’s Cocktail Bar OR Make New Year’s Brian Adjust Bow Tie

If you have the Pet Cemetery from Halloween this can also be used to drop Black Necklaces.  Sorry for not having the info yesterday…I didn’t have it in my town (it’s in inventory).  So pull those Cemeteries from inventory! 

Have Jillian Text Badly- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp 

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 2
Jillian starts

Have Jillian Put Up Christmas Tree- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Jillian Cook Healthy Snacks-
4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 3
Jillian starts

Have Jillian Play Party Games- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 4
Jillian starts

Have Jillian New Year’s Boogie- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp
Place More Fireworks- x2

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

Tardy to the Party Pt. 5
Jillian starts

Have Jillian Count Down to New Years- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp

Completed Task Earns $30, 20xp

And that completes New Year’s Jillian’s questline!


What do YOU think of the New Year’s Event?  Thoughts on New Year’s Jillian?  How about her questline?  What about all the new freemium buildings added for phase 2?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

169 responses to “Quahog New Year Quick Walkthroughs: New Year, New Lies & Tardy to the Party

  1. Do you have a walk through for the New Years quest together as one?


  2. I don’t have Meg unlocked yet, so can’t finish pt.7?


  3. Are we still going to be able to work on the quests after the 15th as long as we have Jillian or will it all be going away? Gotta know if I should spend the 60 clams to finish off the bracelets so I’ll have enough time to complete her quest line.


  4. Good grief, this last necklace is proving to be an EPIC battle. Thank goodness I still have three more days. I’m pretty sure the quest lines on this one will end when D10 hits. That’s too big of an update to keep them all going, but who knows.


  5. Kept sending Chris and Peter on there 2 hour tasks and while it took quite a while, I finnaly got Jillian’s New Years costume. Keep hope out there it is achievable and you still have 4 days left. Good luck guys!


  6. Is the 15th when New Years Jillian goes away?? I’ve been trying like crazy & can’t seem to get the last two items for her, the bracelets & necklaces. They are not dropping! 😞


    • 15th is current end date, yes. Sometimes if I feel items are not dropping I will force close the game, restart my app, and go back in and try again. Just make sure you send the same character on same task over and over. Outside of that, if you feel there is an issue…please let them know through your game.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi-5 Your Uncle!

    Anyone notice that Jillian’s dialogue is verrry quiet as compared to the other characters’ voices? I can barely hear her, which is too bad because her jokes are hilarious. 😀


  8. Anyone else still having problems with bracelets and Peter or Lois. I have no bracelets yet and I’m going on three days of trying. 😦 no other missions to help but Mort and Joe, still no drops…


  9. I’m sorry if I missed it however do we have a known date the New Years party event ends?


  10. Why does my game say data error.. won’t download


  11. I think this will be the first failed event for me – 150 clams is too much for just a skin, but the extra rares just aren’t dropping this time – i have 1 of each after sending all ccharacters on the tasks as many times as i can! Never had close to this bad of luck.

    Id have grabbed that skin at 75, and maybe 100 but 150 feels greedy to me. I typically drop 200 clams per event so im willing to spend but…not for this.

    Love your website ladies 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. calgrynkotbgirls

    My hubby doesn’t have Peter with an option to drunk dance to drop the black necklace (?) for Jillian….. Is he just behind in a storyline?


    • It is part of the 2nd week release, so if he is still on Auld Lang Syne…he won’t see it yet.


      • Hope this makes since.. sometimes the task for people don’t show for them to get specific items. One round it will be there & the next it won’t & now I’m having a VERY hard time getting bracelets & necklaces. Why would this be happening??


  13. Been trying to get bracelets since start of event and nothing. Dropped 30 dollars for Christmas event. Feels like tinyco is just trying to squeeze more money out of me. If I can’t get jullians costume by just doing tasks than tinyco has lost a player!


  14. So is brian worth the clams? Is it a great questline or just the one animation they showed of jillian and brian together with him drunk?


    • Brian basically dropped items every time (even though it says rare) for Jillian on his task. He croons outside is the only one I saw there. Questline was a lil silly. There is a 24 hr task with them both to show effection that is the animation you saw once you have them both unlocked.


  15. I’m almost there I just need 3 more necklaces and Jillians New Year outfit is mine.


  16. 150 clams for brians out fit ummmmm no thanks i just spent over 500 on the xmas stuff their getting a bit carried away with all the micro purchases


  17. Almost got everything but just got my first bracelet, after 3 days, paid the clams for Brians costume, but dont want to spend them on yet another bar, still have the old red one in inventory, this is going to take a long time.


  18. Good evening ladies! “Meg makes a deposit” ?? I don’t have any Meg 24 hour tasks that say that. Thank y’all for all your hard work!


  19. Have sent out Joe and Lois for Bracelets, and Chris and Peter out for necklaces out constantly, and only have one bracelet to show for it 😦 Any tips?


  20. My peter and lois tasks for jillian are gone again. They were back very briefly. I would really like to keep lois on it, since the drop rate for the Bracelets seems to be downgraded to impossible.


  21. I’ve got Lois’ task to drop bracelets back but no Peter’s task. I’ve already got all the necklaces so maybe his only task was that.

    Anyhow, I got all the necklaces in one day but haven’t gotten a single bracelet; it’s kind of odd that the odds would work out that way. I hope I get some bracelets soon.

    Random extra rare is random extra rare I suppose. Thanks mods, Bunny and Allissa for all that you do


    • I’ve got the opposite problem. I got all the bracelets pretty quickly, but I still only have one necklace in spite of having Chris and Peter doing the tasks constantly.


  22. Does anyone know What is a flower bush? I need one for Chris to do a mission. I can’t find one. Can anyone tell me where to get one? Thanks


  23. Everything is dropping fine for me I’m more than half way to Jillians skin, my only issue is with jesus. 9 straight days of turning water into clams and still haven’t seen one yet. As far as brians skin I dont have 150 clams, but from reading everyone else it’s no big deal. Happy gaming.


  24. If Lois or Peter are walking around and I tap on them, no item earning task. If I go to Al Harrington’s and tap the item, then Lois or Peter’s task, it will show up. I’m just hoping that doing it this way is not affecting the item drop potential. Playing on Android.

    As an aside, I’m usually feel the drop rates are pretty good, but I’ve been running the tasks solidly, until this tasks disappeared, and have only gotten one set of bracelets and one necklace. I guess I’m just getting unlucky this time around.


  25. On iOS. When Al Harrington’s was checked both Lois & Peter were included for tasks to generate items to get NYE’s Jillian. Have them both donating stuff now, New Year, New Lies pt. 4. Will send them off to get stuff for Jillian when they’re done, hopefully things are back on track.


  26. Both tasks are back, thanks Bunny.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. First I love when Bunny responds Uh huh to a million posts about the same thing lol. Makes me laugh every time. Second I know tasks were missing, but is anyone not getting any of the extra rare items? I have been running the tasks non stop since they started and have not gotten one… If its just incredibly bad luck then so be it. (Insert Uh huh as response) =)


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