UPDATE: As many of you can now see in your towns, an extra Patches popped up in your game. What does all this mean? Well, in similar fashion to Carl during American Dad Event… you may be offered the opportunity to get Free Clams for watching videos. 

Just like Carl as well, these will be random and not all the time. So if you see “Sorry, there are no videos available at this time.” It is just what it says. Nothing to watch right now, so try again later.Free Clams Patches Video

The details of how long this will be around for are not available just yet and with tomorrow a Holiday, we won’t get clarification until Tuesday most likely. So enjoy the videos when you get the chance to watch them and enjoy another option offered for FREE CLAMS in the game. 


Hey there Clammers!

TinyCo has decided to add another fun element and mixture into our games. ANIMALS!!! For those of you that enjoy those NPC/ Moving Decoration style items (like Demented Elf, Snowman, and Mall Santas), you are going to love this one. This lil addition will run in our games until Tuesday, January 20th… 3PM PST -ish.

An Animal of Epic Proportions

As usual, more details coming. Hope you are ready for some FLAMING CHICKENS!!! BAAAAAHGOCK!!

You will need to be in at LEAST District 3 in order to see this content in your Quahog.

Peter will have a ! over his head to start it off, though Bruce is the one doing the talking at first. Lol.

Bruce: Oh hey, y’all. It’s time for the Quahog’s Most Amazing Pet Contest!



Once you go through the short dialog, you will be taken to the Menu and see the following NEW Animals for Clams…

Flaming ChickenFlaming Chicken: 10 Clams, runs wild around town, you can multiples of these.

Sheldon the TurtleSheldon the Turtle: 40 Clams, will be mobile around town… but prob not as fast as a Flaming Chicken. Lol. Only one available.

Jesse Herbert's DogJesse: 150 Clams, Herbert’s pet Dog, will drag himself around town. Only one available.

ALL 3 Animals will follow your sidewalks and roads, so look for them there as soon as you purchase them.



There will also be mini questlines with each of the Animals. More coming on that in later posts.


If you buy one of each of the 3 Animals, you will get a bonus Animal…

Free Patches pop up

Patches the T-RexPatches the T-Rex

He will be placed into your Menu where you found the other Animals once you get all 3 and will show “Free” underneath him. So it is just a matter of tapping on him and placing him into your town. He also will roam the roads and streets.

Free Patches


EXTRA Patches the T-Rex.

Patches the T-RexPatches: 200 Clams. Once you place your FREE one in town, additional Patches show up in your menu for the cost of 200 Clams, so be careful you don’t get extra when you already got one for free.

Patches 200 Clams


Some fun new Animals to run around our towns. A giant T-Rex to … eat those Animals? Lol. What do you think of them? Did you get any Flaming Chickens yet? Thoughts on this? Let us know below



  1. I hate that ALL the animals cost clams! How does that make it accessible to all players?! Not everyone has extra money to be spending to throw around buying clams just to advance in a game! CRAZY!! Maybe a rethink is necessary! !


    • It’s a premium event. It’s a bonus little event going on…that’s all. District 10 is the main update. This is just an add on. Like how EA is doing a premium promo this weekend for TSTO…


    • Rogue That You Made Me

      I used leftovers so this whole event costs me $5. Pinch those clams, never rush the main game. That’s my advice.


  2. One chicken is all I need


  3. Does herbet have any actions with his dog?


  4. I TOTALLY disagree that there would be no game if only freemium players played.. You are forgetting that they are paid by Fox to do this. Now, I could be wrong but…this is my opinion: The game could exist even if they gave it away. Here is why I think this

    Fox pays them to develop AND continue to administer the game. This is essentially an advertisement for the Family Guy franchise. (Fox even had them put commercials for American dad in this Family Guy game…Remember Carl?) It keeps the franchise relevant and by keeping it in the public’s eye, it enhances viewership, and thus, they can charge more for commercials during that time slot. It all comes down to advertising dollars. Think Google – they make their billions on advertising dollars. Why do you think these companies decide to spend big bucks to get their balloon in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. It is not cheap. It is to keep their characters relevant for as long as possible, so they can milk it in every way.

    Some famous examples of these franchises are Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Fred Flintstone. Not only that, the game has enhanced the value of other franchises Fox may have, such as American Dad. How many new viewers were introduced because of this game? And will American Dad someday be its own game? Flintstones has a game. You can bet that Fox will look at stats and your comments about the American Dad event on FGTQFS in the future if they decide to consider going down that road.

    All I am suggesting is that there are many considerations that the studios take to decide if they should put more money into a show/character. They look at the total payback. So the Family Guy game might be financed completely by the studio if their total calculations shows that they can make a profit on their game investment.You can rest assured that this game is financed by more than just the sale of clams alone.

    As a current example of this, Amazon is rolling out new series to be shown on Amazon only, and also just made a huge deal with Woodie Allen to make some content, that they give away for free to members of Amazon Prime. Their movie/tv series deal exist only to drive people to join Amazon Prime. The cost of their deals don’t mean a thing to them, and they don’t even care if anyone watches their new content, so long as they join Amazon Prime, where they actually make their money.


  5. I hope they offer Jillian again at a later date. I’m new to the game and don’t have Brian unlocked yet. I’d really like to have her in my game at some point, though.


  6. Lol y’all should b glad our lil update is giving us an option to add or not add characters unlike EA’S very popular game TSTO if u a player of this game u should very well know what I’m talking about as for all the loyal fgtqfs players let me tell y’all right now they are having a very big glitch fest with buildings tasks and even characters PREMIUM characters at that so imagine being forced to update your game or u can’t play then…. BAM!?!?! All the stuff u work hard for gone n they don’t have a gud responsive in game team like tiny co so they got a very BIG WTH moment goin on so I think y’all should b very HAPPY we are not suffering from a MAJOR LOST n rather more of a hard decision at our hands now gud night n hopefully this makes everyone feel better 😉


  7. I just hate that Jesse and Sheldon the turtle are TINY…..slow, I understand…but it makes it hard to even find/see them! took me literally over 5 minutes just searching for Sheldon :/

    I really hoped they come out with Jesse as a character….:/ not sure they will ever now if they made him a moving deco..😣


  8. A little taste of something I’m brewing up, no pun intended.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I would have bought Jesse for 100. 150 is too steep a price. The prices are right for the other animals.


    • Think of it like this…instead of a free dinosaur you really paid 50 for it. I’d pay 50 clams for that sweet Dino


    • They know it’s the one everyone wants so it’s bound to be the most expensive. I don’t think it’s excessive given the price of some non-animated premium buildings and decorations. It looks cool too, just a shame there isn’t an animated task involving Herbert but that’s probably too complex to program.

      I think the point of the price is it totals 200 clams which is the same price as the T-Rex which will probably stick around as a premium item after the event – so another way of looking at it is “Buy the new T-Rex decoration before Tuesday and receive THREE additional animals – including an exclusive Jesse – for FREE”

      Either way you put it the deal isn’t that bad – the T-Rex is huge too so won’t get lost in the crowd like some of the moving decorations…


  10. I am still trying to grasp why so many people think that every item should be free. TinyCo is a for-profit company! I really want that 60″ TV at Best Buy, so should it be free since I want it, but don’t want to spend the money???

    Liked by 2 people

    • I want Karats… but alas… all I keep getting is carrots. Le Sigh 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    • Great analogy. So you dont scream at the clerk and ask how dare they carry a product you cant afford? You sir, are a model citizen.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Because we all compare this game with EA’s Simpsons Tapped Out, which has a better economy for premium items, and isn’t nearly as glitchy as this game is. I now have 7 quests on my to-do list. SEVEN! And 5 of those quests require me to spend clams. EA never has done this with the Simpsons game, ever. And the economics of it all, TinyCo basically wants us to spend $10 for a character who is basically useless after the quest line has ended. But they think that by flooding us with even more “required” premium items, and make them appear like we MUST buy them since its a quest, we will forget all about those characters. Besides, its not like they even give us enough land to put all the crap we’re required to purchase with the free currency anyway. I realize its The Quest For More Stuff, but my inventory is about to have its own episode on TLC’s Hoarding Buried Alive!

      I just hope they’re able to collect enough money from all the account holders who’s clueless child discovered the app installed on their parents phone, because games like these can cease operation at any time, taking any virtual goods you may have purchased along with it. So as long as they stay profitable, you get to keep your items.


    • its a game! for ur cellphone!! it should be frèe!! like ur swrvice provider isn’t charging you enough! loke don’t you have more IMPORTANT stuff to spend your money on!!!!


      • Why should it be free? They don’t charge you to download it. They don’t put ads up every 5 fact there are no ads in this game whatsoever. But every other app out there you either have to pay for or deal with ads…so why should this particular game, for your cellphone, be free?
        There’s A LOT in the game that is free….but every so often they run events for premium players. And every time they do we get the complaints about “this should be free” “this is an outrage” “they’re greedy”….guys it’s that simple. That’s the cost for the item. If you don’t want to spend the clams on it, don’t get it. You may want it, but you can’t afford it. That’s life. Let’s go with the TV analogy that George used. I want a new 60” TV but I don’t want to spend the money they’re asking for it. I’m not going to be pissed at the manufacturer for making a TV that costs that much money. Instead I’m just going to buy something smaller that I can afford.
        And I know now I’m going to get the calls of “you’re just kissing TinyCo’s butt” “You won’t ever say anything bad about them”…and the answer to that is, it’s not true. I’ve told them to their face how I think they need to retool the premium aspects of this game. However, when I do it it’s constructive. I don’t just call them names & say they’re greedy or this should be free. I can guarantee you there’s no one out there that spends more in clams on this game than Bunny and I do. That’s money from our own pockets to rush this game for you guys. Personally, if I didn’t have to get them to find out what happens for this site I wouldn’t have purchased those 3 animals. NOTHING ticks me off more than stuff like that. BUT I don’t complain about it. It’s TinyCo’s right to put it in their game..and it would be my right not to purchase it.


      • Wow. If every app was totally free, there would be very few apps available. Developers, for the most part, create apps to make money. If people didn’t get paid for their work, they would do it. Oh, and if our cell phone plans covered the costs of every app, I would predict $500/month cell phone bills.


    • I don’t think it should be free, but why would I want to waste real money on a game to buy clams… I would rather spend my hard earned money on that TV than a game… The prices are just too high and clams aren’t easy to get, unless you waste money on them. Which I understand is how they make their money but geez, 150 clams for a dog that doesn’t actually do anything? I’d spend like 50 maybe..


  11. When real life and the things we really care about intersect with our games it gets hard. I left this game when a character image was too hard for me to see. I actually had to delete the game. Not to spoil y’all’s fun. Carry on and I hope bunny will let this through.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No worries. Was just about to respond. This is why we warn people this is NOT a game for everyone. Anyone watching the TV Series knows it offends every single person, item, religion, location, on n on n on n on. It is the nature of the TV series. It forces people to take things with a grain of salt and to learn to laugh at those things that make us all VERY uncomfortable. Including ourselves. Many are just not ready for that.

      He is a character that has been at Herbert’s side since the series started years and years ago. All over in the TV series. It is an ongoing joke that they are both “of age” and so their “disabilities” are similar in the natural aging that happens in life. So if you never saw the show before… a LOT in this can shock the heck out of yah. It is NOT a TinyCo thing… it is an actual Character from the Family Guy TV Show. (This not being anywhere near what we have seen in the game or heard/saw in the series as far as offensive goes.) It is not for “faint of heart/mind” for sure.

      If it is not for you, no apologies needed. It is NOT for everyone. Not at all. So if you are not used to that kind of genre of cartoon… it may hit home more than you think. You are always welcome here regardless. So feel free to hop back and chat at anytime. 🙂


  12. I don’t c y a lot of ppl are getting mad at the price think about it it’s like getting patches n everything else for free I couldn’t pass this up really enjoying these guys for a gud while


    • Because unless you have a ton of Facebook “friends” that your visiting (I refuse to make an account) then you’re basically stuck paying $9, for the whole lot. While that is still a much better deal than previously, its still a bit much for virtual goods that you’re never going to use again. Last year when they did this, the animals were just decorations and did nothing more than take up valuable real estate.


  13. Wait! Wait!?! Does the Trex EAT the chickens!?! If he does I need it.


  14. So all this talk about “will you want this in 2 months” has really been helping me lately. It helped me not buy clams to get New Years Brian and its helping me right now not to buy the animals. While I did buy the 3 animals from the previous weekend event, I decided not to do this one (other than the chicken) because I dont think I would acknowledge them that much.

    Alien, on the other hand, I don’t regret one bit. I enjoy him and he is my favorite character. I wish I could say the same for Gene Simmonds, but I think I should have saved my clams on him.

    Sorry if this is long and repetitive, but I had been thinking about it and just wanted to state my opinion on clam purchases and stuff like that.

    Thanks for all the advice and walkthroughs. I can constantly rely on you guys for up to date information!


  15. The Facebook post said as long as the egg stand was placed you could still collect items for Jillian. I only needed one more collar for her. I spent days trying to get that last collar and it wouldn’t give me one. Now it’s all gone. Why does the Facebook post lie?


    • That’s not a lie. Facebook as well as here pointed out if you have it placed you can earn Jillian. JUST Jillian. The necklaces you’re speaking of are for a completely different costume. NEW Year’s Jillian. That has NOTHING to do with the Egg Booth. It’s a completely separate costume you earned items for in Al’s. Sorry.

      End Of New Year’s Event !!UPDATED!!!


  16. You got me to, I just spent 50 of the 76 clams I had, and I want jesse wth tinyco. So much stuff going on this is cool. I am glad to see trica and the doctor involved, but a little disappointed that the American dad crew have nothing. Good job, I’ll check in tomorrow.


  17. Is patches going to be a premium character? or just a decoration?


    • Like in the post… he runs round with the rest of them. An NPC as we call them. (Non Playable Character). Just something wandering round. No interaction other than you can tap on them and store them if you want. 😉


      • Rogue That You Made Me

        Like I said below, I hope they write interactive code for Jesse. I can’t prove it, but two or three days before the new launch I was thinking he’d be a fun character.

        Any news down the line for Donna, Jr., Roberta, and Rallo?


  18. Rogue That You Made Me

    I hope that for 150 clams they make Jesse a playable character. I dislike Brian’s personality type and Vinny has very few outside actions. Come to think of it, most toons do most of their tasks inside.

    Fun fact: I have to keep correcting my autotype. Clams becomes class and toons becomes tools.


  19. How cool would it be if Stewie’s fire truck chased after the flaming chicken?


  20. Umm, Jesse has 3 legs…

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Very lame. Way to one up EA, TinyCo.


    • I was thinking the same thing myself. (About EA)

      TinyCo finally responded to my yeti glitch report…but asked if I was still experiencing the problem. Given the event was over for awhile, of course not. Heck, I doubt that they even read my message.


  22. Saw this pop up and it reminded me of that giraffe one similar to it. Three animals and a fourth free. Tinyco sure does like to repeat themselves. I managed to stay away and not buy that original one but I could not pass up on Jesse and since he was the most expensive by a long shot I went and got the rest for the the T-Rex. I like them. Have the mall Santa snowman reindeers mutant elf and firetruck in storage but I have Meg’s car and peters tank roaming. I’ll end up keeping Jesse and turtle out but that annoying chicken is getting stored pretty soon…


  23. Bunny, I love your cool headed comments. I swear i wish I had your patience.


  24. I love my flaming chicken. I’m going to pass on the others though.


  25. I’m gonna pass on this one. If Jesse was cheaper I would probably buy them all…. but he’s a bit too expensive for a decoration for me as a freemium player (who is super close to getting Cleavland).
    Guess I’ll be plugging away at District 10 and wait for another event….and hopefully another shot at Jesus for Easter?


  26. I would be tempted if Jesse wasn’t so expensive. I actually keep Herbert stored in inventory, and I think I’d keep Jesse there, too. The T-Rex seems cool, so I could think about it as paying 200 clams for him, and getting the chicken and turtle for free. Hmm…


  27. Wow and here I just wasted almost all my clams (only got 42). So should I buy them or hold on to them for other stuff that will come later.


    • That is completely up to you. Are these items you would STILL want in your game months from now? Or would you rather hold off to see what TinyCo has up their sleeves for the future events? When playing Freemium and earn only Clams… really think about your purchases. What makes YOU happy to get. If it isn’t worth it, then hold off for another item. 🙂

      Guest Post – What’s Going On At TinyCo?


  28. I have them stuck as quests now. Since I’m not going to buy them can I get them taken away from my quest board?


  29. Who has oodles of clams sitting around to purchase all this stuff. I have been trying to save up after the Xmas event ended. I even skipped getting tux Brian. I only have 124 clams.

    These should have been a side quest to earn through tasks.

    I get that these are all optional, however I want Jesse, so how am I supposed to get him?


    • I know it may seem frustrating if you don’t want to spend. It is all about the style of player you are. Many do not mind spending money on a game instead of dinner and a movie out (which can get spendy). It is all on how YOU desire to spend money on entertainment. Nothing more.

      Like I said. If you are interested in these items and have an idea of how Freemiums may be able to earn them without upsetting those that ARE willing to pay and already bought them, let them know. Seriously. They really do look at the feedback sent in to them. Make some cool suggestions to them. Give them your thoughts and feedback on the Animals. You never know what may come of it. 😉


      • I do want them! I can’t afford them. There is a difference.

        I have contacted them about premium items in the past. They do not listen or respond.


        • I get that I do. It is the nature of this App game as well as many others. There will always be some “tastey morsel” taunting you. It is and always will be up to you on whether you choose to invest in a game. It is kind of like an “extra” for those willing to pay into and support the games. Sorry.


          • So I guess poor people like me lose out. Sucks to be in that 44%.


            • Don’t let it get you down. Keep playing. In the freemium game I have, I am up to around… 600+ ? Free Clams from just playing the game. There are many ways to get them. Events, Neighbors, etc. Always ways to join in on the fun at least. Maybe not all… but at least chances all over.


              • I don’t have clam drop rates that high. I don’t even have very many premium items.


                • Doesn’t matter what premiums or if you have none at all. It was all from just playing. Visit neighbors for daily free clam chance. Complete quest lines that paid free clams. Bombed minions, tapped Nerds, bombed trick or treaters…all chance at free clams. It goes on n on. Many opportunities arise for free clams. Not thousands, but still a decent amount for just playing.


      • If you are playing a game on your phone or tablet then I would assume that a high percentage of players have a Playstation or X-Box in their household. I have a PS3 and find that the $60 to $100 I spend on a game doesn’t come close to the value of buying clams. Most console games I buy lose there playbility after a fortnight where I have been playing Family Guy for well over 12 months now on a daily+ basis.


        • I agree. I buy games, play them, beat them, and grow bored of them. This game has amused me for a while now. I don’t mind paying for the entertainment. It doesn’t mean it’s perfect, but still… overall I have been quite happy with my experience in the game. Most the Clams I spend are due to needed info for this site, otherwise… my cost would be minimal and on items I wanted in the game.


  30. Well I understand that Tinyco needs to make money, but I dont live in the hamptons so I kinda have to limit what I buy, sucks cause I would love to get the characters. Any idea when they are going to unlock another strip of land not including district 10? Kinda running out of places to put things.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is OK to hold off on a Clam purchase. Honestly. Save your Clams for something else that fits your style of game play. 😉

      As for land… they stagger the release for stability of the game. I do not know when more will come. Sorry.


  31. This is bull shiz! Ive spent money on this game and never complained about it but this isnt even a quest for stuff! and after having to buy brians new years outfit im starting to feel tiny are getting a bit greedy. May not of been to bad if it wasnt 200 clams to buy all 3.

    Feels lazy and greedy 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is actually quite similar to all the other weekend events that have hit the game since its launch. I am actually glad the Flaming Chickens are so cheap. They are actually my favorite item out of them all.

      There will always be a mix. Freemium and Premium. If it is not for you, that’s fine… pass on it… save your Clams. Just because it is offered does not mean you HAVE to buy it. But they will still always have options there for both style players. Someone has to find a way to keep bringing all this cool content to the game.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The mix is starting to be premium heavy now. It’s not that people are optioning out of buying things they don’t need or want. People actually WANT some of these items and can’t afford them. How is that remotely fair to players who can’t afford to drop $10 or so with each event.


        • I know it may seem that way… but it is not. We have a bit of a different perspective on our end as we see it all unfold since the game launch. We are actually seeing overall MORE Freemium items offered than the amount of Premiums. I just think people notice more when money is involved. Which is normal.

          Just keep in mind that there will be items released… previous, now, and in future for Clams… so as a Freemium you won’t get it all… but darn near it. 🙂


          • I have to agree with Bunny (I promise I’m not sucking up) about it becoming more freemium. When the game first started almost every building that would drop items was premium. They’ve done a pretty good job recently with making more things accessible to freemium players. For a while at the beginning I felt like I was spending at least $40 a month. Now it’s maybe $20 a month (more than likely not even that), and that’s only because I get every character and costume that comes out.


            • Just please… do NOT feel you have to spend spend spend. You don’t. Really keep an eye on your game. ONLY get what you will still want later. Don’t grab things due to you feel rushed or HAVE to. Be wise with the Clams spent. In the end… the balance is what brings YOU joy. It is a game after all… you should enjoy it and have fun. 😉


              • Don’t worry, I don’t feel pressured! I just am a bit of a completionist in games. I’m sure at some point I won’t be able to get every character or costume (I rarely buy clam buildings) but for now I get plenty of fun out of my mini-Quahog 🙂


          • I have no qualms spending money in this game.
            ive bought most premium content since I started playing

            My issue with these weekend events is that you HAVE to spend clams in a SMALL time frame for some of these things.

            What if I dont have the money until next weekend?
            Monthly events are fine. But weekend clam spending quests are… ehhh


            • It is just luck of the draw. The same could be said about ANYTHING in life. Weekend only shoe sale. Weekend only car sale. On n on n on… they can’t cater to everyone. They can’t please everyone. That would be impossible. No one can. So, they do what they can…they really can’t be faulted due to an Event falls on a non paycheck week, can they? Another player could say exactly the same next week. “Not my paycheck week”. I know it comes down to more of a “I want it and can’t have it” feeling.

              All I can say is maybe change your way of thinking when it comes to this game. Or at least look at it through a different perspective. Most app games now there will ALWAYS be surprises. ALWAYS be the unexpected. It is what makes a game really cool, those surprises. Those Challenges. So prepare for them… if you are getting low… stock back up. If you don’t like something, don’t buy it and save your Clams for something else later. If you can’t get it… then make a request they offer it again later. But there you run the risk of players that rushed to get it Limited and now it’s back. So it is a tricky balance. Again, can’t please them all. 🙂

              The cool thing about THIS game… they do pay attention to feedback. So feel free to share with them. your suggestions. 😉


              • No it isnt really similar to a shoe sale or such. As even when those shoes are no longer on sale, the6 are at least still FOR sale. These items are temporarily limited to a few days. If you dont have the money in that timeframe, tough.

                The monthly events are fine, and say, the weekend event with Intimate Peter is fine (didnt HAVE to spend clams).
                But very limited items like this shouldnt cost money. At least make it a month


                • I disagree completely as I watch how sales works in the real world. But that is my opinion. No matter what they do, there seems to always be a complaint… so again… can’t please everyone. They as well, as any other company worldwide, have the right to offer exclusive short sales.

                  Let me put it this way, if you have ever graced the halls of Comic Cons … you will see that exclusive limited time items are something everyone does. It makes those items that much more special. So for those willing to invest, they truly get an exclusive item and rightfully so.

                  My thoughts anyway. 😉


                  • Of course they have the right. And limited time items make a lot of sense from a business perspective as people are less likely to spend money on items that are ALWAYS available.
                    Im not personally complaining.

                    I can just see it as an issue to limit these special items to such a limited timeframe. A timeframe that can be completely unrealistic to some people.
                    Again your example falls flat. People are aware of Comic Con LONG before it rolls around. People can schedule. People can save money for these limited items they expect to be there.

                    When tinyco all of a sudden releases very briefly limited items for sale with zero warning at all, it can catch people off guard. It can alienate people from the game. I dislike people whining about premium content. Tinyco needs their money.

                    But these pricey weekend events are overkill.


  32. UGHHHH!!…,,, i think this is the 2nd animal kinda mini-event that i’m gonna have to pass up. last 1 was the coked-up giraffe extravaganza ha. because i never have the clams to buy any of em! lololol ehhh oh well!
    i think TinyCo. is doing an AMAZING job with these new events and new district anyways so i’m impressed as always! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Should have been free if all characters and quests completed. As a bonus. Paying for decor isn’t for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. This mini event might have been better had all the animals not come at a premium price. In my opinion, it’s too much for a NPC. Think I’m gonna focus on District 10.


    • No worries. There will always be a mix of options released in the game. For Freemiums and Premiums. If it’s not for you, that’s just fine. No worries at all. Save your hard earned Clams for the things that you DO want in your game and pass on those that won’t make YOU happy. It is always best to view an item as what will make YOU happy to have months from now. 😉


  35. omg I got freakin dinosaur running around!!! I’m thinking about getting another or maybe not lol maybe a bunch of flamin chicken lol! this is by far the craziest best thing tiny co has done I wish they would go back and make all those really cool character decorations walking npcs as well come on tiny co yall can do it!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Would’ve been way cooler if the animals could be earned by completing a quest as well, rather than just another clam purchase for “characters” that do absolutely nothing 🙂
    At least they are keeping the content flowing I guess…


  37. I usually only spend clams on characters but moving animals are almost as good so i would’ve bought jesse for a reasonable price, not 150 though. If there is going to be a joined task with herbert added i will probably make the purchase.


  38. The same feeling again.200 clams for decor?they may be wondering around,animated and all but still,200?my freemium tooshie(if I may say that here) feels the unfairness.too bad.I wanted Patches :/

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Holy Buckles, l think I just Snarted !!@


  40. Nice; Sheldon the turtle. I’ve only been playing since September so I’m not sure if getting all the pets are worth the clams versus other types of these episodes.

    Obviously it all comes down to personal preference but I’m not sure how the prices stack up against other events. Thanks for the feedback


    • I have around 800 clams and to much crud as it is so more npc just gets skipped by me.

      They need to do map loads or something. Inventory amounts are adding up to the point you think do I really want to bother or not with yet another thing.


  41. It would be great if tinyco will treat this as an Early Bird thing since you have to buy these animals with clams now if, in a day or two, they will let you do side quests to get them instead. The penalty being that you have less time to complete the main quest.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Holy Buckets, I think l just Snarted !


  43. This is so cool! I wanted Sheldon in after hat episode came out again, then I thought how would they do it, but TinyCo did it! I bought all of them right away. Thanks to Jesus actually dropping clams now I have a total of 2 after buying them!

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Just my opinion: I don’t plan on spending clams on animals that just run around my town and serve no other purpose or benefit. I’ve already got NPC decos running around (all the ones from Christmas) and they mostly just like to annoy me. 😉 Cool mini-event concept, though!


  45. Jesse!! Yea i need that!!


  46. runs like a welshman

    Another way to rip us off more like!! Surely they’ve rinsed us out of enough cash by now. It’s seems like every other day there is a new way of trying to get us to part with more money. well this is the final straw for me, spending clams on characters that don’t even do anything is a joke. They don’t even make use of half of the older characters we paid for like the horse for example.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Remember, this game caters to BOTH Freemium and Premiums. Just because a Clam item is there does NOT mean you have to buy it. But it does not mean they will ONLY cater to Freemiums. I for one LOVE the Flaming Chickens. I don’t mind the 10 Clams each on them. Pretty cheap when compared to many Clam items throughout the game history. 🙂


      • But if a freemium player wants an option to earn these items then what are they supposed to do?

        Liked by 1 person

        • See if they are offered in a different setting down the road. There will always be a mix. If it’s not for you, that is OK. In order for them to keep giving us content and keep the game going, they HAVE to put out Premium. Not everything is for everyone. It is impossible to please everyone. So they offer a variety. If it is not for you, that’s just fine. Take a pass on it. Nothing wrong in passing on an item and saving your Clams for something that you do want.

          All I can say is make suggestions to them. Let them know you are interested in them and how YOU feel they can offer them to Freemiums in an alternate way. 🙂


        • If only freemium players played, there would be NO game to play! No one works for free. How else would the company make money? The players that buy clams are what keeps this game going, of course we should have good things to buy for our games! I just feel like there is too much complaining about things that cost clams. Tinyco does an AMAZING job with new events, content, and listening to players. No other company does that.

          Liked by 1 person

      • runs like a welshman

        bunny i know you wont say a bad word about this game or tiny co but,They surely must have made enough profit from this game now to look after the players who have supported them since day one and give us alternate ways to unlock stuff apart from clams. They have over 20 million downloads of this game, they have made a ridiculous amount of money from us.yet they still push out over priced content on a weekly basic. that is just pure greed.enough is enough

        Liked by 1 person

        • We both have our things to say about the game and TinyCo, however we do it in a constructive way. Saying they’re greedy isn’t constructive.

          Yes, they push a TON of clam items. And yes, it’s really annoying. BUT the beauty is you don’t have to buy them. There are plenty of items in the game that are free, and TinyCo does a good job at offering a lot of free items. But in this sense, if you want these guys you’ve got to pay for them. It’s that simple. They offer no advantage to progressing in the game, they’ll only give you more decorations for your town…which for many will end up in storage shortly after.


    • I’m sorry, but I can’t understand how you are being “ripped off.” You don’t need to buy these thing (I’m not buying them). I just get the feeling that some players think that ANY cost is too high. The bottom line is that TinyCo is a business–heaven forbid they make any money.

      Liked by 1 person

    • It is indeed true that there is content for both freemium AND premium players, and of course this is a business and not a charity, but more and more it seems like the content is favoring the premium players. If you’re a freemium player, you are missing out on a lot more “stuff” as of late. But maybe I’m imagining things.


      • runs like a welshman

        The price goes up yet the standard of content is starting to scrape the barrel

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m pseudo-prem player. I sometimes pay, but for the most part, just play. There are so many quests in the past that have literally paid back the money I have spent, thus doubling my spending capability. I am sitting with 600+ clams I earned over the course of the Christmas event and I was down to 150 clams. Completing collections, several of the quests, gifts FROM Tinyco. It all adds up. Plus, in two weeks you can generate 10 clams from visiting Ollie. Over the course of a year that translates to 260 clams. Enough to get Jake Tucker, the horse, Family Jewels and a few decos. If you have Jesus, you have almost double the potential. They do give ‘a rip’ about freemium players because they have friends and those friends might pay. Don’t kid yourself, they know their bottom line.


  47. Frankly, it seems like an exercise to get people to spend clams. I’ve got 4 new quests and to start them you have to buy characters, and the only way to get the T-Rex is to spend 200 clams to buy the other three. Think I’ll save my clams for District 10 stuff.

    Liked by 2 people

    • These are ONLY an option. You do not have to buy them.

      Liked by 1 person

    • In fact, your spot on–they are trying to get people to spend clams. Given that TinyCo is a for profit business, though, they can hardly be faulted for trying to make some money. Of course, they aren’t requiring anyone to spend anything. If the was a lack of content that didn’t cost clams, I would understand people being upset. But that isn’t the case.

      Liked by 1 person

  48. So the animals cost a total of 200 clams and do nothing?

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Awesome!
    Gimme gimme gimme, I need, I need, I need, I need.


    • 10 imaginary points to those who can answer what movie that “Gimme, I need” quote comes from.


      • What about Bob? of course :). What can I redeem my imaginary points for?


        • Winner winner! What ever your imagination can come up with, but only 10 points worth.

          Ooh, I got it, 10 imaginary points worth of therapy from Dr. Leo Marvin. Not being hassled because you are “local”.
          Plus this joke:
          Roses are red
          violets are blue
          I’m a schizophrenic
          And so am I


    • Haha! Great What About Bob reference!

      I need to watch that movie this weekend.

      I’m sailing!!!
      Baby step to 4 o’clock
      I feel good… I feel great… I feel wonderful
      What if I’m looking for a bathroom and my bladder explodes?

      Roses are red
      violets are blue
      I’m a schizophrenic
      And so am I

      So many great quotes lol


  50. Not a single freemium one. I’ll pass.


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