Epic Animal Weekend Walkthroughs

Hello There Clammers!

Epic Animal Weekend is upon us!  For 200 clams you can get a Flaming Chicken, Sheldon the Turtle, Jesse the dog & Patches the TRex.  (of course you can just buy 1 or 2 of them for less…but you won’t get Patches)  Now each animal comes with their own mini questline.  Each one is only 2 parts (and the first part involves buying the animal) and fairly simple to complete.  So instead of doing our usual quick walkthroughs, we thought now would be a good time to test an idea Bunny and I have been floating around for a while…FULL DIALOGUE WALKTHROUGHS!  

This is something many you have been requesting for quite some time, but due to the nature of some of the language in the dialogue we resisted retyping each walkthrough with the dialogue (for fear we’d get slapped with an MA rating…).  However, we think we may have found a workaround for it….dialogue screenshots!

Below the fold you’ll find the actual in game dialogue for each animal you buy in the form of a slideshow.  This way those of you who want to see the dialogue (or missed part of it) can still see it…and we won’t have to worry about getting slapped with that MA rating.

Remember this is still in the testing stages (we still may try different formats).  So let us know what you think in the comments below.  If you guys like this we’ll try to start doing it more (especially for premium characters)….

Oh and for those who don’t want to know the details, but just want to know who to keep free.  All 3 animals have 1hr tasks associated with them (for a character, not the animal)…
For the Flaming Chicken keep Peter free
For Sheldon the Turtle keep Brian free
For Jesse the Dog keep Chris free

WARNING…Dialogue Spoilers Below…

Flaming Chicken…

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Sheldon the Turtle 

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This slideshow requires JavaScript.


This slideshow requires JavaScript.

And that’s all of the dialogue for the Epic Animal Weekend!

What do you think of the animals?  Did you purchase any?  Thoughts on their questlines?  Thoughts on this way of showing the dialogue?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

81 responses to “Epic Animal Weekend Walkthroughs

  1. *sigh* wasted 40 clams because Sheldon’s cute, not realize he was just a walking deco.


  2. I told myself I wasnt going to buy them. I held out for a couple of days; of course I bought them all. I love having a flaming chicken and a giant T-Rex roaming my tow!


  3. How big is patches the dinosaur ?


  4. What’s up with the T-Rex showing up on my game when I start it? Is it serving the same purpose as Carl where we can watch videos for clams?


  5. I now, but did not buy, have two dinos. One is a bit larger and just sits in front of the Griffin house kind of waving while the other is normal. I am sure it is a glitch, but a cool one!


  6. Just had a weird thing happen that I’m not sure is suppose to happen. The T-rex showed up in my town (didn’t buy him), then I clicked on him and got the dialog that Carl had back during the American Dad event, saying there were no more videos to view…Then it disappeared.


  7. Just got four free clams from Patches and Carl!


  8. Ok something weird happened a moment ago I started the game up and had the Patches was in my town even though I didn’ t buy him when I clicked on him it said no new videos available and something about 1 clam. Anyway after that he disappeared, is this something new.


  9. I can’t even read anything they’re saying in this slide show 😦


  10. I brought all 3 of them and got the dinosaur free.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi-5 Your Uncle!

    This is the idea I’ve been asking Tinyco several times to do for months! Awesome! I just wish I didn’t suddenly have cataracts when I try to read it…LoL j/k! Might have to try on my computer instead of my phablet unless Family Guy Addicts gets some laser eye surgery done on these 🙂


  12. Yea bunny I have an iPhone 6plus the big one and I cant read the text on that or my iPad. I tired it no luck. I even tried zooming in and some different things with the landscape mode and the magnifying glass… No luck….


  13. Works great on my windows XP. but like others, can’t read it on my iOS 8 iPhone 5S.


  14. Hey, as always thanks for the great info! I’m not planning on buying any of the pets. Seems like a better idea to save my clams for a time when I’ll really need them to unlock characters or quest content. I didn’t buy any of the new years day stuff either. Only speding clams on charaters that have actions, not skins or decor.


  15. Hey Bunny & Alissa😄
    Blurry on my iPhone 4s also.
    I have screen shots if you would like to see them. Just tell me where to send them.
    Also I’ve noticed that once again the text in some of the reply boxes when people post questions are get progressive skinnier until the text is one line straight down, and then it pops back to being fine. What causes this?


    • We have screen shots. Just testing them out. Thanks though. And you’re on the mobile version, so the comments that continue to stack down can’t move to the right like on desktop version. So they squish on your screen. Try switching to the desktop version in your mobile and see if that helps.


      • Or rotate the phone to landscape helps.


      • I don’t think the issue is related to the website being rendered in mobile view, but it is rather an issue of the images are not retina display optimised images. Try putting the full resolution images on the blog and see if this helps.

        On a side note, I have the screenshots of the entire Christmas and NY event. If you are interested in these, let me know. I decided to take a screenshot of every dialogue and announcement message on the game as in some events, there are too many things happening at the same time and because of this, I end up forgetting the previous dialogue after a task gets completed.


        • I think you are misreading my comment. They are referring to reading the comments as they scroll through… NOT the images in this post. Comments are side stepped as more answer/reply to the same comment… unfortunately for mobile it can’t side step and instead limits the words. Smashing them so they become one smashed line of letters going down. It makes it really difficult to read comments.


  16. Great idea… but FYI the text is unreadable viewing on an iPhone6. Zooming into the slideshow from the browser doesn’t make the image any clearer.


  17. Why does family guy always close when on friends?!


  18. Yipee! Full dialogue walkthroughs! You DO listen!

    Might I suggest having the slideshows not start on autoplay? That makes it a little more difficult to read. I finish the first and the second is showing the middle.

    But great workaround with the pictures! Nice job.


  19. On my kindle fire, the words are clear. Pics work great. Great walkthrough. It worked great on my end!


  20. I really like all these pets, I just wish they’d thought of this with some of the other animals like the coked-up giraffe and the Porcupine with his pineapple as well as the statue-esque Diabeto


    • Same here. I’d actually like to see them retroactively make them roaming NPCs, along with all the vehicles we already have. I mean, who doesn’t want their vehicles to actually drive on the roads??


  21. I love it, thank you! I love the questlines but don’t care about NPCs – was toying with whether or not to spend my clams on these animals just to see the quests. Now I don’t need to! Thanks!


  22. I love the chicken, Sheldon and Patches, but I could have done without Jessie.

    I really wish that Sheldon and Patches were characters with actions (a la Braindead Horse), not just NPCs. As for the chicken, I LOVE his action when you tap on him.

    For the cost, it would have been nice if Jessie had some kind of action he could do with Herbert. Walk/drag the dog? Flea bath? Eat soft food together? Heh.


  23. as other have mentioned, you might need to make the images bigger. i’m using a PC with a 24inch monitor and i have to lean in close to properly read the balloons and i’m already less than a foot away normally. i personally dont like to have that stuff spoiled so in the end its not as much an issue for me but was curious so thought i’d try and be helpful for those others who might say “you need a bigger monitor”. 😛


  24. The pets are overpriced. But such is the business model for “freemium” gaming.
    It’s a shame really, I’d like to have them running around for the emotional satisfaction, but I have things to buy in real life, like milk and donuts


  25. I love the slideshow. It’s a smidge blurry but Im able to read it on my iPad w/out issue. Thanks for trying something new for us!


  26. I think u do a wonderful job of giving out info.


  27. First I would like to say the flaming chicken is awesome and makes me laugh.

    For this new walkthrough format, personally I don’t like it. I find the photos too small and fuzzy a bit, I can’t read them.

    One thing I would like to see is pictures of the animals in Quahog, what do they look like and how big they are interests me more than their questlines because these are just decos.


  28. Could you ladies suggest to Tinyco that a way to keep these wanderers in certain areas would be a great feature? Id love to keep Jessie “home” around Herbert’s house.


  29. Looking at this page on a PC and not the easiest to read I’m afraid. I can just about read them but I’m not sure it works. I do like the idea though but as you say, maybe a bit of tweaking needed.

    In terms of the animals the animals themselves, I have a flaming chicken running around the town but that will do for me. Will save my clams.


  30. Is it just me, or Jesse had 3 hind legs!?


  31. I really wish they would program jesse to follow herbert around. He could sit outside while hes on an indoor task. Sheldo is not very cool. I actually havent been able to find him since I first bought him because hes so small. I love the chicken though its the best one.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Jennifer stevens

    That’s a great idea love it guys. On a sidenote I don’t like that they are taking up my quest space. I have a bunch of tabs I’m never going to click on.


  33. Nice work around ladies. TY. Would love to get the animals but can’t afford to buy more clams right now. Wish there was a way to earn them. If I felt they would be valuable in the future for quests/drop items etc., it would make them more tempting.


  34. To small to read. N overpriced in my opinion but atleast these r animals in the show n not just a giraffe n crap like last time. I love Sheldon but he’s so small. N Jesse rocks. Wish they were characters like the brain dead horse. Even if they had only one quest like they did in tapped out w the lizard or watever lol. Prolly get many more buys n not ppl see then as “useless n overpriced” although there a lot better then just a decoration roaming the town in my opinion. I also beleive the “roamers” should have a group n get clams for collecting them all. Also help w sales. But just my opinions 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  35. I caved in and bought them all. I REALLY wanted that Dino! Luckily I bought an iTunes card yesterday so I splurged and bought the $4.99 pack of clams (I had enough clams for the rest). I may regret this in the future lol. I think Jesse the dog should’ve been cheaper! 150 clams!!!! Whaaatttt!! That’s more than $5 for a dog that just drags himself around my town (I must be crazy for going through with it). I think I may already be regretting my purchase 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  36. I remember getting suckered into those zoo animals, thinking it was gonna be a big fun quest. Nope. You buy them, and they just sit there as decorations. I remember participating in the Bitch Stewie/Brian quest, but they’re annoying and pointless and they’re sitting in my inventory because I just don’t want them around now. Not again, TinyCo. Not again.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. I think this is a great idea although I could not read any of the dialogue in the slide shows as they were too blurry. Thanks for putting this up!

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Jessie was the kicker for me – totally needed him. And since he was the expensive one i said screw it and got the rest. I am now the proud owner of a great big dinosaur 😀

    Liked by 2 people

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