Star Trek Is LIVE & Tiny Matt Is Here For Q&A!

Thanks to all our Amazing Readers that joined the Q&A. I love the Community involvement.

Thanks so very much to Matt @ TinyCo too for taking the time out of his very busy schedule to spend some time personally with our Amazing Readers. 

Matt has to go now and breed some more Tribbles to keep tossing into your games, but feel free to continue the discussion below and post anymore thoughts you have on the Event. 🙂

Android users: Download the 1.7.3 update from the Google Play store for bug fixes!

Hey there Trekkies!

Star Trek Teaser pic

Are you boldly going out of your mind yet? So much going on in the game, so many cool things, cool Characters, you just do not know where to look? Want a lil more help? You already know that we Addicts LOVE to help you out, but you know who else loves to as well? TinyCo!

Matt from TinyCo has graciously offered to moderate your comments on their AMAZING Star Trek Event. He will be bouncing in n out of the comments section of this post offering answers to your questions. So feel free to get your Vulcan mind meld going with him and ask away. Please keep the focus to the Event and keep with our Guidelines. 

Ready? ENGAGE!

414 responses to “Star Trek Is LIVE & Tiny Matt Is Here For Q&A!

  1. How far in advance are you guys planning stuff?

    Do you know what the next event will be (planning stages of course, not asking for you to reveal it)? The next two events? The next district? The next two districts?

    How do you decide how long the events will be? (Personally I LOVE the longer events. It seems like it gives you guys more development time to craft future content as well as giving us time to get everything we want!)


    • We started working on Star Trek in January, and we had it signed well before that.

      In fact, if you look through all of my Family Guy Addicts comments and blog posts since January, you’ll find a fair number of hints hidden in them 😉


    • The length of the event depends on:

      1) How much content a theme can feasibly provide. (Star Trek is packed with inspiration and ideas; “Adventure”, a bit less so.)
      2) How long players enjoy a theme before it grows stale. (Many felt that Comic Con lasted just a bit too long.)
      3) If there are themes that fit right after that. (Halloween -> Thanksgiving -> Christmas -> New Years -> Valentine’s all have clear calendar periods. That makes the end and start of the year already packed.)
      4) If we think we’ll revisit a theme again in the future. (Halloween comes around every year and is very popular, so we didn’t want to use EVERYTHING right off the bat.)


      • I want to stress point #4 some more – we plan on being around a long, long time. This means that sometimes, when you see an omission, it’s because we are keeping it in our pocket for some time down the line 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Addictsfanatic

    Are there any plans to add our favorite Addicts to the game? How awesome would it be to have Alissa & Bunny in Quahog?!


  3. The tribbles have stopped spawning in my town, haven’t had any for over 2 hours now, is this a glitch?


  4. Any plans to change the words on the splash screen? Something different than “play with headphones, it’s the best”


  5. how about music that’s suited to each event? kinda sick of the same old loop you play now, for that fact since the beginning.


  6. Why can’t more people do jobs to unlock the coustumes and why does it always cost clams to by the good items
    Thank you for listening


    • Our designers spend a long time determining how the economy for each event works. Adding more characters means changing the tuning across the entire event. That said, we hear the feedback that players want more characters to be helpful during events, especially if it makes sense flavor-wise.

      I contest the assertion that “all the good things cost clams.” Riker’s pretty awesome 🙂


  7. Are there currently any plans to sell items from your game? Like shirts, etc?


  8. Since we’re seeing Star Trek now, what’s the likely-hood we’ll see Star Wars?


  9. There are a lot of items that aren’t showing up on correct tiles, especially the animated ones. It’s really annoying and makes building a city harder because everything clips to something else.
    Thanks for listening your community.


  10. Will new phases be released on Thursdays?


  11. Will we be getting a Memorial plaque or something to put in our games for Nimoy… aka Spock?


    • We are looking at ways to respectfully tribute Mr. Nimoy. No announcements or promises yet, as these things take time, but it’s important to us.


  12. I have to assume we will be able to use George Takei and Patrick Stewart for certain tasks or to get new skins… Oh, and now that I think of it, Benedict Cumberbatch, too!
    What about other random characters we have gathered over time? Especially those purchased with clams. It would be great to be able to have them to help us, even if just to get drops here and there.
    Also, please let there bit some sort of tribute (that we can keep) of Leonard Nimoy? Perhaps him singing Ballad of Bilbo? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1) This is a popular request.

      2) We are looking at ways to respectfully tribute Mr. Nimoy. No announcements or promises yet, but it’s important to us.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Will we be seeing Janeway and Six of Nine?


  14. Is it definite that the Enterprise will not remain in our towns as a place to visit after the event ends?


  15. Just stopping on by to let you know I LOVE THIS GAME!!! Sorry for the screaming, just had to get it out. You have keep my interest since day one when I started in June. I was wondering if the Tribbles will spawn first in my town or if I go straight to my ship if they will spawn there? I have just waited for them to spawn in my town before going to the ship.




      They should spawn in your town. We are pushing a fix for this today.



  16. A Romulan costume! 🙂
    A Tribble deco (when clicked it multiplies)
    A Shuttlecraft deco
    More Starfleet XP from Premium buildings (Quark bar, 6 xp every 24h 😦 )
    Lieutenant Broccoli! (Reginald Barclay, I tought it was him in the “board the Enterprise” image next to Worf, instead it’s Kirk 😛 )


  17. I played since day 1 without problems but around halloween the game started to close randomly and crash a lot about 5 times before i get to finish tapping around my town i have reported it a few times and as i have read on here in comments and ratings on play store im not the only android user affected is anything being done to rectify this or will i leave my FGQFS uninstalled ?? Play on galaxy 4s with 32 gig on sd card


  18. Not a question. More of a request. Please fix the crashes. The game keeps crashing after I collect money or after a get a new quest or when I zoom out to see my whole town or when I try to go to the other town or just randomly. It is a frustrating feeling when there is so much to do and I can’t do it all if the game crashes every 3 minuets. Aside from that, thanks for all the awesome stuff!


    • Thank you so much for writing this. Please do send this to support from in-game – we are always gathering logs and crash reports to look for broader trends we can tackle.


  19. Loving the game. Just wondering if a facebook function and the Star Trek stuff will be coming to the Windows Phone Version any time soon? Cheers.


    • Answered below – the new content is not currently planned for Windows devices, as that is designed as a standalone game on a new OS for us. This may change in the future, but it’s not planned at this time.


  20. Chelsea Manley

    Back in the Egyptian event, when you visited neighbors, you got event money. Why haven’t you guys done that since then? It would encourage people to add more friends!!
    Also, is there any hope for allowing friends to borrow from my stock? Like at Christmas, I had extra snowflakes that my friend could have ‘bought’ from me to get Jesus. Or to help them get a character quicker they could borrow or buy some of my stock?


    • Damnit, I’m a community manager, not a game designer

      Liked by 1 person

      • (I really just wanted to find a place to say that.)

        For #1, my guess would be that there were other parts of the event that players played more 🙂

        The gifting option from Christmas was popular. If you’d like to see it back, the best way to help is to ask for it 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • Chelsea Manley

          It was just nice because it helped you get more event currency! Should I ask through the game then?
          Thanks for answering!!!! 🙂


  21. I haven’t been able to get on Since the event started. I just keep getting a Consuela error code message. Ugh!


  22. still no ship to repair in the event area!!!!!!


  23. Can you guys disable the character drag option? I’d like it to go away permanently personally but I know some people like it. At least a settings option possibly. If not permanently maybe just for the event. While scrolling for tribbles it can aggravating to accidently grab a character. Love the event so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    • To add an opposite viewpoint…I like the drag/drop feature because I can “set up” scenes with characters with this feature. Without it I’d have to wait and hope they walked by each other. I love setting up concerts with the KISS stage. 😀

      Liked by 4 people

      • Like I said, I know there are people that like it. Such as you Eddie. But I also know, from comments on previous posts on here, that a lot of people really don’t like it. That’s why I think we should have the option of turning it off in our Quahogs. Just a thought.


        • This exchange of comments perfectly sums up Ragdolling™ – the term we use for drag and drop. Some people love it. Some people hate it. I personally love how, back in the day, each character had a unique “oh crap I’m getting dragged around” animation, but we felt it best to refocus on unique in-game animations and on doing more new characters.

          From a design perspective, any time you get a split of people loving and hating something, you’ve got a cool thing. With the way people’s attention is drawn every which way in this day and age, having people pay attention to you is rare. Any change we make, we want to make sure we still have people who *love* the feature, rather than turn it into a feature that everyone likes but nobody loves.


          • Well… I personally LOVE the feature. So an On/Off switch I would vote for. 😉


            • An on/off switch would be perfect. Matt thanks for taking time to do this forum. It means a lot to me and I’m sure other players that y’all are so hands on and willing to communicate and listen to us. We know ultimately the final decisions come down to you guys but it’s nice to be able to have some input into this game we love.


            • As do I. And like you, Tiny Matt, I love the original characters “oh crap, what’s going on, I’m terrified!” hanging in the air animations. I think Buzz’s almost cannonball like pose is the best. Carters dropping cash is pretty great too.


          • I wondered why the newer characters didn’t have the fun/cool dangle reactions anymore… interesting.

            I like the feature too, so I would vote for optional on/off.


      • I totally agree. it would be near impossible to have the characters do some of the crazy fun things they can, without placing them in the area you need them to be. I love the feature.


  24. Here is one that I see these guys bringing up all the time…. What goes into getting the ability to voice a character? Is there a legal process involved? Is that why some are voiced where others are not?

    Can you elaborate on that at all? 😉


    • Yep! There are legal things and there are people things. We have people and they have people, and everyone’s people talks to one another. When getting the rights to use someone’s likeness, we try to get the rights to some original audio as well.

      So far, we’ve been amazed at how great everyone has been to work with. The Community team sometimes gets to listen to the audio before it goes in game. We laughed HARD at Benedict Cumberbatch 😀

      The writers will write out suggestions, and the actor/actress will sometimes ad lib. It’s glorious.


  25. Dear TinyCo / Matt,

    I really do enjoy this star trek event and I was wondering if George Takei would have his Sulu costume for his character.

    I do wish that characters from american dad may have a cameo for this event too as Roger can have a new ‘Klingon’ costume since he’s also an alien and Stan in an astronaut costume that appears in one episode where Roger tries to kill the smiths in space for critizing his behaviour.

    Thank you in advance if you read my comments. 🙂


    • Thank you for the kind words 🙂

      One of the reasons we were excited to do Star Trek was because it’s HUGE. So many shows and so many places have inspiration to draw from. That means we can’t get around to everything in 40 days… but it also means this is the biggest content update we’ve ever done.


  26. No Tribbles in Quahog!!!


  27. Hey,
    Any news for the unfortunate souls who have no starship to repair and are missing out on the Trekie fun?


  28. Why can’t I visit my neighbors without the game restarting? Its been going on since before christmas. Sent several tickets and never received a reply. Love this game though.


    • Visiting neighbors is one of the most memory-intensive actions in the game, which is why it can lead to crashes. You’re loading a lot of stuff you didn’t previously have cached on your device. It’s something we work on improving in each update.

      You can alleviate this by closing out other apps before running the game. It’s not a perfect workaround, but it helps.


  29. I know it’s OT but why no St. Patrick’s Day Event? Seems like it would have fit perfectly in Quahog! Thanks!


    • Well, we had this scifi-themed event coming up, and….

      We’ve also gotten feedback that players enjoy focus. Back in November, there was a week that we had American Dad AND Thanksgiving at the same time. Some players liked the hustle, but many expressed to us that they didn’t know which one to focus on. This matters when sending characters away on tasks, etc. It’s possible we could have done it the weekend prior to St Patrick’s, but we didn’t pursue that.

      There’s always next year 😉


  30. Will we be getting more ships like the Bird of Prey?


  31. I know this isn’t the proper place, but you’re here and I’ll just ask anyway.

    Back to the Future game content. Should I give up that dream? Or do we at least have a Dumb and Dumber, “one in a million”, “so you’re saying there’s a chance” chance?

    Liked by 1 person

    • There is always a chance.

      While some things regarding outside IP is beyond our control, the best way to have an impact is to ask for it. If we see excitement about something, it becomes very interesting to us.


      • Well I don’t know how much influence Seth Mcfarlane has with this game, but I do know he’s a big BTTF fan. 😄

        Personally, there’s no content I’d love to see more than BTTF. Whether it be a mini event or something as awesome as this ST event where we could “time travel” to other play areas. It is 2015 after all. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  32. Are we going to be able to keep the shuttle Riker crashed?


  33. How do you amazing people (you’re the most amazing Matt!) go about getting the “rights” for franchises such as this? And in the same regard, how do you guys go about getting the INSANSELY AWESOME voice talent that you guys get? How does that process work exactly?

    I always find it incredible how you guys are able to do that. It just wouldn’t be the same without the real actors/actresses doing the voices! Just incredible.


    • We’ve invested a LOT in an amazing team who’s primary job is interacting with folks outside of TinyCo. They’re crucial to what we do. They brainstorm things like “what if we put the Ghostbusters in the game?” Then they shop that to the team, and work with outside partners to sell the opportunity. We’ve also spent a great deal of time building those relationships.

      The other reason is Y’ALL. It’s because YOU have supported the game in a HUGE way. Like, we expected it to be big – but we had no idea the outpouring of love and excitement you would have. This meant that since launch, other companies have taken notice. It used to be our team arrived in a room with skeptical executives and a power point. Now, the industry has heard of TQFS and the avid community within, and they want to connect.

      We tell them about the feedback you provide, the real time connection, the amount people play the game, and we even mention this very blog. It’s a new, exciting thing, and a huge part of it is because of the excitement you show.

      So… thank you 🙂 we will keep working hard so long as it excites you.

      Liked by 5 people

  34. In future events, is it possible to see more “outside quahog play areas” similar to The Enterprise?

    In other words… Will we be seeing less “event districts” and more “play areas” (The Enterprise)?


  35. thanks matt and thanks again for a super update we all just need to bully the mouse to share star wars lol


  36. What’s going on with the Windows Version of the game? Why no Star Trek love there?


    • The Windows version does not currently have new content planned. We designed this version to be standalone, as well as playable offline, due to porting it to an entirely new OS. This brings challenges when it comes to content, but we’re looking into options for future updates.


  37. Hi Matt! What was your motivation behind doing a Star Trek Event? Why Star Trek and not something else?


    • The short answer is: we’re all huge nerds and we adore Star Trek. It made is incredibly excited to give Star Trek a huge, hilarious treatment. So much so that we basically built an all-new game within Family Guy: TQFS.

      There were other factors, of course. Star Trek has a huge following – tons of fans who we knew would love the game but hadn’t heard of TQFS yet. We knew there was a cross section of existing Family Guy fans who grew up on Star Trek, be it TOS or TNG.

      When looking at stuff like this, we examine:

      – The size of the fan base
      – Whether it makes sense in the Family Guy style and universe (having episodes and cutaways in the TV show certainly helps prove the case)
      – If the rights holder is interested

      This kind of size, familiarity and fervor meant we saw a huge opportunity, and CBS agreed.


  38. I play on an inexpensive (read: cheap) android tablet with a 32MB SD card that I pretty much bought solely for this game. The game is housed on the SD card and there is nothing else on the tablet other than the OS. With the release of the event, I am now getting an error message upon launch that my device doesn’t have enough memory. The game starts and I am able to play so far without incident. I assume they mean RAM as opposed to storage memory. I understand that there is a lot going on with the event, but is this going to be a trend for the future? Have your technical people looked into the various playing devices and what your cap is for RAM to be able to play the game? I haven’t sent an in-game message yet because I didn’t want it to get lost with all the immediate game stuff that people have issue with right now but I plan on sending screen shots and specs for my device to see if there is any advice.

    Anyone else experiencing similar issues?


    • Is there enough memory on your SD card? We’ve seen weird things happen on some devices when the game splits between an SD card and the built-in hard drive.


      • FG game is only thing on the device and the memory card. Haven’t used the device for anything except the game on purpose. Glad (but not glad) that someone else has a similar experience. At least I am not on an island on this one.


    • Yes!! My tablet has partitioned memory, certain amount of memory dedicated to certain things. And SD card is only for music, pictures, and video. So while I have A LOT of unused memory I can only have 2 or 3 games at a time. I had to uninstall TSTO yesterday to make room for the Star Trek update..


  39. For the Tribbles, they appear to only be spawning on The Enterprise now and not in Quahog is this normal?


  40. Will Patrick Stewart be a part of this event? I have him from comic con and it would be really fun to use him for this even too!


    • We’re getting a lot of requests for this. Stay tuned 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • *stewie voice* it would be ssssooooo annoying to have two Patrick Stewart’s man. Even if one is Picard and the other is Stewart.. Although the possibility of all that English accent is quite exciting!!
        *end Stewie voice*
        No it’s not lol. Only ooonnnnnee pretty please. 😊


  41. I’m having a lot of fun so far, but after the 200 tribble 10 clam quest i cleared out the rest of the tribbles and they haven’t popped back up yet in town or on the ship been about 3 hours now. I sent in a ticket but i don’t know if that’s an error in my game or if the spawn rate is supposed to change at that point. Also just a thought…Christopher Pike (from The Cage episode) costume for Joe.


  42. Hi Matt. I have completed a few tasks that earn Enterprise XP, but the meter has not moved in either location. I am 2 trimmers away from unlocking Riker and almost finished with “Where no griffin part 4”. Will the meter move later or have I lost those XPs? Thanks for a fun game. This event looks awesome. LLAP!


  43. Favorite Star Trek Character… 3..2..1..GO!


  44. I have Patrick Stewart, will he be getting any costumes? I also have George Takei so will there be anything for him to link in with? Many thanks and keep up the good work.


  45. Will Picard be an entirely new character or will it be a costume for Patrick Stewart?


    • Can’t give too much away yet. Some things I can share:

      – We approached this with the conceit that each Star Trek character is a unique being in the multiverse. We think a lot about whether it makes sense for something to be a skin. Like with Bitch Stewie – should that be a skin, or a separate character? We ended up with the latter because in the show’s fiction, it is a distinct being from the “real” Stewie.

      – While we do re-release characters important to a storyline, such as with Cleveland, we want the ST characters we release to be consistent. You’ll notice that there is no Jonathan Frakes character walking around. (Though now that I think about it, perhaps there should be.)


  46. hi matt no sign of my ten clams or 200 tribbles or tribbles in quahog though absolute fantastic update well done to you all i have done a ingame ticket first time ever


    • The team is on it 🙂 regarding the clams, please write in to TinyCo Support. The team is blasting away at tickets today.


  47. Is there any possible way you guys can let us keep The Enterprise?


    • There is not. We looked for ways to make it happen, but with the way it’s set up, it would create a significant increase in server load and save game size. We’re looking into ways we can have a static Enterprise hang around for players to visit, but this would not be *your* Enterprise, and we aren’t sure what that entails engineering-wise yet.

      That said, we wanted to make sure that you get to keep things you pay for, whether you bought it with time or money. Individual enterprise rooms you unlock will get beamed down to Quahog at event’s end.

      The characters you unlock are yours to keep, of course.


  48. On the load splash screen, Quagmires face looks especially, pervy. Was it intentional to make his “live long and prosper” hand gesture look more like “the shocker”? Or is that just my dirty mind? GIGGIDY!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hahaha. That in particular wasn’t intentional. Though making the LLAP sign is tricky with only three fingers.

      Our wonderful art team spent a great deal of time looking for the right face for Quagmire to use. The goal was to have a happy, identifiable Quagmire Vulcan, but not in a way that made it seem disrespectful to the original purveyor of LLAP.


  49. Do we even get to keep a Tribble?


  50. What are the odds of us seeing characters like Sulu and Scotty during the event?

    Liked by 1 person

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