Miracle on Spooner Street “Issues” Update

UPDATE 12/30/14: Per TinyCo…

We’ve just pushed a fix for iOS crashes on the loading screen, Please try logging in!


Hey there Hoppereenos!

Bouncing by with some more Q&A updates for you and the “issues” we are seeing players comment about.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch

Sit tight as I break them down…

First off, if you do not see tasks or are missing some… make sure you have room. This means clear out some from your task menu or nothing new will be able to pop up


There are a few things going on here. It could be your device is no longer compatible with the game, or something else. Either way, you will need to contact TinyCo for further help on this one. Through your game menu if you can get to it. Email help@tinyco.com if you can’t. Make sure you put “Event Ending Prematurely” in the notes.


Per TinyCo, as long as you have BOTH KISS Characters AND the KISS Stage… this tasks should kick off from Peter some point around “All About the Bass” Part 1 OR “Do You See What I See” Part 1. Beyond that, contact them from your game.

This is JUST the two doing their “Rock Out” tasks, so if you tapped on by real fast…you may have missed it completing.


Once you complete collection for a Characters items, the lil Padlock above them highlights and “bounces” so you can tap on it and “unlock” the Character. Many of you stated that you tried this with a Character (like Babs) and the game shut down or nothing happened. They are aware of it and we did report it just before the Holiday. The issue is still being looked into and we will update you when we hear more on its progress.


We again reported to TinyCo that players stated they’re missing items like the Yule Log. We again were sent back same info as before… All the players contacting them had the item sitting in their Inventory. So please, check there first and check VERY THOROUGHLY. Every single section and tab to make sure you do not miss it. The Yule Log is a small item. Many of these items you can scroll right on past. Also, make sure you are in the INVENTORY and not the Menu. You will know as the Menu items have prices on them. If you see $$$ or Clams costs…you are in the Menu.


It is supposed to do that. As with any of the Boxes past and present, they are set up for the purpose of Buildings, Costume, and Decorations. ANYTHING else is an extra (this means Materials and Clams). So…if you got all the main items (Buildings, Decorations, Costumes) the box will go as it served its purpose. Elf Peter Costume jumped right to my Peter Character, so make sure you check there for it. The rest usually go to Inventory, so check there.


This was a LITTLE two part. Get the costume. Build a snowman. Done. That’s it. You may have completely missed it if you tapped too fast and made him build one right away.


You can see the previous items answered HERE….

As for the rest, still NOTHING reported of anything more coming…so you can wait and see…or buy items to sell back for $$$ if you need it. NOTHING on questline extensions. Pretty much…this is it as the Pop Up in the game stated. NOTHING on the “Not Compatible” items update yet.

Hope that helps to clear up the majority of things we are seeing. Hang in there, we are just about done.


p.s. YES!!! We saw the New Year’s Pop Up too. When more details are available, you can be sure we will share them. 😉

New Years 2015

101 responses to “Miracle on Spooner Street “Issues” Update

  1. The new year’s event is crashing non stop for me! Every time I try to buy the party tent and/or the clock tower it crashes. This morning it took me 4 tries to even get it to load. Once it did and Peter and Lois started their dialogue after the fix marital issues quest it crashed and I can’t get back on.


  2. I have tried logging into the game using Facebook and every time I try to do it, it says its loading and than the Facebook log in screen goes white and cannot do anything please help I lost out on getting the king yeti This started on December 30th


  3. I’m having an issue with Babs. I unlocked her right at the end of the event then had her do her first task…then, the event ended. Now the game crashes when she is supposed to give the reward. The pop up just says that there is now reward for this task. Then reloads the game. Not sure what to do now:(


  4. 1 am in 2015 and I finally can get into my game. they did fix the crashing at the loading screen thing which allowed me to get past that screen 95% of the time. In which the game would crash before I could get past any dialogue screens that ALWAYS popped up. So even though i had a day at the event I could have maybe at least bought Kiss members or other things I could have unlocked in a couple hours I had left, I still couldnt get in the game to do it lol. At about 5 pm eastern I was gettin event ending prematurely messages again. and then the game just constantly crashed, from then on. So yay missing completely easy to obtain characters since the 25th. Hope they have them all next year at least. But at least Im finally able to enter the game, until the next crashtacular event starts lol. I think they should have just disabled the snow effects once people started having issues with it.


  5. Bunny I keep asking this question numerous times but people keep ignoring me or give me the run around. Anyway I have not seen the Blue Arches be ReReleased since the beginning of the event..when will they be returning?


  6. I still cant get back into the game. I restarted my device a few times as well. But i can still only see what i won in the Polka Dot Mystery Box and when i click ok it crashes.
    TinyCo said they will look into it, but its too late now.
    I missed out on so much 😦


  7. Just got this response back from TinyCo about the ticket I sent in.

    “Hello! Thank you so much for your patience while we worked on resolving the crashing issue present in the latest 1.5.5 update. Great news! Our amazing engineering team just pushed a fix that will allow your game to load again! We hope this helps and we appreciate your understanding as we worked to fix the crashes. Thank you so much and we wish you a very happy new year!”

    And….you guessed it, Game still crashes and still not playable!!


  8. Almighty Bunny, please tell us you are privy to something special TinyCo has in store for us upon which to spend our remaining cookies. Almost 90k left and only Christmas decos to buy makes me a sad panda.


  9. Anyone else get 99,999 cookies for clearing the wish list and getting Santa? Pretty sure that wasn’t supposed to happen!


  10. Well finally two weeks after I opened a ticket with tiny co, I get a response to the game crashing while trying to collect week 2 challenge, and it is the most generic answer that helps me out not a bit. Still out 5 clams for completing week two challenge, no built snowman and won’t be able to get the finale prize. Thanks Tiny CO your AWSOME!!!!!!


  11. Could you, please, tell me what things can be bought for CC & sold for $$$?? I think I tried everything but no idea… Please!!!! =))


  12. Do you now if new year will be an event or just a tie-in


  13. I see they stopped giving clams away when giving gifts to your neighbors now. Givin over 15 now with nothing, usually was getting clams every 3rd or so. Have had nothing to do in this game four the past four days and with a lot of ppl have 100000+ cookies with nothing to spend it on.


    • Last night or early early this morning I got 15 clams for giving a gift to a friend. So I’ve still got people making presents just in case.


  14. Just to comment that my game is continually crashing, 1 sec after loading up, playing on ipad 2.
    I uninstalled, reinstalled, reset the ipad, etc.
    Hope this is a general rather than a particular issue.
    Are you having the same problems?


  15. If TinyCo hasn’t fixed the device update problem, will the New Year’s event still be accessible to those players?


    • I am waiting to see what happens, I can’t answer that until the event launches and what is going on in the updates.


    • Yeah, so I guess I misunderstood them when TC said I could log onto my account with an iOs device and play that way. Borrowed my Man’s. Cool. Visited friends finally and gifted to all I could. It will be that last time as event ends before 24hr timer up. Went back to my tablet, and well, now I can’t play on my Samsung (Android) tablet anymore! :O No more regular check ins for me! Now I gotta borrow his to check in and play, which will be infrequently, as it’s his phone! Bummed and worried the next event won’t have the device compatible glitch fixed when it launches! TC says we users affected still had access to the full Christmas event, but that’s not true. We missed out on gifting to others, stunning shoppers, possibly the KISS clams, etc… we didn’t get the full features of the event. Anyway, just saying. Just happy I can play at all, I guess.
      Thanks for all your coaching, Addicts! It’s really appreciated!
      Happy new year’s guys!! Have fun and stay safe!


  16. I had hoped for a nice event break so I could demolish all of my town making a minimal version having stored all excess items. I suspect that I have too many useless items out now and that it cause the constant crashes I get.

    Instead we get a New Years event God only know how long that one will last. To be honest I am getting burned out them piggybacking events with almost no breaks in between.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I had my game crash a few nights ago, I of course had just beaten top hat yeti for the last 25 of the 100 snowflakes to get Jesus. I used 3 clams a piece to speed up Joe and Lois, total 6 clams used, before I could tap to craft Jesus, crash! When I got back into my game Lois was dtill fighting the top hat yeti, idk where joe had gone to and I was back to 75/100 snowflakes for Jesus and my 6 clans were gone. Now I won’t get jesus until tomorrow…. maybe, I wonte be able to get king yeti though.


  18. im to districts behind for brian and hes being used for these events


  19. How do you get santa, every time I click on his task it doesn’t do anything


  20. I sent a support ticket in a few days ago and another yesterday when my issue turned from crashing at the loading bar (the three things I got past this the town was really zoomed out and crashed within a minute) to when it was crashing at the loading bar (the 6 times i got past that it opened with a Kiss Saves Christmas screen with the event ending prematurely message). Neither time I got any response, not even a canned reply (like i got immediately when i had an issue before).

    Well this morning I got a reply for both tickets within like 5 mins of each other so i am gonna guess they were on vacay or something. the message a canned response:

    “We are aware of the crashing issue currently affecting iOS players on the latest 1.5.5 update. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to get this resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and happy holidays!”

    Looks like there is no way its gettin fixed before xmas event is over. So annoying I (nor anyone else having issues) cant get anything they added since the 25th!


  21. I need just a few blue stockings to get Jesus and no way to do it 😪. Is there anything I can do?? Will there be any last minute deals like last few events?


      • My yetis hate me – I keep getting 1 hits instead of 2 making it impossible – thanks for answering though


        • I feel your pain. I just had a run of 11 straight 1 damage attacks on the top hat Yeti.. and decided to give up. I’m not even close to getting Jesus as i would need to beat the top hat version… then wait the 24 hours and then get back to.. and beat the top hat again to have enough snowflakes.

          Between the 4 hour attacks that seem to give far too many 1 damage results.. and the 4 hour respawn time.. you either have to be in game EVERY 4 hours (forget about a proper sleep schedule and take a few days off from work if you’re unable to take breaks exactly when needed… and you still need to get lucky with enough 2 damage hits).. or you have to spend clams on characters you may not want just to get the one character you do want.


  22. On iPhone 6, the games crashes few seconds after loading up. It works fine on iPad, however. But I rarely carry iPad with me so it it makes the game unplayable for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. On the iPhone 6, the game crashed few seconds after loading up. Deleting and reinstalling doesn’t help. It works fine on iPad, however.


  24. Hi! I have a quick question I was hoping someone here could answer. For Christmas, I got the iPhone 6, an upgrade from my previous iPhone 5. I haven’t gotten to go to the store to activate it yet, but I’m worried when I do I’ll lose all of my game’s data! I’ve been playing since the ComicCon Event, and, like you all, I’m addicted! I don’t have a Facebook and don’t really want one, how can I keep my game?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!


  25. Off topic but it would be cool if they had a Cleveland Show event that added at least the family like the American Dad! Event


  26. Even when using Lois, Joe and Mort I cant defeat the childish yeti. Any ideas if the crafting process will allow us to trade items for the blue stockings? I currently have 98k cookies & 228 otherwise useless stockings to enable me to get Jesus? I’m guessing he’s a ‘premium’ character.


  27. Man honestly I’m tired of these events, they’re fun don’t get me wrong, but when we’ve had some kind of event going since june or july it’s just exhausting… we need a break TinyCo hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

  28. This isn’t Christmas related but do you know if they’re bringing Adventure Peter and Sexy Stewie back into the game? Are they gonna put Buzz and Damaged Horse out for less like they did with Consuela during the Halloween event? Inquiring minds want to know. Thank you


  29. Any update on the Samsung devices issue? Worried I’ll end up missing the New Year event if they don’t manage to sort it…


  30. I never thought I would do it based on how much I work, but I was able to get Jesus, Santa, and the entire Kiss band (my fav as a kid) last night before the end of event. Also, thinking back, I never could have imagined a place where I would use those three things in the same sentence. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  31. So i noticed they put jesus, santa, and the two kiss members into a new group on the facespace. As i had all these characters already before they did that it just says “complete” next to where the payout is for completing. So two questions. First what was they payout if there was one since there usually always is. Second if I already had it completed before it was added will I ever get the payout?


  32. ” This means clear out some from your task menu or nothing new will be able to pop up. ”

    I want to make a comment about this. Mind you, the issue does not affect me at the moment, but on my game, I currently have 6 tasks asking or enticing me to spend clams (some that I may not want to and there is no way to dismiss these)….
    + Buy a Bin of Clams special
    + Buy Gene – Kisscopter
    + Buy Paul – Kiss Hog
    + Defeat Top Hat Yeti (probably cant do that with just 3 characters)
    + Defeat King Yeti (definitely cant do that with just 3 characters – so you have to buy another)
    + Buy a Box of Coins special

    If there was a way for these ‘buy’ tasks to be hidden, even temporarily, then there obviously would be a lot more room for new tasks.


    • From what I am experiencing myself, “sale” tasks do not apply. I am directly speaking to tasks/questlines…not those random pop ups.


      • This event it seemed like the tasks were very Lois focused (I didn’t get the Peter task to defeat the final Yeti until I spend the 24 hour cooldown doing non yeti tasks involving Lois Joe and Mort that I had let sit (because I wanted to focus on Jesus)…I wish the questlines would be more obvious in priority (ie tsto has the main questline and then the side “you’ve earned this prize, use it” tasks) I’d be willing to do the main questline tasks but since they have like 5 different names I don’t know which is the most important or which came first (why can’t it be one questline with 25 parts? (The only benefit is when the questlines occasionally line up so that completing a task once advances both quests but that’s rare.

        Off to buy about a grands in cookies worth of poinsettias.


  33. Hmm, wonder if they’re going to push Tuxedo Brian as a thing, too. Maybe Jilian’s a guaranteed unlock and then you get 3 days to unlock Tuxedo Brian or something.


  34. I sure hope they update windows phone and tablets in the next day so we can do the event too! (and maybe account sync)




  36. What happens to the buildings when the event ends? Does it change from HC and cookies to coins and XP?


  37. Is the kissmas concert task called that? I seem to recall sending the characters on tasks but I had that many different tasks going at once (fruitcake, mort, reindeer to name a few) I can’t recall if I got the 25 clams or not. Looking forward to the new year event as I completed all the Christmas one a couple of days ago and can’t wait for all the reindeer, snowmen and procrastinators to leave.


  38. JILLIAN COMING TO QUAHOG!!! My dream come true.


  39. I’m having an issue in which additional decorations that I’m putting in my inventory vanish, and so now I’m scared to put anything in my inventory. The things that I’ve seen vanish have been decorations that I’ve already had at least one of. Anyone else experiencing this?


    • You can’t add more to what is already in there. A fail safe for you to NOT spend clams and money on something already in your inventory. (So you don’t accidentally buy TWO 600 Clams Gingerbread Houses). So…you gotta put them out on your land…leave them ALL there….buy more til you are all done…THEN put them in inventory. 😉


  40. Question for you, how many characters are we up to now? I’m showing 52/53 — I’m hoping Jillian is the mystery 53rd, but am I missing any?


  41. I wish they’d give us another couple of days… I’m so (so) close to getting Jesus but alas it’s not to be


  42. Glad they they us know there is gonna be a New Years event 😆


  43. New years event coming soon! Brian and jillian are the main characters!


  44. Any interesting information regarding the New Years Eve event? 😉


  45. Looking forward to unlocking Brian! I finished collecting his items 4 days ago and crash every time I try to unlock him. Glad to know it is not just me!


  46. Just got a message stating there’s a New Year’s event starting Brian and Jillian!


  47. *whispers* Bunny….

    Hypothetically…. if something last minute would arrive…what item would be most interesting to have a lot of… furballs, candy canes, dolls, snowflakes, wrapping paper, …. (and yes, I have everything in Santa’s workshop already bought / items I want from the normal shop).

    This is completely hypothetical of course…


  48. Is there a post that has all the characters avalible and all the costumes


  49. I won’t be able to unlock Jesus which sucks. Does TinyCo think everyone is able to stay up all night just so they can complete and restart a task?! This is unbelievable like I have gotten every event character since the release of this game but now I will miss out on Jesus….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. I don’t like feeling like i have to get up in the middle of the night just to restart a task in order to defeat the yeti. And I didn’t buy the extra characters so I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get Jesus 😦 It would be great if they let me sell some of the extra stockings to get more snow flakes.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, pity it was a good event, probably best for content, just spoiled by jesus being pay to win rather than freemium. Its impossible to grind with free charachters unlike in previous events.


      • Agreed.


      • There was a way to beat the Yeti with 3 free characters to get Jesus. What you had to do was not update your tree, so you had Top Hat Yeti as your highest version. Defeat THY a few times at 25 Snowflakes a pop you easily can get Jesus.

        When you know you have enough Snowflakes coming and are about to defeat THY, update the tree before you do to have King Yeti appear next. This would have got you prepared to win the King Yeti deco having Mort, Lois, Joe and Jesus. The task to win the deco popped up for me like 1 hour before I was able to defeat King Yeti.

        Yes, I did have to grind 48+ hours straight to defeat THY repeatedly to get Jesus, but it was possible.


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