Quahog Quick Walkthroughs: District 10 Never Gonna Keep Me Down

Hello There Clammers!

As you progress through District 10 you’ll unlock Chumba Wumba Stewie.  While Chumba Stewie is required for the main questline (Home Brew) he’ll also have his own questline trail off around part 4 of Home Brew.  So let’s take a look at just who and what’s involved to get through this little orange dude’s questline…

Chumbawumba Stewie

Never Gonna Keep me Down Pt. 1
Stewie starts

Have Brian Doggy Paddle in River- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp

Completed Task Earns $750, 475xp

Never Gonna Keep Me Down Pt. 2
Stewie starts

Have Chumba Wumba Stewie Tinker with the Machinery- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Craft a Bottle Cap Bush- Requires: 8 Beer Bubbles, 10 Bottle Caps and 5 Silver Tickets

Completed Task Earns $800, 500xp

Never Gonna Keep Me Down Pt. 3
Stewie starts

Have Chumba Wumba Stewie Do the Chumba Wumba Dance- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp
Have Brian Down a Beer- 2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $750, 475xp

Never Gonna Keep Me Down Pt. 4
Stewie starts

Have Stewie Tinker with the Machinery- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Have Brian Tinkle- 30m, Earns $10, 6xp

Craft the Infinite Pee Machine- Requires: $90,000, 10 Beer Bottles, 5 Beer Bubbles, 5 Tap Handles

Completed Task Earns $750, 475xp 

And that completes the Chumba Wumba Stewie’s (Never Gonna Keep Me Down) questline for District 10!

What do you think of District 10 so far?  How are you doing on earning Chumba Wumba Stewie?  Which items have you crafted so far?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

44 responses to “Quahog Quick Walkthroughs: District 10 Never Gonna Keep Me Down

  1. Hi dont kno if anyone can help i got the peeing machine paid 100clams for it but still coming up on quest to craft it but cant coz already got it and not in craft list now. So it wont finish never goona let u down part 4 help plz


  2. I do not understand the animosity toward making achievements a tad difficult to achieve. If the entire game is spoon fed to you then why play in the first place. It is fun none the less but the challenge keeps it interesting. If drop rates were reduced and items cheapened there would be no separation between those of us who devote time to those who casually check their status. No matter what event we are playing I find checking in around every four hours or so gives ample opportunity to unlock 99% of the freemium without bothering with clams. If you are impatient or lapse in your attention to tasks then clams become a safety net. In no way do I begrudge Tiny Co. for what they deem is fair for drop rates or for setting clam unlocks as they see fit. This is supposed to be fun and entertaining, a way to play a game we know well and escape to fun tasks, if it was easy it would no serve the purpose of being fun. Sorry for the reality check but I believe everyone wants this to be so easy that there will not be any enjoyment for those who like a challenge. Tiny Co is one of the fairest company’s when it comes to micro pay (and no I do not work there) and I have no issues with the way they create the game. The issue I have is with everyone wanting instant gratification and complaining about cost when you know you can achieve everything if you just commit. Thank you Tiny Co and familyguyaddicts for providing an awesome and entertaining game. I hope 2015 will bring much more for us true players who devote attention to the game, rather than those who would complain that rain is wet!! Love the game, keep up the incredible work!! This is more of an open forum post and maybe it can be reported then…. I just had to finally speak up.


  3. What’s with the movie clap boards that appeared on come of the task clouds?


  4. When will new levels be added? I’ve been on level 50 (MAX) for a while now. Also, I have an iphone 6 plus and there is no update available. When is that coming?


  5. APP STORE UPDATE !!!!!!


  6. When is the pop up menu for the brewery going to work?Surely Tiny co realise by now it’s broken?

    As for these people moaning about tasks , isn’t that why they put extra rare by them?


  7. Is Phase 2 not starting until tomorrow??


  8. Might as well say the handles are rare! 🙂


  9. The drop rate for handles are awful. It seems impossible to get the pee machine. Neither Tricia nor Mayor West drops at all! 😦 I have to trust Hartman, he drops one every second day. Any ideas how to speed up the drop rates? The characters do nothing else but trying to get the handles.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I have enough to craft the fermentation tank but I was waiting to get 4 more tap handles so I can craft the pee machine at the same time.


  11. Hit enter by mistake. I was going to say send him to do the chum a sum a dance. Unless you think the bubbles are more important. I have 11 at the moment


    • The questline will still be there (since it’s part of D10)…bubbles are important since they’ll help you speed through the questline. Take a look at what you have to craft to complete it and see where you stand. Remember you’ll been to get through Home Brew before you can go to phase 2.


      • so I won’t be able to start Pat until I finish the home brew quests? I’ve only crafted the boat ride so far. I have enough to do the


        • Pat’s not yet in the game so don’t worry just yet. But yes, you will have to complete the first part in order to move onto phase 2. Similar to how District 9 worked.


  12. I keep using Stewie to get the bubbles. Totally forgot about the home brew quest line. As soon as he is finished in two hours I will send him


  13. Finding beer bottles are the slowest to drop. Need a lottttt more before I can craft most things.


  14. So far so good for me the drop rates good, was wondering if anyone knows if the plutonium quest is ever gonna finish?


  15. I’m not having a problem with taps but getting the beer bottles is taking days . I also can’t scroll through the list of who can get what item on the Pawtucket crafting menu.


  16. On the last few parts of this quest line, should be done soon. Not a lot left to craft, either. Should be well and done by the time they bust out the Pawtucket Pat part of the line later this week.


  17. It’s not timed so it’s not a big deal for me about the drop rates. It is frustrating.


  18. So what happens after y he 4th stewie quest line? Just a wait for the next update?


  19. Got chumba stewie pretty quickly. Only thing that I have left is craft the pee machine.


  20. That blimp..whatever is to come of it?


  21. Getting those darned tap handles is like trying to wrestle a greased up pig. (We do that here in the Midwest … It’s actually part of the official ceremony that precedes that official unveiling of the infinite pee machine on our town squares.)

    Liked by 2 people

  22. I have started “Never gonna keep me down” quest line. Drop rates for items are going well so far. Have crafted a couple of items hope to have one or two more done by thursday.


  23. Got stewie and crafted everything except for the infinite pee machine. Should have that in another 2 days depending on drop rates. So far so good.


  24. Unfortunately for me I haven’t unlocked District 9 yet :(. I’m getting those parts for the blimp!


  25. Just a few more beer bottles and then I can drink beer and infinitely pee all day. Are there any outdoor chumba wumba stewie tasks? I thought one of the dance ones might be outside – but couldn’t find stewie when I used that one


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