1.6 Update Is Live!!

UPDATE: Per TinyCo in regards to Jillian’s voice… 

We uploaded new sounds for Jillian, so it may take devices a bit more time to fully download. Please advise players to keep their devices running for a bit to download the new audio files to get her talkin’ again!

So for those of you that continue to NOT be able to hear her… let your game play through for a few minutes and then try tapping on her again to see if the sound fully loads. (You see this at times with other items like buildings just showing a blank spot or gears, some just take a bit to complete loading. Memory thing.) Either way, if this still does not seem to help, please let us know. 

Hey there Clammers!

TinyCo has released the long awaited 1.6 Update many of you were waiting for. There will be a LOT of fixes in it, so hang tight while we go through them all.

1.6 Update

More info coming…

First off to see all the changes, make sure you go to your app market and download the newest version of the game (1.6). So far this is on iOS and Android, Amazon is coming soon. 

Now let’s take a look at some of the changes you may notice in your game. These were some of the main ones impacting the game.

Many of you had issues with being able to tap on your Characters to unlock them and it would crash the game. You should be able to try now to see if this issue is resolved in your game and you can unlock the Character(s).


Many players had issues with the sounds of the game. This update was working to help fix that issue, so check to see if your sound is back to normal. See if your Characters are talking again (those that had voices).

Dulcet Tones

The issue of being able to scroll through what Characters earn what items along with the option to tap “GO” should now be restored to the Pawtucket Brewery.

Pawtucket Brewery Scroll and GO

Now for a cool new feature that you may be starting to notice in your games. As you scroll on through your Characters Tasks, you will now see an icon next to the tasks that are outdoors. So if you wondered what tasks took place where, this will be a great help to you. Just look for the Movie Scene Marker.Movie Scene Marker

Seamus Movie Scene Marker


A few side notes, Patches was not playing nice with the games when it came to the videos… so he had to be taken back to the Jurassic Park. 😦 

Patches 1

Also, the Creepy River Boat will now be known as the Brewery Annex. 

Creepy River Boat


Your Splash Screen and Game Icon will switch back to the standard ones. This is also going to prep for some future things to come.

So there are a few of the big changes you will now notice in your game with the 1.6 Updated Version. Does this Update help you out? Able to move on from where the locked Character had you stuck? Like the Movie Screen Marker feature? Let us know.


129 responses to “1.6 Update Is Live!!

  1. I cannot build the penny arcade. I click on the task and nothing happens. It’s not listed with the buildings and it’s not in my inventory. Any one else having this problem?


  2. with everyone posting comments about no sound with jillian is it worth sending them an in game message or will it get fixed automatically? I’ve let the game run 15+ mins and clicked on her multiple times and she is silent


    • Disgruntled_qman

      Still no update for us windows and windowsphone users.
      Thanks for supporting us Tinyco another epic fail on your part


      • The 1.6 Update? That is for the Mobile Version. Windows is a Stand Alone and on a completely separate set up. I will be more than happy to ask when a specific Update for the Stand Alone is coming. 🙂

        Or you are welcome to message them too. 🙂

        Family Guy On Windows Help


      • Just verified with them. The Stand Alone version is a completely separate entity from the Mobile Version as I previously stated.

        Right now their focus is on working to get patches for the glitches Windows players are running into on the Stand Alone Version. Those are the priority. So you will most likely see updates of your own on that version once they are done.

        You will NEVER see the same updates as Mobile as you are not on that Version. Hope this helps to clarify. 🙂


  3. So how long is a few minutes for Jillian sound to download? Before the update I must have been one of the lucky ones and had no real issues except Jillian being quiet and John McLean sound like he’s in a box ( I assume that’s probably because of grabbing the quotes of the film), since the update Jillians voice is now no existent and I’ve left the game running for up to 15 minutes now.


  4. I am having an issue with Jillian voice as well. She went from a low voice to no voice. Tried all suggestions and still no voice. Other than that no issues.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. People like me who have s device that can sometimes struggle with frame rates can benefit from sending the characters on indoor tasks. A quicker way of determining which tasks those are is helpful. During Christmas I was doing it all the time because all the extra activity was really slowing down my game. Of course that’s not TinyCo’s problem, but its nice of them to make something that will help.


  6. Tadmire Giggity

    Wow! I love that outdoor/visible task icon. All games like this should have it. I hate tapping on a character and then they disappear in to some building. Booorrrriiinnnnggg. Thanks TinyCo. Maybe others will follow suit.


  7. Are some of the outdoor labeled tasks actually not outdoor for all? I believe I just sent George T on the “outdoor” task of Write of Peter’s Facespace. I believe Seamus task with Peter fishing is showing this as well, but I don’t believe it’s outdoors as well? Could be wrong but can’t check as all my guys are on long tasks right now.


  8. Personally, I saw the clam drop from Video Patches as a small compensation for more than 3 weeks of getting stiffed by Jesus every single day. At this point, I’m not sure that I see a huge difference between some people getting nothing from Video Patches and Jesus only rewarding some players. ¯\_(‘_’)_/¯


    • But a free clam when he drops them is still MORE than any character in the game. 😉


      • That’s true, but I still get far more from Ollie, who is in everyone’s game for free, than I do from the top prize in a limited-time event that I, like most people who won him, had to spend clams to get. Ollie gives me a clam roughly every other day. I’ve gone more than 3 weeks without a single clam drop from Jesus. They ought to rename him Buyer’s Remorse.


        • Sorry. We always warn players to NOT spend Clams unless you are willing to take all that goes with it. I try to always tell people…

          “Think hard about the purchase. Will it be worth it to YOU 3 months from now.”

          Thing is… I think many anticipated TOO HIGH of Clam drops for him. Assumed it was an all day everyday thing when it wasn’t.

          The event is barely over… so don’t sell him out just then. Give it time. Come back on it in 3 months. See if you still feel the same. 🙂


          • Oh, no. I get the whole caveat emptor thing, and I did weigh my purchase before making it. Buying John let me complete the first timed event after it started with no way for me to finish it with the resources available, it made the event stress-free, and I thought that by making sure I could unlock Jesus, I’d get the Friends and Family clams to offset the cost and there would be additional clams coming in from his 24-hour action. So far, I haven’t seen a single clam from him, and it’s starting to feel like a scam.

            Tiny Co. has to take most of the responsibility for setting players’ expectations about the clam returns. I certainly wasn’t expecting “all day everyday”, but when the company calls it a rare drop and there are lots of other things in the game that they call rare drops, it’s not unreasonable to expect that it will have a drop rate similar to those other rare drops (especially when they already put something in every player’s game that drops a clam every other day). I don’t know about you, but I just don’t expect a character to fail a rare drop action 25 times in a row.


            • Rare to me is 1 out of 6 times roughly. With a task that takes almost a day… depending also when you restart it… I average a “possible” drop once a week if that… but again… I have seen extra rare drop the same as uncommon. So… it all comes down to game play. They never promised an always. They never promised weekly, monthly, etc. That’s why I say to try to “reset” your game. Just to make sure there isn’t something in it causing the hiccup. Try some troubleshooting. Try sending him on a short task, then start the Clam one again.

              MANY players are getting the clam drops just fine. We are in our games too. All of them (we have multiple to test for just this site alone). TinyCo tested it at our request. ALL those came back with Clam drops. Again, not all the time. Not weekly in some cases. But still a Clam drop (we all got 2 each time it happened). And according to them it is “dropping as it should be”.

              In the end ANY material drop will all come down to YOU. YOUR game. How often YOU send the Character back to back on the task. It is how life is when a computer does the “random” drawings for you. It’s like a slot machine. Luck of the draw. I know it can be frustrating on the random drops. We have all been there. It is just the nature of this game from day one.


              • 2 things..I still have snow everywhere even after the update, was that supposed to go away? Wish the snow would go away around here in real life as well!!
                Also was wondering on the random drops for items -is it known ahead of time like when someone is sent on a task whether it will drop or not, or is it like when you actually tap the check mark that there’s a 50-50 chance.
                Also – if I buy something for clams that says ‘always drops’ but also says extra rare, is it going to drop each and every time ?
                Ok that’s 3 things, I lied
                Thanks for your reply
                Btw love your little cartoon characters! It would be awesome to see them in the game


                • It is still Winter in the U.S. so still snow. 😛

                  I don’t know “when” the drop is determined… that is like asking me when the slot machine will hit the Jackpot. No way of knowing when that coding will hit the machine just right. Lol.

                  Materials tend to keep their “drop rate tag” on them… even on ALWAYS drop buildings. So if a building is listed and tagged ALWAYS… that will override the drop rate and drop them ALWAYS regardless. If it does not… let TinyCo know right away.

                  You done questioning me now? That’s it? You will NEVER ask another? Lol 😛


                • Done for today at least! Thanks!


    • Glad to see I’m not the only one getting stiffed by Jesus. That guy…his family is rich; you’d think He would be a little more generous


  9. Yes and i have sent tinyco messages but they have not responded to anything sent? And its been a while 😦


  10. I did the update yesterday, I got the outdoor icons, but still no voice on jillian. I did at one point have the quiet voice. Also family guy comes on for 2 episodes at 1 a.m. I’m a poor boy cant afford cable I have clear t.v. anyways they showed the episode where brian first met jillian, hilarious, just about everything she said is what she says in the game. Do the stars in the game like patrick Stewart voice new lines? or are all the big stars just use snipitts from the family guy episode they were on.


    • Usually easier to negotiate to get a legal OK on work already in existence vs pay to draw up and negotiate all the legal contracts to have new lines spoken. Not to mention scheduling time with actor/actress to record.


  11. Anyone else have Sheldon and the flaming chicken disappear. I’ve not found them in my inventory either. Thanks!


  12. Love the outdoor task indicator !
    Something I’ve wanted for a while now…..
    Great !


  13. Updated to new version but the crashing and freezing continue 😦


  14. The game is slow as hell in Nexus 5 with android 5.01. 5 Seconds freeze after click in everything . Reinstall dont solve . Sorry for my bad english


    • I have the same phone and version of android. It has to do the android 5.0.1 more than the game. Google knows there is an issue with the auto dumb of ram and they are “working” on it. Sadly you have to restart your phone once day, don’t full zoom out, and put away decorations and you can to get it to stay open longer. When moving between friends go to ollie then a friend then back to your land and repeat till your done. That is the only way I can do all my friends in one shot mostly without the crashing. Hope this info helps you 😀


  15. Same issue with Jillian for me as well. Went from low voice to no voice. Did all the suggested things. Reported to TinyCo along with a suggestion for adding a “collect all rent” button in future. I think that would awesome for those of us that sometimes have literally only 2 minutes to play.


  16. It was a long wait, but I can finally move on to District 8. At least I have plenty of coins and land now, so I’m more than ready!


  17. I don’t mind the icon showing which tasks are outdoors, the crappy part of it is that I didn’t realize how few tasks are actually outside. Especially if you have a premium character. Paul Stanley only has one outdoor task? And there are others that you would think would be more visible but just aren’t. Although I guess the flip side would be that if they were all outdoor, the game might lag big time. So I guess I just cancelled my own point but what are ya gonna do? It’s out there now


  18. Does anyone else using an older tablet (pre-retina) think the characters got more pixelated in the update?


  19. I can not get the update for my kindle fire please help


  20. The new animation logo is a little confusing.

    E.g. Felicia Day’s “Practice Larping” is kinda “indoors” rather than “outdoors” so it doesn’t have the icon above the action. However it is animated and visible since the “Forest” is outdoors even though she’s “inside” of it…


  21. What exactly do the movie markers do? I read it above but I don’t understand thanks


  22. Is it just me or are there a couple of new outdoor tasks that have been given to some characters or have I not been checking everyone recently? Ex. Stan Lee (Be a Background Extra) and Predator (Pop and Lock)


  23. I thought the creepy river boat was really funny. I’m sad they changed the name.


  24. I don’t like the new animation icon. It makes the whole task list even more visually cluttered. Task icon, optional joint task partner, optional drop items and now this… meh.


  25. Oh snap! My Ollieland has the Christmas buildings back above the regular town area… (submitting to TinyCo)


  26. Mines still cutting off sound but now on everyone….

    Kinda off topic but any idea what the next event will be?


  27. First off to the entire crew that mantains this website thank you. Are we suppose to still have snow?


  28. Finally got Brian and am starting to work on District 7!


  29. Downloaded update, restarted device and game. Tapped Jillian, no sound. Sent my peeps on their quests for about 10-15 minutes, tapped her again and still nothing. The movie markers are cool, yet no words of wisdom from Jillian, I am on android.


  30. This might not be the place to do it, but to double-check, is there a way to make sure my account IS being backed up? Im currently logged in through Facebook, and my account is working fine after the update (Knock on Wood – dont you jinx me!), but just want to make sure that if I get in the same boat as some other players have that I’m good to go


    • Test it on another device. Try to log in and see if it says your game level that you are currently on. That is honestly the ONLY way to let you “see” proof. Otherwise, it automatically saves that progress for you. Sometimes I will go in n out of Ollieland just to ensure it synced my latest progress.


  31. Hi
    Sorry but could you please explain what you mean about Patches? Is he being removed from the game?


    • Only the tap on him and watch a Video version. It was a side feature they attempted to release, but quickly pulled back out due to issues. He was separate than the one you buy.


      • So were just outta luck if patches never worked for us? Drats! I liked watching videos for clams when carl was around. Hopefull they still bring this idea back in the future. Sad to have missed out this time


        • Well… I appreciate them pulling it as it didn’t work for everyone. So not fair to all players. They did the right thing. Hopefully they can get those videos to play nice and bring something like it back again. 🙂


  32. Jillian’s voice went from barely audible to not working at all.

    I gave up on contacting Tinyco since it’s been three weeks and still no response about my non-clam dropping Jesus.


    • Did you see the top of this post?

      Try restarting your device and send him on the task again. See what happens. Again, VERY rare they do drop.


      • So he drops once a month? Since it’s been three weeks and not a single clam.


        • Depends honestly. The payouts vary by player as it depends how often you send them on the same task over and over non stop. Etc. So it could relay to once a month, still… it’s a Free Clam. 😉

          Try my suggestion and refresh the game by restarting your device. See if it helps.


          • This is confusing. You say if you aren’t having any luck getting an item from a character, to switch and do something else then come back. But in another post I’ve seen that the more times you fail the higher your % next time? Does it reset when you do something else? I’m confused there.


            • Sometimes the game/character needs a “refresh”. So… if you have tried and tried and tried with no luck… send them on a very short tasks and try again. At times this “tricks” the game into kicking an item out faster. Don’t know why… but it works most the time. Lol. 😉

              But again, this is AFTER you tried the time after time after time method first. A good solid week of it with no result.


          • I had him drop calms 4 days in a row, but haven’t had anymore for three days, I’m pretty happy with his output. Lol I took a screen print of Jesus turning water to clams in front of the golden turd (from american dad event) and with Patches the T-Rex looming over him. Super awesome! hahaha.


    • I had no drops since day one of getting him, then he’s dropped 2 clams twice for me within the last week and a half so keep the faith.


      • So to recap, Tiny Co thinks it’s fair for Jesus to drop clams often for some players and none at all for others, but not fair for Patches to drop a clam or two for some players but not others. Ho-kay.


        • Individual Character Material drops are of no control by them. That is all on how YOU Play and how YOUR game randomizes it. They have no control over that. They just inputed the coding data… game play is totally in your hands.

          A video… they CAN control by taking it out. 🙂


  33. Having recently rebuilt including full roads, I pulled everyone out and have them doing outdoor tasks. As such, over the last few days I’ve been thinking how helpful it would be to know which tasks are outdoor task as I don’t always remember.

    Get out of my head, TinyCo, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


  34. Is there any other way to contact tiny co than the in game chat? I had a problem way back during the Kiss event and had messaged them three times but I hav gotten a reply. I know they are pretty good about getting back to you so I wonder if the messages are not getting to them.


    • Email…

      The Basics Of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff/ Contact TinyCO

      Just be weary of times you contact them and watch for those auto responses. Respond to them too. They are not around full staff during Holidays/Weekends… so things sent at that time will be delayed in response. Also, watch here… their Facebook and Twitter for updates on the game… as well as checking the FAQ. If there is something that impacts many players, they will note it in those locations and/or we will pass it on too. That is a quick and easy way to answer the same questions asked by thousands all at once. 🙂


  35. Thanks for the heads up. Wouldn’t have noticed it otherwise. Like the outdoor map. I actually hated that I couldn’t tell which were which. Never complained about it or expected them to list it so it was a pleasant surprise. Good to know TinyCo listens to everyone and glad we have our own representatives to give them a nudge now and then. 😉


  36. What I got with this “upgrade” was reset back to the beginning of the game. 911 clams missing, 49 characters gone, more than 1,400,000 coins gone, all of the character skins gone. I’ve contacted TinyCo. I hope they can fix it. I’m bummed.


  37. All voices are back with the exception of Jillian I sent tinyco an in game message just wondering if anyone else was having this issue.


  38. And I was just wondering about the movie screen thing.that is awesome!I love to have them doing outdoorsy stuff 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  39. So the outdoor task thing isn’t totally accurate. Felicia day shows a clip board on ‘fight a video game boss’ and that’s an indoor task. And Jesus record store Christ!! Why is it after every update my game becomes a crash fest!?!? *sigh*


  40. Yay! Finally got Mayor West 🙂 and love the new outdoor task feature, just started working on Stewies new outfit


  41. Even though Google Play lists the latest as 1.5.9 for Android, it downloaded 1.60

    Howcwer, even after the update Bitch Stewie and Bitch Brian’s voices are still very low compared to the other character voices.


  42. a little bummed that they renamed the creepy boat… legal thing?

    But I am glad they marked the outdoor tasks. I wish TSTO would do that too. Why? Because I have a few devices that I play on – one is new, of which is older & the other is cheep & doesn’t have much storage. The older device (& sometimes the new cheap one) has occasional memory issues & sometimes (depending on how big an event is, etc) the only way I could get it to play was to have the majority of characters (extras not in play) on indoor tasks. If they were all outside dancing around it would crash. Putting Consuela in Joe’s house cleaning skidmarks rather than making hotdogs made all the difference one time! Now I don’t have to memorize which ones are outside or not. Woo! Way to future proof your game!


  43. They need to add the giant chicken since we’ve seen him on the load screen and sometimes in the conversations for timeline tasks. I guess I’ll suggest it to them lol


  44. I was hoping Phase 2 was in there somewhere.. Maaaaan.. *kicks dirt*
    I want a fun character/skin to unlock w lots of fun content.. I’m BORED.
    Hmph. *kicks dirt again*

    Liked by 2 people

  45. I would like an option to sell all the items, with this I mean, I have a lot of things that I won from past events that they are only decoratives (I have like 90 scary tombs 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Love the outdoor task icon! When I get a new character I always want to see what they do, but hesitate to try the longer tasks if I’m not sure it’s even something to see. On the flipside, when I don’t want characters out and about I know what tasks will keep them hidden indoors.

    Liked by 2 people

  47. Lego Legolas goes to LegoLand

    one thing that i would really like to see in a future update,

    for the characters that have multiple costumes (like peter, lois, joe, etc),
    when you tap on the character to bring up the window of costumes/actions, the pop up window lets you know somehow if one of their costumes is currently able to get quest items,

    something like this


    (i used your picture from above. i hope you don’t get mad and we can still be friends)

    i know seamus doesn’t have other costumes, but if you tapped on, say, regular peter and pirate peter can get a quest item, there would be some sort of indication about that. whether it’s an exclamation point and an arrow (like in the picture) or a tiny picture of the costume that has the quest item.

    just something i thought i’d throw out there


    • Lol… NEVER… UNFRIENDED!!! 😛

      Suggest it to them. 🙂


    • I second this idea. How many times have I been a day or so behind on an event because I didn’t know I needed pirate Peter instead of regular Peter. Granted, when it works (like the brewery pre-fix), you can just go to the event & it’ll tell you which ones. But how much easier is it to just go to the character? Like how event or stuff tasks jump to the top (most of the time) this wouldn’t be that big of a change, IMHO.

      Liked by 1 person

  48. We need more category’s to split up our inventory, currently it’s a nightmare when you want to find one specific item in there.

    But I love the new ‘outdoor task’ icon feature.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tell them that. Make a suggestion from your game.


    • Yeah, there needs to be a better way to list/view owned items like; alphabetically, deco sub-type (ex. plants, vehicles, land, etc.), and event.

      I would also like an option to view owned items as text only that has a menu that appears on the left side that scrolls up and down. When a player clicks on it, it will appear in your Quahog to be placed.


  49. when will we get the update in the uk I get my family guy app from Amazon


  50. Meh… The outdoor task feature is a little off-putting for some reason. Seems like clutter.

    Also, is there still supposed to be snow?


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