Character Overview: Pawtucket Pat

Hello There Clammers!

With the introduction of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff there’s a whole cast of characters to unlock in your rebuild effort of Quahog!  These overview posts are designed to give you a quick breakdown of the characters, how you unlock them & their tasks so you can play FGG more efficiently!

Of course there will be those players who don’t want to know the details of unlocking the characters so for that reason we’ll post all of the details below the fold.  So if you don’t like to know what’s going on before you play don’t click read more…CAUTION SPOILERS AHEAD

District 10 has arrived in Quahog…and time to get the beer river flowing!  The Pawtucket Brewery hits our Tiny Quahogs in District 10 and with it arrives the Willy Wonka inspired Pawtucket Pat!  It’ll take a bit of patience to unlock Pat in your Quahog, so remember to take your time with it.  It’s a District…it’s not going anywhere 🙂

So now let’s take a look at Pat and his tasks….

Character: Pawtucket Pat
22nd Character in the game (freemium by District.  Does not include events and premium characters)
Building: Pawtucket Mansion
Voiced?: Yes
Required to Unlock: Pawtucket Mansion ($25,000), 25 Beercan Hats, 15 Chumbawumba Flutes, Craft Marching Band Tubist, Craft Infinite Pee Machine, Craft the Forklift
 None (as of yet..)
Phrases: “Beer that never goes flat” “You’ve sullied my factory and disobeyed my rules” “Didn’t you see that sign?” “We’re still working some of the bugs out of our latest invention” “Gotcha” “I guess this is where you get off” “Fine” “They live here with me” “Oh we don’t have one” “I want you to leave immediately!” 



Pawtucket Pat

Task Length  Earns Visual Level
Distribute Beer 1hr $20, 12xp N 2
Write New Songs 1hr $20, 12xp N 1
Drink Beer from Hat 2hrs $30, 20xp N 2
Blow Up a Can of Beer 2hrs $30, 20xp N 1
Do Keg Stand 4hrs $50, 30xp N 2
Lick the Wallpaper 4hrs $50, 30xp N 4
Force Chumba Wumbas to Dance 6hrs $65, 45xp N 4
Punish Spies 6hrs $65, 45xp N 3
Taste Brew 8hrs $80, 50xp N 3
Play the Flute 8hrs $80, 50xp Y 1
Swim in Beer River 10hrs $90, 59xp N 4
Eject Undesirables from the Factory 12hrs $100, 65xp N 1
Become Unreasonably Angry 12hrs $100, 65xp N 3
Renegotiate Contracts 16hrs $115, 75xp N 5
Brew Experimental Beer 24hrs $150, 100xp N 1
Give Brewery Tour 24hrs $150, 100xp N 1

So there you have it, the break down of Pawtucket Pat and his tasks in FGTQFS! What do YOU think of Pat’s tasks?  Any you can’t wait to see?  Was he worth the wait?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

68 responses to “Character Overview: Pawtucket Pat

  1. Everytime I touch the pawtucket brewery my game locks ups and I have to restart. I’ve tried 4 different times, and also uninstalled then reinstalled twice


  2. I have unlocked Pat and finished all the task in the brewery, but I am still getting the different items that seem to be useless now. Why am I still getting them.



  3. im STILL trying to unlock pawtucket pat. I have had 13 out of 15 flutes for a week now. got 2 of them today and neither have showed up! it still says i only have 13. anyone else run into this? i feel like this happens a lot i get gypped on the stuff i get but this time im really mad since i have been waiting months


  4. This says 22nd character, but I could essentially unlock Olivia before ever entering this district


  5. I just earned Pawtucket Pat. Has he been useful for anything yet?


  6. So, I’ve built everything in the Brewery and completed every task. When does earning thing for brewery crafting go away?


  7. Since I’ve found what I needed to know in regards to the ‘Pawtucket Brewery’, I’m wondering about a little detail surrounding the game, namely, all of the forest area (top side as well as the right). Is there plans to expand the game? Maybe add cross-over moments like when the Griffins meet the Simpsons? Maybe add ‘Bob’s Burgers’?


  8. Hiiixxx😅😅😅😅😅👿👾👾👾


  9. OK, I held off on building the Pawtucket Mansion to avoid drop conflicts with King Butt.

    Now that I’m just one item away from King Butt, I tried to putchase Pawtucket Mansion and it’s not there. Not under the Characters or Buildings tab. I know that it was there before because I clicked on it just to see what it was going to look like, how big it was, etc.

    Is there something I need to do?


  10. I’ve nearly finished unlocking pat, without using Clams, the only thing I need now is 1 Beercan Hat, I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been getting with the drop rate for extra rare items lately, I got 16 Beer Taps over the last 4 days, and have been getting 2-3 Chumba Wumba Flutes over the last few days too.


  11. Is it just me, or does district 10 just seem like a huge stall tactic? Crafting so may odd items requiring rare and extra rare drop rate items using mostly the same characters, clear 20 Chumba Wumbas at 6 hours a piece, not many quest lines as in previous districts, and nothing to do with the main story line yet! It seems like they sculpted this to keep everyone busy while they worked on something. It’s just not very enjoyable by comparison to the other districts. What about the plutonium?


    • It is similar to other Districts. They ARE meant to take time. To give you a chance to ease back and take it really slow. The Lull between the fast paced events to give you a breather. Went through it with many Districts. They all will take time.


  12. Since they are letting everyone have rollo cop joe, maybe we could get gold suit peter.


    • That one is still there… just snag an iOS device and get him in your Android game once he’s unlocked.


      • I know Its just what am I gonna say? Hey, can I download this huge ap on your phone and sit here and play it for a while? Its kind of a strange request. Maybe one day the oportunity wil present itself but I dont see it happening.


  13. Off topic but I see now Alien finally has a task to help! Thanks tinyco!! Now to be pushy. What about predator, the smiths, bitch stewie, bitch Brian, Jillian, they all need to be tasking. The premium characters should be loaded with tasks that are common and let all the reg characters handle the rest! Js


  14. Slightly off topic, but has anyone noticed since the last update the game is crashing almost every two minutes and it’s very sluggish when scrolling across the town? I am playing on a Galaxy S5 with plenty of memory space so can’t think it’s my hardware….


  15. You would have to be nuts to be working on Pat when King Butt is on a timer and uses most of the same Characters to farm the items. I have been getting lucky on him….got two Epics in one day. Seems the Peter/ Cleveland combo really works for me. Still worried about finishing him in time. That’s a LOT of rare and Epics for such a short time….


  16. I’m with Bunny on the comment “why have some many quests lasting the same time, reduce the task list to one for each time”
    Also, TinyCo are out to make money as we all know, however in my opinion they’re spoiling a very good game by insisting on long quests for extra rare and epic items on timed events, ie King Butt
    Their drop rate is pathetic and worse still for those characters who have multiple item drops, ie Bonnie etc
    Also, many of us have 50+ characters of which 90% are never used again, it’s always the same old handful!
    I sent a similar messages to TinyCo thru the game option, and their response – “Fair point, we’re trying to improve the game at every turn, thanks for taking the time to write in, your feedback will be passed to the team”, and since then, you guessed it, nothing!!


    • They have been changing. Including the Premiums more now. Especially on this one. So I am happy to see the change. Subtle, but at least they are listening and trying. Hopefully more to come. 😉


  17. It’s sad how they have neglected the quality of some characters… they can add 20 tasks, it doesn’t matter the name or what the action is called, they all happen inside buildings. Call them what you want… it’s the same poor idea. In this case you might think is a freemium character, however the same happened with New Year’s Brian and Steroid Stewie. One could have expected a little more fun from characters, whether they are freemium and difficult to unlock as part of the game, or they are premium and only obtainable by purchase.


    • I have discussed this with other players many times. My personal opinion, it is a memory drain. So if you have a LOT of Characters outside… it REALLY adds to the Memory drain. Making the game lag and even crash as the device can’t keep up with the pull. I have ran into this so many times in other games. To combat it I would have to send everyone inside anyway or store items to keep the game stable. So it is across many games that this issue of Memory plagues. It also could be a time issue of creating all the images necessary to have that outside task. Hopefully they will work out a way to bring more and utilize them. Us as players gotta be careful though no matter what when putting them to use. 😉


      • I see your point, however, about the memory issue, having an option for a different animated task doesn’t mean that all the characters are going to be outside… just another fun thing to see once in a while. On that case, Pee Pants Peter is such a memory killer (and he’s actually one of the best skins available)… I’d say it’s more about creating the images, like you said, but honestly, one would have expected more from premium skins or characters (Jesus for example is amazing, while Elf Peter is just, well, another skin)… Thanks for taking the time to read and comment 🙂


        • Oh I know… I am just speaking from experience. What I have seen in other games. If the option is there… us as players (at least I know myself) would WANT to put them all on outside tasks to watch and giggle. Lol. 😉

          Me… I want more outside. 😉


  18. My game is still requiring me to have the “fear portal” to get the extra items needed for Pawtucket Pat. What is this and what do I need to do?


  19. Why does he have like two tasks for each time when they are all indoor activities, it’s so pointless and is he the only character for district 10, if yes then it’s been a big let down


  20. zombiepanda2007

    I have this on hold for the moment because I’m concentrating on getting items for King Butt which items are a bit hard to drop, and with so little time left (Feb 3rd at 3:00pm) it seems a bit next to impossible to achieve. I want to get King Butt but I wish TinyCo would make the items to drop more often. :-/


  21. Have been sending Jerome to grow his fro since the begining and got absolutly nothing, lost count how many times, there is no way he is paying out. All the others have paid out at some time. So the short 4 hour task for Jarome is a waste of time.


  22. I finding it impossible to get king butt as when I make jerome and bonnie get the ghost things they are getting flutes not to mention Bryan Cranston isn’t even getting things for king but the has a chance to get them all but hasn’t dropped anything how am I supposed to get those epic ones as well haven’t dropped once and I I’ve put all the characters on the task. At first I liked the fact I could get king butt but now I’m losing faith I have almost all the characters to get him except 80’s costume for Cleveland and robo stewie or tentacle stewie and I don’t have any clams I would’ve thought tiny co would know epic items are ridiculous and they should just get rid of it I don’t mind extra rare but 5 epic items is impossible I have like 5 days left and I don’t think I’m going to get him as I have 2 ghosts and 16 ankhs 😦


  23. Just got my last flute to drop and had to send him on an 8hr task because I haven’t gotten the 20 Chumba Wumbas yet from Stewie to move on to the part of the quest where I actually unlock him!


  24. I am never going to get Pawtucket Pat unlocked the insane amount of items to drop rate in the limited amount of characters who can complete the task mixed with all of the many event task lines and characters to unlock not to mention never ending Stewie clear 20 Chumbawamba’s task this district just feels like a time killer


    • He is a time killer. All Districts are. They are made that way. Just like the headbands and eyeballs and plutonium… all were meant to fill the time between fast paced events and to give us a chance to slow down and take it easy. If all this game was is GO GO GO RUSH RUSH RUSH, I myself would grow very weary and tired of it quickly. I welcome the slow pace breaks.


  25. wow that are alot of tasks! this is the worst character ever! only 1 outside task and alot of task repeats. 1h x2, 2h x2…

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I hate this guy! He has these stupid flutes which are blocking my ghosts. Finally something drops! Oh its a flute.

    Really almost the second day over and only got 1 ghost.
    Also Pawtucket pats items drop really slowly


    • Drops are supposed to be slow. It is a District. They are meant to take time to fill the “slower” pace between events.


      • well the ghosts are way to slow! day 2 is almost over and still only got 1 ghost in total.


        • I have 7 ghosts already, but none of the epic items. Going to be tough. Pawtucket Pat should be fine though, so long as the items continue to drop until you have unlocked him and all the brewery crafting too (I don’t think it’s timed?) – so seems sensible to ignore PP for now and throw everything at King Butt and cross your fingers!


  27. I regret spending so much money on this game I have 55 out of 60 available characters and honestly..THIS GAME GOT BORING! I started playing during the comic con event and I got hooked. I lost interest during the Christmas even! It seems like if they rush their updates! Not to mansion the countless glitches! TINY CO has no excitement in this game. The sounds the task the music it’s all the same! You buy premium characters only to find you’ll never use them or they don’t help at all!! I remember bunny saying “you’ll need Cleveland a lot during the holloween event”! Which was totally untrue ! All I’m saying this game fell off ! The brewery event is really what made me quit this game. Sorry but until Tiny CO does **** right I won’t be using this game ! Goodbye !


    • Sorry you feel that way.

      A few quick clarifications… Actually… this is what I said… “you may not need him, but he will be useful if you do get him” which was completely true. We will NEVER tell readers they HAVE to get a Character. Because that is false. The choice to buy is ALWAYS yours. I myself am against impulse Clam buys and want to make sure something is worth the Clams spent on it.

      And the Brewery is NOT an Event. It is a District. And just like every previous District they are here to stay forever. They are created to fill the Lull between actual events and something for you to take a break and take your time, go slow, and just wind down so you are not constantly rush rush rush. That to me would get exhausting.

      But like you said, you are not having fun. Games should be fun to you. So if you get no enjoyment from it, there is nothing wrong with walking away. 🙂


    • No Cleveland no Ghostbuster Cleveland, and that would make Winston Zedimore sad!


  28. I’m really starting to get quite annoyed, especially with Pat. We’re all busting our asses to get the “impossibly rare” flutes, and when we finally unlock Pat, he only has ONE task where we actually get to see the character we spent so much time unlocking?!

    Seems our characters are getting less and less outdoor tasks as time goes on. The original characters had multiple, but it seems now the newer ones only get one (Steriod Stewie) and we’re lucky to get two.


  29. Man those flutes should be labeled epic. I only have six and that’s been with sending Stewie on the Chumba Wumba mission. I’ve done that 13/20 times and have yet to get a flute drop from it. The six came from the other missions


  30. When i remember it right, Pawtucket is a really shy fellow and VERY rare in the public. I can remember an episode where Peter and Brian were allowed to enter the brewery, a lot like Charlie and the chocolat factory. (Even in this Episode was an failed assasination of Pawtucket.)
    So he is “in character”, just playing his role being inside the buildings.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I hope so much for more space, too


  32. Lol. Any I can’t wait to see? He has only one visual one. 🙂


  33. I can’t wait to get him…I wish there were more outside tasks. I’ve been diligently working away…lots of 12 hour tasks though so…yeah. I’m not actually complaining though since, you know, getting things is the entire game. 😉


  34. Where can i get the beer river from also we need more room plz


  35. Too bad he does not have an outdoor task where he gets fake assassinated by Cheech. That would have been awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Only 1 visual task and the rest he’s hidden inside a building? Doesn’t sound like he’s worth it.


  37. Wow.. only 1 outside task??


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