Quahog Telenovela Weekend Walkthrough: Soap Opera Peter

Hello There Clammers!

It’s Telenovela Weekend in Quahog & Peter’s really getting into it!

During Telenovela Weekend there’s tons of Telenovela themed buildings, decorations &  tasks to help you move through the event and unlock Soap Opera Peter!   And what’s a celebration with our whacking a Pinata?

Pinata Latcher Whacked

So what are we waiting for?  Let’s take a closer look at Soap Opera Peter and Telenovela Weekend and the questline you’ll encounter with both…



Remember the Event ends on Wednesday March 18th at 3pm PDT…so you have until Wednesday to unlock him…

A Whole New Mundo Pt. 1
Peter starts

Get 200 Coins
Have Peter Steal Chris’ Allowance- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

A Whole New Mundo Pt. 2
Peter starts

Smash 1 Pinata
Build Señor Limpiador- $8,000, 2hr Build

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

A Whole New Mundo Pt. 3
Peter starts

Have Peter Watch a Telenovela- 30m, Earns $20, 12xp

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

A Whole New Mundo Pt. 4
Peter starts

Build Hacienda Griffin- $3,000, 12hr Build
Smash 50 Pinatas

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

The Forbidden Clam Pt. 1
Peter starts

Create Spanish Soap Opera Peter- Collect STUFF to unlock.  Here’s what you’ll need:

Candy55 35 Candy (changed 3/17/15) (Common)- Earned By: Smashing Piñatas

Cowboy Hat20 Cowboy Hats (Common)- Earned By: Make Bonnie Go to Ladies Night OR Make Lois Freshen Up

Mustache16 Mustaches (Rare)- Earned By: Make Chris Eat a Large Ham OR Make Joe Visit the Gun Range OR Make Jerome Be a Superior Athlete OR Make Quagmire Enjoy Carrots OR Get from Luchador General Store

Have Spanish Soap Opera Peter Play La Guitara- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

The Forbidden Clam Pt. 2
Peter starts

Build Channel 26 Local station- $4,000, 6hr Build
Have Soap Opera Peter Pitch a New Telenovela- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

The Forbidden Clam Pt. 3
Peter starts

Have Spanish Soap Opera Peter Act with Passion- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $50, 25xp

And that concludes the Telenovela Weekend questlines!

What do you think of the Telenovela questlines? How are you doing on unlocking Soap Opera Peter?  Thoughts on the dialogue?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

234 responses to “Quahog Telenovela Weekend Walkthrough: Soap Opera Peter

  1. Does anyone know if we will get a chance to unlock sso peter again? I Missed out on getting him by one hat :


  2. I was having a nice relaxing day after the piñata saga and forgot to send Peter on his final task for the storyline, he’s on it now but there’s less than 10 minutes left. Oops.


  3. Hilarious that SSOP’s questline goes away with the event. Had they not changed the candy requirement, getting SSOP would’ve been down to the wire for most all players. Very very few would’ve actually been able to even start his quests! Lol!


  4. Got peter just now (130 pdt). Needed 2 hats ans Lois and Bonnie both dropped one for me. 🙂
    Also I found timeanddate.com by typing in “what is pdt”, and it gave me a clock showing what time it is in pdt as of now.
    I know you get tons of time conversion questions, this could be a tool for some people.


  5. I’ll be short 1 pinata for A Whole New Mundo Pt.4


  6. I can’t wait for this to finish – only 10 more hours! I only started this game on Sunday, so have only Peter and Bruce to collect blindfolds – I managed to get 1 before I realised it was a waste of time. Unfortunately my key buildings are locked out by pinatas, so I can’t even complete tasks. There should have been an ‘opt out’ for this. Pretty annoyed.


  7. Pineadas don’t appear enough. In the last 8 hours I’ve gotten 2. There isn’t going to be enough time to complete this given the slow Pineada spawn times. 1/2 day + left. This ain’t happening. I might as well abandon this play. Bad pacing.


  8. Peters 2nd task is 4 hours not 5 hours 🙂


    • You’re right…that’s what happens when you type too fast lol

      fixing it now 🙂

      PS Sorry it took so long to respond. I had to go back through my screenshots.


  9. Im all up to date now, peter unlocked and doing his 8 hour task. Just want to check that the quest line wont dissappear will it? He has 2 tasks taking 11 hours, i should be fine but want to check.


  10. Still screwed, with CONSTANT attempts at getting moustaches since the day this started I only have 8 ….. not possible to get without spending clams (aka real money since the rate you get clams in the game is beyond pathetic, clams=REAL money)
    I fail to see the FREE part of this so-called freemium


    • Shawn Heidingsfelder

      Right now I have over a hundred clams, and I’ve yet to spend a dime buying any from the store. If you’re getting collections, you’re getting free clams. If you’ve been completing event story arcs, you’ve been getting free clams. The only time I spent clams on a building or premium character so far has been on Jake Tucker and the Church. Save your clams for completing costumes or unlocking characters that are on a timer, and you should never run out. Learn to live without having it all if you’re not willing to pay for it.

      Not sure why there’s a complaint about the drop rate when they’re free money, as you say. It could still be like the game was in the very beginning, when there wasn’t much of a way to earn clams outside of getting one by visiting a friend or Ollie and getting lucky. The collections rewards are something they added later.


  11. Yay!! I got him!!! Thanks to them lowering the quantity & you guys for being so active with your site & communication with them! Considerate of them so we could stand a good chance at unlocking him. Worked for me! Thanks!


  12. I just wanted to say, I just unlocked SSOP, and even with the weird pinatas drop\spawn rate, excess of bandanas, and my stoner memory making me forget to check back every 2 hour it wasn’t hard to do at all. X.x Just kick back, thank the FGA family, and prepare for star trek! Haha Thanks bunny and alissa for keeping us informed!


  13. Awesome!!! Thank you TinyCo!


  14. Has something changed as earlier today you needed 55 candies for SSO Peter and when I’ve just checked it is now only 35 candies


  15. Sometime between 1300 and 1600 Eastern, the amount of pinata candies for Soap Opera Peter dropped from 55 to 35 (thus suddenly earning me a completion). 55 did seem mathematically to be too much, even for consistent players (Tiny Co is really good about making the needs of stuff match a good, consistent play style for the time given).


  16. looks like they lowered the candy from 55 to 35….I just checked and was able to create Peter


  17. Just went to al harringtons to check my progress. Have 39 candies, but it was checked as done and said create. In 5 minutes I will have soap opera peter. Good job TinyCo and FG addicts.


  18. Something must have changed. I just hit 50 piñatas cleared for questline and looked at the SS Peter skin in Al Harringtons and it said I had 45/35 candies. So I clicked on ‘create.’


  19. I think TinyCo just lowered the candy requirement. I logged in like I’ve been doing every two hours and Al’s gave me the option to create soap opera Peter. Now it says only 35 candies are required! Thanks TinyCo!


  20. My games now says I only need a total of 35 candies, instead of 55. Is this on everyone’s game? Maybe I should just spend the 16 clams, if this is a glitch…


  21. I know for a fact I won’t be getting this costume unless something changes.. Piñatas don’t spawn fast enough, only 34 of them, 31 with candies, and I am having a hard time with the hats, only 7 of them so far. Blindfolds are no problem to get, have 4 waiting for piñatas… An extra day or two would be great since I don’t have enough clams to buy anything, and I refuse to spend money on this.


  22. Looking at the walk through of what you have to do once SSP is created and the rate the pinatas drop this IS AN IMPOSSIBLE QUEST!

    Why TinyCo?


  23. You addicts (or at least Bunsters) like arithmetic (I refuse to call it math unless it has a ∫ or at least a 𝛿 in it) so here is what I get being the most generous I can be:

    6 days x 24 hours = 144 hours
    1 piñata every 2 hours (less 4 hours to get the first blindfold) = 70 piñatas
    Generous candy drop rate of 85% = 59 piñatas
    55 candies to create Spanish Soap Opera Peter = Need to break 65 piñatas
    Time remaining after breaking 65 piñatas = 10 hours
    Time to complete TFC Pt. 1 = 8 hours
    Time left after completing TFC Pt. 1 = 2 hours
    Time to complete TFC Pts. 2&3 = 17 hours
    Time left in event after completing ALL TFC = -15 hours!

    So, it can’t be done. Unless you pay real $s. So this is bait and switch.

    Bad Tiny CO! Bad! Go sit in the corner and think about what you have done!


  24. Best way for TinyCo to fix this?
    Let us trade blindfolds for candies in the last day of the event.


  25. I was stymied for the longest time because all my blindfold earning characters were behind piñatas except 1. And he was on a 24 hour task with 20 hours left when the Telenovela event started. So it took 1 day to earn 1 blindfold, 4 hours more to earn 2 more, and 4 hours more to free them all. So from the start of the event, it was 32 hours before I was earning full blindfolds.

    Now, there is roughly 27 hours left for the event – meaning I will get 14-15 more piñatas. I currently have 32 piñatas and 27 candies (84%!). By the scheduled end of event, what I can expect is:

    46-47 piñatas (3-4 fewer than what I need for A Whole New Mundo, pt 4.)
    38-39 candies (16-17 fewer than I need for the costume)

    And obviously no time for La Guitara, meaning I won’t even complete The Forbidden Clam, Pt. 1

    Another thing. If this really was a 6 day event with piñata drops every 2, that is 72 piñatas max. Since I missed 24 hours max before I earned a blindfold, I should have been able to get 60 piñatas. Like I said, I expect max 47 – something seriously wrong here. Anyway, I still could only have expected 50 candies – not enough for the costume.

    Serious raspberries to Tiny CO for this one.


  26. Let’s say the event lasted six full days, which it didn’t, at least no for us android users (remember the stick glitch?). That makes 6 x 12 piñatas attainable (considering the theoretical piñata every two hours). So that gives us 72 latches. According to my piñatas/candy ratio, the drop rate is 75%, so the maximun ammount of candy we could earn in 6 days, is 72×75% = 54. Discount to the available time the glitches, the first tasks in the questline and the latches not spawning properly and this give us something more than a challenge.


  27. I am so frustrated with this event! I play this game and I’m on probably every 2 hours (even through the night due to feeding my baby) and I am still 30 candies away from peters costume. The pinatas are not re spawning enough plus they don’t always drop candies! I’m beyond frustrated with this event and I love family guy! I really hope they fix the spawn rate or extend the event a few days.


  28. Tiny co should give us more time for soap peter.


  29. Just some feedback for TinyCo (if they’re reading…) It is critical in a freeium game to strike a reciprocal relationship with the player. What I mean is, give us something for free and we’re more likely to continue investing our real world money in the game. I felt the Valentines Day event was a great example. You gave us a ton of awesome content for free during that event. In addition, I bought 50.00 in clams because I felt what you were giving me for free was rewarding enough to want to buy the event’s premium related content. This event is fundamentally different. It seems designed to make the player think they are getting a free costume that is virtually unobtainable unless we either purchase a 130 clam pinata decoration or by forcing us to do a last minute buyout. This feels like a bait and switch to the player. There should be a clear line drawn in the sand separating free content from premium content.


    • I agree completely. I have been playing since the event started and due to poor drop rates I still need 18 candies. Unless the latcher spawn rate changes or the event is extended, I will need to spend clams to get this freemium costume. I think for freemiums, a player should only need clams if they are in a rush, or are not playing regularly.


  30. I hate latched events, they punish lower level players and are boring to higher level players. The only way to fix it is to have more latches which locks you out of buildings. If they made it so that you could still collect coins and characters from buildings it would be actually pretty fun. I could see an event where latches are on all your buildings and you have to clear all of them off by the end of the event. I refuse to give clams for this. I feel free should be free and clam should be clam. A light challeng of you have to check in 4-5 times per day to obtain this free item is good. You have to check in every two hours or you won’t get it is unrealistic, frustrating, and spiteful towards the players. That combined with the tiny period of time where purchased characters matter makes me enjoy this game less and less…


  31. I have been playing evry day and I am still missing 20 candies. I always have enough blindfolds, but there are not enough piñatas 😦


  32. Yeah I don’t see how I could get Soap Peter in time either. Usually on mini events it is pretty easy to get the main skin or character (Jillian, Bitch Stewie, etc) hopefully they will give extra time like they did for kool-aid man.



  33. Thanks for polling our progress on that other post. I see I am further than some and not as far as others. I don’t mind grinding for characters or skins — it is the aspect of the game I enjoy most — but if something is presented as freemium, it should be played freemium. When a character or a skin or a building is presented for clams, a player can make the decision whether or not to purchase. The issue with this mini event is that it was presented as freemium (as most collecting challenges are), but quickly became mathematically improbable to achieve. This is a problem with the design of the challenge which is a TinyCo problem, not a player problem. Short of purchasing the pinata building, there isn’t anything a player can do because you can’t even rush the spawns with clams. TinyCo has reacted much quicker on items which weren’t even their problems in the past (players whining about drop rates), yet they have remained silent on this one. I wanted to give them Monday to see the posts here and the deluge of in-game messages from the weekend and yet they have remained silent with less than 36 hours remaining to the event. I can’t even see their strategy on not realizing and admitting to their mistake and making a change. You say that they are reading these posts and are aware and are communicating, yet they have done nothing which hasn’t been like them. Curious, considering there is a major event a couple of days away and I would think they would want happy players who are feeling good about going to the wallet.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Either TinyCo wants people to spend clams, either they didn’t prepare this event properly. Again. It’s not the first time that an event doesn’t work out the way it should.
    Once again TinyCo is rushing from one event to another, causing unforeseen problems. Think about the Christmas event, which started immediately after the American Dad event, causing heaps of bugs. In stead of organizing one event after another, I would like them to take their time, think things through and prepare the events properly.
    The same thing is happening now again. The Star Trek event has already been announced to start the day after the SSOP event will finish. Imho that’s not smart, it doesn’t leave them an opportunity to fix things or give people more time. Take it easy, TinyCo. No one will judge you because there is no event for a week or two.

    Another thing that I don’t like is the fact that the quest lines connected with an event always disappear together with the event. Very often people need until the last moment to collect all the stuff to unlock a character or outfit and the quest lines are then impossible to finish. Why is it necessary to cancel these quest lines? It’s not that there are huge rewards in it. TinyCo must have spend a lot of time to develop these lines, so why not let as many people as possible enjoy them?

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Been playing since fall last year (king butt) not a freeium player , that being said I will hold out for tiny to fix this poorly planed event . I still need 20 candies and nothing to smash mine generate 1 every 3 hours or so.


  36. I don’t hope to get Telenovela Peter. I keep on collecting things just in case they extend the mini-event of decrease the candy requirements… but not much hope of that happening either, really.

    I would maybe consider spending clams if Star Trek wasn’t coming. I’m saving my clams for that.


  37. I gave up on this, no more waking up in the middle of the night plus having to checking in throughout the day to continue trying to get the costume.


  38. When exactly are you supposed to do the Forbidden Clam quest?
    The 55 candies required to unlock SSO Peter would take the luckiest guy in the world 4 days and 14 hours.
    in a 5 day event clams are the only way to unlock SSO and be able to do the quests is to spend ttclams.

    What bothers me is that they are presenting new content as freemium when in fact the only way to access it is by spending clams. masquerading stealth premium content as freemium in order to get the players invested in unlocking it as a way to incrementally increase clam spendin is pretty low.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Same here I have I only earned 25 candies. I’ve earned everything else. I really want Spanish Peter but don’t think it will be possible. Maybe today I will get the luck of the Irish! Thanks Addicts for all the info you get out to us! 🍀


  40. As someone that has played every event since the beginning and never missed a skin/character, this event irks me. It only showed up on my phone Sunday night (and I had played earlier that day a number of times) and having seen the timescale of Wednesday I figured it must be some mistake.

    Coming on here that is obviously not the case and plenty of others are struggling just like I am. I will be nowhere near getting the candies as 55 is far too many – especially when I can whack 4/5 piñatas in a row and they drop nothing but cash (which I have like $3 million + of already).

    Then to find out that the costume is the last one I need for the 25 clam reward is ludicrous – as I have every other costume except one and they have never had constraints as bad as this (barring the clown costume one, which is the one I missed).

    This event is a big bust. At least I got all of the buildings out of it, but missing the costume and having to look at that empty space on my game forever (until they inevitably let us buy the skin later in the year for 200 clams or something rubbish).


    Liked by 1 person

    • angryinsomniac

      I know. SO frustrating. I just saw it Sunday, as well. I’m a long time family guy get stuff addict, hooked since the Comic Con event in August. The changes now.. which seem to try so hard in making us use actual money actually I think do the opposite. It makes me play a lot less.


  41. Unlike most here, I have had a pretty good drop rate on everything. It’s still possible that I will get in just under the wire without spending any clams.
    My question is how long does the costume take to create once we collect all the items? Also if it is in the process of being created at Al’s when the timer runs out, does it stay or disappear?
    I would really hate to collect everything and lose it at the very end.


  42. Ugh. If it were just a case of collecting blindfolds for Spanish Peter, instead of candies-that-might-come-from-blindfolds, then I’d be finished collecting for this costume already. The piñata spawn rate is just too darn low for the potential payoff.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Well, this mini event has been a joke. I thought the moustaches would be the problem and bought the building to help out with them. The pinatas have spawned ok, but a drop rate has plummeted. The first two days were great but since then I have a drop rate of about 30%. The cowboy hat drop rate has also fallen to about 35%. Terrible for common items. No way to get this without spending more clams on top of the ones for the building. Strange that about the same time that the drop rates slowed down, I also started to get regular crashes. I wonder if it is the result of the patch that was pushed out for the stick counter.
    I have reported it to TinyCo, but doubt I’ll get an answer. They never bothered to respond during the Valentine event when I was getting graphics glitches and graphical stuttering whenever the perfume sprayers were on screen. That crashed the game so often that it was unplayable and ruined the event, so I’m not holding my breath.


  44. There is no way to get this costume. I’m so disappointed. My pinatas drop 1 out of 3 usually. I need 29 and there is no way. Almost done with mustaches and hats too. I loved the Valentine’s event and this follows it. So mad about it.


  45. Only 25 candies left to get to unlock SSO Peter, I have all the other things. No complaints here about the drop rate for the hats and moustaches – last mo dropped today. If I have calculated the time difference correctly, there are 39 hours left, so maybe I’ll just make it with the candies – I have my fingers crossed and whacking those piñata. If not, never mind, I’m sure that eventually we’ll get another go at that costume.

    Very happy to see Tricia and Connie also able to collect plutonium too – thanks Tiny Co!


  46. I’ll join in and say I haven’t missed a single pinata and have just done the math and won’t get Spanish Opera Peter in time, even if I get a candy every time! I’ll still end up 4 short! Hopefully they read all these complaints, however I think we all need to contact Tiny Co via the app and complain and hopefully they will change spawn rate so we all have a chance to get him without spending money/clams! One pinata every hour would be needed I think! Contacting Tiny Co now!


  47. Yeah, SSO Peter is quite obviously intentionally set up for us to fail unless we spend clams. Which negates the clam reward we get for completing Peters costume box. If that wasn’t the case, the problem (not enough piñatas popping up) would’ve been fixed long ago. If they do fix it, it’ll be after waiting for players to get scared and buy that dumb ass giant piñata that drops more piñatas which is what we’re asking them to impliment for “free” basically.

    I know the game is set up to constantly create revenue for TinyCo, but when you HAVE to to spend clams to win clams? Not cool.


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