Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Hey there Tribblemakers!

I decided to jump in here as tensions seem to be hitting an all time high in the game. So I am offering some helpful advise and try and refocus the concerns of what is going on in the game. So hang tight with me. 😉

Transporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter Energy

Let’s just jump right into it. Transporter Energy. Most are struggling to gain it. Many are getting upset at it. I am here asking that you just take a step back from the game for a minute, take a breather, and let’s take a look at the Event itself.

Deanna Troi is one of many Characters available to unlock in the game. In usual Addicts fashion, many are desperate to get her NOW NOW NOW! I feel this may be causing a bit more stress than necessary on some of the most avid Addicts players. I am here to tell you it is OK. Don’t stress. She is supposed to take time to unlock.

I will put this into a little more perspective. This Event is a long one. Due to that, there are many factors throughout the game that WILL take time to get to. It is pretty much how most the Events go. We are only rounding in our 2nd week of the Event with a LOT more to come. There are still 30 days left in the Event. Again, 30 days. That is an ENTIRE month of time to do so many things. There are only 3 more areas on the Enterprise left and still 4+ weeks to get to them. That is a LOT of time.Star Trek Timer

Every Event I sit back and see the same thing… Excitement as the new stuff hits… a bit of confusion as you learn what needs to be done… Panic in the beginning with thoughts of giving up when there is still so much more to come… LOTS of comments at the end stating they gave you TOO much and now you don’t know what to do with it. Lol. It’s why I love and adore y’all. Grumpy and yelling or not.

Short story long, DON’T PANIC! Don’t give up! Hang in there. This is the way it ALWAYS goes. For reals. Slow going at first, more things added, picks up in the middle, big finish at the end. Every Event.

As usual they ARE watching, they DO listen, things will ALWAYS come to help as the game progresses. It is what we have come to known. It is the mechanics of the game. So please hang in there. We are listening and watching too and conveying our thoughts to them from our point of view as we are playing the game right along with you. You can always share yours as well via email or in game messaging. Every suggestion may not get a response, but they do see them.

As Commander Taggart would say, “Never Give Up! Never Surrender!” Oh wait, that’s the wrong parody. 😉


437 responses to “Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

  1. After 4 transporter trips I have managed 8 chocolates now. Did something change because the chcolate was unlikely at the beginning and now it shows as likely. I am sending Georgi and Chris each time


  2. Rikers Beard Trimmers didnt want to drop, had all rare Tricorders before I even had half of the common Beard Trimmers.
    Geordis uncommon Rainbows had 3 users doing 20 hours tasks that didnt want to drop.
    Troi need Chocolate bars that dont want to drop, Ive done 10 trips to that planet without seeing a single one, and to get those you have to spend 6 rare Transporter Energy.
    Soon the next part is unlocked, and I dont want to think what rare items we need to unlock Picard and later Data.


    • I can’t get the transporter energy… I can’t imagine having enough for one trip for chocolate bars yet! I’ve gotten four total since they became available.


  3. it really doesn’t matter if the next stages end up showering us with ron jeremy sized loads of transporter energy. the fact remains that there is at least a perception that this event is impossible and many people are anxious about it or giving up on it altogether. this in itself makes this a failed event. games are supposed to be fun, especially “causal” ones like this.

    it’s funny….this is the coolest event yet, in terms of new ideas and things to do, and maybe the worst event yet in terms of execution.


  4. ✨Ahh-jeez, so I think it’s about time people STOP talking and posting about TinyCo., taking out the room-swapping technique!!!
    A game is ONLY a frakkin’ GAME please just let it go already. How about we start to TALK, THINK, and REMIND ourselves again as well as others, THAT this game is suppose to give you ENTERTAINMENT! It’s NOT in NO way, shape, OR form suppose to stress anybody out hahaha Sometimes we tend to forget that it’s only a game…something to play…to have FUN with!!! to turn your FROWN UPSIDE DOWN (wow! how corny,but it’s the truth! 😄)

    Tis all 😉✨💫


  5. Herbert is wearing ‘weird’ clothes


  6. Just woke up, discovered that they had changed the Rec Room swapping time.
    Checked my Away Team, no chocolate.
    I have wasted 10 trips to that planet and not a single chocolate bar.
    Yes, I know that the event is long, but how am I supposed to continue the story quests when everybody tries to either get a rare drop or are away trying to get the rare chocolate?
    And in town Im trying to grind plutonium so I finally can unlock Stevie so I can get his costume later.
    You know, the one that complains that I dont have Stevie yet when I click the info buttom about it.
    It doesnt feel so fun playing any longer.
    And taking breaks means less time getting rare drops in a limited period of time.


  7. Time is not the problem – impossibility is. I have been playing this game since it began. The 5 clam quest is out of reach unless you don’t tap Peter and build up clams. I don’t appreciate that kind of guess work. I am one of those “premium” players. I haven’t minded throwing money at the game. But even buying all the transporter energy features wouldn’t have helped. First time I won’t bother to try. TinyCo, you actually shot yourself in the foot!


  8. Well, the point is that this design is so frustrating. First you try hard to get sufficient TE (6 is pretty steep considering the low drop rate from 2 characters and 2 rooms) and then you don’t get a reward for 2 or 3 days of diligent work.


  9. Was nice with the room swapping to get enough energy to go on missions, you know… to “play” the game. Sucks having to have “glitches” to actually enjoy the game for a bit. I don’t care about characters taking time to unlock, needs to be that way anyway. But without any energy dropping, there is absolutely nothing to do in this event… BORING. Logging in & out all day everyday just to mindlessly send the same characters on the same tasks over & over got old awhile ago. This should be a really fun event, but again, nothing much to do…. just sayin’.
    Also, not having George Takai and Patrick Stewert involved in this event, right from the start, is ridiculous. Not buying the “not fair to newer players” excuse anymore. Have them at least have a long task for one lousy crystal or something, any kind of involvement! What is the incentive/advantage to even get/have over half these characters anymore? TinyCo…. c’mon man!

    And feel better Bunny!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Let’s face it: There is no long term incentive for buying premium characters. With very rare exceptions.


    • I totally agree. A good example is the Beer Bottles, Caps and Silver Tickets for the Brewery (definitely not the Suds, flutes or Taps). How many of those did we need, but had how many characters collecting them and almost always got them. Yes it took awhile and maybe got a little old, but we had the constant sense of progression and accomplishment. It’s the perfect way to utilize some of the “useless” characters. 4 or 5 off the wall characters doing a 2 or 4 hour task with a COMMON drop rate to reach a higher total.


  10. zombiepanda2007

    Bunny how are we not supposed to get discouraged if the items still won’t drop? For instance I had the quest to send Peter on the Mission Mai IV quest if we cannot get the blue gems? I have 0 and with only an hour and a half left to get 5 clams. I guess I’ll kiss those good bye since I cannot get any items dropped! For those who said that “they got Deanna Troy and Klingon Chris without clams are definitely trolling making us stressed out because there’s no way with the lousy drop rate, even though I’m on it every hour. I love this game and love this event, but I wished it wasn’t that stressful. It seems that TinyCo puts good deals knowing that it’s next to impossible to achieve them without items on hand. Grrrrrrr😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re not trolling
      I got Chris yesterday and will have troI by day’s end. With zero clams used .

      Learn the room swap trick and you can have blue energy dropped every 2 hrs


      • You shouldn’t have to “learn the room swap trick” as that is clearly a design flaw, and not an intended way to get transporter currency. If TinyCo isn’t completely incompetent, they will be pulling stats to see how players are advancing through the game. When a large number of players are using exploits to advance more quickly, it throws off the stats and makes them think the event is running more smoothly than it really is, and they will raise future requirements accordingly.

        Just look at previous events that had squatters that needed to be bombed (minions, trick-or-treaters, etc…). People found out they could build mazes to corral the AI into certain areas, thus allowing them to advance more quickly. Then in future events, the difficulty of the associated challenges went up until there were impossibly high requirements that required mid-event changes.

        Exploiting in-game functions does not excuse TinyCo’s poor event planning.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely not trolling my friend

      I’ve had klingon Chris 4 a couple of days and just unlocked deanna 10 mins ago…

      And I am totally freemium, n have not spent a single clam, if anything my clam count has risen due to jesus finally dropping clams n them lovely tribbles 😉

      Obviously figuring out the room swap technique right from the start gave me a head start on others but I promise u it is obviously do-able, coz like I say I’ve jus unlocked deanna n am now patiently waiting 4 the next phase in 1 n a half days


    • I’d say it’s certainly possible to have gotten Klingon Chris by now without using clams. I’m only one dictionary away from having him, and didn’t directly use clams to do so. Yes, I bought Worf, but I’ve only gotten a few dictionaries from him. Most I got from room swapping, and I didn’t even start that until Sunday night. Someone who started earlier could have easily gotten all the dictionaries by now, and the other items were common enough drops. Agreed on Deanna, though. No way outside of clams or questionable luck does anyone have her yet, if the abysmal drop rates on chocolate aren’t being exaggerated any more than is normal for the internet. I wouldn’t know, since I made a conscious decision not to even travel to Wai Iota until I have Klingon Chris and a presumptive better chance. Haven’t even sent Geordi on his 24hr task yet so I don’t have to worry about triggering the timer and wasting a trip (and the six energy) sending Peter without some useful backup.


      • Well I got her a few hrs ago NO CLAMS USED !!

        Like I said I had a headstart on most because I got a lot of transporter energy from the room swap trick as I started it right from the beginning, but a few days ago I still had 0 chocolates (but had everything else for her and klingon Chris unucked)

        Over the last few days I started sending away trips 2 the 2nd planet, I sent teams 4 times and got chocolates 3 OUTTA 4 TIMES

        So I’ve not spent money or used any of my clams and I have nothing 2 do till 2moro night lol


  11. I enjoyed the longer wait to unlock the plutonium and then after complaints a bunch of people got jobs to drop it and the storyline was over immediately. I am all for having more to do or waiting longer, but without the room swap, the transporter thing is kinda nuts…I went on 5 away missions for that billboard where my rating was “likely” and still never got it..I wish I had that energy back! lol


    • And I got it on my first attempt (also on “likely”, though so were the crystals). I am constantly flummoxed and/or frustrated by the variability between users in this game, given the simply described levels of likelihood…


  12. The best reason to think that TinyCo will make it so characters will drop chocolate directly in the future is this:

    12 chocolate bars are required to unlock Deanna. Right now, you are awarded with 4 chocolate bars after each successful transporter mission. Obviously this means it requires 3 successful transporter missions to unlock her. However, why didn’t TinyCo just require 3 chocolate bars and reward one bar for a successful transporter mission? Aha!

    This is most likely because they planned all along to incorporate character actions to drop 1 or 2 chocolate bars in future phases.

    Rest well, addicts. More chocolate is likely coming our way. Also a big thanks to you ladies for all your work.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are wrong, ive gone on 4 transporter mission 2 the 2nd planet that u claims drops chocolates and have 0! So are those unsuccessful missions? How fo i get a successful mission??!


  13. Everyone worried about unlocking troi in time for the next update needs to relax and take a pill…who honestly trusts that they can roll out the update on time?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hmm… TinyCo is not responding to any of my messages…


  15. My issue is that after 2 days of playing 6 or 7 times per day, I had collected 1 transporter energy. At that rate, a month is not nearly enough time. I generally give tiny co the benefit of the doubt but in this case the drop rate was ridiculous. I tried playing it straight up but had to start using the room swap method because I want making any progress at all.


  16. Me again, I’m such an addict that I checked in my game. I need 3 more TE that will take 30 hours, right. Plus I’m I the only one noticing that there kinda skipping over warp core 3 and going directly into warp core 4……what the……….never mind maybey its just the wodka………………………


    • It’s warp core level 3, unlocked by reaching starfleet level 4 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Should be able to get it in 20 hrs if you have two Rec Rooms building at a time. Crystals are pretty easily available right now compared to their need, so might as well put them to use. You only have to spend them once, after all. If you’re going to use the room swapping, might as well swap as many rooms at once as you can for as many items as possible…


  17. My problem is the lack of consistency. Calling the transporter rare, this means to me a 33% chance of it dropping, basically 1 in 3 jobs should gain me one. That’s how it’s always worked for other rare items. With 4 things on the go, i should be getting at least 3 per day. I’m getting 2…ish. It is more like an extra rare drop. Of course, i have all 10 extra rares already and got them in the space of 24 hours, which is normally impossible. If it was called extra rare, and the number required for wai iota was 3 rather than 6 i would be considerably happier with how it was going.

    This might be as intended but it doesn’t fit with any other drops at all.

    Been to oh noes 3 times, for a rather minimal result. If they’re going to throw dilithium at us, how about a reasonable amount?

    I also want patrick stewart and george takei involved. I have both through a previous event, they should TOTALLY be part of this. Even earning some more event currency would be handy.


  18. One transporter energy from 5 different sources all day!!!


  19. When I messaged TinyCo about the transporter energy drop rate, they replied with something very similar, along the lines that since Star Trek is a very long event, it’s supposed to take longer to unlock Troi. I got to thinking about it, and I’m betting they did this so we have something to work on. Typically, daily players finish with all the newest quests and characters a couple days before the next part of the event unlocks. Seems like maybe TinyCo decided to keep us busy all week, instead of having that two or three days of sitting around waiting for the new content.


  20. The Empire Strikes Back

    Not sure why everyone is up in arms over this latest move by TinyCo. Anyone that complains to the company about the drop rate usually gets a precanned response that it is functioning as intended. The key words “as intended” means exactly that. When people found a small exploit to swap rooms to get ahead, it was no longer as TinyCo intended. Now don’t get me wrong, I disagree with their intended drop rate wholeheartedly; however, an exploit is an exploit. Keep the complaint train aimed at the right folks as the lovely gals that run this site aren’t TinyCo.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Also I noticed when I get a notification, the logo has changed to a cartoonish t.v. 😉


  22. Looks like they increased the rec room build time.


    • pity people so openly discussed room swapping. there are people that didn’t do it and are struggling for energy in order to make trips. now they are even more disadvantaged.


      • I discussed it a lot…..

        But I was only tryna help people out cause I seen how angry they were over the drop rate

        Alissa already said it wasn’t us that ruined it, some other blog made an actual post about the room trick and that’s y tinyco changed it


        • Now now. No one knows “why” they changed it. As I state all the time and in this post…they are VERY observant. TinyCo has known about it for a week at least. Kinda surprised it wasn’t fixed sooner.

          I just know people are upset a “trick” was changed. It’s still there. Just takes longer. But no reason to turn to lynch mobs. Or worse… turn it into Salem witch trials. Point a finger and “GET EM!”

          I think everyone needs to just calm down and stop bullying one another. Kindness goes a long way. Don’t hurt those that help or the help just might disappear. Then where would you all be? 😉


    • They increased my rec room build time as well!


  23. It’s okay, at least I get REAL chocolate. CADBURY!! 🍫💁


  24. I’ve made a commitment, instead of checking in my game every hour, im gonna check in every 6 hours and if bonnie hasn’t dropped a synthesizer orb, then bam another 6 hours untill she drops one then I’ll start playing again. Cmon tiny co…


  25. I started playing TQFS a couple of weeks before the Full Moon event, that was the only event in which I was not able to get everything that was Freemium due to my town being too new. I only recall one other time in which a mistake on the release that caused a mathematical impossibility for getting something, and Tiny Co fixed it within 24 hours and gave us all extra time as well. I have had no issues getting all items (mostly within the phase of their release) thus far in this and every event after the Full Moon event. I do not see this one being an issue. A challenge, yes, but not an issue. The majority of the “fixes” Tiny Co has been pressured into have not really been necessary. I agree with what Bunny has said about almost every event, it’s supposed to be a challenge, thus some will get it all, some will not, tis the nature of the game. If it were not challenging, most would have given up by now. I know of no successful game that did not present a challenge to its players…

    I agree with most that the transporter energy drop rate is bad, but they either unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) gave us a way to cheat that with room swapping, so it’s far from impossible. Without that little hack, it would be rather unreasonable and I think I would have found myself on the complaining side of the issue at this point. I unlocked Klingon Chris yesterday and Diana today, but I did have good luck with chocolate drops on the away missions, I also sent EVERYONE EVERY TIME to increase the odds.


  26. I was buying a TV at HH Greggs tonight and had my game out playing Family Guy while we waited to ring it up and the guy helping me sees it. He says “OMG you play that too? I’m so addicted, this blue transporter drop rate is crazy slow!” My wife and I laughed. She and I are trying to unlock Deanna first…kind of competition a little bit. I have actually been lucky. I got the Ferengi Bulletin Board on the first shot and chocolate on one of 2 try’s so far. That rare spawn of transporter energy is slowing me down that’s for sure. The thing is…the spawn rate isn’t that bad IF you get what your going for in the transporter. It only gets to be a bummer when they come back empty handed a lot (like my Wife’s Away Teams have been doing)…..better her than me man…. 😉 I’m so far ahead. She doesn’t even have Chris yet…hehe


  27. Yeah, the other “people” r trying to turn the table on u girls saying u cause the time changes becuz of ur polls, lol. What a moron. I know u girls knew anout the glitch but didnt want to ruin it like they did. Might as well put a sign on their forehead and then ask tinyco to come by and look that the found a glitch and u should fix it. Oh…the funniest thing is they say they will write to tinyco and ask for an apology
    for making it look like its that idiot fault and explain that its not his fault, IT IS UR FAULT!!


    • Honestly it doesn’t matter to me. TinyCo knew about it a week ago. I’m surprised they let it go as long as they did. Everyone can blame everyone else but the end of the day… it would have been fixed regardless. I would prefer no torches and pitchforks, even if it’s another site.

      Just not worth it to me to play the blame game. We all lost a great way to get transporter energy when it was pulled.


    • To be clear, those people are in the comments, not running the website. The people running the website have stated that the fault lies with TinyCo as it’s their mistake.

      There was a joke about asking for an apology, which was clear in context. It wasn’t serious. Another thing that is clear is that inflammatory comments are typically made by people leaving comments and not the website writers. Therefore, everything should be taken with a grain of salt and a healthy dose of skepticism.


      • All I can say is this… MANY times people fault us Addicts for stuff in the game. It’s not our game. We can’t control it. Though many still take out their abuse and anger on us at times on an hourly basis. Just bounce round the comments here. Those are the ones that passed moderation. Imagine the ones that don’t.

        I feel for Rypod. I don’t think he’s had to experience it before. Not like that. Regardless what happened, my motto and methods that formed our Addicts Guidelines still carry even to outsiders or “enemies”. Kindness goes a long way.

        Those pitchforks and torches can hurt even the strongest of person. I know personally.


  28. Adding GalaxyQuest would be awesome.


  29. I started playing this game a year ago solely because it was Family Guy — I worship Stewie!! — and I enjoyed the strategy of it so I continued. The themed events don’t mean much to me but I have kept playing due to the allure of a Star Wars event and how it would play out in this game. I recognize that the themed events are an effort to draw in additional unique players. But I have always questioned the livelihood of a game that is reliant on an independent website just to give the players a puncher’s chance at achieving success. So we were inventoried today as to our progress as we were two weeks ago with Soap Opera Peter. That time, an unrealistic count was dropped and many, many players who otherwise would not have were able to acquire the character. This time, they took our information and slapped us in the face by making the game HARDER by eliminating a “quirk” that many admitted to using in an effort to complete an unrealistic challenge. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new model where players will have to pay to play to achieve success.


  30. You may have discussed this in an earlier thread, but do you happen to know what happened with a quest where you had to place both Klingon items in Quahog for a prize? It was there one minute and seemed to be gone the next so I was wondering if it was like this current timed quest? As far as this timed quest goes it was a little cheap of Tiny-Co to spring an 11 HOUR quest on us with a 14 HOUR time limit when they know most of us are trying to get the transporter energy with the 6 HOUR quests. Otherwise great event so far 🙂


  31. You finally hit the nail on the head. Both you and Tiny Co. are looking at this as we have 30 more days, which is only partially right. As someone who has been playing since the beginning,I know the pattern, new characters/ costumes/ areas every Thursday night (unless the power goes out, or the app store hasn’t released it yet). Which means i have one week to unlock the new character and costume before the next one drops. If i can NOT have them unlocked in 6 days then Tiny co. has failed to give me the ability or tools to do so. Since this is an event and not a district, this is the way it should be. The sooner Tiny co. realizes this the better things will be for everyone. If there goal is to drag out unlocking characters then go ahead and give us all of them in the beginning.


    • as someone who is playing since the beginning you should know TinyCo is always trying new and different things. A new pattern we have to adapt to, that’s playing not mindless tapping


  32. Bunny, thanks for this post. I am frustrated with how infrequently transporter orbs (as well as synthesizer cubes) show up. Seems to be only 10% chance, maybe 15% max. Is this normal?


  33. While I hear your point and agree, they release phases 1 week at a time, and build upon the week previous. Players are feeling the crunch – Thursday after 6 EST we will be expected to use Deanna to move on, and we won’t likely have her yet.

    Moreover, it’s nice that the room swapping thing exists, I suppose, but I’m not interested in a strategy game. If that’s truly the only way to achieve events, I’m out


    • Who says you need her to move on though? They’re doing all sorts of new things this event. All I’m saying is give it a try. Don’t panic. They usually have things pretty figured out 😉


      • No, they really, really don’t. If they had things figured out, they wouldn’t have to scramble to fix every single event.


        • They don’t “fix it” …they’ve made changes for players. Many times the changes were completely unnecessary. Just like this post… many times there’s TOO much left at the end because the change they made.

          I see things from a lil different view. There are adjustments that did need to be made, but others I wished they left alone.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Couldn’t agree more Bunny. Too many times they turn something from challenging but possible, to way too easy, to passing the screaming hordes. I got all 3 chocolate drops in 3 goes since they changed the drop rate. That’s gone way too far to the easy side. No challenge at all!!!


      • If they don’t require Deanna, they will surely use Peter and/or Mort for something else in the storyline, further limiting our options for earning TE.


  34. I’m only worried of another close call like with Jesus 😦 86/100 or 64/75 I don’t remember what matters Is I was way too close even after investing 100 clams in the blizzard dropper


  35. It’s ridiculous, frankly. Yes, we know they are watching and listening – that’s how they saw that people were using the room swapping to get transporter energy, and decided to up the time so that we are stuck without it. I’m sure I WILL manage to get Deanna before April 30th. That’s not my concern. My concern is that the amounts of everything we need INCREASE as we progress through the event, because we’re supposedly gathering more characters and getting more ways of gathering “stuff”. So we need Deanna before then, in order to be able to get somebody else in time to be able to help to get somebody ELSE just in time for the end.

    Using the room swapping, I would just about be able to get Deanna as the new phase hits and gives us a bunch more stuff to go at. That is ideal in my opinion. Now I’ll get behind with Deanna, putting me behind with the next phase, which will put me even further behind with the next phase, ending up with me unable to get the last prizes.

    This isn’t me panicking or wanting things “Now Now Now!”. This is me knowing from experience that if you fall behind with each phase update then you can easily miss out on the final big prize that everybody wants – in this case probably Kirk.

    It also stinks that they just upped the build time in the middle like that. I get that it isn’t how they’d intended people to play, but to be honest if they hadn’t given the rooms such abysmal drop rates then people wouldn’t have resorted to it. I got ONE energy from playing the game properly. ONE, in three days. At that rate I wouldn’t have done any away missions by now, nor got Chris (send characters collecting items or energy?), nor accomplished hardly anything from this phase. At that rate, it would take 18 days to get enough energy for the second away mission, and then you’re facing appalling drop rates for the chocolates needed for Deanna. If they’ve patched up the exploit that people have needed to resort to, they’d better have patched up the way they want us to play so that it actually works. Otherwise it just seems like a cynical clam-making move.

    Ugh, it feels like every time I’m enjoying the game and they convince me to spend a whole bunch of money on it, they go and do something to make me regret ever giving them anything and committing myself to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Question #1- How many out of the following do you have?

    0 Chocolate (Uncommon)

    35 Headbands (Uncommon)

    10 Picture Frames (Extra Rare)

    Transporter Energy:

    Question #2- How many do you have currently? 1

    Question #3- Where are you getting the Transporter Energy From? Room Swapping, Character/Room hourly tasks

    Transporter Trips:

    Question #4- How many trips total have you made to the Planets?

    6 maybe

    Question #5- What Planet Did you Travel to the most?

    Oh is

    Question #6- What was the item you were trying to get from the Transporter?


    Did you get the item?

    4 books

    Question #7- What Starfleet Level are you currently at? Level 3 no help


  37. The room swap is still the best way to go imo. 6 hours for a chance or 10 for always. For every 5 chances you can get 3 (always) blues, that would mean to make the room swap not be worth it you’d have to be finding one 60+% of the time. My rate was closer to 10%… (Same as green blocks) so I’d reccomend room swapping even if it is slower now. Great example me and a friend both play, I kept room swapping, she didnt. I got the books for Chris way quicker, had more green and yellow(?) energy and atleast double the blue. So as long as its an always spawn its way better imo.

    Liked by 3 people

  38. Bunny, first, thanks. Always calm and reasoned. However …. TinyCo is partly to blame because of the way they have conditioned us as players. So many consecutive events, weekend events, timed characters/skins. They have conditioned us to sprint as opposed to take our time and plod along. We saw it with the freak out over the last three months with the two district releases — and TinyCo complied and increased the number of characters that dropped plutonium because people were freaking. There was no need to change anything as it was a district and would not be going anywhere. I could tell from the characters they used for collection that those characters wouldn’t interfere with the event and would keep those characters busy during the event and beyond.

    True, we don’t know what is coming and there are 30 days remaining, but everyone wants to have a fair chance at obtaining EVERYTHING that becomes available during an event. That is the thing TinyCo needs to be most mindful of as they roll out phases for the next four weeks. As a freemium player, I want to know that the tasks are designed so I am rewarded for my hard work and constant playing. Unfortunately, while there is some good will built up with how they have responded to players, at the same time there is quite a bit of distrust and leeriness because of the many, many mistakes that they have made. With the exception of King Butt in the first event, I have managed to get everything from every event since (mostly thanks to you two and this blog). I hope I can say the same thing in 30 days. I will keep logging in to keep trying.


  39. Hi what happened to herberts dressing gown earlier. He appeared to be walking around in a nappy on my android game and my wifes game too. Wtf.


  40. Wow, it takes TinyCo a week of getting bitched at to fix a glitch that was to their beniefit, but it takes them 1 day to fix a glitch that benefited the players and as an added slap in the face, they change the build time from 2 hours to 10 hours. ohhh, you “claim” the drop rate was increased, but you offset that by making the task 5 times as long. That’s ok, you just keep screwing the players. “Best Little TinyCo in Frisco”
    Kudos to them for their igneous programing to make it appear that we can’t accomplish anything, which makes us panic and buy clams.

    This Post and the above sentence held true for every event but this one. So far and not including Troi, there’s 5 characters. Each have there own quests (2-12 hours each) and at the same time, several have tasks in others quests (2-12 hours each). Also some of those characters tasks are to earn Transporter Energy. At the same time but only after we save up enough TE, we have to endlessly send 3-5 of them at a time to the Transporter for 3 or 6 hours trips. You need this to do that, you need that to do this. If you do this, you can’t do that, if you do that, you can’t do this. It’s all an endless cycle.

    We’ve all heard the saying ” Finish what’s on your plate before you take any more”. This is how we all feel, we want to finish the current week before pilling next week on top.

    On a side note, no matter how frustrated I get, when I see some of Bunny’s Replies, ie Ba Dum TISSSS” I have to laugh. Thanks for that as well as everything else y’all do.


  41. Bunny I panic not because I think I’m going to run out of time for deana I worry im not going to get better to get Spock quagmire or data i whant all the things bunny and the drop rates will leave me with partial things witch will remind me constantly of all the things I didn’t partially get


  42. Having the time of my life playing this!!! Have 2 neighbors that we are completing to see who can get what first and helping each other and others on a FB page with how we have achieved it. One guy said this is by far the Best Event he has seen on the game.
    Have a Good week. Remember tmrw is Hump Day!!!


  43. Still 0 chocolate lmao. yeah im stressing on it, but I can’t help but remember that guy from spongebob… CHOCOLATE? !I? !., hahaha


  44. 10 hours…still a better yield than what they were giving. Reeks a bit of poor sportsmanship on their part to change it mid game like this…


    • As soon as I saw it took 2h to build and 6h for a chance I knew they’d change it, It is/was clearly a flaw. Epwas hoping they’d wait till the next warp core though 😦
      Just waiting for them to change the 100% rate now.


  45. You know what? You are right…I’m a grown man mad at a phone app….now I feel foolish.
    With that said I think we all forgot to just have fun and enjoy a stunningly presented event.
    BTW I believe Rorschach from Watchmen also said “Never give up, never surrender.”
    Nerd facts, if anyone cares….

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Yeah. Transporter rooms time waaaaaaay increased


  47. Did anyone else’s room swap stop working? My crew quarters are gonna finish in 20min but that other room (that drops the transporter energy) will take 8hrs more??!!?? I already force restarted..


  48. What I don’t understand is that if this game is causing a person stress, then why are they playing it? Games are supposed to be fun and when they stop being fun is when I stop playing, lol. Seems simple enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Herbert switched to normal clothes, maybe a sneak peek at whats to come.


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