Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Hey there Tribblemakers!

I decided to jump in here as tensions seem to be hitting an all time high in the game. So I am offering some helpful advise and try and refocus the concerns of what is going on in the game. So hang tight with me. 😉

Transporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter Energy

Let’s just jump right into it. Transporter Energy. Most are struggling to gain it. Many are getting upset at it. I am here asking that you just take a step back from the game for a minute, take a breather, and let’s take a look at the Event itself.

Deanna Troi is one of many Characters available to unlock in the game. In usual Addicts fashion, many are desperate to get her NOW NOW NOW! I feel this may be causing a bit more stress than necessary on some of the most avid Addicts players. I am here to tell you it is OK. Don’t stress. She is supposed to take time to unlock.

I will put this into a little more perspective. This Event is a long one. Due to that, there are many factors throughout the game that WILL take time to get to. It is pretty much how most the Events go. We are only rounding in our 2nd week of the Event with a LOT more to come. There are still 30 days left in the Event. Again, 30 days. That is an ENTIRE month of time to do so many things. There are only 3 more areas on the Enterprise left and still 4+ weeks to get to them. That is a LOT of time.Star Trek Timer

Every Event I sit back and see the same thing… Excitement as the new stuff hits… a bit of confusion as you learn what needs to be done… Panic in the beginning with thoughts of giving up when there is still so much more to come… LOTS of comments at the end stating they gave you TOO much and now you don’t know what to do with it. Lol. It’s why I love and adore y’all. Grumpy and yelling or not.

Short story long, DON’T PANIC! Don’t give up! Hang in there. This is the way it ALWAYS goes. For reals. Slow going at first, more things added, picks up in the middle, big finish at the end. Every Event.

As usual they ARE watching, they DO listen, things will ALWAYS come to help as the game progresses. It is what we have come to known. It is the mechanics of the game. So please hang in there. We are listening and watching too and conveying our thoughts to them from our point of view as we are playing the game right along with you. You can always share yours as well via email or in game messaging. Every suggestion may not get a response, but they do see them.

As Commander Taggart would say, “Never Give Up! Never Surrender!” Oh wait, that’s the wrong parody. 😉


437 responses to “Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

  1. Argh! Another pair of Rec Rooms and no energy drops. 😦 That makes it a total of 1 I received in the last 24 hours. Yes, yes, patience… With how necessary they are though with six hour cycles through room and tasks it is quite frustrating, even with patience.


  2. Regarding Transporter Energy:

    I have made this comment several times and have seen it made several times a thread and dozens of times a day. ROOM SWAP. I have 64 transporter energy currently (after unlocking Troi) using this method. Its free, its easy, its guaranteed to work. I don’t get why hundreds of people are on here are so frustrated and they don’t read the comments and see this solution.

    Also, all Family Guy events are slow to start. Look at Comic Con and people were going ballistic about not being about to get George Takei after week 1, by the end you could have gotten 3 Takeis. Everything will be okay.


  3. Grrrr the one trick we had….its needed too!

    Think abput this – I have 2 rec rooms and the premium thing that gives 1 blue orb per 6 hours.

    That means I get 1-3 every 6 hours. Usually its 1, sometimes 2.

    It takes 6 orbs to go to the planet with chocolate bars. It takes 8 hours to try for 4 bars. You need 12.

    it wont be just 3 trips, more like 10 trips needed. Thats far too much.

    Personally I think they need to add a task to get chocolate. I understand it can take time but I like to be all done before the next phsse starts, or you end up with too much to do.

    I hope they do something!


  4. I hope no one directs any anger towards y’all. I think a lot of us have had positive experiences with the game, hence why we still play.

    However, on this event it seems normally-chatty TinyCo only responses were take away anything that boosted us. Being that sections are locked, it’s not like anyone is getting that far ahead. They stopped responding, even with “we’re looking at drop rates”. Then they increased build times. So their customer interaction went from “great” to “silent” to “now we’re trying to penalize you”. Not taking anything away from the other great aspects of the game – but the shift is noticeable.

    Additionally, patience is wise, but I don’t think it’s fair to say “there’s plenty of time”. Lots of people were still upset over the recent Yeti fight rules. I didn’t find out about the attack-again-last-minute trick until it was too late, so I missed out on Jesus by 1 item. I don’t think everyone sets out to find every hack on day 0 – just be able to play the game without having to worry about falling asleep for more than 6 hours. Given that a lot of people have 0 chocolates so far, Troi is definitely sensing some Yeti-fear in us.

    As someone who’s dropped money on clams, grabbed my phone going OMG I need to log in and play, and gone to websites for tips, this event has changed my level of commitment from “definitely will spend money on clams” to “maybe”.


  5. My problem isn’t that they want it to take time. My problem is how they do it. I’m tired of having five characters needed for several concurrent quest lines along with an activity for collect an item all while I have to send them on a mission. Spread out the duties to several characters. I’d rather have to collect more of everything then stuff never dropping. That is just irritating. Have regular characters collecting stuff. Other characters on quests and Star Trek themed characters going on the planet missions. This event has me annoyed to the point I’m checking into the game less then when there is no event at all and I’ve stopped spending money.


  6. You know, I honestly don’t think they should have “fixed” the room swapping exploit by making the build time 10 hours to get transporter energy. Based on the idea that the countdown to the next upgrade is at least a general indicator of when you have characters unlocked, quest lines complete to free up existing characters, and having collected the necessary experience, a build time of 4 hours would probably have been sufficient to balance the exploit. I do realize that there can be some overlap between phases, but 10 hours is still excessive, especially for people who hadn’t been using the exploit for the entire time.


  7. I’m playing this game since day 1 and maybe this sounds harsh now, but this event is IMHO very clam centric. You want an “always drop” on transport energy ? Buy a room with clams. You need help with transport energy and dictionaries ? Buy Worf with clams. Want more tribbles ? No problem, you only need to spent some clams…..
    During comic con, premium characters were a nice addition to speed things up. Things changed during the christmas event, without a premium character it was almost impossible to keep the yeti streak up all the time.

    But let’s get back to the current event…..
    During phase 1, 2 chars (Riker + Geordi) and 2 skins (Starfleet Peter + Ferengi Mort) were introduced. Phase 2 had 1 character and 1 skin.

    I think my frustration is based on this: “Wow, I was able to get so much during the first week (2 chars, 2 skins) and now ? One week passed and I finally got the Klingon Chris skin this morning.”. Same timeframe and only a quarter of the reward. Now, with so less time left for this phase, the next part is around the corner with Locutus and Starfleet Lois. Instead of collecting stuff for 1 char and 1 skin, there is a left-over to collect for. And this will sum up. Sooner or later you have to decide which character you send on which task. With the current progress, I fear to start phase 4 with only Lois skin unlocked and two additional left-over characters.

    I read a lot of the comments in the “Star Trek Enterprise: Where Are YOU In The Game?” post. One thing is notable: Those without taco trucks and room swapping are pretty much on the same level. Almost zero chocolate, around 5-8 transport energy, 1-6 transport missions completed and somewhere between level 3 and 4. So you can say it’s “working as intended”. But that’s not how it feels. At work, I try to finish things till friday, so I can start on monday without the hassle to remember where I was. A phase is something like that for me, the end of a week full of work. Something new arrives, I am eager the see new stuff, not wasting my time with “old” quests from last week.

    I know, it’s hard to serve all players, those with a slower speed and those who rush through the content. But the “other” game and its latest event were “more fun” for me. The rewards for each issue could easily be reached by slower players and those with a faster play-rate / more play-time were able to earn some premium currency in the meantime. It didn’t feel like “OMG, I got everything after 2 days, now I have to wait.”. The days until the new content were not “wasted”, I never had the “what next?” feeling. But here, I rather have the “OMG, I will never see the light at the end of the tunnel” feeling.


    • I don’t see the ‘clam-centric’-ness. If anything, premium purchasers have so far received zero benefits. Tribbles continued every hour during the first week (despite original intent of being limited) and have continued (at a different rate) for the whole of this second week.

      Most of the items to unlock freemium characters and costumes (except chocolate 😉 ) freely available from Trekkies and tribbles and rooms and character tasks.

      Success rate for chocolate missions has been increased.

      Other than one premium character so far there has been nothing much to spend clams on.


  8. I AM frustrated at the drop rates, but am still plugging along. However, I’m more upset at the “always drops” research centre that costs clams, that turns into a “chance drop” when it is placed. I’ve complained in game about it, but have heard nothing.


  9. I hate the inconsistency. Yes we have 30 days and I would like to pace myself but they do tweek drop rates and change things like taco truck and room swapping. I never unlocked Jesus and this leads me to panic with all new freemium characters. In fairness to tinyco, if everyone unlocked Deanna there would be mass rage for boredom and not enough to do. Can’t there be a happy medium?


  10. I am happy that this was put up! A good pep talk never hurts!

    I am still on the fence on what exactly I’m gonna do with this event. I’ll prolly reserve my judgment until phase 3 drops so I can see where it’s headed. Looking at what’s to come “logically” should be harder, so I’m not going to hold my breath. They already got $10 outta me.

    Everybody don’t forget that transporter energy ISN’T just for transport, it’s also used for items in the replicator. Transporting is bad enough, but replicator items makes X2.

    8 choc out of 12
    Klingon symbol statue not purchased
    3 transporter energy available

    All of those i was able to do via room swapping method BEFORE the time change. It was a very nice boost while it lasted. I still plan on using room swapping regardless. It’s bad to say that 4 100% drop per day would be better than letting them sit at the lower time and get zero to one per day.

    Eyeballs.. *nervous tick twitch*


  11. i dont really like what i read, as i know TinyCo things wont play out that nicely in the next days.

    1) they took away 1 day as last week the Warpcore Update was on Friday. This week it is on Thursday.

    2) we will see when Area3 is unlocked what it brings us – another Skin for Lois that might not need drops from Space Travels – but surely we will have to Space Travel again for the Picard-Borg.

    3) Since Friday, i had to spend all my earned blueballs into getting the Billboard, now i have 2 left and have to wait till i have 6 – then maybe i will get 4 Chocolates. next round will be about Sunday when i have the next chance, and then maybe on wednesday. (only if i get enugh blueballs AND choccolates drop 3 times in a row).

    We will have the NEXT Zone a day later, and i will have to travel again to get the Picard Borg – i am a week behind! That Sort of Pressure is always applied by TinyCo.

    I was seriously PXXXXXXX when Soap Opera Peter was in there for som days with NO chance of getting him without paying. There will be no further use for him, as for ALL of the Special Skins. Why dont we get another 100 Skins for Lois and Peter and NO use in Events? It should be honored that we PAYED to get a special Skin.


  12. 3 days, no transporter energy. No ones fault, I’m sure. Just disappointed. I only have certain times to play (since I can’t at work, and I like a full nights sleep). Maybe things will change… These 12 chocolates are harder to get than anticipated, as I have none. Wish I would have had time for room swapping, when that technique was available. Hopefully the drop rates will become more frequent for us players who can’t make the time to play so much. My boyfriend tells me I play too much as it is, and I play maybe two times more throughout he day than he does, so twice a day for him, 4 times a day for me. Hes even further behind than me (Starfleep XP 1), but when you work 10.5 hour days….
    Trying to think positive here. Games shouldn’t be causing any stress or major concerns… Maybe I can catch up this weekend while I’m cat-sitting?
    You girls take a lot of crap from everyone, kudos to you!


  13. this is the most frustrating game! i know we are suppose to be patient but i was doing the room swap and was really happy with the amount of transporter energy i had. until the chocolates came along! 7 trips down and i still dont have them all! needless to say i no longer have any transporter energy yet! i wake up through the night, check the game very regularly and it seems its gotten me no where. i play this game for fun but when something like this causes you stress then its probably time you stopped. thats where im at. the fun is gone.


  14. I am actually a pretty patient player and while mostly a freemium player, I did spend the clams for the Research Facility and yet still I suffer with the transporter energy. I first sent Chris, Geordi and Peter to Wai Iota and although the Likely for chocolate was high, came back with nothing so one more trip with Chris and Geordi and nothing again. And now I am out of transporter energy. At this rate it will truly take forever to get Troi as I am not spending clams to unlock her. So I guess I will hope that they do something about this, because if new tasks require transporter energy, it does seem impossible.


  15. All I can figure is this: during phase 1 everybody needed green stuff, and it was impossible to get. Then phase 2 hit and everyone needs blue stuff, but now I’ve got a ton of green stuff that helped me finish up. If you look at the replicator you’ll see two more energy types. I’m guessing once phase 3 hits, people will start loading up on blue energy and griping about no orange energy and so on. I have a feeling it will all pan out in the end.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. My drop rates are horrid! They are extremely up and way down! By that I mean 1 day I’ll get something from every building and every character then the next day to day in a half I get 1 or 2 items and that’s all! I have had nothing from Bonnie, Joe, mort, Peter in 36 hours! I have got nothing from the two super cargo bays in 2+ days. I got a transport energy yesterday bc I had read about the room swapping and then they changed the rebuild time:/ I just got a dictionary from the room on enterprise after 6 tries. I don’t normally complain I mean I’ll say what’s going on and give my input but I guess I’m kinda complaining now. I literally play every 2 hours to pop and collect, I have my timer set for every 2 hours. It only takes 5 minutes to get everything done. I lost 425 dilithium when I was rltrying to build another break room bc my game crashed so bad I had to restart phone. I still like 6 dictionaries for Chris and 2 Headbands and All of the chocolate for Troi. With 4 visits to oh’nos and only getting a set of dictionaries once, 2 green ores, and 1 dilithium then Wai iota 1 green ore and 1 dilithium. It is pretty annoying. With 29ish hours left to get them it seems impossible. Every event I’ve played I have gotten all items on time and in the two pee pants event’s I did not bc I fell behind. I even had trouble with SOP I got that skin the last day just a couple hours before it ended. I know there’s a long time left before the end of the event but once behin you are always playing catch up and you’re very lucky to catch up. I hope I’m wrong on this but that’s the way it seems right now. This is just what’s going on and it doesn’t seem as doable as past events. I’m very grateful for this website and the work everyone puts in to it bc I’ve learned a lot during each new thing. So thank you all.


  17. Rather than consoling or data dumps of clam-bought walkthrough, I think a good feature here would be an article on optimal strategy; what to work for and with who in what order.

    As it stands, I bought a second rec room and spent no clams on rooms. I am considering ditching robotics lab since it gives me nothing now. I am unlocking Chris first in the hopes he gives me more energy to unlock Troi. I send as many on an away team as I can coordinate. Geordi is the outlier here as none of his actions gather anything, so keep him at hourly tasks till you can send him in a mission.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. What is this room swap thing anyway?


  19. Thanks, I needed to read this.
    I am getting very frustrated (as a freemium player) because even with frequent playing, I honestly jyst feel like I’m not keeping up this event. Christmas I fully enjoyed and felt like I could keep up. This one just feels futile. (resistance is futile)
    I also feel like the clam items this event are excessively cost (there’s not enough lower proced stuff to help a little… Like the little cookie house in Christmas).
    Side note: I have almost 3million coins. Really wish they would give us something to do with them (like exchange for transporter energy)

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I remember when the comic-con event was released and looking at the amount of event currency needed to obtain Geogre(I think it was 100,000). After the first couple of days I believed it was going to be impossible and set my goal of getting the Lois skin for 40,000. Yet at the end of the game I had Geogre and an extra 100,000+ of the event currency. We need to work on a little patience and stop with the instant gratification, the event is not set-up for us to fail but to enjoy 5 weeks of fun

    Liked by 3 people

    • If you lost out on Hot Meg, I would say that is your own fault. She was listed way ahead of schedule requiring love hearts so after the second to last prize why were you collecting hate hearts? As far as soap opera Peter, TinyCo addressed the issue of the piñatas and made it obtainable. Again patience, it will all work out


  21. One idea for tiny co if they change the event (welcome change) to be different than past where each character builds towards next-
    If you unlock character in one week -5 clams you win
    Two weeks -3 clams
    Three weeks – one clam
    Over 3 weeks – no clams
    Nothing you can buy for 5 clams so no real cost, but signals players the unlock may take over 3 weeks by the prize structure stretching that far
    May help avoid panic.
    I also agree purchased char should do something even if relatively worthless earning of event currency in small amounts.


  22. What is the “Taco Truck trick” I’ve seen referenced to build SXP? Is it still viable? I’ve scoured the posts and used the search function and can’t find it. I have a taco truck, but can’t figure how it helps here.


    • It was here n gone fast. So don’t worry. 😉


    • It was something about a glitch in the last district that gave every building a building time of zero seconds and another glitch that made newly built taco trucks to drop SXP, so people spambuilt taco trucks.
      It is gone now.


  23. Has anyone noticed an increase of drop rates from the Rec Room or character actions? Or is the 10hr wait from room swapping still the most effective way?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mine hasn’t changed one bit. Still almost never drops. I think the 10 hour room swap is still probably the best way.

      So much for TinyCo listening to their players.


    • I would say they ARE watching, they DID listen, and decided that being able to swap out the Rec Room every two hours was an unfair advantage, and bumped up the time so switching out this room is pointless now. Hope you got plenty before this happened. Not to detract from the fine work you all do here because this community is one of the reasons I keep coming back to the game, but I think most people’s frustration comes from the fact that these events always seem poorly planned out. It’s not uncommon for them to change the drop rates, add character actions for drops, or decrease the amount of time or items needed to accomplish something because they see the frustration that these events bring and they want to keep players active in the game. TSTO had many of the same problems we WTD over, and I think they have found an equilibrium that has made it enjoyable to play again. Hopefully TinyCo will strive to find their equilibrium too.


    • So….should we stop switching out rooms or continue?


  24. I appreciate your encouragement and for me it is not about rushing to finish so much as it is about progress. No progress is not the same as a little progress. I spend my hard earned money on this game and lately I do feel as if TinyCo is starting to be more manipulative in how the event unfolds in order to get players to spend more money. Not happy about it and have decided to not invest the time or money on a game that is no longer as satisfying to me as it once was. Especially when there are other games/hobbies I have that keep me happy and not frustrated. I really dont care anymore about finishing this event strong or even at all. Thanks to you guys for all your input that you did provide to me though.

    Liked by 4 people

  25. I appreciate the thread to help alleviate our concerns and we all know that you guys (sorry girls 😄) don’t have control over what happens so hopefully you don’t feel like any postings from people are directed at you.

    The issue is that while there is a lot of time left let’s look at how this has started. There are only a few characters that are involved. I only click on 3 people’s in town every time I log in right now. Most trek related materials happen on the millennium falcon (Ha! Waiting for the brick to be thrown at me). So if you don’t have these phase 2 characters yet then you will likely have less help to unlock future things. It will snowball. Secondly if any of the future phases also require the transporter or its material in any way then we will for certain be in a hurt locker.

    In all other events thee is panic cure sure by day 2 of a phase but when things settle we usually end up getting things wrapped up by the end of the phase. At least for me as a freemium that’s how it’s worked. Usually Thursday is spent closing out the prior tasks. In every event so far and I have everyone except Jesus. (Damn yeti) this phase I’m not even close which will put me more behind in phases to come regardless of the time left. I’d like to end up with Tiberius for the finale, but if the event follows this trend who knows.

    They put a difficult mechanic in that frustrated a lot of people and made them upset and not enjoy playing so they found a work around and could manage it some. Then they removed that. It felt like a giant middle finger. Oh well. It’s just a game, but there are many out there. This is how and when people start looking for others. Just saying.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Anyone else seeing event items in the shop with just the word GO beneath it. What happens if you tap Go? Don’t want to lose clams by trying myself 😊


  27. If tiny co had intended for people to use the room swapping strategy, that would have been brilliant…creating their own Kobayashi Maru scenario; and then like Kirk, you come in and “re-program” how it’s done. Anyway, room swapping will still yield 2 TE every 10 hours, which is still a strong rate and will let you sleep…


    • I’ve been doing the room swaps between rec room (2 hr build time, drops transporter) and and crew’s quarters (2 hour build time, drops life support). I have 2 of each. This is giving me 2 of each every 4 hours or so. Everything else I just left in place. I got Klingon Chris 2 days ago. Between that and the correct crew for missions, I got Deanna yesterday.


      • Now my rec rooms are showing the longer build times. I barely made it.


      • Bit late, but a strange technique – you logged in every two hours but only got the yield from a log-in of every four hours. If you are going to play every two rather than every four hours why not just go for two every two hours?


  28. So they have been listening and addressed the drop rates for chocolate, and to make it even harder lowered the chance of getting transporter energy by changing the rec room to 10 hours and angered their players even more, yes they realised the swap room was helping so lets stop the players doing it or they won’t buy clams, If the drop rates had been better and such a lot was needed for each event, this would not have been needed. If Tiny realy read this can they not see that players are talking about quitting. I have spent quiet a bit of real money, up to now, but seriously doubting my sanity in spending more on a game that is loosing the sense of fun. That is the prerequisit of a game fun. They should look at TSTO they may have some glitches, but they do keep the game fun, and bonus premium items are just that, fun items, not to help you progress, so if you wan’t to spend money it us because you want to rush something or realy want the item, not because it will help. As Worf and the Cybernetics room does which I spent real money getting.


  29. Why did they stopped the trick of room swapping? That helped me A LOT. I probably just answered my own question there. But never felt more annoyed when they changed the time of building to 10 hours instead of 2 hours as it is nearly impossible to get blue stones. I haven’t got a green stone for 3 days now. Last week of the event was AMAZING! This week however,


    • It has not been stopped. More than twenty a day was far too many. It has now been adjusted to four and more a day – a more sensible number. Four automatic plus one to three or however more from character tasks.

      Green stones too can still be swapped for a guaranteed two every ten hours.


  30. Normally I just sit back and read all the rants, but this is just stoopid. Come on people, leave Bunny alone! Oh actually, leave TinyCo alone as well. It’s a game. It is how it is. The drop rates are what they are. The game was made exactly how it is for a reason. Because you’re not getting things quick enough you ask if it’s going to be “fixed”. Haha! Ya can’t fix something that ain’t broke!

    Thank you and good evening 🙂


  31. Andrew Stokes

    I know the event is going to take a longer time than usual, but this waiting and waiting and getting virtually no drops to complete tasks is making the game rather dull and boring. It just feels like the characters are just going through the motions with no outcome. I haven’t had a transporter energy drop in almost three days now, it’s getting beyond a joke.


  32. Built 2 record rooms and not a single drop, Peter and Mort more of the same… aggghgkfkdksgh xD


  33. Seven trips to On’Nos and yes – i finally got Billboard😪


  34. Hingle McCringleberry

    Normally, I agree with patience. I love star trek and family guy, but this is beyond annoying. Its not fun anymore. I bought word, bought the research facility, earned Klingon Chris with no clams, bought burger town outlet, and red shirt room. I’ve got 5000 dilithium after paying for Troi’s requirement and got all of her other items, but 0/12 chocolate bars after 4 away teams of at least 2 people to wai iota. Factoring in how annoying it is to clear gribbles, this is now more like a chore. Maybe if 1 character dropped them, or if it was less energy to go, I’d be in, but 0 progress makes this not fun. And I drop real money on this.


  35. Eh, just remember Soap Opera Peter and his candies. For a long time it looked like it it’s impossible – and then TinyCo reacted and reduced the amount needed. I expect similar things to happen during this event as well, so I am not getting upset and just keep playing. Yes, the balance for the drop rates seems to be a bit whacked, but nothing to get your panties in a bunch over.

    …. of course the room swapping helped me a lot to avert frustration 😉


    • TinyCo already reacted, and made it harder to get Transporter Energy.
      Hopefully we will see some new buildings that helps us with Transporter Energy in the next phase, so we can start complaining that it is too hard to get Lazer Energy instead.


  36. Why is there a jumping Chris outside the Griffin house? I assume you’re supposed to be able to tap him and something happends but it won’t let me. He’s starting where the guy from the DVD store usually stands to make youw atch videos for clams. Any ideas??


  37. I have gotten all freemium items, charachters and skins by playing on a tight schedule and making sure to finish one weeks new tasks before the next weeks new content drops.

    They have been tuning the events to have tighter timing. I finished Valentines Day on the last day. It was fun, but when I looked at the math of the transporter energy and away teams, it didn’t look like a week would be enought time to keep pace.

    You are correct that there is alot of time left. But is there *enough* time?

    Away team trips are going to cost more not less transporter energy. And you can only send 1 at a time. Unlocking locutus and Starfleet Lois will almost certainly use the same charchter resources as Klingon Chris and Troi. If you get behind, the final weeks difficulty rises with every failed drop, and when your time budget is exceeded, you pay up clams or suck it up and admit defeat.

    You are also corrct that something always comes along to help. But the only reason it does is because we rage and rant and loose our little minds during every single event. I think more than anything I am tired of having to riot for an enjoyable play experience. The fatigue is getting to me. I used to spend $10 every other month on this came, and droped $50 during comic con. But I’m done with that, for the time being at least. I am having trouble supporting a game that is run by either A) amateurs wholly incapable of constructing a workable event structure after a year of trial and error or B) Machiavellian schemers who feel the best business practice is to scare/squeeze clams out of me.

    They had me with the charachters. the voices, the jokes, the outside task animations all made me fall in love with this game. but the event structure has me playing out of inertia. Wonder how long I can keep at it.


    • It is NOT due to rage that help comes. It’s nature of their game style. Things ALWAYS increase as the game goes. More characters brought in to help. More buildings. More options in general.

      I’m saying 4 + weeks is a LONG time to try and look forward to and assume what will happen. TinyCo has introduced so many cool new things this event. They’re always changing the way games are standardly played now with their methods. I’m saying wait and see before passing judgement. Just seeing all the characters coming… it’s obvious NO YELLING brought them in. They’re already planned. So let’s see how they come into play. 😉

      It’s easy to say what if all night, but why stress? Have fun. It is a game afterall

      Liked by 1 person

      • The team there did a great job on this event, like other events, but I think they do fall short on the basic math. I’m not stressed in the least, but just to add some context…This event is not like other events where if you miss a character, it doesn’t matter. In this event, there is a higher need to complete the set. Five weeks and an incomplete set is not that satisfying…One of the fun ideas in this event is sending the characters on missions, but by making the transporter energy so rare, you don’t get a lot of chances to do that.
        Events should be planned out so that tiny co doesn’t have to make changes mid-event in every single event, and that is a legitimate and far critcism in my opinion,


      • Ah, I see we are talking about 2 different things here. You are talking about the normal progression of an event. This is normal and does happen all the time as you say.

        I am referring to all the times when TC has to change a deadline, or a drop rarity, or a number of items require, or a add a drop task part way through an event. Those things are due to the rabble getting restless.
        Would anyone have gotten Soap Opera Peter for free if we had all just waited serenly?

        For the record, I don’t actually think they can’t do the basic math. Which leads me to believe this is exactly how they want it. What was it that Oscar Wilde said? Doesn’t matter what they say, as long as they’re talking about you.

        Thanks for talking, and letting us talk, and listening. The kicker is that I don’t even like ST, I am just that much of
        FG Addict…


  38. Really good post. Love the Galaxy Quest references and great callback to another Star Trek parody! I’m having a good time with this event even though I’ve complained to TinyCo about the Transporter Energy drop rates.

    I accept their response that Troi is supposed to take longer. It’s a long event and I’ll wait to see if she isn’t vital very soon. Maybe TinyCo is experimenting with slowing down the action in the main questline to make it less intense and throwing in short timed quests for people who need a fix of nervous energy.


  39. i to was getting frustred at drop rates but then had a rethink and teating it as a district update rather than a time limit it helps personally i like the six hour tasks as it helps those that cant play on the hour every hour lets all just have fun after all tinyco take notice off us and if we enjoy they will be planning something epic for next time


  40. I appreciate the virtual tap on the back, but this transporter rubbish is just not working, despite having a small army of Family Guy characters, only a handful are of any use during this event, if this remains to be the case through out the event and if we need to clear the events in this section to move on(which is normally the case), then this is as far as most of us are going to go. I really don’t care if I don’t get this woman, as, as soon as this event is over, she will more than likely never be given anything useful to do again but if not getting here stops me getting cool things later then you can see why it gets me and others stressed.

    In any case I’ll see how this goes, hopefully after all our complaining they will fix it, I mean they have in the past in some cases(recently there was the Spanish soap star event that was fixed when it did not work) but if It makes people spend on clams then they’re not going to do it.


  41. “Slow going at first, more things added, picks up in the middle, big finish at the end.”

    Sounds a lot like my lovin’!


  42. I don’t get it! We have a very long time till event ends! I started this event 9 days after it started and i am quite satisfied! Stewie has his plutonium, LaForge is coming along as well as Peter and Riker is doing alot of thinking! I personally thought 2 days for 5 clams was way more than enough time to obtain!
    Hats off to you lovely ladies! You know we love you!!


  43. Hello this room swapping takes me 10 hours on rec room and super cargo bay on kindle. my wife done it on her ipad yesterday and they only took 2 hours. this morning she’s tried it and it has also now saying 10 hours. was this a glitch they they have now fixed.


  44. I dunno. I still think that was the Best parody 😃.

    Guy” ok guys, get a room. Ok.
    ewwww that’s just not right!”

    Lmao. And Alan Rickman was genius

    Liked by 1 person

    • I dunno…lemme check the historical documents. 😉


    • I love Galaxy Quest. 2 of my other favorite quotes are:

      Guy: I’m not even supposed to be here. I’m just “Crewman Number Six.” I’m expendable. I’m the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is. I’ve gotta get outta here.


      Voice of Computer: Negative, there is no replacement Beryllium Sphere on board.
      Gwen: No, there is no replacement Beryllium Sphere on board.
      Tommy: You know, that is really getting annoying!
      Gwen: Look! I have one job on this lousy ship, it’s *stupid*, but I’m gonna do it! Okay?

      makes me laugh everytime 😀


  45. I’m pretty lucky I think, on negative side I wasted most of the transporter energies I received due to the room swap technique on tryna get that stupid billboard

    But on the flip side I got my last 4 chocolates just now n unlocked deanna, in total I sent crews to the 2nd planet 4 times n got chocolate 3 out of 4 times!!! Which is a good return I’m sure u’ll agree…

    Anyway like Bunny says it’s meant to take a while, I mean we have a whole month left of this event to enjoy , remember guys it’s a marathon not a sprint!


  46. Bunny, no offense but cut the bs. 1 full week 0 chocolates!!! Need 12 and 30 days left—- math 0/7days so maybe 5 in 30??!! Tinyco is obviously looking for $ 2 be spent. Especially when 20 characters or so are completely useless in the “event”.


    • So…you’re upset at the drops and decide to take it out on ME? Sure. Because THAT seems the logical thing to do… lemme run it past Spock and see what he thinks 😉


      • Yes you’re the problem bunny!!! (Sarcasm) drop more! You’re doing a good job on this site cutie, thanks for posting the info when you get a chance. Btw get some sleep lol


      • Bunny, im not taking it out on you, but with 90-95% of players having major issues with transporter energy & chocolate drops, the “its a long event, wait” philosophy just might be wrong….


        • I don’t think it is…but I see things differently. You can take or leave my advice. That’s your choice, but doesn’t give you a right to call my words b.s. don’t you think? Why are my words all of the sudden worthless? Because you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them crap.

          All I’m saying is it probably isn’t best to attack the help and their hard work. 😉


  47. I love how TinyCo react to an “Angry mob” of generally paying players by not to help them out by letting George and Patrick drop transporter energy, but by stopping a glitch which was the only way a lot of people felt they got a decent drop rate.
    I guess they really are listening to their CUSTOMERS !lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • So…. did you read my post? Part about things taking time? Or you prefer instant gratification or nothing? Lol


      • Doesn’t bother me really. I’m 4 chocs away from getting Deanna now after taking full advantage of the room swapping while it lasted. Got enough built up for one more trip after the one the crew is on now. Got a day and a half left before the next stage. All in all I’m doing fine!
        From experience tho’ I know that if Deanna isn’t free by the next phase, the current resources/characters will be needed for something else.

        Loving your work BTW


  48. Chris Knowles

    Of course there is no rush, but at my current rate of 1 transporter energy, and no chocolates per day, Deanna is going to take a very long time. Added to the fact I assume we will soon need to start sending characters to get different things for lacutus and star trek Lois, it’s difficult to see, at the moment, how it will be possible


    • Just wait. I know it seems like you need to rush as you assume what may come. So far they’ve been keeping up with us on this Event. Let’s see what drops next. 😉


  49. Great article. I must admit for the first time since playing (and that is from the start) I was getting worried about the droprate of the energy. But like you said it’s a long event. I’m relaxing and watching old Star Trek episode. BTW everytime i don’t get the energy (every 6 hours) i shout KAAAAAAHHHNN! hehe


  50. Is anyone still having items stopped for the Brewery crafts? Herbert has only dropped the bottles that I clearly don’t need anymore. How do I make this stop?


    • items *dropped


    • Get all the limits of each brewery item. Tap on the italic I to see what each ones limit is.


      • I wish TinyCo would make the brewery inactive after getting one of everything. I stopped collecting for items after completing one of everything, figuring that would be the end. Now that I have read that I have to max all items, I have to start collecting again, which will take quite awhile and interfere with this event. I don’t WANT multiples of everything, I don’t have room for what I have! lol. Please help TinyCo! This is the only way I have to reach their ears as they don’t seem to get my comments through the game.


        • One other thing to keep in mind is that you have to actually craft the max number of items to make the components stop dropping. When I finally stopped waiting for them to stop dropping and just built the darned things, I had a ton of extra components left over. After I built all the other items, I ended up needing a couple of bubbles to complete one last item, and all of the tasks that weren’t need for the remaining item went away.


        • Yea, I agree. I don’t want the items or need them for anything. Bleh…


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