The Quests That Earn You STUFF

Brian Joe Quagmire Peter

Confused about what’s going on in the game?  Feeling like you’re going to crash and burn?  Wish you had a way to guide you through what to do next?  Have no fear, that’s where we come in!

Consider our Walkthroughs your road-maps for The Quest for Stuff!  They’ll guide you through the ups and downs, bumps and dips along the way..they’ll even tell you what you’ll earn!

Well what are you waiting for?  Get your walkthrough on already!

Districts 1 & 2: Game Intro to Unlocking Shopping District

District 3: The Shopping District to Unlocking the School District

District 4: The School District to Unlocking Pirate’s Cove

District 5: Pirate’s Cove to Unlocking the Civic Center

District 6: The Civic Center

District 7: Asiantown

District 8: The Entertainment District

District 9: Downtown District
Precious Metals
Blimp-Tom,Tom Tucker-Vinny, Mayor West

District 10: Pawtucket Brewery

Costume Quests:

iOS Exclusive: Golden Suit Peter

Speedo Quagmire

Hooker Peter

Navy Quagmire

Rambo Lois

Cop Joe

Goth Chris

Midlife Crisis Lois

Anime Peter

Falconer Peter

PB & J Brian

Jailhouse Meg

Chumba Wumba Stewie

Premium Quests:


Buzz Killington

Jake Turner

Brain Damaged Horse


Limited-Time Quests:

 Kingdom of the Full Moon


4th of July

(Includes Patrick Stewart, Ron, Felicia, Stan, George, Superhero Peter, Lois, Quagmire & Chris, and more)

Stripper Bonnie

Sexy Stewie

Kool-Aid Man

(includes Ghostbuster Skins, Sexy Witch Connie, Slutty Cat Meg, Pink Brian, Duck Stewie, Dianne, Francis, Mr. Weed, Freddy, Jason & more)

American Dad
(Includes Stan, Steve, Hayley, Francine & Roger)

Forklift Peter

Fat Lois

Intimate Apparel Peter

Bitch Brian, Bitch Stewie

(Includes Santa, Jasper, Babs, Jesus, John, KISS, Sexy Santa Lois, Hanukkah Mort, Jingle Joe, Puppy Brian, Angel Bruce & More)

New Year’s
(Auld Lang Syne, New Year, New Lies)


Tuxedo Brian

Steroid Stewie

Phineas and Barnaby

137 responses to “The Quests That Earn You STUFF

  1. Had to redownload game and it is starting over at the begining? How do i fix this


  2. Yes Olivia s house


  3. I sent out the blimp four time’s and got nothing last time it didn’t come back still need the bath house and dinosaur is this a glitch or part of the game


  4. I have a trouble with the blimp,
    I send the last blimp away i get the house and my game reloded
    Now my house is gone… So i get another 13 things and send the blimp again and it does not come back and i cant get the house
    So i can’t finish Acropolis and Olivia ?? Game error?!


  5. What’s going on with my game it won’t load at all it should be the Star trek thing


  6. Hey I just upgraded to the I phone 6 and it started me from the beginning is there anyway to get my account back?


  7. Bring back sexy Meg! did not have enough time to get her! sexy meg please!


  8. I just earned the liquor store through the broken heart quest. After it was placed it disappeared. What can i do to get it back


  9. How do I get Jillians apartment? ?


  10. brians quest – find a new friend – before i do the quest i gotta need the flower bush which i cant find it in the store.. can somebody help me where to find it? i can only find flower bed & a bush, i put them already & yet its still not the one.. help please


  11. Who are the tough looking guys in business suits that I keep clearing and getting coins for? Its been like a month since they arrived but it seems like there is no goal for them or an ending. Thanks in advance for your reply.


  12. i have a quetion when is the stripper bonnie is going to appear again


  13. How do I build streets? Can’t seem to figure it out.


  14. I was wondering if anyone had heard back from tinyco on how to get facebook friends to show up if it’s saying you have invited them all when none showed up.


  15. Is there a walk through for Vinnie? I opened his quest just before the American Dad event ended.


  16. I play this game all day everyday and I can not find the church anywhere. Also will we have a chance to get the kool-aid again at any point? And what do I do once I get the blimp assembled? Please help!


    • Church is premium with Jake Tucker. And it’s possible they’ll bring Kool-Aid man back…for clams.

      And the blimp we’re all waiting on…it’s a stalled quest on TinyCo’s end. Hopefully D10 will resolve it.


  17. Ok thank you Bunny


  18. I’m having a problem inviting my Facebook friends to the game. I can’t invite any at all, can’t even invite my husband. The game tells me : “Surprise, you’ve ran out of friends to invite…” I have something like 90 friends(of course including my husband) on Facebook, and I haven’t been able to invite any of them to the game. What am I doing wrong? I definitely need help with this problem. Thanks for your time and thanks for listening.


    • If I remember correctly…only NEW Facebook friends added. Not existing.


      • I’m sorry I still don’t get that , I’m having the same problem , I’m connected to facebook and I have no friends when I go to add it says I ran out of friends , what I don’t get is that I have friends who play the game and have no problem added there existing facebook friends. Is this just an iOS thing? If it is how can I add friends while not connected to Facebook, also I contacted support and no respond


        • I do not have anymore details on the Glitches from Facebook. The problem varies from player to player so it is hard to say what causes what. Contacting them for help is really the only way at this point so they can look in YOUR game and see what is going on for YOU. Sorry.

 and directly through your game are the ONLY two methods of contact I suggest. Through game being the best as all your details are already attached. If no response after a week, send a followup. As much detail of the issue as you can. Then allow them time to look into it and get back to you.


  19. What lvl do u have to be to unlock civic center I’m on lvl 30


  20. I’ve been unable to log in for weeks due to my account being unlinked. I’ve written to tiny co who have put my account back to the correct level but on lthe loading screen getting error message ” invalid wallet I’d” please help. I’ve uninstalled and re-installed the game but nothing, plus written to Tinyco on a number of occasions!


    • Have you got the auto reply emails back? If so, have you responded?


      • Thanks for the prompt reply.

        The only response I had was asking me for me facebook I’d, which I promptly sent them last week since then no reply or contact from them and I’ve sent a few emails from the account.


        • Ok. So you did get a reply. Good. That means they are still working on it. I know it is hard, especially when you want to play…but the rollbacks to level 1 are very time consuming to fix. They ARE getting to each player…on at a time. Readers here that were commenting same as you, now are back in their games. 😉

          Just keep watching for the emails and auto reply ones. Reply to them all until the issue is fixed. 🙂


          • Still no fix on this ” Invalid Wallet Id” error. I’ve still received no replies from Tinyco and I this process have missed all the Halloween events and characters. Have anyone experienced this error as it’s really pissed me off now as spent a lot of Monet during comic on and feel as if I’ve been forgotten about. I’m really pissed that I’m going to kiss out on some really cool toons because they couldn’t sort it out!


  21. does anyone know how i can get mayor west’s statue?


  22. Billybobbunting

    I am digging up Francis now. I checked this site after i started digging him up and it says i should wait till im ready! I dont have joe or enough clams to speed things up, he’s not dug up yet but i always thought he was a cool character and i want to have him in my game. I don’t want to be going to bed later or have to admit that Im fairly addicted to this game. What do i have to do to get the character? and is it possible to extend the time on this guy so i can still create him?


  23. is there anything being done about the cologn issues? anytime i touch the factory i got crashed


  24. I cant log in after up date, whats up


  25. I had just got the last candy to get pink Bryan. And my game shut off and when I went back I only had one candy. 😦 so irritated!!!


  26. With the resent task on acquiring the Kool Aid man, we were given just 3 days to do so, but I have a problem with the ice cubes and blue pitchers not dropping often. I’m always on the game except when I go to sleep. Am I going to have time to finish the task? Can you please make the items drop more often? Please help. Thank you.


  27. Where’s the walk through for Vinnie? If he was a timed character then he never showed up in my game. I play it every day, I’m currently getting the blimp parts got all the frame and working on the rest.


  28. Have you guys made a district 9 walk-through yet? And if so, where would I find it?


  29. I just got a new phone and before I activate it I want to know how to ensure that I will not lose any profess on my game. Can you help me with that?


  30. How the heck do I get Cleveland?! My friend who started playing before I did had him in his inventory, but he’s not in the characters to buy store. His tasks are still showing up though?


    • Cleveland was part of another event and is no longer available. However, TinyCo will be bringing him back in a future update…just have to sit tight until they do 🙂


      • That’s not true, of you tried to get him previously (meaning finished some of his dilemma) when he first came then you can get him by finishing his dilemma! I working on finishing him up.


  31. How do you get Rupert?


  32. How do you unlock districk 9 downtown? I cant find anything about it


  33. What does buying the fab4 and training centers get you other than just having/owning the buildings? Do you need them to progress in the game? Thank you.


  34. The freaks and geeks quest suddenly disappears as soon as you finish pt 3 which Lois slutting about or something. How do I get rid of the geeks in my town which is pt 6??


  35. When in the heck are we going to be able to get stewie and the others who are still locked? because I have nothing left to do now until they unlock.


  36. when u click on the screen to xhange your building placements, if you look at the top corner you will see a little box with a (- +) symbol…click once and boom there you go


  37. Jeremiah Daugherty

    I cant figure out how to build streets, so i have a field with NO streets! Any advice?


  38. Is anyone else having problems with collecting the Canteen for Cleveland? I have received it 2 or 3 times from missions, but it is not updating Cleveland???


    • First I’m hearing of this. My best advice is to contact TinyCo and let them know you’re having the issue.

      Anyone else experiencing a similar issue?


  39. What’s the highest level cap


  40. hey there, i set up an account linked to my facebook ages ago, but then set another one up which is the one i use. i want to remove the link from the first one so that i can link the second one to my facebook, is there a way to do this? – ****


    • Thanks for the comment. For now, there is not a way to UNLINK a facebook account from one game and Re-link it to another. You are welcome to make the suggestion to TinyCo via your in game menu, help & settings, contact. 😉

      (p.s. removed the link to the site due to its content that it promotes. We follow the guidelines established by TinyCo for gameplay and won’t promote “altered” games. Thanks. 😉 )


      • Is this still the case? I’d really rather switch to a public profile for games than my personal account but don’t want to lose my progress.


        • It is something to approach TinyCo on. I do not know the ins and outs of the transfer and why it can or can not be done. Case by case I assume. Just contact them through your game and ask. 😉


  41. Hi I just got a new phone and downloaded the game again. I opened it and it has me restarting all the way from the begging. Is there any way for me to get my old game back? I was on level 19 and don’t really feel like replaying the entire game.


  42. This text needs to be updated. A lot of links are missing.


  43. I am puzzled on how to unlock the golden pool. Any ideas on what I need to do? I have unlocked the first 12 characters in the facespace, I am in level 21, have cleared all the blocks for district 5, and have several of the outfits. Any ideas?


    • It’s only available on iOS. Are you playing on iOS or Android?


      • Thanks, that was it. I have been using my android. Took my old iPod touch out of the drawer, installed the game, logged into my existing account and the quest started right away.


        • Glad it worked for you! Just keep in mind if you get Golden Suit Peter on iOS he won’t appear when you play on Android. However, the Golden Pool will. You can check out this post for more details. 🙂


  44. Any ideas on how to unlock the last 4 character? Finished the quests and costumes but they remain locked.


    • When you say last 4 what do you mean? They’re locked in your game build menu or locked after you’ve built a building?


    • I am having the same problem with unlocking Stewie, Tom, Mayor West, Carter, and Hobo Peter in my build menu. If you have found out how or if anyone knows would greatly appreciate it. I have all the costumes and all the characters except them unlocked


      • They’re not in the game yet. You see them in the menu but if you look at the buildings it’s the hospital. TinyCo has them posted as “spoilers” but they’re not yet in the game. As far as Pee Pants goes….in future districts they’ll be options to unlock Pee Pants (ie have stuff drop). They left him in right now was left overs from the Clown event. 🙂


  45. I put all my characters on 8 hour jobs last night before I went to bed. Just woke up 8 hours later and the characters are only 8 mins into thier jobs. Wtf??


    • I have seen this particular “time” glitch off and on. They were working on a few things to resolve it. Please use the Menu, Help & Settings, and contact TinyCo directly within your game to let them know you are having this time glitch.

      It helps when they can see the actual games impacted by it. It allows them to narrow the cause and fix it. They are really good at getting these issues resolved.

      Let me know how it goes. 🙂


    • I’ve had the same problem. Also complained about high costs. They responded quickly. Also game me a credit of 150 clams.


    • I have this same issue. I sent a message to tinyco


  46. How do you add more streets in the game?


  47. What do I do when there is people I have added and they have added me but I cannot see them when I try to visit there city, they simply do not show up as neighbors.


    • You can try to force close the app and restart your device to see if it will refresh the information. If not, use your menu system in your game, go to help and settings, and contact TinyCo with the issue to see it there is something further you need to do. Let us know how it goes.


  48. I just got a brand new phone and would like to continue where I left off on my old phone. When I click login with Facebook, it tells me that my account is already in use. Please fix this because I do not want to start over. I just unlocked Joe Swanson and the Dock. Create a way to login if you switch phones.


    • That is a very good suggestion. I have actually spoken with TinyCo on this exact item. They do not have a way at this time to UN link a Facebook account from one game to transfer it to another. Sorry.

      They are however VERY great at listening to our suggestions and want us to let them know what they can do to improve the game. My best suggestion, tell them. Use your menu in the game you do have access to. Go to help and support. Contact TinyCo and explain to them what you are experiencing. Our thoughts and suggestions can help them make improvements where needed. 😉


      • Hi I was wondering if you delete app permissions through Facebook settings that would maybe unlink from the game as it would no longer have the permissions. I did work for another game I had but with that game you could log in and out of Facebook through app but it’s worth a try. Just a suggestion.
        Hope this helps and works.


  49. I seriously have like 8 quests running simultaneously, most of which need Peter in some capacity. The pace of this game has not been thought out at all. It really is a mess.


  50. Pingback: Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: School District to Unlocking Pirate’s Cove | Family Guy Addicts

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