Fine Arts District New Items: Old West & Egypt

Hey there Clammers!

The Fine Arts District is bringing us some pretty interesting items to our game. Each lil Blimp Travel brings back with it a couple of cool new items. So I decided to take a closer look at these items.

Shakey Balcony Saloon building_egyptianbathhouse_v2@4x

For this Adventure, we will be looking at the first two Blimp Travels in the Questline. Dance Hall Days (4 Parts) & Walk Like An Egyptian (3 Parts)

First off, in order to see each of the items listed below you will need to complete each Questline to the very end of it as the items are rewarded AFTER the Blimp returns and as the Questline progresses. A clue of when a Reward will hit is you will see s Present Icon over the Blimp in the top left corner of the Questline Pop Up telling you what Part you are on. 



Shakey Balcony SaloonShakey Balcony Saloon (Building) Free: Unlocks for Free at completion of Dance Hall Days Part 4. Sits on a 6×8 base. Payout is $140 & 90XP every 16hrs. Cool looking building that would fit into a Wooded Area. Currently no animation.

Family Guy Decoration CowboyDance Cowboy (Decoration) $12,000: Unlocks for Purchase at Dance Hall Days Part 4. Sits on a 1×1 base., He is animated. Spins his guns while he stands there. Starts a “shoot out” when tapped on. Fits conveniently outside the Saloon.

h. O. meh. O. me (Building) $18,000: Unlocks for Purchase at completion of Dance Hall Days and finish The Future Was Just Now Part 1 Questline for Brian. Sits on a 6×8 base. Payout is $60 & 40XP every 12hrs. Really cool looking futuristic Building. Looks good next to some of the Futuristic Buildings from the Quahog Comic Con Event.



Dancing Snake 2Dancing Snake (“Building”) Free: Unlocks for Free at completion of Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2. Sits on a 2×2 base. Pays out $30 & 20XP every 4hrs. It currently is not animated. Though it works well with a lot of the “Egyptian” themed items from Kingdom of Full Moon Event, I also think it works well in a Western Area too. Lol.

building_minipyramid@4xSandy Pyramid (Decoration) $1800: Unlocks for Purchase after completion of Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2. Sits on a 6×6 base. This is the same Pyramid we saw around Kingdom of Full Moon and Best of 2014 Events. I am still trying to figure out what to do with all of it as I would prefer it on a sandy surface then a green one. Lol.

building_egyptianbathhouse_v2@4xEgyptian Bath House (Building) $4000: Unlocks for Purchase after completion of Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2. Sits on a 4×5 base. Pays out $45 & 30XP every 8hrs. This item is also one we saw during Kingdom of Full Moon. It is not animated but the water on it gives it the appearance that it is.


There you go. Some cool new items to add to the mix. Some for Free, others additions that YOU can decide if you want to get them or not.

What do you think of these new items? Any favorites? Wish any of them did more? Let us know.


100 responses to “Fine Arts District New Items: Old West & Egypt

  1. Help me please!!! I am trying to complete Dance Hall Days pt.4 and I am absolutely stuck!.

    so it is telling me to time travel to the old west in the blimp but…. MY BLIP IS GONE! when i tap “GO” nothing happens……


  2. I cannot continue with the blimp because I do not have the bathhouse. How do I get it?


  3. Thomas sanford

    I got 13 plutonium and went back and did walk like Egyptians got the dancing snake now today it’s reset no dancing snake and no plutonium what happened


  4. I can not unlock oliva. Walk the line part 2 I cannot unlock. My blimp is gone. And I cannot progress in my game if I cannot get her. If I cant get any help I will delete this game. I have been trying for a week now to get help


  5. This is the second time in a row I’ve sent the blimp back in time and I’ve gottn nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. The first time I sent it back in time I know I unlocked one of the items for Olivia but now I spend 2 weeks collecting plutonium and I’m not getting anything for sending the blimp. Nothing is showing up in my inventory. Any suggestions?


  6. How many stages of the blimp are there going to be? I’m almost done with the 5th one now?


  7. today got my second time 13th cases of plutonium, so i’ve got the things form Egypthian, and now i’m on part 4 with Stewie and Vinny (8h and 6 hours)


  8. Just finished my first run of 13 plutonium. It took each character running their quest for the last week just to get to the 13 needed. Now, I am off to send them again. I would like to suggest, if TinyCo. is listening, please add a few more people to the list of those that can find Plutonium!!
    Roger, Stan, someone….just not Mayor West, Tom and Carter.


  9. I just finished walk like an Egyptian part 2, and as U know I need the bath house for part 3….it never showed up in my store or inventory. Any suggestions?


  10. Completed the Wild West part and very happy with the Saloon and Cowboy, and was looking forward to the Egyption time jump, thinking I would get the building showing in the tasks, what a dissapointment then finding the old stuff from previous events, which is already in my inventory due to lack of space. I have read you defending them doing this, but sorry, like several others here dont agree, this part is turning pretty boring sending them on tasks just to get to the next stage, why show something that will not be available on Olivia. Hope the next part is something new.


  11. Did my second sending of the Blimp was doing screen shots, got to where Stewie tells Vinny “Alright we’ve got the bath house for Olivia. Maybe before we give it to her we test it out.” Then it crashed. I have the snake that you get for the second item for Olivia, checked my shopping cart to get the bath house and the Sandy Pyramid (this I have in inventory from previous event). and nothing. I have sent an in game ticket to TinyCo. Just wanderingif you all had any helpful hints, i did a force close and a complete showdown on my device.
    How a Wonderful day!!!


  12. What ever happened to them putting a fan as a character??? Did that ever happen?? Was that for the game or an episode???


  13. This is so boring. Nothing to do than send the same three people on plutonium quests over and over again. No fun at all!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I have been doing plutoniui missions every 4, 6, & 8 hrs for 3 days 6 plutonium ???


    • It is rare. Remember Eyeballs and Headbands?


    • Try doing it with only 2. My Mayor is not high enough in levels yet to have a screaming match. So i can’t use him or finish the Mayor Runs the Town quest, so I can’t unlock Pawtucket either.
      However I have the saloon and have 5/13 plutonium for the Egypt run.

      If you think about it though, most district characters usually take 50 or so items to unlock. The difference this time is its all on 3 characters that we normally don’t use often Which is a big plus.


  15. Seem like lazyness on the developers part bringing back old items again.


    • I see it differently. Many players that have been playing a while keep asking TinyCo to reuse the buildings we already have instead of constantly dropping in new one. I see this as a response to THOSE reader requests.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think those players just are tired of accumulating more buildings in their inventory, and would really like to see more land to place everything we’re required to get. I get that its “The Quest For More Stuff,” but there is no where to put anything. Pretty much every special event item I have is stored simply due to the lack of room.

        And every time they add land, its like a tease. Can you imagine if TSTO only issued you one tiny square block of land every couple of months? What makes that game fun for me is the ability to design my city. Can’t do that in Quohog. No room. Looks like I’m house farming with all the buildings I have bunched up next to each other.

        And then they try to sell you things? Why spend money on something you have no room for?

        Liked by 1 person

        • TSTO did tease players though. It was over a year before they started adding more. Then another 6 months after that. Lol.

          I get what you are saying but even in TSTO I have things in storage. Yes, it is nice to look at all you own but I think of it this way… If I look in my closet at my clothes, I got a lot of tshirts I got over the years from Concerts, Cons, etc. I really like them. Like to show them off. But I would never wear them all at the same time. I don’t display every item I have ever purchased for my home out on the carpet for all to see. I have specific items out for show and the rest are tucked away until I decide to show them off.

          I also look at the game the same way. Things come and go during events, so I display them that way. Halloween may stay tucked away til it’s time for that season.

          Short story long, my opinion, you don’t HAVE to put it all out. It is… as named in the game title… a LOT of “Stuff”.


          • I’ve been a TSTO player since the very beginning. I never complained about the lack of land, simply because it was technically my own fault. Players aren’t supposed to acquire everything in the game, and I had gotten to that point through a method we’re not allowed to discuss on the blog. But even then, I still had space to lay out plants and decorations. Something I cannot and could not ever do with FG. Even playing as a legitimate freemium player, there’s no way. I like showing off my buildings, as its my way of letting people know that I was here for such and such event. Like most of my TSTO neighbors, I have a Xmas section, Halloween section, valentines, Easter, etc. They’re there all year. I wish that I could do the same with FG, but I can’t even do it with whatever the current event is or will be.


            • This is what I see…the sheer amount of items we have from TinyCo took TSTO 3 yrs to get. The land we have now is same size as the land we had in TSTO within a year. So it really is just “Stuff” that is making us feel the crunch. My personal perspective on it anyway.


  16. Does TinyCo pay you for doing all this? I’m just curious, really. I could just imagine how much money you’ve spent on speeding up tasks and questlines and buying premium stuff. But I’ve been following this site for nearly a year now (or has it been a year since the game started?) and I couldn’t thank you more! I love you, girls!


  17. So frustrated! Took over 2 days to get 13 plutonium. Sent the blimp and only got coins?!? I thought I was supposed to get a building for unlocking Olivia? What’s happening?


  18. What happened to the DaVinci thing in the store? When I went to it it had the cowboy and the DaVinci machine thing. I got the cowboy and went back to get the DaVinci thing and it wasn’t there anymore. Any idea why? Is it an either or situation? I’d have rather had the machine if so. 😦


  19. That’s a shame since there isn’t anything new in the Egypt area since I already got the items during the kingdom of the full moon


    • All are new to players that did not play during Kingdom. The rest still ARE new, regardless of two items that will save seasoned players money only IF they got them. Why so combative about a helpful post? 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  20. Everytime Carl appears I have watched videos and got clams.


  21. I hope the Sandy Pyramid & Bath House aren’t required purchases (for a storyline) because I got both in the King Butt event and will not be repurchasing those.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Do you know when death and evil monkey will be unlocked?


  23. Out of curiosity how many clams did you ladies go through while gathering all the info in the last few posts for district 11? Or for that matter anyone that has already gone through everything. I gotta believe it’s in the thousands.


    • Close to… 2,000 so far? I would have to go back and calculate the exact using screenshots starting and ending. It adds up fast. Speeding a task, speeding a build, speeding a questline, speeding and repeating tasks to get all the Materials we need dropped… then repeat all over each blimp run. Then there is just buying the items themselves that are offered for Clams.

      Basically we invest in the game for the site to gain information so you don’t have to. 😉


      • I would hope that, with the ad revenue and the help from TinyCo, you ladies are, at the least, breaking even. If not, we may have to have a kick starter campaign. Lol.


        • Awww you are too kind. 😉

          I kind of giggle when people think those ads pay out a lot of money. They honestly don’t offer that much. (They are controlled by WordPress, not us… so I am sure most goes to them as it is their system we are on.) You are lucky if you get 1/8th of 1 cent from an ad… and that is ONLY if no ad blockers on the reader side and ONLY from USA visitors (we are a global site). It does help a little as it is less out of our pockets, but we are definitely no Fortune 500 Company from it that is for sure. Lol. 😉

          I do appreciate TinyCo’s gesture. A drop in the hat compared to what we actually use monthly in Clams, but hey… I will take it. Free Clams are Free Clams, right? Easier for them to offer as it is their game. I would much rather take offers from companies that make the product than from our readers that I know have struggles of their own. 😉

          Pretty much anything we get goes right back to the site and to our readers (via giveaways, contests, etc). We enjoy giving back and trying to help. No Kickstarter needed, I would just donate the money away to a greater cause. As long as I got a roof over my head and food on my table, I’m good. 😉

          Liked by 2 people

        • Hmmm…can you kick start it Joey? We can easily spread the word…


      • Wow. You ladies rock at what you do and I am very grateful not only for your own personal investment of money, but also for all the time you invest posting all the info. I know it must be a lot of work.

        Liked by 1 person

  24. This is cool bringing old things back I think that pyramid would look realy cool in a theme park or somthing


  25. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but Stewie has new animation on his 4 hour Time Travel task. It used to be that all you saw was Stewie dressed as a cowboy, riding on Brian. Now you see him cycle through two other eras. He is dressed as a Roman Centurion (I think, my iPhone picture is quite small) with a bloody sword and then cycles through to an Egyptian Pharaoh, then cycles through to the Old West.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. moviebuff3000

    Well I like that the Sandy Pyramid is free. Makes up for the one that disappeared after I got King Butt during the Best of event.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Why did they bother to have the free clam guy back in the game if when ever you tap him he has no videos to watch and you get nothing?????

    Liked by 1 person

  28. When I completed the 1st quest line and unlocked the shaky balcony saloon two items unlocked in my game I was dumb enough to go for the cowboy 1st and missed out on somethin called the devinci somethin it looked like a cool decoration but it disappeared as soon as I bought the cowboy not cool anybody seen this I checked the whole store nothing in site


  29. sapphire_snake

    For dance cowbiy, it should be while and not will. Sorry, I just like correcting people 🙂


  30. if you already have the pyramid and the bath thing from the butt event does that mean you can’t buy them?


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