Telenovela Weekend Issues & Clarifications

Hey there Minions!

We see a lot of you have some concerns with the Telenovela Weekend Event. Sit tight, as usual we are here helping. I have only been a bit silent as I have been looking into all the issues and concerns you are expressing and sharing them all with TinyCo.

I have compiled a list of the main ones and highlighted them below. Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch

Take a look at the information below to see if it helps you out a little better with the Event.


The Stick was originally set up to help Players out to get rid of the Pinatas on the buildings. For whatever reason, once it went live… the timer wouldn’t work correctly. No matter what they tried, the feature that worked before… just would not work live. So it was pulled. To help out and still give more Blindfolds, they added Seamus to the mix of Characters to help with those drops. I did communicate with them my thoughts on the trade out, and they are looking into it.

Will update with any further information.



10 Blindfolds

I saw comments from Players that the only Characters they had to drop Blindfolds were now stuck in buildings with Pinata Latchers. I reported my concerns and thoughts on the matter to them and they are looking into it.

Will update with any further information.



Pinata Latcher

I saw comments from Players that their Latchers were not spawning at the correct 2hr rate. I had not personally been experiencing this issue and mine seem to spawn as intended. I did pass on the information and would recommend if you are running into this to try the basic troubleshooting and report it.

If you are NOT having Pinata Latchers spawn please email me ASAP with your Player ID info  (Menu, Account, Long # Lower Right)

To Clarify, I am asking if you are getting ONE Latcher Pinata every 2 hours showing up on a building. If not, how long does it take before one shows up? What part of questline are you on? Please forward this info with Player ID. 😉

Thanks again for all your help, we no longer need any further Player IDs. Again, you ARE getting them right if you get ONE pinata latcher every 2 hours. 😉

UPDATE 12:30AM EST: Thanks to all you amazing readers responding, we are now pin pointing this issue. So far the pattern I am seeing is around A Whole New Mundo Part 4/ Forbidden Clam Part 1, but want to keep poking to make sure. Thank you again for your help, it really makes a difference and is most useful. Will keep looking into it and going back and forth with TinyCo until it is resolved. 😉



Blindfold Characters

I saw comments from Players they were stuck in a loop. They need to clear a Pinata to continue in questline however, like noted above, they can’t clear it without a Blindfold from a Character… stuck in a building with a Pinata… that requires a Blindfold to clear. I did discuss my concerns on this one with them and they are looking into it.

Will update with any further information.




I saw comments from Players that many were seeing an error message for the Candy when tapping on him in Al’s. It is telling you that you can’t collect Candy yet and need to complete more questlines. This is already known to them and a patch already in the mix, so hang tight.

In the meantime, as long as you have reached A Whole New Mundo Part 2, you should have no problems at all collecting Candy. So just ignore the message in Al’s. No other questlines need completion.


If there is an isolated issue that Basic Troubleshooting does not resolve, please feel free to reach out to them via your in game messaging in the Help Menu


Short story long on all this, they are ALWAYS watching and keeping an eye out to make sure the game flows as intended. I know it is easier at times to jump the gun, grab the pitchforks, riot and loot, and freak the frak out the second something goes wrong… but no worries. Take a step back. Take a breather if needed. Know that they are one of the ONLY companies out there they are making sure the Players concerns are being addressed each and every event.

So put down the pitchforks, feel free to use the What The Deuce posts to vent if needed (helpful posts such as this one are NOT the appropriate place to yell and scream). We know you are frustrated, we know you are upset, we know you need to vent… just do it at the right place (see What The Deuce). Remember WE here at the Addicts are here to help, so yelling at us or taking it out on us really isn’t necessary. WE got your backs. WE are players too and are going through the hiccups and bumps as well in our games we invest a LOT in. WE just have a more professional approach to handling things.


If there is another major issue with this particular Telenovela Weekend you feel I need to address, please let me know. (The list I sent them had other items… but they were more just one person reporting so isolated.) Now… go back to playing the game. Have some fun. Smile. It is the weekend, so relax a bit. We got yah covered. 😉







234 responses to “Telenovela Weekend Issues & Clarifications

  1. Stupid empty pinatas. Come on Tinyco!


  2. What date and time exactly does the telenovella weekend event end. I am in Pacific time zone. There is no timer and I almost have telenovella Peter and don’t want to lose out bywawaiting to finish him.



  3. Not getting enough piñatas! Spawning maybe 4-5 a day. What a scam.


  4. I don’t remember exactly when this event went live. I think it was March 13 around 10 am PDT which means the event lasts a total of 125 hours. If a piñata spawns every two hours that means that a maximum of 62 should spawn during the event. In order to get 55 candies, that would require an 88% drop rate. This is the best case scenario where you never reach the max number of 5 piñatas in your Quahog and always have blindfolds available (the latter of which is admittedly a decent assumption, for me anyway). I’m currently experiencing a drop rate of 75% so unless you’re really lucky with drops or you purchase the big piñata for clams, it’s not too likely to get 55 candies.


  5. For the 3rd morning in a row, after at least 8 hours away from playing each, I had only 2 latchers show up. I have submitted a support question each day also, but as of right now I have not received any response. Just thought I would try here.


    • All we can suggest is some basic troubleshooting steps, outside of that… if they are not showing up one every 2hrs… you will have to wait for them to respond.


      • I think the problem most of us are having is that Tinyco is not responding to spawning issues. I messages them over the weekend and still have not had a response.


        • Easier to respond in mass then individually (that’d take forever). Don’t worry. What they’ve been up to is coming. They do listen. Patience 😉

          As for spawning. It was fixed that night. I was up all night with them sending info from players.

          Anyone still NOT getting 1 every 2 hrs needs to contact them. (Also make sure there’s a building to latch onto.)


  6. This piñata thing isn’t even close! I have 5 people, every 4 hours potentially dropping blindfolds. On average, I get 3. I use those 3 blindfolds on 3 piñata, on average I get 2 candy. So that’s 2 candy every 4 hours. After they actually got it working it all. I have 22 candies, 33 to go and 36 hours or so to do it. Even if I don’t sleep, that’s not enough time. It’s called TESTING, TinyCo! We shouldn’t be your beta testers. Sort it out. Rant over, for now.


  7. Hmm, so I’ve gotten all the needed hats and mustaches along with 30 candies. 1 and a half days to go and 16 bandanas/bats already collected and waiting to be used but no latchers to use them on. Something is wrong somewhere cos I chech the game every 2-3 hours.


  8. Yeah the pinyatas just don’t spawn. I don’t know if I”m meant to not click on coins over builders or not but I’ve left them just in case, but after a full night there is zero, but if I say logged int playing 2 or 3 will spawn in 15min or so, then after work there is 2 more up after 10hrs… just bugged to hell


    • They game does take a minute or two to refresh and sync once you come back to your game from hours of being away. But… if it has been more than 10 hrs, you should have hit the MAX of 5 (1 every 2hrs). Unless you have purchased the Pinata deco…then it hits MAX in 4hrs.


  9. What is 3 pdt in the east? Im in Montreal.


  10. I am still having a problem with pinatas appearing…I’ve been smashing them since the beginning of the event and have only smashed 27. I currently have 9 blindfolds (from tasks) with nothing to smash. I haven’t spent any clams. How are other people doing?


  11. So any news on if Tinyco is going to change how many candy is needed for Peter? I am barely at 30 and the spawn rates of the latchers and the drop rate of the candy is not helping. Really tempted to use my clams to buy the rest of the stuff. I am already maxed at hats and mustaches.


  12. I have 32/55 candies, 14/20 hats and all mustaches. Are you joking? 23 candies in two days is just not achievable. If my math is correct (with about 48 hours left) I can get up to 22 candies. That is without the common droP Under consideration. Seriously disappointed TinyCo. I have really wanted Spanish Soap Peter for a while and since last week was spring break I had the time to check my app all the time. If you are going to give us the chance to unlock a skin give us a reasonable amount of time that gives us at least one day of leeway room, especially on top of enough time to do it period

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Hi everyone, I just want to say, first off you gals are GREAT! Next, I do not believe that people are complaining, more like sharing their personal attempts at meeting the new mini games requirements. I would not take this personally, I personally look at it as others are feeling the same pain, and not complaining. Keep up the great work, and know it is just a game, and that when others post, they are not attacking you girls, but sharing frustration. Others posting otherwise can sit on their high horse and look down on others, whereas you ladies do not, and for that I THANK YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ya I just sent them in game saying is it possible to get 34 candies by event end? And I’m on atleast 5 min each hour so I don’t get how I have 21 only


  15. Yeah. I have 10 “bats” and nothing to whack with them. And this morning , latches in a row gave no candy…


  16. Still need 38 candy to get to 55. I’ve got a metric !&$# ton of blindfolds I can’t do anything with. Dumb.


  17. 19 candy 29 pinatas broken and it says common drop.


  18. If this is essentially impossible to complete within the time allowed when the limiting factor is the spawn rate of 1 pinata every 2 hours, how did they expect anyone to complete it when the limiting factor was 1 blindfold every 4 hours?

    This isn’t even their usual problem of failure to test basic gameplay before launching an event and letting us beta test the event while it’s live, this is a failure to do basic, grade-school level math when deciding how many drops should be required. It’s like they just picked a number out of a hat.

    There is something fundamentally wrong with their design process.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Sorry, I meant 1 bat (not blindfold) every 4 hours, when the event was using a timer instead of blindfold drops.


    • LOL. I’m not saying TinyCo’s design team is like this, but I’m an artist/designer and have worked on projects for 30 years and I can say that sometimes “creative” can get a little wrapped up into the creative part of a project and never even think about logistics. Since I’m more an ambidextrous thinker/learner, I tend to look at the problem solving aspects of creating. I still get lost sometimes.

      My question is also why not beta? Maybe they do, internally. We don’t know. It’s SO easy to make the content available away from customers. And, in that same vein, it only takes one character out of place in the code to completely shut down the chain of events (using the most simplistic example—parsing syntax is a completely other headache). Sometimes the GUI software used creates an unknown code problem.

      Also… perhaps the shortfall is intentional (as a money grab or as a way to deplete the clams pre Star Trek event. I know they care, but they also need to get paid. It’s a free game with LOTS of free stuff and they actually change the game (pretty quickly compared to other games, IME) when customers have trouble. I know I’ve waited MONTHS stuck on some level of a game before the makers tweak it in order to be winnable.


  19. I’ve got 32 candies and cleared all the hats and mustaches. I should be able to get everything no problem. I didn’t spend any clams on speeding up tasks or piñatas. I don’t have problems completing these events on time, but it’s weird how it varies so much from player to player.


  20. I noticed that I need to wait some seconds after logging into the game before the latchers due to appear actually arrive. If I immediatey click the bandana, Peter tells me no way, Jose. Give him 10 seconds and maybe collect on a few buildings and only thereafter will a latcher appear. In other words, when I have been just logging in, seeing no latchers and immediately logging out, I might have been missing latchers.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Just whacked 5 pinatas in a row.
    Not a single piece of candy ;(

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Everyone’s game is different. My husband gets drops like water. For everything. He is on his fourth plutonium or could be done by now and I am starting my third. The blindfolds and other drops same thing. My game is much tougher. I’ve gone two days without a drop of plutonium before. He enjoys Family Guy but I like The Simpsons more because I can at least earn my rewards and not have to rely on a chance for a drop after busting myself working round the clock.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. 18 candy/ 9 hats/ 9 mustaches and not enough time to complete it but I’m fine with it because I’m pretty much done with this game. I will still play because I put down too much money on this but I won’t play as often. I have moved on to my new One Piece game addiction.


  24. Im just curious with all the complaining going on. I usually get everything with clams but decided to go the get all the items route to see what everyone is mad about. It is 0100 Monday morning and I have 45 candies, 16 hats, and 16 mustaches. I will have plenty of time!! That is even with the candies not dropping all the time. If this much complaining is being done with a small event what’s it going to be like during the Star Trek event. It always comes down to people wanting free stuff. Tiny Co is doing an awesome job with their events and yeah they do charge for certain items and characters that’s how they keep this awesome game going!! Please just play the game stop complaining and give Tiny Co a pat on the back every once in awhile for putting on these great events!! The ones I really feel sorry for are Bunny & Alissa!! Hope I didn’t offend to many addicts but I had to get this off my chest!!


    • How did you get 45 candies? The event started on Friday and one needed to kick off a bit of questline to get it really started, so you’d have got about 30 pinatas max under normal circumstances. Therefore, usually quite a few candies less, so more or less 20 were achievable up to this time. There’s about 30 more pinatas to spawn before the event ends, so realistically about 20-25 more ceandies. In the end it’s not possible to get done without the 130 clam pinata speeder. That’s what people are complaining about?


      • In fairness, with only rushing the first couple of parts of the questline I got over 50 pinatas between Friday and Sunday (which is how I was able to finish the questline). It depends on how often you log into your game and if you purchased the Pinata deco or not.

        Liked by 1 person

        • As you can see in the comments, it is pretty common even for people who log on frequently and play hard to get it done to be successful. Since the event came out of nothing without warning, many players have been caught off-guard and therefore had a slow start due to waiting for their folks being busy on jobs. Others (in Europe) have been sleeping while the event kicked off so they had to spend most of their day completing the kick-off before going into another night where they couldn’t play.

          It really comes down to the point that this event is designed in a way that it works only when basically absolutel no time is lost and one has the exceptional luck to win all candies. It was really designed to frustrate folks.


          • Remember…we almost never get warnings for these weekend events. Big events yes, mini events no. Also, it started at 11am EST, which I believe is around 5-6pm in the UK…that’s fairly early considering when updates usually hit….


            • And exactly because this kind of event starts without prior warning the planning needs to include some additional time. The scheduled five day run time of the event only allows for 60 pinatas and we need to collect 55 with a less-than-100% drop rate. This is failure by intentional design! I don’t mind a challenge, but it must be possible. This is even more evil than accidentally kicking off a countdown before having completed the prerequisites, something that we also had more than once in the past.

              I know that you guys like TinyCo pretty much. However, such a royal screw-up really deserves being called just that. There’s no way to sugar-coat it.


              • I’m not trying to sugar-coat it. All i’m saying is weekend events you don’t get a heads up on. Just like in Tapped Out. You don’t get a heads up when something’s hitting. St. Patrick’s day hit yesterday…no warning. That’s all I’m saying. You can’t get upset because you didn’t get a warning that an event was hitting.
                However, it is awful that there’s no way to cancel a quest in TQFS without rushing with clams (unlike TSTO where you can cancel almost any task).

                So the argument should be about there being no way to cancel a quest if you had characters on other tasks…not that they didn’t give you warning.


        • So how many more piñata ‘s do you actually get with the purchase? I finally broke down and bought it cuz I was never gonna make it without. Especially since they aren’t a gauranteed drop every time . Thx


        • I have gotten every pinata that has spawned in my game every two hours since the event started. I’m currently at 32 candy. With only 21 more pinatas I sadly won’t make it without using clams to get the last candies I need. with only like 65 pinatas possible in the whole time given to us they didn’t give us that can’t just buy every thing with real money enough wiggle room to get peter. This event was not planned out well at all


    • You’re being unfair… If it’s going that good for you, great! However that’s not the way it’s going for a lot of people. I check my game every two hours during the day and I only have 16 candies. Do you think I’ll have the 55 needed until the end of the event? I don’t mind spent some clams on premium stuff but make a free challenge that it’s Not possible to finish without spending clams it’s not fair. They should be honest and say from the beginning that we’ll have to spend clams to finish the challenge. And it’s Not the first time they made this. So, be fair to other people who are not having the same luck you are!

      Liked by 2 people

    • The only possible way you could have 45 candies is if you spent clams on the pinata item to increase their spawn rate, which basically nullifies your point. Only 60 pinatas can spawn during the event, less if you don’t hurry the initial stages. 2 of my pinatas today didn’t drop candy, so it is now impossible for me to unlock SSO Peter without spending clams. Even if every pinatas from now till the end drops candy I will be 1 short.
      But every one wont drop, so I will be short more than 1. This is the sort of poor planning that can drive away players. If they framed it as a challenge it could have worked: Peter is Premium, but this weeknd only, we will let you earn items to reduce his cost, maybe even get him free! That would have been fun.

      We’ll just see what they do whe they come in and read all the mail from the weekend. And this one event isnt really that big a deal, the candies cost 1 clam each. But I worry if this is a nee trend for future events.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good for you! but since the event started i only have 20 candy.. and less than 3 days to go, you do the math.


  25. so far I have: 28 Candy 9 Cowboy Hats and 9 Mustaches;;::also have 13 Blindfolds because those are dropping pretty great.. I’m just STILL unsure if I’m gonna make it unlocking Spanish Soap Opera Peter by Wednesday!!..
    I’m hoping I can get him BEFORE Wednesday just so .. :/


  26. Its Sunday night and I only have 17 candy. When the event started I had characters which are needed for blindfolds doing long tasks but thought with the 4hr timer I could still clear buildings. I could not and several of the characters I needed for blindfolds were trapped. I finally got them out and now I’m loaded with blindfolds (8 ATM) but no latchers to hit. With a 2hr spawn rate, there will only be 35 spawns before event ends. Without an event end date extension or an increase in spawn rate, this seems rather difficult if not impossible without clams. No pitchfork, just frustrating, especially with Spanish soap peter finishing a costume set.


    • I get the frustration. We are there too. Trust me. But know that they are well aware of it. All this information is being relayed to them.


      • Its also amusing that I go from a plethora of pinatas and no blindfolds to no pinatas and a plethora of blindfolds. Admittedly pinatas maxed out at 5, so maybe I, like jefe, cannot hope to match el guapo’s superior intellect, and do not know what a plethora means…


      • That’s always great to hear, and we really do appreciate you guys keeping touch with TinyCo, and TinyCo making necessarily changes, which they’ve come through with on numerous occasions.

        The problem, however, is that we’re constantly in need of those changes and there have been way too many of those occasions. This is like the eighth time there’s been an event function that’s nearly impossible, if not impossible, for freemium players to accomplish. It’s one thing to say the probability of the drops won’t allow everyone to collect all they need for free, it’s another to require way too much to be collected, skewing that probability way to the one side, so that most can’t.

        Again, this is not the first, or second, or fifth time we’ve had this happen, so I just don’t see why they’re constantly releasing these things with such terrible odds and math attached for the majority of players, and I’d appreciate it if you relayed that information to them. Thanks.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I understand that. I really do. I also see each event big or small always starts slow and gains speed at then end. Then I see complaining of TOO many items at the end then demands of trade for said item. So weighing overall each event… I think they were planned properly and with time and play the end prize obtainable as I see time and again people getting done early (no clams) and bored last bit.

          It all comes down to point of view. The only issue this far I saw was one that worked fine in test but failed live. The stick, but they’re still making sure the flow is the same.

          Perfect example… complaints of not enough blindfolds in start. Now…complaints of too many blindfolds and nothing to use them on.

          All I ask is just wait and play. It all seems to be fine if played as intended. My opinion on it. And this is not the only game that does the same. Slow start…quicken towards end. 😉


          • One level of randomness is enough, one would assume. Having both blindfolds and candies drop or not drop made it completely impossible. Increasing the number of blindfolds was the only reasonable thing to do and still the randomness of candy drops makes it extremely questionable if not impossible to get done, considering the extremely narrow time to finish. And even if folks have such good luck to gt the costume, they likely won’t be able to do the questline. Wouldn’t that quality as “poorly planned”? Write, program and test something that a vast majority of players will never be able to enjoy?

            Liked by 1 person

  27. It is now not mathematically Impossible for me to get enough candies, even it dropped every time which it don’t. Thought the purpose of getting Spanish Peter was to earn 25 clams for completing the costume collection, Not to Spend clams to complete it. Not spending clams on this one, heck with it. Still pissed I had to spend clams to get Ida the last event (I know they addressed the poor handbag drop issue later, but too late for me). Anyway, this is Not a good way to get people primed for the Star Trek event… bleh… sadly growing tired of this game.
    Thanks for the venting opportunity 🙂


  28. It goes until Wednesday


  29. I’m also not a big fan of the fact that there is no way (barring a sheer stroke of extremely good fortune) to win this one without spending clams. That is, it may be technically possible to acquire 55 candies in the allotted time, but it is highly unlikely.

    On the flip side, given the individual price of the items needed to unlock the outfit (4 clams for candies and 5 clams for hats or mustaches) it should be relatively cheap to unlock the outfit in the last hour of the event. I’m hoping for less than 30 clams, which is fairly cheap, especially considering you get 25 back for completing the costume box.


  30. Yeah there is no way to get the candy without spending clams. I started playing as soon as it was released and i only have 18 candy. There is no way ill hit 55 in 3 days. The characters do not always drop the blinfolds and the candy isnt so consistant either especially for common items. Just gets too frustrating at that point. The rare plutonium has dropped more frequently before the last update. That last update just made the drop rate worse even now there are more people able to gather. I rather have less pple with more frequency. Oh well


  31. Perhaps this will help-

    B and A do so much here, and tinyco does listen. I am having the same problem as the rest of you are having. 10/55 candy…and its sunday night. Even at the currentnspawn rate, it’ll take 90 hrs for wnough to spawn. This is impossible. So all we can do is email tinyco…..


    • I did, but I’m not banking on anything. This one has been a tough one for them right out of the gate. Maybe they will bring it back for Cinco De Mayo. We can always hope they have the bugs worked out by then.
      If not, I have a a few new cool buildings and a nifty Taco concession to show for my work this far.


  32. Grrrrrrr. I’m stuck right in that spot! Very few spawns.

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  33. I think I’m done with this event. Going back to getting plutonium for the blimp and focus on that. Throw everyone else back into 24 hour tasks.
    I refuse to spend 200 clams to complete a set and only get 25 clams back.
    Disappointed, very disappointed.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Ok I get that things are working properly and drop rates are right. BUT how about making the event longer so everyone can get all they need?? Because I’m wondering what will happen when my can’t gets to 50 for the piñata task will it dissappear from Spanish Soap Peters count?? If so we defiantly will need more time to get him. Seriously it’s only 72 hrs away and I just don’t see the times adding up right to finish both by then. GIVE US MORE TIME… Oh. And more land please;) and thanks you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It wont come off soap peter because you aren’t collecting pinatas, just sweets.

      They really messed up though, why on earth the timer doesnt work when it always worked for other events….and the pinatas should only spawn over empty or non task related buildings. That can’t be difficult to code.

      I think it needs to be given another day or make up in some other way.


      • Latchers only attach to buildings you get from Districts. They don’t go to event buildings unless the Latchers are a part that event.

        I think I’m doing pretty good for this event. I got all the Mustaches, just hit the halfway point on Candies at 28, and have 13 Cowboy Hats. It looks like it might be possible now.


        • Not true.. latchers are attaching themselves to random buildings. They have been watching onto my Ghostbusters building from halloween.


  35. One thought on people missing pinatas. I cleared all my buildings shortly before 4:00, then I didn’t get one at 4:00 (should have from what I’ve been reading). I checked at 4:30 and still nothing. Could it be if there isn’t a building waiting to collect that it won’t latch?


      • I haven’t seen that in my game. I’ve had buildings that the timer is stopped till you clear the pinata, and some that needed coin cleared after smashing the pinata. I just had a pinata at 6 pm and that leaves 35 left to clear and I need 33 more candys. If they are common, say 90%-95%, I don’t think I’ll make it without spending clams. Candy, this reminds me of Pink Brian and that was interesting. Well, I hope my two cents helps. Thanks for all you ladies do for us with this site.


  36. All in all, this is a very poorly planned and designed event. I won’t be spending any money on this game, that’s for sure.


  37. I’m not getting candy from the latchers either (and no, I’m not done crafting SSO Peter)


  38. Ok I think my game does not want me to get Spanish Peter. According to al Harrington the candy States its a common drop rate. I have hit 8 piñata since lunch time and I cannot believe I have not had a single drop. At only 15 candy and 34 hits of piñata I don’t think its possible to collect enough in time. The hats are common drops too and they have dropped every time with just 2 to get. How Is this ratio different from the candy????


  39. At the momentary drop rate i doubt that i will get spanish opera peter. Way to less pinatas and blindfolds, judging by the candy droprate for me. Now after the weekend i got less time to spend for this game (I got all the ppl that earn blindfolds AND got some blindfolds in reserve, because i produce more than i could use.)


  40. Just got my 50th. Nothing happens….


  41. I am not getting any drops from the pinatas and after reading this, this event is loaded with issues. I think ill put the game aside until the Star Trek event.

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  42. I am just trying to get SSO Peter. With the time constraints, I don’t see his questline being doable unless it is very short. Good luck to all. 🙂


  43. Not one of my characters have dropped a single blindfold yet.


  44. Well for me out of four latches only one of them dropped candy and I have only 17 of 55. At the rate of their spawn and only a “chance” to get the candy it’s going to take a while. They need to either make it to where the piñata drop candy always or have another source drop candy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agree 100%.

      I have 1 out if 4 piñatas dropping candy… And I noticed today that my piñatas are not spawning at that rate anymore. I am lucky to get 1 every 4hrs, if that.

      Given all this, no way in hell I can get sSO Peter.

      Liked by 1 person

  45. Is anyone else struggling to get candy from the piñatas? I’ve had about 2 candy drops in the last 12/13 piñatas, when it’s billed as a regular dropping item. 55 seems unlikely now… 😦


  46. My latchers are spawning every 4 hours. I’ve had 2 in the past 9 hours. I have 28 thingies to shoot with and nothing to shoot. Equally as frustrating is when a latcher finally appears, it drops nothing. This event needs to go on for 2 more days, or increase the latchers to every hour.


  47. Latchers should spawn more often, if you get 5 bandanas every 4 hours and only getting two latchers in that amount of time you’ll end up with 3 extra bandanas. This has been the most stressful of the mini events, most are quite enjoyable, but I don’t realistically see how 55 candies are possible with all the other factors taken into place.


  48. How many are supposed to spawn how often?


  49. Take a guess how many tickets iam waiting a response for??? They do not respond and the few have been nothing but generic replies. I tried wesite contact a month later got a reply answered and that was that! No reply as of yet and that a month and a half ago.

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  50. The event should at least be extended one day. It started out of nothing, so many players will likely have had a slow start while waiting for characters to become available again. Then the bat issue, latcher spawning errors and a very narrow margin for success even if everything worked fine and the players jumped in instantly. They will only alienate players with things like this almost impossible mission, driving former premium folks to freemium only or completely annoy them. Not a smart move, IMHO.

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