New Star Trek Splash Screen

Hey there Trekkies!

Just bouncing by to let you all know we DID already see the Update in the App Market (Google Play on my device) and YES… I AM squealing!!!


Star Trek Splash Screen


Now before you panic… NO … there is NOT an update for the actual Event just yet, but a cool look at things to come.

Now just for fun.. Can YOU name all the Characters and their Star Trek Counterparts?


Now to let you take a peak at one of my Star Trek Collections. 😉

Star Trek

223 responses to “New Star Trek Splash Screen

  1. They should have had Harry Mudd in the game to sell Tribbles- like in the original episode.


  2. Also thank the lord that ad was taken away! Was about to lose my mind! Is that why my comment was not approved 😛


  3. Obviously you gals are pretty busy today but when you get some down time could you maybe put up a post explaining to us non trekkies what the heck is going on lol. I would love to understand where these things are coming from. What the heck is a tribble?! A fuzzy yellow or brown blob?!


    • Think of Tribbles as the “gremlins” or if you will of outer space. Don’t feed them the wrong stuff or they multiply and do not stop till you are buried in furballs to your eyeballs. Lol.

      They come in Yellow, Beige, and Brown. Part of a few Star Trek episodes.

      What more you want to know? There is 40+ years of TV episodes to explain. 😉


    • If we all read the in-game FAQ it will save our intrepid mods time for bringing us walkthroughs, etc. Just tap the event icon then the question mark.


  4. Peter Griffin is NOT happy

    Can’t get in to play the normal game let alone look at any thing else.


  5. Love the new space banner! Whoever designed it did an awesome job!


  6. So, my quests just started, but for some reason the Fine Arts District is gone? My buildings are still there, but the land is full of trees again.

    Anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me?


  7. It just started


  8. ITS GAME ON, Keep Clam and BEAM ME UP!


  9. I lost all the land I cleared from the last clearing of district 10- all covered in trees now

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I just loaded my game and Star Trek is LIVE!!!! Had to put it on pause so I could share the news!


  11. OMG! I just noticed the Al Harrington’s and that circular stage below the Holodeck, could that be for Bonnie to do her pole dance?


  12. The game has launched on Android! 🙂


  13. Just a thought here while we all wait. And I’m not complaining at all. With the television and advertising push for the event going on, I can’t help to think that any new players might be thinking “what Star Trek Stuff?” When they open the game. It would have been neat to see a countdown timer in the game to show when it was coming.


  14. Ok … I JUST unlocked Olivia and my fab 5 are STILL collecting plutonium, there is one in there already. I am assuming that we will need more plutonium for THIS event? I looked at the picture on the Play Store’s page and those briefcases sure do look a lot like that!


    • There’s a time travel quest with stewie and olivia. once you do that the blimp will disappear

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I think I’m not going to engage that time travel quest… I have a sneaking suspicion that those are one in the same which would effectively put me ahead of the game. Added to the fact that both Connie and Tricia were enabled to drop right around the time that the Star Trek announcement hit. It just makes sense.


  15. as up for me, everyone will finish there things and will keep them free today, not collecting any money, i’ve got over $1.5M and over 650 clams, just hope that it won’t be trigger by Stewie as he’s finishing the part 1 of “you do” with Olivia


  16. I see a lot of comments saying Troi for Lois, Troi had dark hair. Beverly Crusher makes way more sense. Hair color and uniform color fit.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I am surprised they are doing Star Trek before they are doing Star Wars….something something Dark Side. I am updated and ready to begin. Now George Tekai and Patrick Stewart better have a big role in this event.


    • When family guy done its Star Wars eps – the rights for SW were with fox still , since Disney now own the rights to the SW franchise , the chances of there being a SW event here is now slim to impossible – do you really think Disney would want its new cash cow linked to something not child friendly like family guy .


      • While Disney now owns the rights to the Star Wars universe and all future films going forward, 20th Century Fox has retained the rights to the first six movies. The original film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, is theirs forever, and they’ll own the final five films, Episodes I-III, V and VI, through May 2020.


  18. Im gonna get divirced over this event lol. Cant see how i wont start hemmoraging money for clams !!! Darn you Tiny Co ; )


  19. When does this event start?


    • Sometime today…


      • The Problem Child

        Are you not able to tell what time it will start due to either a promise you made and/or legal concerns? Just curious.
        I read another time elsewhere (not the 18:00 PST). But I won’t say to avoid spoilers and you probably can’t confirm it anyway. 😉 I’ll just wait and see.


  20. Ohhhhhhhh……. can’t wait can’t wait… open open open….they did say Thursday right? And it is Thursday right? I already told my gf if I have to pay for Levar, I will, even tho she banned me from buying anything on FGQS.

    Nice collection but what’s with the monkey?


  21. Wow this looks really awesome looks like we goin inside the enterprise n having a whole lot of new things to interact with n new ways to play the game this event will most definitely b different n a whole lot better then the past events gud job tiny co!


  22. Im hoping some of the never used characters FINALLY get their shot.


  23. Is it just me or is the shoreline beach broke at the corner? Just updated the game and noticed the glitch(or is it?).


  24. Look at that collection, what a nerd …. oh wait … I have those same MicroMachine star ships … silly me!


  25. Will there be a joint task where Stewie takes them all to McDonald’s so Michael Dorn can get a McDLT?

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I’m so excited




  28. Bring on Star Trek, Where we can all BOLDLY GO WHERE NO GLITCH HAS GONE BEFORE.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. The app doesn’t close properly since update with music still in background. Force closing means I lose any progress made.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. All my characters are free…waiting…

    Liked by 1 person

  31. It would be nice if they gave us more info during these updates. Something like, “This app update allows you to get the new content WHEN WE RELEASE IT.” That way we’re not scratching our heads as to what to do next or when to start the new story line.

    They get us all excited about the update but don’t tell us when the new content is coming!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed. If the content isn’t live with the download it should say so. Not everyone who plays checks the TinyCo site or this one. Part of me feels that this gane is getting way to complex for a free to play game that should take no brainpower to play.


  32. also when I open a ticket to game masters why do they NOT answer me at all is bull that I sit and waist my time in order to help you better your game and I don’t get a response


  33. Hey I have a bunch of those same toys man do I miss micro machines!!!


  34. I liked you all on facebook why the hell is that stupid box still in the corner?


  35. Probably already been said but cant contain nerdiness atm.
    Patrick stewart=picard peter=rieker lois=troi quagmire=spock………. stewie=one of them guys that locked up kirk and took adm pike levar burton= geordi michael dorn=worf and crap piles of tribble… bombing target 😛

    for your ships- USS Enterprise ( Original, A, B, C?, D, E visable, if NX-01 there i cant see it). Several Excelesior class. Several Miranda class (Khaaaan). I see a DS9 model on bottom. Science/medical vessel. USS Defiant on bottom, near Galor-class Cardassian ship. A couple of D’Derix class Romulan War Birds. A Runabout near your monkey. Several Kirk era Klingons. Several DS9-esque Klingon Bird of Preys, and 2 Vor’Cha class Kilngon Crusiers. I think i also see a Ferengi ship on bottom shelf right of the Defient. Think that covers most of it.


  36. Bertram!!


  37. It is 8:40pm in western australia and still nothing, abit disappointed when I got a notification at 12pm to play it now 😦


  38. Can’t tell who Lois is supposed to be. Is she Dr. Crusher or Troi? Or someone else?


  39. Is it sad that I have set alarms every two hours throughout the night (its almost 9pm here) just to make sure I get as much time as possible playing?


    • Yes.
      Throw the alarm clock out the window.
      Go to sleep.
      Wake up 8 hours later.
      Play the game.
      Repeat until you complete the event.


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