Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Hey there Tribblemakers!

I decided to jump in here as tensions seem to be hitting an all time high in the game. So I am offering some helpful advise and try and refocus the concerns of what is going on in the game. So hang tight with me. 😉

Transporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter EnergyTransporter Energy

Let’s just jump right into it. Transporter Energy. Most are struggling to gain it. Many are getting upset at it. I am here asking that you just take a step back from the game for a minute, take a breather, and let’s take a look at the Event itself.

Deanna Troi is one of many Characters available to unlock in the game. In usual Addicts fashion, many are desperate to get her NOW NOW NOW! I feel this may be causing a bit more stress than necessary on some of the most avid Addicts players. I am here to tell you it is OK. Don’t stress. She is supposed to take time to unlock.

I will put this into a little more perspective. This Event is a long one. Due to that, there are many factors throughout the game that WILL take time to get to. It is pretty much how most the Events go. We are only rounding in our 2nd week of the Event with a LOT more to come. There are still 30 days left in the Event. Again, 30 days. That is an ENTIRE month of time to do so many things. There are only 3 more areas on the Enterprise left and still 4+ weeks to get to them. That is a LOT of time.Star Trek Timer

Every Event I sit back and see the same thing… Excitement as the new stuff hits… a bit of confusion as you learn what needs to be done… Panic in the beginning with thoughts of giving up when there is still so much more to come… LOTS of comments at the end stating they gave you TOO much and now you don’t know what to do with it. Lol. It’s why I love and adore y’all. Grumpy and yelling or not.

Short story long, DON’T PANIC! Don’t give up! Hang in there. This is the way it ALWAYS goes. For reals. Slow going at first, more things added, picks up in the middle, big finish at the end. Every Event.

As usual they ARE watching, they DO listen, things will ALWAYS come to help as the game progresses. It is what we have come to known. It is the mechanics of the game. So please hang in there. We are listening and watching too and conveying our thoughts to them from our point of view as we are playing the game right along with you. You can always share yours as well via email or in game messaging. Every suggestion may not get a response, but they do see them.

As Commander Taggart would say, “Never Give Up! Never Surrender!” Oh wait, that’s the wrong parody. 😉


437 responses to “Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

  1. Thank you to the creators of this site for all your work. I checked out the star trek support page on the tinyco website. Seems they are completely ignoring the problem with people having to use glitches in order to get transport energy. My prediction is that they will not actually do a fix for this, but rather leave it be. Content with allowing users to get by using the room swapping glitch.

    Its been mostly a fun game for my spare minutes now and then, but lately these events feel more like work than a game. For those of you that still enjoy it, more power to you. I will be calling it quits after this event. Just like the simpsons game, i’ve lost interest


    • Just an FYI… I would suggest to NOT go to TinyCo pages. The trolls and negative have taken them over. It gets really out of hand at times. Here is the thing… negative breeds more negative and after a while it is all you see. Just because they are not vocal to the “trolls” does not mean they are not doing something. It is how we work here too. If we feed into the trolls, they grow and multiply. There is only so much you can do when there are flame wars. Most of the time, and we experience this, it does not matter what you say… they will still just spit hate.

      Hang in there. In the end, if you feel that there is not joy in the game we understand if you take a step back. That is fine. This is not a gaming style that everyone can adapt to. You will always still be welcome here. 😉


  2. santasLTLtapper

    I have done everything freemium possible from the beginning and still collect almost no blue energy. The drop rate is horrible i get 1 or 2 a day constantly sending characters on the 6hr missions. Have 2 room that drop too. That Is the probkem. The drop rate… and needing 6 to take a space trip only compounds the issue. I might get troy, but it wont be til the end of the event


  3. Well I will be giving up on Deanna after five trips and thirty tse for a meagre return of four chocolate!

    Moving on to next phase now 😔


  4. Chocolates are extremely hard to get
    And to have to have 6 blue cube things to even put one character in the transporter is rediculas. Starting to have a hard time staying happy with this game.


  5. Just another update that I am in the same boat with three away missions, each with three characters and no chocolate. I thought since they made the point to add the splash screen that said items would drop easier that this last mission, I would surely get some chocolate but nope. Now to collect 6 more blue balls. :/


  6. I sent Chris and georgi to the planet 4 times in total to get all the chocolate.

    Morts board took 2 attempts with mort and riker

    This was all after the changes were made a couple of days ago. My work colleague also had no trouble getting chocolate since it was made easier.

    Unlocked everything now so bring on the next round 🙂

    I’ve been room swapping so still have 21 transporter energy left – let’s see if it’s still needed in the next stages.


  7. I’m not really worried since 2 more rooms will open up with the next expansion, later tonight. And we know from past experience that the next expansion always makes gathering supplies needed for the previous expansion much easier.


    • Each stage has 4 rooms.

      With that said though, new rooms means new items for dropping for characters and skins along with a new energy type as well.

      I hope those Romulan buildings (from the replicator) aren’t too expensive and that we can get multiples.

      1 and a half hours to go.
      Will the update happen on time????
      i think it will. Whoot lol.


  8. Do we have to have the girl tori unlocked to do the update today or no and if not what does have to be done to do the update today


  9. This is a fun event. But yeah, the blue marshmallows take so long to get. (I’m getting only two or three a day). And then when I don’t get chocolate for the marshmallows–ugh!
    I now have more green marshmallows than I know what to do with, and I may soon have that problem with the green Jello cubes.
    In the meantime it’s kind of fun poking Deanna; her quips are funny.


  10. I’m getting a message when I start my game showing me things i already know, and showing that things are now easier to get. Thats great, but since ive gotten that ive dropped only 1 out of 12 possible transport energy. Having both rooms and both characters going and tapping them all 3x per day, ive been averaging about 1 every 3 days. I need at least 18 to unlock troi. At the rate im going it will take 54 days:(


  11. Any tips for getting Starfleet XP? I’m only a little half way past Startfleet level 3. I don’t think I’ll be able to get to level 4 before tonight. I’ve built the two buildings in Quahog which gives I believe 100 XP, I’ve made the items for this week in the replicator. Any other suggestions or may I need to wait until tonight for perhaps more chances or not since I need to upgrade the warp core to access the new items?


  12. Still think room swapping is the way forward

    U’d b very lucky to get 1 out of 2 drops of transporter energy from the rec room (2 chances would take 12 hrs)

    But swapping the rooms guarantees 1 every 10 hrs (2 if u have 2 rec rooms)

    So with 2 rec rooms ur guaranteed 4 every 20hrs, and from reading the comments that’s a lot more than leaving the rooms as they are and waiting for the rare drops

    Add that with constantly sending peter n mort on their transporter energy task and u shud b gettin atleast 5 a day

    That’s means pretty much enough 2 send ur guys to the 2nd planet daily n try get those infamous chocolates everyone’s seems to b struggling with


  13. Michelle Jett

    Three away missions with 0 chocolate. My frustration is I am tying up three of my characters for 24 hours with no drops at all of the item I need. I do not expect to get it all at once. But with as hard as it is to get the transporter energy I would hope I would have something to show for it.


  14. I already had to rec rooms.. Because duh! Lol and have Peter and mort always trying to get them .. FINALLY got enough to go to the planet that drops chocolates (took me 4 days to get 6 energys) and it didn’t even give me chocolates.. Something’s gotta be done

    Liked by 1 person

  15. What is this logic and reason nonsense you dispense??? Everyone grab your pitchfork! 🙂

    I wonder if they put a note like “needed for stage 4” or estimated unlock time 2 weeks if it would help. A lot of people feel like Troi will be needed for phase 3 so they are panicking that they don’t have chocolate. If we knew she wasn’t essential we could relax.

    That said, I’m really disappointed TinyCo maimed the room swap. I am still not getting drops from Peter, Mort or Worf. They could have improved their odds at least when they changed room build time. As others have mentioned, I doubt it’s going away (though I hope it is at this point), so it’s not like we won’t need energy going forward…


  16. As a note there are still 6 known characters/skins to work for and 2 suspected skins (Meg as Klingon and Herbert as an Edo). There’s also building of items and Kirk. This is quite a lot of material to work on with only a month to cover it in. Like Comic-Con before, the head can swim when trying to figure out how to get all the content in the alloted time. Most people seem to be concerned about the drop rate due to having the timing changed on content. As is with most people, we’re used to unlocking a character/skin each weekend of an event. Moreover, the 24-48 hour of relax time prior to the update to the next phase is now gone. While true that I’m sure TinyCo wanted to shrink the margin of downtime, the process of doing so may have impacted in a negative way. New players getting a late start will now have longer play times which will not afford the ability to catch up. If a player misses a day due to life happening, it can and will put that person behind. PR for this game is in the toilet and the gals here are doing their best to help and curb the number of player losses that were inevitably going to happen with a poorly planned event. I truly do think this game has a vast potential both socially and monetarily and have watched this potential being squandered away on bad decisions. For this reason, I’ve opened up dialogue with the powers that be (including one of the owners) to discuss fixing the issues. Mismanagement of the license will bite them hard if the copyright owners revoke license and I’ve already caught wind of some people contacting Fox over it. Please do not do this. If Fox pulls license, our beloved game will go away. Others have turned to the Better Business Bureau as a means of fighting. This doesn’t equate to good for us either as it forces resolution that churns more of the licensing pot and could result in the game being killed. Please be patient and direct issues and complaints directly to TinyCo. I too have been muddling through the event trying to play catch up as my business requires so much more of my time. I only yesterday evening unlocked both Troi and Chris and have only hit part 3 of the main storyline, with my girl only having just unlocked Troi and still working on Chris. As the update is suppose to come this evening, I do feel a sense of being behind as do most I’ve talked to. This event is make it or break it for many of us. Like many so far I’ve been excited by the first week and disappointed by the second week. I don’t feel the since of urgency imparted upon a “casual” game was warranted And has made this event headache worthy to say the least. Hopefully the diaglogue opened will serve to correct mistakes and tone down the frustrations. More later. Best of luck to you all.



  17. Khhaaaaaannnnnn!!!! lol


  18. No they didnt! So with all the faults and glitches in the Tiny co had the nerves to change the Rec rooms build time to 10hrs like swapping rooms wasn’t bad enough. This is so wrong! Frankly I think a bit disrespectful too.
    Pls pass on the message!


  19. Thanks Bunny. Another timely intervention from the girls to try calm us Addicts down. Completely agree with Bunny, we need play the long game and stop wanting everything unlocked in 0 to 60 seconds. In the past TinyCo have made changes when necessary, (Spanish Soap Peter) and a whole lot of unnecessary changes, (Valentines Lovers). I like a challenge, I like the buzz of an approaching deadline so maybe this helps me show patience with the unlocking. And I guess I also know, sadly from personal experience that worse things happen in life than not completing a quest. If not being able to unlock a character in a game is the worst thing that happens in your life then you should feel very blessed. But I know a lot of players are big Trekkies and this is maybe increasing their frustrations this time around. TinyCo have probably spent a small fortune licensing the Star Trek brand and as such they probably need players to drop a few £s on clams in order to consider bringing future events featuring big buck brands. Things should be a bit easier for the premium players, and no freemium player should have a gripe with that as its the premium players who fund the game that you get to play for free. But I think TinyCo could utilise bought premium characters a little more to reward their premium players, even a few 24 hours tasks as that would encourage me to keep buying premium characters here and there. But the main thing for me is the game remains a challenge. I wouldn’t drop £60 on an Xbox game if I could complete it in an hour, I want a challenge and I know with any strategy game I purchase it can be completed but maybe not by everyone, it depends on the players dedication, skill set and so on. I think this game is not the typical game we are used to, it does require strategy, patience and maybe the occasional clam spend but I for one am still playing as it approaches it’s 1st anniversary, in that time I’ve downloaded, played and deleted dozens of other games as I get bored with them, this game keeps me on my toes even although I’ve had frustrations at times, main one being during Stewie tea party I won Rupert in a box then my device crashed and when I went back in he was gone, never got him again but here I am still playing despite that.

    I also enjoy this community, players willing to share help, advice, even just give a 😀 when you’re having a bad day. So please fellow addicts don’t give up, keep going and lets see where we are with a few days to go on the event.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. I don’t know why there is so much complaining. I followed the advice on here, did the room swapping routine religiously, and got more transporter energy than I can use. Then I waited for all the wai iota details to get sorted out on here, before I wasted a bunch of transporter energy doing trial and error. I love this event, and love this site for helping to sort out the difficult tasks. Can’t wait to unlock the next area later today.


    • I’m with ya bud. I did a lot of room swapping and hoarded away transporter energy. Fingers crossed as I sent an away team with the last of the energy. If they bring back chocolate – it’ll unlock Troi


  21. Brandy B- in search of some encouragement

    So am I the only person struggling to the point of insanity while trying to collect transport crystals? I’ve collected 4 total since the introduction of them in to the game. It’s really making it difficult to get the Klingon dictionaries I need to create the new Chris skin. I see everyone talking about chocolates and unlocking Troi, and I’m just trying to allow my crew to go anywhere at all. I don’t think I’ve ever been so frustrated with TQFS. Is this where everyone is stuck or am I misunderstanding?


  22. I know there’s a loooot of time to unlock everything! But i made 2 trips to that #$!*# planet xD and 0 choco bars!! one full week to get 6 transporter energy ugh.. i just hope you dont need Deanna to get stuff for the new characters/skins to come or ill be a little dissapointed. 😦


  23. Still haven’t unlocked troi. Just need 8 chocolate bars. Only been able to get 1 transporter energy today


  24. ey bunny could you please stop trying to save face in name of tinyco??? I agree that on every event people complain about something but this time is with reason, today I only got one, ONE !! blue orb and I have 2 buildings and peter and mort working on that, then on top of that I´ve made 4 trips to the the planet and so far 0, zero chocolate bars, are you still thinking people are overreacting??

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Paco, could you not attack someone for voicing an opinion and trying to make people smile, laugh, and have a lil fun? You know, the stuff you are SUPPOSED to do while playing a game.

      If you prefer a more negative, bashing, attacking, and vulgar environment… you are welcome to go hang out on the comments on TinyCo’s Facebook page.

      Have a FANTASTIC night! 😉

      Liked by 4 people

    • Swap your rec rooms. You are guaranteed 4 Transporter Energy daily. Many people are having increased success with chocolate bars. I sent Starfleet Peter, Geordi and Klingon Chris and got chocolate in two of the last three trips. Other people suggest different combinations. Choose the one that raises the success meter to the highest level.

      If you still get nothing, write to TinyCo about it through the game menu. Maybe something is wrong with your game.

      Bunny isn’t trying to save face. People are choosing to not just complain with a negative attitude and instead choosing to be positive and find a way to play that keeps the game enjoyable when it’s very challenging. Swapping rooms is an example.

      Nobody should waste time playing a game that makes them upset. If you want TinyCo to change something, write to them. If it’s not enough, a stronger message is to not give time playing their game. Any business that loses many customers will change or die.

      Liked by 2 people

  25. By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!


  26. Why did the cost fora trip to wai lota IV increase to 6 transporter energy from 4? It just changed within the past few hours. What the frak Fred.


  27. Well one of the reasons I was trying to be quick with this event is because I’m going on a cruise and will be without Wifi for most of it. Sigh.


    • 1) Why you wasting money on a cruise?
      You could have spent it on clams ! 🚢

      2) can’t believe modern cruise ships don’t have Wi-Fi , local buses have it 🚌


  28. Are people really complaining about time here? There’s a total of (I think) 42 days for the whole event and currently still a month to go. The set seems to be that a new area unlocks each week, starting with Riker opening up the Enterprise, Geordi in area 1 of the Enterprise and currently Deanna Troi of area 2 of the Enterprise. At the time of this post, by tomorrow, area 3 will open up with Picard and Lois’s Star Trek outfit (although since Picard shares the same model with Patrick Stewart, I don’t know if you’ll need the actual character or if you’ll have to buy him if you do not have him). If the standard follows the week course, than that would leave an extra week to clean up the questline, acquire every character (besides the CLAM characters and Captain Kirk) and every outfit.
    Yes, Transporter energies are harder to acquire, but TinyCo did just recently increase the chances of getting it from Ferengi Mort, Red shirt Peter, Rec Room (which you can build 2 of) and possibly Worf (I’m not sure on this one). A the same time, the chocolates for Deanna from the specific planet that costs 6 transport energies to do ends up giving out 4 chocolates each, so at least be somewhat grateful that they didn’t force us to do it at least 12 times. Along with that, there are plenty of source for getting Dilithium crystals so no need to fret over that either.
    So if you’re still stressing, just know that you’ll have that extra week to do this event and there’s plenty of character being implemented in unlocking the characters/outfits. Also remember that this is actually an interesting event because of the new area added and the 42 day event, which is the longest to date out of all the events I believe, and that TinyCo may end up making more positive changes during the duration of this event for chance of item drops and amount of resources acquired.


    • I get your point about a large amount of time but it’s worth bearing in mind that there will be other stuff to do during that time, which means that this is pushing people progress back, if all the events are like this, then finishing this task is going to be a pipe dream, there is more power types to come I’m really hoping that they do not present the same issues that the transporter does. There’s a lot of IF’S but above all the game needs to be fun and this second phase has not been. I’m glad that Tiny Co. have taken peoples grievance on board and have improved the drop rate but it’s still a case of playing catch up now.


  29. Def frustrated! I have two rooms running missions all day for transporter energy AND Mort & Peter, I get like one a day maybe two a day. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  30. This is the first event that I haven’t been stressing over, but there’s plenty of time left for that to start 🙂

    I’m only halfway to Starfleet level 4 but I’ve been ignoring tasks to get drops, I should have Klingon Chris tomorrow and will be able to focus on saving for Troi’s chocolate attempts, I’m glad I waited seeing as they improved the chances for chocolate.
    Transporter Energy drops aren’t great but I’m thinking that switching rooms might still the better option, despite the longer build times, after failing to get any drops from either room earlier.

    I’m looking forward to the next update and seeing what it brings.


  31. Ok…I had originally deleted this game because I didn’t like radomness of needed items dropping – but being a huge Star Trek nerd I had to give it a go again – but frustration is creeping back in –
    1st issue(ongoing issue!!) constantly being shot across the screen when tapping tribbles or any other thing that you need to tap for XP, prizes, etc! Am I doing something wrong??
    2nd issue – I’m going to assume that Patrick Stewart will be needed to do something to unlock Borg Picard – but can’t he or sulu do some tasks to earn stuff for event??? And Mort, stewie and other characters with skins coming, can’t they pitch in??
    3rd item – with other characters won from previous events – I have to tons of usless money so I don’t need uneeded characters to keep doing useless tasks – could you recommend a list of characters that I could store that won’t be needed for this event – and if possible ones that aren’t needed at all?
    4th issue(ongoing as well) – I completely get this is a game to earn money for Tiny Co – but after coming off an awesome event at TSTO, please do something else besides random drops – If I’m going to need/want something make me pay for it or “grind” to earn it!!
    I’m not sure the random % of chance is for the rare, uncommon or whatever tasks – but they stink!! Heck even my random track selector for my Spotify stinks(2000 starred songs and it wants to play the same songs over and over!!!) TSTO even mocked themselves for some event random prize generators!!!

    Sorry to vent at you guys – You do awesome work here and at TSTOaddicts! But maybe you guys have some pull with the powers that be at Tiny Co and maybe you can fix this stuff!!! Thanks guys!!! Please keep up the excellent work you do!!


  32. I have Worf and the building in quahog that drops blue energy (im not spending clams on rooms)

    3 characters and 3 buildings on energy drops.
    6 hour drop rate each, I can manage 3 rounds of drops a day (I dont have time for 4).

    Thats 36 chances of energy a day.
    I get… 2-3 energy a day.

    That is an abysmal ~7% chance drop rate.
    Been playing sinve Halloween event and Ive never had a gripe with any of the events.

    But this time…. wtf tinyco


  33. So I got the notice from Tinyco that they made it easier for the transporter crystals to drop…. Funny they post that notice on a day where not a single transporter crystal dropped from any of the possible sources. How am I supposed to believe them.


  34. TinyCo CHANGED THE RULES TO GET THE BLUE STONES – I just read the warning, afeter logging in – maybe now I can get one chocolate (I have none)… less than 18 hours to the next upgrade and I still need to increase one Starfleet Level (3 to 4)… it’s very strange, cause I am usually on time… without some good changes, this will be the worst event ever, still playing just to see that happen.


  35. I got a Transporter energy and it showed all the items that will require it to craft, albeit as blocked out since they haven’t been released yet. Well, the Kirk silhouette had the tiniest sliver as completed towards it and I have 6. It going to be a long grind.


  36. Just noticed a notification on opening the game – looks like they listened, apparently chocolate, diaries abd the billboard are now easier!

    Just need 8 chocolate to get Troi 🙂


  37. This event is the worst one yet. I’m pretty much at the point where when an event starts in the future, I’ll just stop playing until the event ends.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m willing to bet that someone will drop chocolates in the next phase of the event to help out with those that aren’t done yet.
      You should still be able to start the next part as long as you have reached starfleet level 4.
      I didn’t finish the first wave of quests with Riker and yet I was able to upgrade to Warp Level 2 and all of the quests started for me. I held on to my tribbles for as long as I could lol


  38. Well i would like to just play the game without always having to come here to figure out why things arent working like they are supposed to. Whats this room swapping thing? Does it help get transporter energy? Ive been getting none the past few days


  39. No offense Bunny, but every event we sit back and see the same thing – excitement fading into frustration over the pitiful lack of options and ridiculous time frames into order to get the stuff in this quest for stuff. And more times than not, they’ve had to go in and change things because the original parameters were too tough.

    Granted, it’s 30 days remaining on this particular event, you have a darn good point there. But it would be nice if we at least had more options during that 30 days, considering all the characters. 2/3rds of my roster is on the bench with nothing to do but collect more useless coins.


    • Well… how do you know they won’t come into play soon? As you say as well… still 30 days. Absolutely NO event uses all characters. Ever. No game I play. Not a single one. There’s reasons they mix them up and don’t use them all.

      Just hang in there. See what happens. 🙂


  40. We’ve all been through the drag of Districts. Just search Headbands and eyeball . 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve been working on the brewery items since christmas. Sending people non stop only on those tasks unless needed for an event. I estimate I have 2-4 months left before I’m done.
      Need 45 of the bubbles. (2 beer cap bushes and 2 hops fountains) then I’ll have to unlock chum a wumba and THEN start Pawtucket pat. I’m done with fine arts district, that took about 2 weeks.
      This brewery is mind numbing but at least (so far), I can progress in game without finishing it.


    • I hate those Eyeballs. I was chugging along nicely until that bump in the road took me almost 3 weeks to get all of the eyeballs I needed for Anime Peter, the Headbands were almost as bad and we needed those for Rambo Lois and Anime Peter.


    • lol. You crack me up, Bunny! 🙂


    • OMG. Literally took me two weeks to get that last eyeball.


  41. 2 for 2 on getting chocolate

    Sending Peter,Chris and Geordi

    Getting the Blue energy for another is taking me 2 days so far and still 2 blues short 😦


  42. or just call transporter energy epic and move on lol


  43. Oh no… seems TinyCo has caught on and made rebuilding the rec rooms every 8 hours instead of 2 now.


  44. I have to admit I started moaning when I was trying to unlock Deanna Troi but I was very pleased when I unlocked her today. I got Chris before her. Only because I thought he was easier to get. I’m glad it takes long because it does pay off in the end. I’m now ready for the next warp core to unlock. And close to having the numbers for the next one. I’m on warp core 6 very close to 7. I just wish they were able to honour Spock instead of Kirk. Shame really.


  45. Odd… I’ve been swapping out my rec rooms regularly, and they’re still 2 hour build time. The drop rates on chocolate did change in my game, which is nice, I guess maybe my WiFi cut out on me as the exact part of the update that switched the room build got downloaded? Very confusing, though I’m not complaining about it certainly… was struggling like hell to get transporter energy without that trick, and that’s with worf. Seems like a punishingly small drop rate otherwise, even with room swapping I didn’t unlock Deanna till they changed the rates on chocolate.


  46. I am starting to get really frustrated with the planet hopping. I know that they rejiggered the drop rates for the chocolate bars but it takes so long to get the number of transporter energy necessary to even go on the trips. I sent out three characters with a high ‘likely’ chance of getting chocolate bars this morning and 8 hours later I have no chocolate bars and need to spend another 2 days trying to get 6 transporter energies again.


  47. Just got my team back from their first trip (after finally getting the 6 orbs). Ready for some tasty chocolate and …… I GET GREEN BLOCKS!!!! Daaaahhhhhhh!


  48. I can’t help but think I would already have Troi if it weren’t for the bug that was just recently addressed. The candy bars are all that’s left to collect. All 12 of them. I’m more irritated that I’ve wasted material for dilithium crystals that I can get clearing tribbles and nerds.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. I haven’t commented before (though I look at the website a lot), but I couldn’t not comment on an article with a Commander Taggert reference!!

    Keep up the great work guys!

    (P.S – could those be the miners?)


  50. Room swap is still a viable and useful tactic to get TE. Just requires patience, which is the ability to wait, as opposed to patients, which is what local psych wards will have more of if folks don’t calm down and have a mental margarita!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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