Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Iraq Lobster 2

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? 

How was work?

Do you have the Iraq Lobster song stuck in your head?

Coming to our Addicts Meet and Greet in March? Would LOVE to see you there!

 Send us a post card or letter yet? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! (Bunny would LOVE to have some Pen Pals!)

Remember this post is for FUN!! A way to “Chat with your Neighbors”. If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DUECE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.


61 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. I’ve had the Iraq Lobster song set as my morning alarm on and off since that episode came out. It’s a little painful sometimes but I still love it 🙂


  2. Long-time reader, first-time poster. I don’t know if I am posting this in the appopriate thread, but it should work I suppose, since it’s an open thread.

    I used to play TSTO a few years ago but my account got messed up. I started over as level 1 and after being in contact with EA support, they got it to the point where I couldn’t even get on at all anymore. I kept in contact with support and they supposedly forwarded my problems to the developers. I tried all the tricks I could find in the support forums where people had similar problems and had them solved. Nothing worked for me. I was very courteous to the support staff but eventually they stopped replying to my e-mails even so in the end I gave up completely and deleted the app.

    For this bad experience, I was at first very reluctant about playing The quest for stuff, even though I enjoy FG a lot more than TS. Just before the Halloween-even, I caved in however and I must say that I am happy that I did. I have not experienced any major issues with my game at all. Every once in a while it may crash, but so does every other app, and it’s not even every day, which is very good considering how much I do play. When it happens, all I need to do is to restart it and keep going.

    Now I have gotten quite far in the game also. Obviously I missed some events that took place before I started playing but I managed to get some of the comic-con characters in the best-off boxes they had. As far as districts, I only have two items left to craft in the brewery and need 15 more plutoniums for Time Travel. Unfortunately, Silver tickets is the item I am really low on to create the last two items. I need 43 more and Carter and Tom are used both for Plutonium and Silver Tickets. But that’s ok. I am not in a hurry to finish them up.

    So now to my problem. I have the iPhone 5 and just got an iPhone 6. I was planning on backing my iPhone 5 up and then setting my iPhone 6 up from the backup and then I would start using my new phone and get rid of my old one. What I am worried about however is that this will mess up my game somehow. Will I be able to continue where I left off on my new phone or is there a chance that it will mess it up? I searched this site but couldn’t find an answer on device migration issues but if you have a link to information about that, it would more than suffice.

    Anyone else reading this, have you had any problems migrating your game to a newer device? As an added, but not as important question, is it possible to have the same game running on two devices? I also have an iPad and thought that it may be easier to design my town with a bigger screen but main gameplay would be on my iPhone that I carry with me everywhere.

    Thank you for your time!


    • Save your game to an account. Email or Facebook. Your choice. Facebook is only way to have friends. THAT is how you’ll keep your game saved. Keep progress saved. And easily swap devices to play. All you have to do is log in and load your game. It will even show you the level and progress of it so you know you’re loading the game.

      TQFS Back to Basics: Account Setup

      So if you want it linked to Facebook, make sure the device you’re using is logged into that Facebook you want to use so once you tap the option to Log into Facebook, it’ll pull it up and all you have to do is accept the link and save the current Level ## game you’re on.

      Then using same concept, download Family Guy on any other compatible device and once you play to get the menu option… go to the account screen, log in to Facebook account, and load your Level ## game.

      See mock up here of what it looks like to load a saved game on Level 50 from a new device on Level 1 of the game …


      • Thank you for your extensive reply, Bunny! You guys are awesome!

        Sorry for the late reply here in an older thread too, but I just wanted to say that the migration to iPhone 6 went great! I had set it up with a google account at first and then added facebook later so when I created a backup of my iPhone 5 and then restored my iPhone 6 to that backup, when I started the game everything just worked. All I had to do was add the connection back to facebook to be able to visit my friends.

        The game works much better on the iPhone 6 also. Everything is faster and less prone to crashing and lagging and looks better. I was happy with the game before, but I don’t mind it running even smoother now. 🙂 Now I am excited about the Star Trek even starting 🙂

        Thank you again!


  3. I have crafted everything in the Brewery but my characters still show the option of collecting the Brewery ingredients. Anyone know why?


  4. This is just a little idea I had while I was playing, I was wondering if tinyco could do an event or a district where u create a character, like an avatar to collect money and do missions with all the family guy cast. No other game has done it. Throw some premium items like hairstyles and clothes and tinyco would make plenty of it from clams. Just throwing in my thoughts for the day.


  5. Yadda Yadda… Warm weather! After a month in the deep freeze (-39 at one point) I actually set down TQFS for an hour (gasp!) and went to play outside… In a T-shirt no less! Hurray Spring weather! More please!


  6. I caved in…put Iraq Lobster guarding the steps of the Lobster Shanty, Boppo in front of the boxing gym, Sudsy next to Jillian’s apartment, and Other Right in front of Oceanland….sigh… Great idea lunasb…I now have a use for that damnable forest of sappy trees I got from V-Day!!!


  7. Collecting Plutonium has become a major pain. After getting the Saloon the game refused to drop any for almost 2 days. I finally got 2 Suitcases today. Its like after the first trip with the blimp Plutonium goes up to extra rare.


  8. I just found out about “apple watch” 😀 really? It’s 2015 XD so if your over 50 and wipe using $100 bills Apple has the product for you. Steve Jobs would have never let this happen.


  9. The new family guy episode is very disturbing the writers might be high when they came up with the episode

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What i wood like in my game to make it better for my way of playing the game my list of ideas
    1 wood like a option button to collect all rent from all building’s at once
    2 When your experience points get max level they start going to characters who still need to level up option
    3 Add new shop experience points
    4 Add all the moving decorations from past events
    5 Able to collect from all friends towns
    6 Able to get more clams per day form friends towns
    7 A way to convert in game money into clams
    8 A way trade items to friends towns
    9 A way to help friends by giving money, items, clams, and experience
    10 is it a way to make all old non moving decorations like such has all cars, people, and animal decorations into moving one’s because cars, people, and animals look good not standing still

    p.s. if read all of this i thank you for reading my ideas to this game more fun for all


  11. Oh well. I’m boredly plugging along, collecting stuff for the brewery just to max out the last items so that the Chumbas and the respective item tasks will go away. The long tasks for Connie, Brian and Vinnie/Bruce are so getting on my nerves. I still need about 20 of them, so I’ll not be done before the end of March. Same goes for the lame Plutonium collection for this stupid blimp. This is totally unexciting and unenjoyable Sysiphus-like grinding, not fun at all.


  12. Lol I’ve been working on this huge “PARTY AS HARD-CORE AS YOU CAN POSSIBLY PARTY” hosted by Vinny of course and placing every single animated character decos(like everything from the chomps zombies to the Yeti I won during the Christmas event lol) in the space(yard) next to Vinny’s Mansion and its really lookin good!!…Looks to me EVERYBODY is having an grand ole time (sarcasm!!!), haaahaa that’s way too funny, so I’ll get a screenshot of it one of these days and share it 🙂


  13. I want Brian and Stewies babies in my town…gosh I want everything xD and TinyCo actually delivered on Boppo, I want to see if they at LEAST add Finn (Dick) xD


    • That episode was quite possibly the most disturbing I’ve seen to date.
      I don’t want these ‘Brewies’ in my Quahog.


  14. I have sentenced all max level characters that don’t drop items to prison aka inventory….. It is a pain to level them to 25 as I have just got my second Comic-Con character to 25… It seems like some take huge amounts of exp to level. That or their tasks aren’t paying exp correctly.


  15. So is there any word for a new event for either later this month or next month?


  16. Successfully put cleveland accross the street from peter. No 360 degree turn needed (saw a lot of that requested on the dear tinyco post) just some careful tree placement 🙂 cant believe it took me this long to realise this lol. I nuked my town and have all sorts of buildings lining both sides of the street Just by blocking features that make it look like the front. its a huge space saver because now i dont need as many roads and space isnt being wasted behind buildings.


  17. Is there a thread for add requests here? I’m not even sure that you can add people that way in this game, but only 1 of my FB friends plays and I won’t add friends to Facebook just four games.


  18. I don’t know if anybody else have noticed, BUUUUT I sure have: seems to me as if the further you get along with the blimp traveling, the HARDER it becomes for the plutonium to drop lol. To me, it took like maybe 3 or 4 days not completely sure, to get the Saloon and now I’m working on the Ancient Egypt thing to get and seems like it’s been longer than the first drop…anybody else?!…&& I’m definitely NOT complaining whatsoever, I’m actually enjoying this slow phase instead of feeling rushed to complete this or complete that faster because of timers and what not.
    YAAAAAY TinyCo., is awesome ❤ 🙂


    • I think it’s the other way around I started yesterday on the Egyptian part and already have 7 of 13. It took me longer to get the Saloon.


    • I finally got the Saloon yesterday so I hope it gets quicker from now. Carter hardly ever drops plutonium for me, most of it comes from Tom Tucker. Only at 1/13 for the Egypt prize.


      • so weird seems to me they’re always dropping for Carter in my game.
        I do know one thing tho, TinyCo., gave me a bit of advice about drop rates!: if after at least 3 tries an item has not dropped, then they made it to where it WILL definitely drop on the 4th try…
        So I experimented and I’ve noticed it does for Jesus with the clams every 4th try and sometimes 3 times in a row he’s dropped clams for me lol saweeet 🙂


  19. my names jeff

    Ironic that the episode in which iraq lobster appeared is one of the worst yet the iraq lobster is one of the most memorable songs.


  20. Hey Bunny, Alissa? I would really like to know whether you girls purchased the package deal premium cutaway items?


    • I bought them for the site. I didn’t really care much for them all. MegCopter, meh. I think the Lobster and Shark I got just mainly cuz they made me giggle. It is all personal taste.


  21. That dancing snake deco is the worst item on the game… it took almost two days of collecting plutonium for a tiny little “dancing snake” that doesn’t dance…. come on tiny co get your shiz together


  22. I’ve had Iraq Lobster stuck in my head since the season ended and I bought the DVD. lol


  23. This has probably been happening for a while but I just noticed that when looking for a char if you click on the task bar the map will move to the building(nothing new here but…) the building pulses no more clicking on each shop in a row, nice touch tiny co


  24. PF Chinese looks glitched when someone’s using it


    • mostly ALL of the buildings in my game do when someone is using them, but I don’t let it bother me…it’s okay!!*_*


  25. With Saint Patricks day approaching I really hope they do a weekend event where they add Peters real dad Mickey McFinnigan into the game.


  26. GTAO heists come out on Tuesday after being delayed 5 times over the last year, hope they live up to the hype.
    Family Guy is back this week 😀 Bob’s Burgers is on at 7:30 and I predicted last man on earth will get the axe (did they really take family guy off last week for that :@ )


    • Can’t wait for gta heists to drop switched to ps4 and none of my crew are on it so gonna have to play on last gen and not count for anything


  27. anyone having issues with the game ALWAYS crashing?


    • Constantly. I’m hardly playing right now cause of how often it does. 😥


    • Android 5? For me helps to restart the device when the game crashes.

      As always or as a mantra when it comes to electronic devices: Try turn it off and on again


      • Never understood their persistence in not fixing Android 5 bugs. In another year most Android phones will be using it leaving a huge market share of people unable to really play the game with all the crashing. The admittedly do say they need to fix their client app on Lollipop devices. How about fixing this before launching new events as Valentines was unplayable… >.>


    • well my device is an Android LG G2, it crashed 90% of the time from the beginning of Valentines event til now and I figured out a way that works for me, I just restart my phone and crashing has stopped. maybe like once a week, possibly even LESS i have to do that.since you’re phone runs nonstop it takes of memory and sometimes you gotta clear it all out.


  28. This is almost WTD but, I wish I could have bought multiple Lincoln-sans so I could put a bunch of them on guard duty around my Lincoln memorial. I guess one is ok. Plus I said doody.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Hello! Apologies if this is a silly question, I can’t find any relevant info on Carl! Most characters have film symbols against their tasks, am I right in thinking we have to build points up to watch the Carl videos and earn clams?


  30. So I’ve been playing this game for 8 or 9 months. I always knew the characters wriggled away as you picked them up and dragged them around the screen. Today, while waiting on the oh so painful to wait on plutonium cases to drop, I got bored and zoomed in to watch. It’s pretty entertaining. Then I picked up Lois in her S&M outfit and some girly parts of her that I probably can’t mention in this post nearly fell out!!! I spent some time dragging her around. Let’s leave it at that.
    I’m a perv … I admit it … I will work on it … I guess

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you go looking, there are lots of sites,images out there that would interest you ! 🙈


    • Further to my original reply….. I have now had time to investigate the circumstances you have described ( I wonder how many others had to go look for themselves?).
      I have posted a pic on the flickr page 😉

      I don’t think you’re a perv ……. on the above mentioned flickr page you will see pics of hot-Meg and prison-Meg on her poop bucket …… I posted those in response to an e-mail request that I received ….. Now that guy was a perv ! 😁 💩


  31. Just for fun I put The Lady of ill repute outside the Saloon right next to the cowboy so she can get some business. 😉


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